Part 19
Alec waited for Liam to come and excited on telling him the news. He finished his cooking and headed to the shower. As soon as he finished he went out and grabbed himself a pair of shirts and boxers on. He heard keys dangling on the front door as he finished and he head out from the room to meet Liam who had the door close behind him. He smiled looking at Alec fresh out from the shower. "Hey." He greeted and Alec greeted back.
"Smells so good in here, what did you cook?" He lose his top shirt button after he removed his tie and headed to the kitchen, Alec followed behind grabbing glasses in his hand. "Lasagna, hope you're hungry." Alec stood behind the counter opposite from Liam as he eyed him looking at his dish. He still had some fear in him and he kept his distant as much as he could. Liam noticed the distance then he walked slowly towards Alec.
"I miss this." He added and Alec looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked. Liam snickered and smile form on his lips showing his white fangs teeth. Its intimidating to anyone who didn't know him but to Alec the smile is demeanor and frightful. He stepped closer towards Alec and Alec tried not to flinch. "I miss us, being at home together, eating dinner that you cooked." Alec looked down at the table playing with the glasses, small smiles appeared on the edge of his lips.
Liam were merely inches next to Alec and any movement their body would touched each other. He raised his hand wanted to stroke Alec's hair but Alec flinched holding his arm against Liam. The look on his face broke Liam's heart since he caused that reaction. He hated himself for doing all of those things to him but he can't controlled his temper, when he started he lost himself to it. When Alec calm down knowing Liam is not hitting him, he tore his eyes away from him, embarrassed. Liam raised his hand again slowly and placed on Alec's neck stroking his thumb towards it.
"I'm so sorry Alexander. I really do." Alec let go a deep sigh exhaling a relieve. He nodded weakly and felt Liam pulled him towards his body. Liam wrapped his arm around Alec's neck and Alec wrapped his around Liam's waist. He rested his forehead on Liam's neck inhaling his scent. Its a blessed for him to smell his masculine scent instead of alcohol and drugs. But truth to be told, the scent of cinnamon and sandalwood suddenly appears in his mind and Magnus' face crossed as well. How he wished he was hugging that scent at the moment but then the thought of him being somebody else's fiancé stopped him.
Liam released their hugs and cupped Alec's cheek with his calloused hand. Alec still had his gaze down on his feet and Liam lifted Alec's face to met his eyes. Alec's eyes wanders around Liam's face and it has been a while since he was this closed to him in a more calming situation and able to gaze his handsome face. He licked his lips trying to hold his breath but then Liam moved his face closer, excruciating slow. He didn't want Alec to flinch again. Then their lips met softly and in time Alec give in to him.
Their make out in the kitchen is slow and patience. Liam wanted to start over with Alec and he didn't want to force things. He released from their kiss and leaned his forehead on Alec's. Their breathes fanning against each other as they breathed. "I think I better head to the shower, I'm starving." Liam added and the moment he did, his stomach grumbled making noises that Alec couldn't help to chuckle.
They both had dinner and Liam was complimenting Alec on his cooking. They were almost done when Alec decide to tell him. "I have something to tell you." He said and Liam looked up to his face, putting his fork down, he grabbed the glass of water in front of him and took a sip. "Sure, everything okay?" He asked concerned. Alec felt nervous and his heart thumping in his chest. His palm are sweaty and his other hand clenching his thigh underneath the table.
"I found a job, its not much. Its a small cafe near uptown." He said and he didn't dare to look up and faced Liam so he kept his gaze down to his plate. He heard Liam sighed and he leaned back on his chair. "Well that's good news Alec. I'm glad." Alec finally looked up and stared at Liam's face with a wide smile. Sudden heaviness on his chest were lifted and he felt relieve as ever.
The next following days has been calm and eventful for Alec. He loves working for Clary and she is really a nice girl. Maureen on the other hand is a bit competitive but it didn't stop Alec for being friends with her. She let him pushed himself to be a better worker. Magnus had stopped by almost every day for his every morning cup of coffee and Alec couldn't be happier when he saw him again. Even though the coffee he had is liquor free but as long as he get to meet Alec he felt his day is complete.
Liam had kept his promises to Alec and he didn't hit him and not once. Although he never touches Alec in a bad way, Alec still had his doubts, especially when they are in bed. Alec still feel insecure around him and he noticed. Every time Liam raised his hand Alec would still flinched in fear. After all those years of torture Alec refused to believe he could changed within minutes. He felt him hiding something from Alec and the way he's acting so innocently towards Alec is questioning. But Alec ignored the thoughts as long as he didn't get hurt. He tried his best not to get Liam angry either.
