Part 23

Magnus POV

Leaving the hospital felt like stones tied on both of my ankle forcing me to stay and helped Alexander but I made up my mind on involving in his lives. Jax noticed my uneasiness when he noticed my silenced back in the car. He waited till I finished before he could sent me home. He is a loyal driver to me and for years he has been working with me. Not once he ever disobeyed me nor did he used my wealth and my power to overcome me. I should give him some extra bonus this year for his hard work. I was startled from my trance when I heard his voice. "Sir is everything okay? I thought Mr Lewis is alright." He asked through the view mirror. I nodded with a smile and kept my stares outside the window gazing on the sunrise that shine through the metal city.

As we arrived my mansion, Jax went out and opened the door for me. I thanked him before I dismissed him for the day. I told him he got the whole day off and I wont be needing him till tomorrow. There's a sight of relieved on his face since I knew he was tired as well. I entered my home after greeted my maid, took a shower and changed my clothes to a comfortable sweatpants and shirt before I headed to Rafe's room. I saw him still asleep and I leaned down kissing his temple. His hair is ruff and his small snores is cute just like Alec's. I still remember the time we spend the night together even though nothing intimate happened but I cannot help feeling bad for the decision I made.

I didn't realized I was lost in my thoughts again when Rafe start to shuffle and nuzzle his small button nose on my chest. I hushed him back to sleep but it seems he has noticed I was in the room with him. He opened his eyes and quickly hugged my neck, "Daddy!" He screamed and my ears ached for the high pitched sound.

"Daddy don't leave me again." He begged and my heart dropped at the thought of him parted from me. He didn't realized that I actually needed him more than he needed me. I held him closer to me in a hug and kissed him forehead. "I won't darling, I promised." We snuggled into each other some more as I was listening to his story of his creative adventure.

"Daddy?" He asked, I hummed in respond. "When can I play with Alec again?" I was startled when he asked in a sudden. "Why did you ask?" I asked him back. "I miss him. He's nice. He never yell like nana or Cami. But he always look so sad. He always called me Max by mistake. Can't he come over and play with me? I promised I will be good." He looked at me with those pleaded eyes and I felt my heart sunken at the thought of Alec at the moment. If only he knew Alec is not well and he would forced me to take him to Alec. I never heard Alec spoke of Max before and for sure it won't resemble my son for any of his past boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Rafe but we can't see Alec anymore." I said and he stood suddenly facing me on his knees. "What? Why?" He whined. I raised myself on my elbows before I sat properly resting my head against the headboard. "Rafe Alec is living with people whose not very nice. So its better to stay away before they hurt you. I can't let anything happen to you." I swore if I had my phone right now I would take the photo of my son's reaction. He was stunt and his eyebrow crooked with his mouth gaped apart. "Did Alec got hurt?" He asked, I sighed thinking this conversation will never stop.

"As the matter of fact, he did. That is why we need to stay away okay? Do you want daddy to get hurt too?" his expression changed to a softer one, he looked down to my shirt that he fondled in his hand and shook his head. Then he looked up meeting my eyes and I was surprised to see the tears in his. "But daddy, if they hurt Alec we should save him. He need us. What if the bad guy came back and hurt him again?" Rafe can be persuasive sometime and most of the time it works for me, his big eyes made me falls at anything that he asked for.

"I'm sorry Rafe, but its final. No more words on this matter. End of discussion." I pointed my finger at him signing to end this conversation. He huffed his breath in anger towards me before he muttered his last words, "I hate you." I was surprised to hear him said those words to me but I guess I deserved it. I saw him got off the bed and headed to the bathroom before he slammed the door loudly to show his anger. Rafe and I shared the same problem that we need to sort it out later, our temper but at this moment its better this way.

I stepped out from his room and headed to mine before I lay myself on the bed and thinking about none other but Alec. His smile, his hazel eyes, his trembling hands whenever we accidentally touch, he would flinched. The last thought of his busted bruised body came across my mind and I can't shake it off, it has to be this way, its for our own good. I'm soon to be married and I need to act like one.

I fell asleep for few hours and I heard some rustling noise before I opened my eyes. I saw the clock by my bedside shown almost two in the afternoon, damn that was hell of a night. I turned my head to the window and saw a woman figure by it, resting a tray on the coffee table. "Time to wake up Mags." Her voice is always soothing ever since I could remember. I guess all mothers are.

"Where's Rafe?" I asked. Even though we had a small dispute but the first thing I would look for is my son. "Erna took him for playdate with his school mate, they will be back later this evening. Now would you tell me why he's ranting about this Alec thing? He won't stop talking about him and I swear that boy has a lot of energy." She sat down by my side and hand me a cup of coffee. Its plain black coffee unlike what I used too drink but it was enough to wake me. I placed the coffee back on the table before sighing and I know my mum noticed my frown when she start to question me. "What's wrong?"

