Takuya p.o.v
School had just let out and I was talking to my friend mary because we couldn't find takumi since this morning
Mary - I wonder where takumi is
Takuya - I know he wasn't in class he never misses a day of school ever
Then we saw takumi running from some bullies
Mary - oh no not them
Takuya - I'll help him
So I followed after them so I could help out takumi
??? - ok Takumi just give us your money
Takumi - no way Mark
Takuya - hey leave him alone!
Mark - oh takuya you're here now we can beat up two losers at once
One his goons ran at me so I kicked him in the face then punched another one in the stomach then I was surrounded and was getting stomped on when the stopped I got back up and I had a bloody nose
Mark - give up takuya
Takuya - I can do this all day
The he had goons charge at me so I started punching and kicking then they all went down then I charged at mark when he threw a punch I ducked by doing a split and punched him
Then mark fell to the ground holding his balls and saying a lot of swears
Takuya - come on takumi
Takumi - you ok takuya your limping
Takuya - yeah I just have to walk off the pain and get my nose to stop bleeding
Takumi - that was funny when you did the Johnny special from mortal kombat on mark I think this is like the 25th time you did that to him after stopping from bullying people
Takuya - yeah he ain't having kids anytime soon
Then we got back to mary
Mary - takuya are you ok you're limping
Takuya - yeah I have walk off the pain and get my nose to stop bleeding
So we got my nose to stop bleeding thanks to the nurse and I made my way home
Joy - hey takuya what happened you're limping
Takuya - my friend was getting bullied so I took care of it so basically I got in a fight
Sana - are you ok
Takuya - yeah all I have to do is stop limping before coming back I got my nose to stop bleeding
Sana - so basically you got beat up for protecting your friend
Takuya - this isn't the first time
Rosé - what do you mean
Takuya - the guys name is mark he's bullied 24 people and I've fought and beaten him twenty-four times and this makes twenty-five and I beat him the same way I've beaten him the last 24 times
Sana - how
Takuya - well I did a split and punched really hard in the balls, so he ain't gonna reproduce anytime soon
Rosé - wow you've done that to him twenty-five times
Takuya - yeah now all I have to either wait for the pain to go away or walk off the the pain and since I just sat down I ain't moving any time soon
Sana - so do you need anything done around here
Takuya - not that I know of
Joy - so what's for dinner
Takuya - well I don't feel like cooking right now so I guess we order a pizza
Sana - ok
So I got ok my phone and ordered two pizza's
Takuya - ok we have twenty minutes until the pizza arrives
Then I turned on the tv
Sana - I'm gonna go to my room call me when the food get here
Joy - me too
Rosé - so it's just you and me
Takuya - yeah and before you say anything nothing is gonna stop me from standing up to bullies
Rosé - ok I'm just happy your ok
Takuya - look I'm happy that your worried about me but I don't need any sympathy from anyone
Rosé - so what did this guy want with your friend
Takuya - money, anything he has
Rosé - so how did you know he needed help
Takuya - I saw him running from mark the bully
Rosé - and how did you get hurt if you always beat him up
Takuya - he had his goons jump me so I took care of them
Rosé - really
Takuya - first I was on the ground and he told me to give up and I got up and told "I can do this all day"
Rosé - wow so when ever you get into a fight you pit on a whole tough guy act
Takuya - yeah
Then rosé just sat on my lap
Rosé - we'll I think it's nice that you would do anything to protect someone
Then she tried to kiss me when the door bell rang and she got off me
Takuya - pizza shouldn't be here yet
So I opened the door and was dragged outside, thrown to the ground and I saw mark and his goons
Mark - hey takuya your gonna pay for beating us up, oh and I went to the doctor and he told me after getting punched in the balls by you twenty-five times I'll be lucky enough to have kids
Then his goons started kicking me while I was on the ground
Rosé p.o.v
I saw takuya get thrown to the ground and is now getting kicked by them and he was still hurt so I went to get sana and joy
Sana - what's wrong
Rosé - it's takuya he's in trouble
Joy - I'll use his phone to call for help
So we called the authorities and they said they would be here soon
Then I looked out the window and saw takuya get up
Takuya p.o.v
Mike - give up takuya
Takuya - I can do this all day
Mike - you know you were born to take a beating
Takuya - bring it
Then they charged at me and I fought them all of I kicked for of them in the stomach, a round house kick to two, and punched three in the face then charged at mark did a split and punched him in the nuts again, then I started stomping on his balls fifteen times
Then I stared limping again making my way inside
Sana - takuya are you ok
Takuya - yeah I'm ok
Then the police showed up and took mike and his goons away and I told them what happened and rosé said she saw everything and I told them I would like to press charges on mile and his goons
Then the pizza showed up and we ate then joy and sana helped me walk to my room and then I went to sleep b3cause I was tries after fightingbmike and his goons twice in one day
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