The days passed as usual and Alec was halfway through his shift. Its three in the evening and he was cleaning the table after the customer. He wonders Magnus didn't come to the cafe today for his usual coffee. Clary was by the register and Maureen is by her side playing with her phone. There's no customers at the moment and the cafe environment is silence. Suddenly the bell chime and small feet padding into the small area. "Alec!' The voice so familiar behind him made him turned with a wide smile.
"Rafe?" He crouched opening his arms for the boy to jump and hug him and he raised him up resting on his arm. "I miss you." He said and Alec couldn't help molten at his cute exterior. "Hello Alexander." A small voice perked into the cafe and he turn his head to see Magnus looking as elegant as ever in his business suit, only that he had removed his jacket and he only wore his shirt with his sleeves folded to his elbow and his black pants hugged his legs defiantly. Alec wished those legs were wrapped around his waist. His mouth apart and he felt his throat suddenly dry and difficult to swallow.
He didn't realized his staring causing Rafe to giggle before a slap on his forehead startled him. "Rafe!" Magnus shouted and he didn't mean to slap Alec but since Alec didn't respond to Magnus, he thought it would be best to tap his forehead. Magnus grabbed him from Alec and couldn't stop scolding him for doing what he did to Alec. He remembered to tell him never to do that again especially not to Alec. "Sorry Alexander but he had health class and they learnt CPR so he thought tapping everybody's head is normal for gaining responses." He stared Rafe in Magnus arm before Alec bursted out in a laughed. "Its fine Magnus, its funny tho."
Magnus sat Rafe down on the ground and he ran to Clary for attention, she entertained him for a while eating cookies while Magnus and Alec had their conversation.
"How's everything?" He asked and Alec raked his hair with his finger messing his curls. He couldn't help but blushed in front of Magnus. "Everything is okay I guess. How about you?" He asked and Magnus took a seat in one of the chairs as Alec followed. "Things at work is not really good if that's what you're asking. This new client of mine is extremely hard to get, Maia is still being cold towards me and my assistant is, well- new, so you get it." Magnus couldn't say that the reason for his assistant is because she isn't Alec but he knew Alec would hate to hear that. Alec turn his gaze down on his fingers not knowing how to response.
Magnus leaned forward placing his palm together as he looked at Alec. "I can't convince you to come back and work for me can't I? Tell me Alexander what should I do to get you back, name it. Name your price and I'll do it." Alec sighed looking around the cafe and surrounding it but except Magnus. He knew he will melt as soon as he laid his eyes on Magnus he will agreed.
They were both interrupted when Rafe came with Clary with a tray in his hand. "Daddy, I bring you your coffee and cookies." He was so cute and Alec couldn't help but smiled at his attempt tried to bring drinks for his father. He's small height couldn't reach the table well but with helped by Clary he managed to bring it without dropping it on the floor. Magnus raised him on his lap after taking his coffee and Clary went back to her office behind the counter. Maureen disappeared at the back probably went for a smoke.
He took a sip from his americano and placed it down on the small plate. Rafe took the cookies and gave it to Magnus. He broke it in half and give it some to Rafe which he took happily. But then Rafe took the cookie and breaks it in other half before handed it to Alec. He took it from his small hand with a thanks as he took a bite.
"I can't go back to work with you Magnus, I can't leave Clary hanging without a help." He said and took another bite from the cookie. "What if I talk to Clary and find her another guy to replace you." Magnus got his hopes up as he look at Alec for an answer. "I-I don't know." He felt flushed, he felt he was thrown into a boiling pot of water. He couldn't find a better word to answer him since he didn't want Magnus to be disappointed but working with Magnus will cost his relationship with Liam.
He didn't realized he was sweating through his shirt. Sweat beads started to form on his forehead and he fanned himself using the hem of his shirt. He felt his throat getting tighter and its getting harder to breathe as he kept thinking how to answer Magnus. "Daddy, Alec is red." Rafe said pointing his small fingers at him and Magnus noticed how Alec flushed and starts to pant. "Alexander you're okay?" He start to move in his seat when he saw Alec started to wet in his sweats and his face is flushed. His lips are burned red and his eyes are blood shot.
"I-I d-don't know. I-I c-can't b-breathe." Alec answered as he starts to breathe in and out deeply. "Clary! Clary! Help me!" He shouted and he placed Rafe on the floor before he went to Alec's side. He saw the cookie on Alec's hand and noticed it might be the cause of it. "Alexander, are you allergic to something?" He asked and Alec nodded. "N-Nuts." He answered with a heaving sound from his mouth. His breathing starts to changed sounds and its more higher like tea pot boiling.
