Camp Half Blood
Name: Alizeh Roe Cascadia
Name Meaning: Alizeh - Wind | Roe - Red| Cascadia - Woman of the Waterfall
Name Origin: Alizeh - Persian | Roe - Possibly Irish | Cascadia - Latin
Nicknames: Aliza, Liz
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Demigod
Godly Parent: Poseidon
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: She has healthy white skin and somewhat murky looking brown-green eyes. Height wise she is only around 5'5 and appears to be more agile and lithe than muscled, although that is not quite the case. She has medium length brown hair that can appear auburn in certain lighting.
Clothing: She commonly wears a simple white tank top underneath a purple and white plaid shirt along with somewhat ripped jean shorts that come down just below her knees. A pair of black converse protect her feet and she also wears a necklace with a few beads and a small black seashell around her neck.
Personality: Alizeh has a very serious approach to most things, and therefor has very little patience for joking around or interest in participating. A lot of people think that she is either shy or reserved or both because of this, although that is not the case as she is actually rather talkative and friendly in most other situations. She does have periods were she is silent as she is either daydreaming or thinking about other things though. She sometimes disregards other people's opinions because she hates being wrong but can usually get over it if given time or convinced. She's an honest and loyal friend to have, and unafraid to go against the popular opinion, and overall a nice enough person to have around.
Hydrokinesis - She can control and manipulate water, no mater if it's fresh or salt. She is able to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time as well as will herself to stay dry. It also has a healing effect on her to a degree, and she can walk on it as well as make it into solid barriers. She can see better than most underwater even if it is dark and murky and detect weither it is salt water or fresh. Falling into water from any height will not hurt her, and she is immune to water pressure, and can create air bubbles for people who cannot breath underwater.
Geokinesis - She can only create earthquakes and crack the ground in an attempt to find water, as her ability with this is somewhat limited.
Atmokinesis - She is able to form small hurricanes, but that is all.
Cryokinesis - Her ability to manipulate snow and ice is limited, and about the most she can do is throw some of it around or freeze some water. That or make an ice hurricane thing.
Electrokinesis - Generally this would allow her to have control over electricity and it's currents, but her ability with it is severely limited, and she can only use it to speed up her reactions by electrically stimulating her nervous system.
Koi Spear - This spear has a shaft that can be shortened to allow for easier transportation, or so that it can be used like a dagger almost. This was supposedly a gift from her father.
Hawk Harpoon - This weapon is very well balanced, and a gift from her mother on her tenth birthday.
Weapon Properties:
Koi Spear - It is imbued with the song of the sea, and it's true potential can only be unlocked when it's user has accepted themselves for who they are and has let go of past regrets. Currently Alizeh has yet to unlock it's true potential, and she doesn't even know how.
Hawk Harpoon - This is a simple harpoon with a rope attached so that it can be easily retrieved. It is made out of a very durable metal.
Backstory: [This will be changed and fleshed out but I am so tired right now.] She was born on a beach and lived on the beach. Her mother was a fisherman and taught her what she knew, and always said cryptic things about how the sea was practically her father and other strange things. She was gifted a harpoon on her tenth birthday, the year she had to flee to camp half blood and the year her mother died. She spent three years being unclaimed, and when Poseidon finally claimed her he also gave her what he called the 'Koi Spear' that she uses to this day.
Other: She is not as susceptible to fire due to her water nature.
Name: Zuelia Indra Azazel
Name Meaning: Zuelia - Peace | Indra - 'Possessing drops of rain' | Azazel - Scapegoat
Name Origin: Zuelia - Arabic | Indra - Sanskrit | Azazel - Hebrew
Nickname: Zaia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: 'Demigod''
Godly Parent: Aether
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: She has somewhat pale rosy white skin and long hair. On the right side of her head her hair is white, and she has braided a chunk of it. On the left side her hair is black and she has also braided a chunk of it, but some of her black bangs are sideswept and almost cover her right eye. The black swirls into the white on the top of her head, with a small dot from it like a yin and yang sign. Two things protrude from her head, the first being a set of short branch like horns that have a grey and almost stony appearance. The second is a pair of white cat like ears underneath her horns. The rest of her appears to be human, and she has pale blue eyes and rises to about 5'9 height wise without counting her horns. The only other somewhat strange thing is her birthmark, which is at the very top of her right arm, and depicts a small snake in an 'S' shape.