I sat up to face her and she eyed my every movement, waiting patiently for my answers. "Its my ex assistant, they were pretty close for some reason." I know my answers is not good enough for her as her eyebrow raised to hear some more. "I fired him at my own fault and I tried to get him back but he refused." I couldn't face my mother's eye cause I know she had the smug look on her face. "Can you blame him?" She said and I rubbed my temple continuing my stories. "I know I was wrong to do that but then I found out he was involved in some bad people in his lives, I don't want Rafe to be around those people mama." She sighed upon hearing my reasons and she took a plate contained toast on them before handed to me. I took it willingly since I'm hungry as well.

"Do you think he got involved under his own terms or because he was forced too. You can never know what really happen unless you put yourselves in their shoes. If Rafe was right, you need to save him from those people but thinking back on your concerns maybe you do have the point. Maybe your decision is right keeping your family away from that bad vibes. But let me ask you one thing." She paused before she continued and I looked into her eyes wondering what would she say next.

"Based on the way Rafe talks about him, he is more than just an assistant. If bad things do happened to him, are you willing enough to lose him from your life?" I couldn't process what to answer her questions but my thoughts on Alec lifeless body in my arm just hold the strong knot in my stomach and the ache in my heart comes back around. The same feeling I had if I lose Rafe.

"But mama, he's just a friend, he's no one to me, plus I'm getting married to Camille remember?" I added and she snorted as in rudely and not womanly way. "As if that woman knew what is going on in our lives. It stills baffles me how you could possibly think on marrying her." My mother added. She never did like Camille for some reason and I knew for one is because she is after my money like my mother thought she is. but I know Camille is more childish than mature and soon she would see for herself that she could changed, maybe for good.

"She's improving ma, she's even took Rafe to the school, plus, Rafe needs a mom. I can't let him grew up without a mother figure in his lives. If ever anything would happened to me, there is someone would take care of him." My mother sighed again before she's clutching my hand. "Did you even know what your boy wants? He doesn't care if he didn't have a mum, all he needs is you. You've been taking good care of him for six years now, he is getting more mature than you sometimes. He talks more about your assistant than her, that might mean something. For my sake, please think before you enter this whole marriage deal. I know I said years ago I don't want to be in the middle of this but I want you to be happy. I don't want you to enter a marriage filled with regret." She cupped my cheeks and I nodded not wanting this conversation to prolong.

"Oh, and do me one more favor, take Rafe to this Alec person. He is bragging about him like he is some pop star. He refused to go to school today and bribe Erna to take him to see this Alec. I swear I will stuffed him in the closet to shut his mouth but it won't help either." She raised herself from my bed and fix her dress. "I can't mama. He's in the hospital. I told you we won't discussed about this anymore." I put my both legs off the bed and onto the floor. She crossed her arm across her chest looking down at me although it was not that much of height difference, she's quite small for a lady but she can sure put up a fight.

"Magnus I didn't raised you to be like this. You left him alone at the hospital with those bad people chasing him? Which hospital?" She asked and I sighed literally not wanting her to know more about Alec but she can be persuasive sometimes, much like Rafe.

"It doesn't matter, I told you we are not speaking about this anymore." I tried to get up but she forced me back down on the bed by pushing my shoulder down. "Magnus Bane! You're gonna tell me the truth or so help me god I would spank you so hard you won't be sitting down for a week." She raised her voice but truthfully I would laughed at her idea of punishing me like I'm Rafe.

"Mama! I'm not a child and this discussion is over. I told you we should stop talking about him and -"

"And what? Why? Why are you so afraid of talking about him?" She interrupted me again and I was at the edge of flaming out.

"Because I can't okay, can we stop talking about him? I'm getting a shower." I placed the plate down on the coffee table before my mother continued her rant. "You like him don't you?" She said and I couldn't answered her, she knew me like an open book. She knew me well and I couldn't even hide anything from her.

"Whatever you choose Magnus, I will always be proud of you. Just make sure you chose the right thing not for anyone else but for you. Just once in your life, do things because of your own sake, not the sake of others. Don't end up like your father." She ended that with a loud slammed on my door. I guess it does runs in the family. My father ended up spending the rest of his lives pleasing other people in making more money. I promised myself that I won't be like him and I'm glad my mother is always there to guide me back to my sanity.

I took a long shower thinking on how Alec is doing. Whether he is awake or not and how did he managed to get up from the bed by his own without anyone by his side. I'm a freaking idiot and I'm overthinking all of this for no reason. If I do have feelings for him, it doesn't mean he has feelings for me too. Why am I so scared then. Why must I hide and run if there is nothing going on between us.

I finished my shower and out on my clothes before headed downstairs to see my house is completely empty with only maids walking around greeting me. I went to the kitchen and saw my mother drinking her tea by the island with her legs crossed, sitting elegantly like the billionaires wife she is. I went behind her back and hug her petite body before resting my chin on her shoulder. She raised her hand stroking my hair not even surprised since I always did this when we had a fight. "I'm sorry." I whispered and she pulled me away to let me sit next to her. She cupped my cheek and smiled tiredly. "I love you Magnus, all my heart. Don't ever be sorry." She said and I smiled in her hand before we continued our day engaging in small talk and end up cooking together for dinner. 

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