Han Bi's POV
"Han Bi-yah, there's a guy right in front of your house. Guess who he is." I heard oppa calling out from behind my bedroom door.
I groaned, quickly stood up and opened my door. "Did you let him in yet? I suck at guessing, who is he?"
"I let he in but he insisted, so I told him to suit himself." He said in a serious voice. I rolled my eyes and close the door. He went away as I combed my hair, then started walking to the door.
I opened the door and was greeted by all of the stars combined smiling at me. Oh crap.
"Are you kidding me? Why are you here?" I scratched the tap of my head. "Ahh, your book-- I saw it in the ground when we were dismissed, just near the basketball court."
Just... please ugh.
He handed out my book and started messing with his hair, smiling at me even brighter. I just looked at it and browsed the pages, eyeing him everytime I do that.
"Why are you doing that?" He asked. "Nah, just to make sure you don't write your number in one of these pages. It seems like you're-- um nothing, thanks for this. Do you need anything else?" I asked as I closed the book.
I chuckled at my stupid thought, I was about to say something like this: It seems like you're flirting with me.
"Your house is enormous, do you really live here?" He asked as he tried looking at the insides of my house. "You could tell me if you want to go in." I simply said.
Crap crap crap, he freaking saw my house.
He shook his head and smiled again. "No, no. Don't misunderstand. It just seems so big that the whole school can live in here, you must be really rich huh? W-Wait, is this really your house?" He started getting confused again.
"Umm... yeah?" I answered, I don't like being sarcastic actually. "Cool.. Oh and you look nice without those specs." He chuckled as he held on my chin lightly and lifted my head up to him.
"It's confusing, your house, like this?" My eyes enlargened and closed the door behind me quickly.
"Okay, let me ask you this first: Can I trust you? I don't trust people easily." I stated as I lightly put my hands on top of his shoulders, looking straight into his eyes.
"Of course! I could count how many drops of water there are in the Pacific cean just for you!" He cutely put his hand straight up as a promise.
Oh, I didn't mention that it's him? Well... it is.
"I don't know but this is what I'll say. I am not poor at all, okay. That's all you need to know, really." I sighed as I looked at the sky.
Sanghyuk was speechless, he was just staring. I looked back at him. "I can tell you're judging me." I said. He jolted in surprise.
"It's alright to admit that you did such thing. You judged me." I snickered.
He suddenly put his arm over my shoulder and looked at the sky-- which is dark by now because it's evening. I tried my best not to glance at it.
"Since you trust me now, is it alright if we can be friends?" He says. I let out a soft laugh. "You don't ask people to be friends idiot, it comes out naturally." I chuckled.
"Ahh, that. Sorry. I have very limited experience with human beings." He scratched the back of his head. "Ohh, that's why you don't know that friends don't kiss each other."
He turned red once again. "I-I'm sorrry...! I just wanted to kiss you because I just thought you were so cute and it seemed appropriate! ><"
"Is that all you need Sanghyuk-ssi? You may go now if that's the case, thanks for the book and thanks for coming by. I just remembered that we have a test on this subject. I'm glad you gave this to me. Thank you." I smiled.
"Oh yeah, I really think I need to be at home by now. Good night sweet Han Bi." He waved and walked the other way.
"Han Bi-ssi! The ball! HIT IT!" Hanna shouted, who's coming from the opponent team. The enormous ball with shades of blue and yellow is slowly zooming in as it gets closer and closer to me as I stay in panic.
I think my hand will hurt if I hit it, but when I don't the point will be on Hanna's team and I don't want that-- I don't want let my team down. It hit my head in a split second, everybody in my team groaned.
My hand immediately touched my head as I tried maintaining my balance.
"Ouch." I touched my head. In the corner of my I head I saw the opposite team high-fiving each other. Hanna was just facepalming.
Our Physical Education teacher blew her whistle and rested her hand on my shoulder. Her ponytailed hair simply waved a little as she looked at me. She looks a lot younger than her age.
What's with uncle Han-Seok to choose teachers as young as this? Does she have a weird fetish with young women?
Kidding... okay. Just kidding.
