Part 10
Weeks passed and Alec improved a lot in his work. His hand healed as best as it could and he didn't have to wear those splint anymore and he never felt more free on having to use his hand without any barrier. Liam has been disappearing most nights and came back late in the morning so Alec and him has been distance towards each other. Not that Alec complains but it felt good that he for once didn't have to worry on getting beaten or smacked by Liam. He did mentioned he had few new business with his father which Alec always had managed to stay away from. There were days Liam would left and didn't come back after days and when he did he look beat up with couple of bruises and his hand were bloody and he had cuts a few on his face.
They were both currently in his office, Magnus and Alec discussing about the hotel in progress. They were closed to finish and Magnus really love how Alec got lost when talking in designs. He would put in some of his ideas and how he felt on a different point of view. "I think that is about it, I will give this to them to proceed. You need anything else Mr Bane?" He asked politely. Just as Magnus about to answer, the office door was bursted open and in came a small boy, looking rather hyperactive screaming at the top of his lungs. "Daddy!!!!!" He shouted and literally jumped to Magnus and luckily he caught him in time. "Buddy, what I told you not to do that anymore. You could have hurt yourself." He spoken so softly and the boy with small soft curls black haired, combed nicely to the side pouted and nodding his head mouthing sorry to his dad. He cupped Magnus' cheek before he was kissed by Magnus few times and he giggled when Magnus kissed his neck tickling him.
Alec looked at the beautiful picture in front of him and for the first time in his life he never seen this side of Magnus before. He smiled, grinning ear to ear and noticed he was actually staring before suddenly his shoulder was bumped and all the files he held scattered on the floor. "Beat it kid." It was Camille and she only stood there for few seconds and already testing Alec's patience. He bend down to pick up the papers when he was met by smaller hands helping him. He looked up and saw the pair of blue eyes, as blue as the summer sky with no shades of cloud in it. He couldn't help but smile and thanked him for helping him out.
"I'm Rafe! That is my daddy!" He might be little and his body is petite but that boy has a voice. His high pitched voice causing Alec to retreat back and stood after helping the small boy up. He was jumping up and down in the room pretending he is a cowboy riding a horse. Magnus chased him down and grabbed him to his hug before he turned to Alec. "Rafe this is daddy's friend, Alexander. Say hi." He said, lifting his hand up for Rafe to shake and Alec took it shaking it strongly with a smile. Then he released himself from his daddy hug and start jumping again.
"I didn't know you have a son sir. He's cute. How old is he?" He asked as they stood before each other ignoring Camille presence in the room. "He's five." They both smiled and at that exact moment Camille pulled Magnus away from Alec and kissed him passionately on his mouth. She started to kiss him with her tongue but stopped by Magnus. "Camille stop, Rafe is here." He pulled back and the look on Camille face scowled in anger for the rejection she just got. Alec took the cue to exit the awkwardness in between them although deep inside his heart it was piercing like a knife. He wonders how much he envy Magnus for the life he has. Money, good looks, beautiful fiancé - minus the attitude, and a wonderful son whom he adores. He smile at the beautiful family before took his leave.
As he was leaving, he heard Magnus spoke behind him towards Camille. "Alec wait don't leave yet. " He instructed and Alec obeys thinking there might be something Magnus forgot to tell him. "Why did you come here? I thought you guys are going to the zoo to bond." He asked Camille while grabbing something from the drawer. "I got bored so we skip it and I come here instead. Lets have lunch together." She crawled on Magnus arm like a vine and for a person who knew Magnus only in a month, Alec could figure out exactly that Magnus doesn't like to flung his personal affection in public. If he did Alec would knew already about his son, which by the way at the moment is dangerously active and out of control. Alec figures out immediately that he was bribed by the witch with lots of sugar cause based on Alec's experienced with Isabelle and Jace, that is what a kid hyper on glucose would act.
"Rafe, sit down would you. I'll be right back." He yelled but was ignored by him, figures. Magnus stepped out for a moment and Alec figures he want Magnus to follow him but suddenly he was stopped by Magnus hand on his shoulder. "No, just wait here for a while, I need to give Maia this." He nodded and stepped back inside holding the door for Magnus to exit.
Rafe continued to climb on Magnus' chair and jump high on the air before landed on the floor. Luckily for him the floor is carpeted. Then he climbs on the couch then on the table. Alec tried to leave the room but somehow his behavior caught his attention. This kid is different for some reason, he can't put his mind out yet. "How's the hand loser?" She asked with a smirk knowing well what happened. Alec figures if he can't revenge back since he is not that kind of person, so instead he replied with a rather spiteful comment. "Better, glad that there is still some humanity left in this world. Who thought that you would ever care?" He smirk at her ignoring her glanced and eye roll, Alec continued to look out for the particular boy who seems can't stop jumping.
"What did you feed him?" Camille scoffed before went to the pantry and pour herself some bourbon for a relieve. As if anyone cares what time exactly at the moment. Alec's eyes travels towards her and Rafe. He bet they would collide into each other. As she went out from the pantry holding a glass of bourbon with her, Alec was right when he thought that they would collide cause as soon as she out, she was pushed by him and caused the drink spilled on her dress.