Clary rushed in and saw Rafe is crying by their side and Magnus is trying to calm Alec as he tried to find air to breathe. "What happened?" She asked and Magnus shot up a look at her. "What is in those cookies?" He asked furiously and rubbed Alec's back comforting him as much as he can.
"Its a chocolate chip cookie. Is he allergic to chocolate?" She asked and Alec shook his head vigorously. "He said he's allergic to nuts. Is there nuts in them." Magnus asked and Alec swallowed hard trying to steady his breath. "Uhm, kind of." She added and Magnus looked at her with furious look in his eyes. "I ground some nuts and added it in the flour mixture to make it taste nutty." Magnus didn't think twice to act. He lifted Alec's arm on his shoulder and helped him up. He leaned his body on Magnus as his feet wobbled trying to walk. His vision blurred and his breathe is like inhaling a poison. Each breath he took he felt like knife stabbing his chest.
"Rafe stay with aunt Clary okay? I will come and pick you up later." He looked at Clary and she nodded but Rafe protested. He went to the door and opened it for him to help Alec to the car. "its okay Magnus, I will come with you. He's my staff anyway. Maureen please help me closed the shop. You're dismissed early." She asked Maureen who had been spectacles over the counter. She nodded before she waved them to hurry.
Magnus drove to the hospital in a speed of light. He couldn't care less for the traffic violation he caused and he wished Alec is okay. He was pacing back and forth at the waiting area with Clary holding Rafe in her arm. He known her since birth so he is attached to her like an aunt.
It felt like hours passed when a figure wearing blue scrubs appeared calling Alec's name. Magnus hurried himself to him and prayed Alec would be okay. "Are you related to Mr Lewis?" He asked and Magnus looked at him concerned all over his face. "N-No, I'm his friend." He added and the doctor kept flipping his file reading the things written on them.
"Mr Lewis had an anaphylactic shock due to his allergy. Its quite common in those who had nuts allergy and you're lucky that he is okay. If you waited for an ambulance, I doubt he would survived. He responded well to the treatment but he's quite exhausted so I need you to help him get home later. Otherwise everything is cleared and he can go home after few hours. We just need to make sure he's stable to leave."
Magnus released a breathe he didn't even realized he was holding when he heard the doctor said Alec is gonna be okay. He rushed to the room shown by the doctor and found Alec sleeping with monitors on his chest and arms. His face had a mask covered his nose and mouth and he's breathing through it. His other arm contained a tube that connected to the fluids hanging by his bed side. He sat down beside Alec and grabbed his hand in his. He felt twitched and Alec's finger wrapped Magnus'. Slowly he opened his eyes trying to adjust to the room light and it wanders around searching for answers until his eyes laid on Magnus. "Where am I?" He asked through his muffled mouth. His voice hoarse and cracks when he speak, he felt like he swallowed pieces of glass but he's too drowsy to notice.
"You scared me Alexander. You are in a hospital, you had an allergic reaction. But you're okay now and they will released you in few hours." Alec nodded before closing back his eyes. All the medication they gave him and the event itself had his energy drained. He closed his eyes and it drove him to another sleep.
Magnus drove Alec home after an hour of his observation. Clary took Rafe home after Magnus called on one of his drivers to send her back along with his son. Rafe protested at first but with a stern look, he obeyed. He kissed Alec before he left and hugged his dad, promising each other they will meet at home after he deal with Alec.
Magnus helped Alec climbed the stairs and opened the door. He stumbled his way in and Magnus guided him to the bedroom. He still drowsy with the medication and he fell on the bed without even open his shoes. Magnus shook his head in disbelief chuckling at the behavior that is the same as his own son. He helped putting Alec's head on the pillow and removed his shoes. He pulled a blanket from the wardrobe in Alec's room and placed it on Alec's body. He didn't know why but he felt comfortable with Alec's stuff around the house. True he spend one night here before and he knew where Alec kept his things but he just felt like whenever he's with Alec, he felt like home.
He sat by Alec sides gazed on his beautiful face. He didn't noticed he was staring for a while and he felt the urge to kiss him. Magnus lift his hand and caress Alec's cheek softly. Alec stirred before he leaned upon the touch. His eyes still closed and he slept not knowing Magnus was by his side.
Magnus didn't noticed how long he stayed when he heard suddenly the door opened and a voice came from the living room. "Alec I'm home!" Someone shouted and Magnus stood up on his feet waiting for him to enter the room.
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