"Woah.. Are you alright? Han Bi-ssi, try hitting it with the puffy part of your hand and with your arms parallel to each other pointing forward. Were you not taught how to play this?" She politely asked.
"I'm alright. I-I know how to play, but this is not my forte. I play other things." I lowly answered honestly. I'm just not that interested in this game. "Oh, maybe you play commoner games that's why!" Someone shouted from the opposition team.
Everybody laughed.
Hanna was just sad-smiling at me.
The teacher blew her whistle again.
"Stop that Hanna's team. We'll continue this game. Han Bi, stay at the back, you'll serve later on. Jin, serve. Hanna's team has 5 points and 2 points in Jin's team. Go on, continue." She said and went out.
Okay, so this Seokjin guy is in my team.
All he does was to arrogantly play the game like he's really good at it. I was staring at him as he began dribbling the ball to start the game. "You need some serious teaching in volleyball." He rolled his eyes at me.
Yeah whatever.
He served the ball and then it began getting onto the hands of the people who pass it. It was really fast that when it went to my place, I wanted to avoid it to avoid geting hurt. But how about my team? God, this is tough.
Seokjin suddenly went infront of me in a blink of an eye and hit the ball and the game went on until the ball fell on the ground on the opponent's side. We won a point. Seokjin was sweating like crazy.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
Wow, what was that just then? Was that concern?
"I am. Don't mind me." I simply answered.
The game went on so fast until it was my turn to serve.
"Han Bi, you're serving. Make it a good one, alright?" The teacher said and blew the whistle to start the next game. My teammate threw the ball at me and cheered me up, whispering 'Good Luck'.
I didn't know how to serve properly, and the silence around me meant one thing: If I fail to do this, I'll be humiliated.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I dribbled the ball little by little and threw the ball in the air, hitting it in an instance. It was not really strong but it was fast. I closed my eyes even more tightly and then the teacher began talking.
"5 on Hanna's side, 4 on Seokjin. It was an Ace, it wasn't out. Good job Han Bi." She commented with a congratulatory smile.
Hanna did a thumbs up from afar and rolled the ball to me so I could serve again. Man, this is challenging. Am I going to serve like this forever?
God just spared me for a second, alright.
I tried serving again, and it was successful. That's pretty much a relief. I carefully watched as the ball was being hit by numerous players in my team and the opposite team, and sadly I still am really weak in hitting the ball.
It's because I don't learn, Seokjin is always in the way to try and serve it to me. It irritates me so much, so so much. I feel like I don't want to keep doing it.
After the game of hell, we exited the gymnasium. As expected, the opposite side won. Thanks to me, and to my poor reflexes at this moment, and to being a blackhole in volleyball.
"Han Bi-ssi, don't go yet." The teacher called out. I did a small glance to Hanna saying that I'll be right back and asked the teacher why.
"Well, you're improving in this thing." She tapped my shoulder. "I'm just wondering, what are these games you play that you were talking about?"
"Ahh, that. Basketball, I play basketball. Or baseball, perhaps." I confidently said, because I really like those kinds of games.
"Those games are not for girls like you sweetie, you shouldn't try practicing those kinds of games often. Those aren't really for you." The gap between eyebrows narrowed automatically.
What? Games guy love playing are those I play, I'm not that girly. But anyway, I left the scene after a little talk. I tried to catch up with Hanna afterwards 'til I saw Seokjin.
"YOU! Why did you need to do that?" I squeaked. "Do what?" He innocently asked.
"You make me miss my chances in learning how to hit the ball, making me look like a beginner." I said, little by little lowering the volume of my voice at the end.
"Well, you are a beginner. Since I'm obviously better in it than you, I tried helping you in a way that I don't want us to lose and in a way that I don't want you to get hurt." He explained.
I was flustered.
"Woah Woah, first of all, I sarcastically thank you for the concern. Second, I sarcastically thank you for making the team think I'm not cooperating at all. Third, you can't always be better than me, obvious my attitude is waaaay better than yours." I said as I use my fingers to count stuff.
He began patting my head. "You're so cute." He said and then proceeded on overtaking me while walking, leaving me there standing, all annoyed.