Her not so appropriate dress that covers barely her skin and her cleavage that begs for Magnus' attention which she desires the most. The drinks went directly to it as if it was a drain. The look on her face is priceless and Rafe who has been jumping and running for the pass five minutes stopped immediately and had his hand over his mouth. He was guilty over what he did. But the look on that his face is rather unpleasing. He looks terribly scared and as if he fear for what is coming next Alec doubt it. The least that Alec would expect was Magnus being angry but Camille did something that Alec never thought she would. "You little sh-"
She raised her hand to slap the boy but Alec ran towards him and pulled the boy away from her. He hugged the small figures towards his body and he could hear him sobbed, mumbling sorry few times. "Now that is not a way for you to treat a child. More or less it will be your child in the future." He growled at her with a rage filled eye causing her to flinch back and step into the pantry to wash the bourbon away.
Alec kneeled down facing the boy and he had his face hidden with his hand. Alec removed the hand and immediately he wrapped it around Alec's neck causing him to wobble a little backward. He felt how the small body that covers his were shuddering in sobs. He rubbed it softly drawing circle around his back and hushing him for comfort. Just in time all this drama to happened, Magnus walked in and surprised were the least he expect. "What the hell is going on?"
Alec and Camille looked at each other and before she could say anything Alec cut her off. "You should teach your darling fiancé how to take care of a toddler. Raising a hand on a child is unacceptable." He scowled and she looked at him with such hatred. Magnus looked at her for confirmation before he saw the dress she wore is wet with dark orange-tinge stained. "Mags I'm only teaching him a lesson. Look what he did to me." She showed him her dress which still wet and Magnus inspect it up and down. Then his eyes met with his son who still in Alec's arm.
"Rafe! What did I told you?" He raised his voice and both Alec and Rage flinched in fright. "You can't seriously blame your son in this? He's a kid. Kid made a mess, deal with it." Alec replies back. He heard Magnus sighed before going to his desk to grab his item. "Not my kid Alexander, he should be punished for the wrong things he did. Otherwise he would never learn." Magnus replied without even looking at him, he was typing something on his phone and Alec swore if he could, he would take the phone and throw it out from the window.
"He would behave if he didn't stuffed by all the sugar that your witch gave him!" Alec scowled back. He lifted Rafe body since he didn't want to let go and stood facing Magnus. "Mr Lewis need I remind you that you are just my assistant not some child psychologist? I will not have you talked to me like that!" He growled and keep typing on his phone. Alec shook his head and released a breath which he didn't even realized he was holding. "Go deal with whatever you had on that phone, I'll take care of him." He said and turned around heading out from Magnus office to entered his with Rafe still in his arm. He could hear Magnus and Camille were arguing in the room before he left not even once bothered to look at his son.
Alec sat on his chair for few minutes and saw Camille left stomping her stilettos away. He noticed Rafe stop sobbing and once in a while hiccup under his breath. He opened the drawer and took a bottle of water he kept in case he needed it and stroke Rafe's back signaling him to release his grip. "Rafe, drink this." He felt the tightening grip were loosen and Rafe lean back keeping his head down. Alec twisted the cap and bring it forward to Rafe lips and he gulped it like he hasn't drink in days. Just as his thought, the boy is filled with sugar since he managed to finish the whole bottle within few gulp. "Do you want some more?" He asked but the boy shook his head and kept his gaze on his hand. He was straddling Alec and his fingers were playing with Alec's tie.
"Do you like it?" Alec asked since he was more interested in the tie rather than Alec. Its copal blue with vague stripes in lighter shade showing of the satin texture. He nodded and sniffed his nose. "Daddy hates me." He spoke. Alec's eye grew wider than before and shaking his head in disagreement. "No sweetie, he loves you. He just want whats best of you." Alec tried to mend the damage and his heart melt when he looked up and stares at Alec's eyes. His blue eyes that nothing looks like Magnus and his face is none resemble of anything related to Magnus. He put the thought aside thinking he probably take after his mum.
"Rafe listen, sometime daddy did something bad and mean cause he is tired. He is angry if you didn't listen so that you will behave. But he never hates you. He loves you so much and I know it. Why don't you draw something for daddy and show him how much you love him too okay?" He said and like a blinked of light, his eyes twitch in excitement and smile drawn on his face. "Okay!" He shouted and Alec couldn't help feeling happier seeing his face. He put him down on the floor beside him and handle him lots of paper with multiple color pen and marker he managed to find and gave it to him. He refused to stay on the chair since he wants to lie down as he said and Alec won't mind since he saw how comfortable Rafe got.
They both continued working and Alec didn't notice that he missed lunch and the time was already show three in the evening. When he looked down, he saw Rafe already asleep on the floor with his pile of drawings. Exhaustion after the manic, which also explains his behavior earlier. He picked him up and was about to exit the room to find Magnus but was bumped into him the same time he went out. "Mr Bane I'm sorry." He apologized and sudden smirk form on Magnus face.