I was on the way to the restroom when I heard lots of people cheering. They were all crowding one place and I'm here, wondering what the commotion is all about.
I tried to get myself involved in it because I was concerned of what's going on. Well, of course.. the crowd was too big that I needed to squeeze myself through each person, trying my best for them not to get upset with me.
Well, I ended up saying thousands of sorries to each and every one of people I disappoint.
As I finally squeezed myself to the front of the circle of the crowd, I adjusted my fake glasses first to give more hint about my newly found nerdiness.
I then narrowed my eyes, trying to see who's fighting. It was kind of blurry because the two were fighting like cats. No one wins. And instead of people trying to stop them, people encourage them to continue the fight.
I'm slowly getting dizzy but I didn't care, the two people were so aggressive to one another. And as the fight goes on, the noises made by the crowd is getting louder and louder. They're cheering for them more and more.
Why would I try stopping them, right? I'm obviously not better than them and they won't listen.
I then began noticing that the one on top's power was overtaking the other one's. The one below was getting more and more feeble, bruised. I still can't recognize who they are. Wait a minute..
Kim Seokjin?
I stood there in panic. I didn't know what to do. My heartbeat is racing. I want this to stop, right now. Fights shouldn't be like this.
I then saw Hanna in the opposite side of the crowd. She was having a hard time squishing herself between the taller and leaner people surrounding these two guys. Her eyes widened and looked at my direction and back to the two guys.
One girl from my side grabbed Seokjin away from the guy. Hanna got the other one. They immediately made the crowd go away and lectured them.
I stared at his face, it was badly bruised. How did this idiot get himself to so much trouble?
I rolled my eyes. Someone needs some help, always. I want to be the one to help now.
As the crowd began to scatter, I signalled the girl holding Seokjin to hand him over to me. She gladly gave him to me with a smile. I put his left hand over my left shoulder and realized how heavy he was.
I ignored it and snaked my right hand to the right side of his waist.
I then began sloppily walking to the clinic with this half-conscious heavy human being with me.
"You ridiculous asshole, why did you get yourself to so much trouble? This made me worry, you know. " I muttered under my breathe and grinned to myself.
God, he's so heavy. I hope the clinic is near by now to have him taken care of as soon as possible.
As I opened the door, the young nurse noticed me. Wow, she looks like she's only five years older than me. Amazing. I haven't been into the clinic before since I'm new here. Her face was then covered with worry.
"What happened to him?" She asked as she got out of her table and went to my direction.
"Don't tell this to anyone but-- he got into a fight with someone. I repeat, don't tell anyone. We'll be dead meat and get into a really big trouble. We don't want that, right?" I explained.
She bobbed her head and examined his features. "I think.. I need to take care of him. Thank you for your concern and I think you should be heading to--"
She was interrupted by her phone ringing. She hurriedly went to the phone and picked it up. Of course, I wasn't listening to her conversation. But man, the look in her face says she's really worried.
It looks like she feels really urgent. She said bye and groaned after she put the phone down and began rubbing her palms against each other while walking in circles.
"Sorry but, may I ask what happened?" I asked. She forced a smile.
"N-Nothing, it's just that my sick grandmother was admitted to the hospital and I really need to go. But since I have business to take care of, I told my family I can't be there by now." She sadly explained. I felt awful for what she said.
An idea popped in my mind.
"I got an idea, I'll take care of him and you go tell Uncle-- I mean the principal about it, and off you go. I'm sure he'll understand." I smiled.
She quickly looked at me. "Are you serious? But he might not, I'm nervous about this." She says, fiddling her hands.
"N-No, I know the principal well, just go. I'm alright with my next class. I'm sure the teacher will understand as well." I gave a warm smile.
She got my left hand and began shaking it and bowed at me. "Thank you very much. I owe you heaps." She said.
"No problem." Those were the last words I got to say before she made her way out with a small wave.
I looked at Seokjin beside me. I sacrificed school just for the nurse and for him. Wow, was that too considerate of me? That's an accomplishment. I probably made her day.
Anyways, I think I need to do serious business right now.
I walked my way to the beds and plopped him there. Wow, my shoulders hurt. I began doing some stretches and tied my hair up. This is something tough. I remember oppa once got drunk and I have to clean him up when his friend brought him home.
I was actually hoping that he didn't make any girl pregnant that time.
I was actually expecting it to be easy on my brother but damn, he was really stubborn.
He won't let me do this to his face, and to his arms, legs, EVERYTHING. Even when he's like half-asleep, he still had the strength to hit my arm whenever I touch his face with a cloth. That was like the worst thing I had to do for him. But since I'm his sister and everything, I had to do it for him. But right now..
Do I really have to do this for Seokjin?
I think not.
I slapped his face.
Wait wow that's cruel.
"Seokjin-ssi, you're not that messed up. You're awake, I know that. It's weird to make me think that I'm taking care of a dead person." I discussed and tried poking his face.
God is he dead? He won't move at all. Nor breathe. I'm utterly panicking right now.
He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. I don't know what my hands made me do but I hugged him. I felt his hands touching my back. He's hugging me back, I see.
"I'm not dead." He stated and chuckled.
"It seems like you were, and I don't want it." I quickly distanced myself from him when I realized what the hell I was doing. "Oh, so you didn't want me dead?" He smirked.
"Yes, because if you're dead there's a very big chance I'll be accused for it and get arrested... and I don't want that." I answered.
"Just admit it, you care for me." He closed his eyes and smiled.
"No I don't." I simply replied, not showing any hint that I do because that will be really strange admitting that I care for him.
"Okay maybe yes, a little, really really little. Or a lot? I'm not sure. For what I know, I skipped our next class to take care of you." His eyes flew open.
He was speechless. "W-Wow, I never thought a school-loving poor nerd like you could skip classes for someone." He says as he ruffled my hair.
"You must like me a lot do you?" He continued winked at me. I flicked his forehead before I melt within his smile. "I don't, freak. Start dreaming." I yelled.
He got my right hand and pulled me closer. "We're alone inside this place, right?" His breath brushed my face and scans the whole place.
"You know what a guy and a girl do when they're alone?" He asked. Thoughts flooded my mind. "What the hell, Kim Seokjin. I don't know."
"Well, I think they find something to do for fun." I almost punched him because it sounded so creepily dirty but it kinda seemed innocent. "You're weird."
He suddenly winced in pain after that. I don't know where it's coming from. I got his hand and examined it. It's badly wounded. I began examining his face too, and he's bruised.
"Wait a minute, I'll get a cold compress from the freezer." I said an stood up, but felt him holding onto my hand. I glanced at my hand and then his. "Thank you Han Bi." He sincerely smiled.
I swatted my hand away from him. "When did you learn how to be grateful?" I asked.
"Just now, maybe.. From you." He chuckled. "Whatever." I said, I went to the freezer and searched for what I needed, and other stuff.
I came back to where he is and began helping him feel better. "How did you get into so much trouble? What happened? This won't happen for no reason."
I can't help it, I'm damn curious. Who knows, I might help him with this problem of his.
"Oh, that guy? He's just the son of one of the loan sharks we encountered." He blurted out.
"What? Loan sharks? Man, you're rich. How come you've encountered loan sharks?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"You don't care." He non-chalantly replies.
"I'm here listening to you and making you feel better, was extremely worried when I saw you wasted, and you're telling me I don't care? That's so Stupid."
"Stupid, I know. But really, you shouldn't bother." He smiled while avoiding the topic and ruffled my hair.
A/N: I updated on a Monday yey! We have no classes this day since it's a holiday so I was taking advantage. The best day of my life had its anniversary yesterday LOL. It was in February 28 when I became a BTS fan and at the same time winning in an internstional competition in my old school. It's been a year you know, IT'S BEEN A MOTHERFCKING YEAR. Dayyummm.
BTW we went fishing. There was eight of us with our own fishing rods but we only caught one that can be eaten. Some of what we've caught were either too small or Pufferfishes. YES, you read that right.
Anyways, do you like it? Vote and comment everybody ^u^
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