"For this or for earlier?" He asked which earned Alec a confusion look on his face. "I-I don't know what you mean sir?" He asked but Magnus shook his head and instead of answering he took sleeping Rafe in his arm and turned away from Alec. "Take note during the staff meeting, I can't attend it but I will have the report ready on my desk when I got back." He said and scurried away from him. Alec knew the staff meeting is being held within fifteen minutes and he didn't even manage to get his lunch yet so he braced himself and headed back towards his office to grab his iPad and his notes, preparing himself for the meeting.
Almost two hours passed for the board meeting and Alec felt exhausted. His stomach is grumbling and he felt his breath quickens with his body shaking. He walked passed Maia and she saw Alec hurried himself in which she followed after. "Alec is everything alright?" She asked. Alec nodded and took a sip from his drink and nodded. "Peachy." He said with a smile and continued his report before Magnus came. "Any idea where Magnus went?" She asked and Alec shook his head. "Maybe sent Rafe home." He explained and Maia nodded before she left Alec in peace.
Alec managed to finish his report within half an hour and despite his aching tummy that yearn anything right now he placed the report on Magnus table and saw the clock. He sighed before he went back to his office to collect his stuff. He wanted to leave early and escaped from Magnus but he failed. As soon as he did, Magnus appears and called him in his office.
"Where are you going?" He asked not bothering to look at his face. Alec took a deep breath and released as a sigh before answering him. "Home sir, my job here is done. The report you asked, have a good evening sir." He signed and was about to leave when he turned on his heels. "You will leave when I say you can, your job is not done until I said is done." He said and Alec felt as if it was revenged against him on the way his attitude earlier. "Sir if you may, I didn't go for my lunch cause I took care of your son. I deserve my early leaves." He answered and Magnus scoffed chuckling rudely. "You deserve it? I didn't asked you to look after him plus, you miss out your lunch is particularly none of my fucking business! I didn't pay you to be smart mouth. Definitely not showing my son how you can belittle me. So you will leave when I said so."
"Yes sir." Alec nodded doesn't want the argument to continue and sighed before he left to his office doing his other paperwork that Magnus miraculously whipped out from somewhere. Alec never believes in rumors ever since he worked at this company but now he found it the hard way. Magnus Bane is ruthless, cold hearted billionaire. He knew now how exactly they meant.
Alec was lucky Maia came and gave him some tea with biscuits for his starving stomach. He can't thank her enough even though its passed her working hours, she stayed behind to get Alec something to eat. She bid him farewell before she parted and left Alec and Magnus alone at the office. Alec was scribbling through some reports when his phone buzzed and Magnus voice came towards it. "Mr Lewis, get in now." Alec shook his head before walking towards his bosses office. He knocked few times before enter.
"Get your things, your coming with me." He said not even glancing him a look. He deliberately called Alec in just to piss him off. He could just tell him that over the phone without Alec coming in his office. "Sir, if you please. I'm really exhausted. Its passed my working hours. I want to go home." He pleaded. "Get your stuffs, Alexander. Now!" He commanded with a raise voice and Alec flinched back. He turned and got his stuffs and as soon as he exited his office, Magnus is waiting for him by the elevator.
The car ride was awkward and uncomfortable. Alec stayed at his side and Magnus on the other. His eyes never leave the phone in his hand and couple of times Magnus sighed. Alec couldn't hide his hunger and since the awkward silence in the car, his stomach choose that moment to grumble like thunder. He felt his chest burning and the last time he starve himself was years ago for the incident he barely remembers.
After almost half an hour of car ride with traffic, they arrived and Alec saw it was pulled at front of a Italian restaurant. He tried to hide his smile and hide his grin from Magnus. Soon as they were seated by the hostess. They were given a menu which Alec stares at it for a while. Magnus noticed the gaze and he put down his menu on the side. "Alexander." He sighed rubbing his forehead trying to figure out the right word. "I will sent you home after dinner. Its the least I could do for an apology." Alec stares at him with his eyebrow furrowed. "What apology? I didn't hear any." He said and a smirk form by the corner of his lips. "Fine. I'm sorry for the way I acted. Its just Rafe and I, we just, I mean-" he tried to find a word to explain his relationship with his son but he can't and Alec felt how he is not ready to tell him yet so he cut him off before he chocked. "Its okay Mr Bane, you don't have to explain it to me. Thank you for the apology and the dinner. I appreciate it, really."
They talk through out dinner basically about work and how the meeting with some clients goes. None personal since both Alec and Magnus are not ready enough to open up to each other. After dinner Magnus wants to offer Alec a ride home but Alec insisted he want to go home by his own. After few arguments made, he won and Magnus let it sly. They took each other way and parted for the night. During his car ride home, Magnus couldn't help but feeling comfortable around Alec and not too mention, Rafael is open up to him. The drawing he made for Magnus is beautiful and cute. He drew himself and Magnus with lots of love and words sorry on top of it.
Alec on the other hand reached home much later that night and he was not pleased to see Liam by the couch waiting for him. He was sitting by the couch with a beer bottle in his hand. His eyes are bloodshot and Alec wonders how many of those he had already. "Where the fuck were you?"
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