Clothing: She has a heavy poncho with a wide fur collar that lets the garment loosely hang to her shoulders (so she has to readjust it a lot because sometimes it slips off her shoulder, but it never falls off entirely). On the right half of the fur collar the fur is black, and on the left it's white. The rest of the poncho is mainly black and made out a fur-like material that is rather soft, but it has a good amount of white bits here and there. It falls down to about her waist, and underneath she wears a shoulder sleeve white shirt along with black leggings and stone grey snow boots. She wears a small pearl necklace with a small shell charm around her neck (it's not on a long pearl chain so it's relatively close to her neck).
Personality: Zuelia is naive of the workings of the world and is in turn rather innocent and shy. She has a kind and somewhat free-roaming spirit and a good deal of optimistic enthusiasm, although the latter is expressed a shyly. She is somewhat peculiar and does things based on gut feelings or whims, and usually doesn't have much of an explanation for her actions besides the fact that she felt like it. This can lead others to see her as air-headed. She rarly gets mad, and when she does it's the usual shy kid finally starts shouting and crying, but sometimes if someone goes way way way way way past some line of hers-she will snap. No one has yet seen her like this, but it isn't exactly...pretty.
Powers: Aerokinesis - She can control the air around her and even some atmospheric stuff. She can steal it from peoples lungs, making it hard for people to breath, and stuff like that. She can even use it to fly.
Beastial Form - She can morph into a strange creature like that from a fantasy books. She becomes a creature that seems to be a mix of a bird, fox, and a deer. Her face morphs into one that is more foxlike and she gains fur following her black and white pattern, although her hair remains. She has a ruff of fur much like the collar of her poncho around her neck. Her torso becomes that of a deer, and she even has a little deer tail albeit it is a bit longer a fluffier. On her back right after her ruff of fur is a large pair of wings, one is white and one is black, that she can use to fly. They fold neatly against her sides. She can communicate telepathically in this form, but cannot speak verbally.
Preservation Form - Whatever position she is currently in when she activates this is what position she will stay in until she comes out of it. Her body will slowly begin to harden and turn into a rock like substance like her horns/antlers. She can only listen to what is happening around her in this state as her eyes must be closed. She can come out of it whenever she wishes, but this is meant to preserve her life as she cannot bleed while like this. Her heart also slows and so does the activity of her mind. In fact if she is not careful she can fall asleep while in this state, and miss a good opportunity to release herself from this form and get help.
Evermore - A blade with a history shrouded in mystery. Hints of it's existence has been recorded through time in many different places, but very little about it is actually known save for the fact that it was supposedly cooled in holy water during it's forging.
Iris Bloom - This is a interestingly shaped bow crafted out of some purplish sliver metal. It is rumored to have been created when someone captured some of the air of the gods and made it into a mailable metal.
Weapon Properties:
Evermore - This is a blade that can harm even immortal beings, and is the key to both unseal and seal a very powerful monster. Currently the moster is sealed away thanks to it's last owner, but if the blade breaks the beast will be unleashed until the blade is repaired and used to slay the beast once more.
Iris Bloom - This bow will never run out of arrows as they are created in an instant by the air, so unless the user can not control air them they will never need to worry about it.
Backstory: She does not remember much from when she was small, only brief flashes here and there. She knows that there were once more people like her, although less human and more like her beast form. She does not know where they went though. She remembers a beautiful forest, red, and being alone. When she receives flashbacks she essentially collapses as her brain forces her to basically sleep while she remembers, and this can happen at the worst times. She grew up in a peaceful grove that was protected by a strange 'forcefield or impenetrable whirlwind' until she was nine. When she turned nine she was lead by a soft breeze to Camp Half Blood, and she was claimed by Aether the moment she arrived. She has lived there ever since, but has more recently been trying to piece together her past.
Other: She has highly perfective hearing, even more so for demi-gods due to her cat and or fox-like ears.
She is heavily affected by the cold, and without her warm poncho thing she is extremely susceptible to it.
Name: Elysia Aine Aelwyd
Name Meaning: Elysia - The Blessed Home | Aine - Fire or Joy | Aelwyd - From the Hearth
Name Origin: Elysia - Latin-American | Aine - Celtic | Aelwyd - Welsh
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Demigod
Godly Parent: Hestia
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: She has lightly tanned skin and is about 5'4 height wise. Her cheeks and nose are lightly dusted with freckles, and she has short raspberry and or crimson red hair with black accents that grow more prevalent towards the back. Her eyes are a grey-green blend, although they appear to be more grey.
Clothing: She dresses simply with a black shirt with the word 'Hearth' printed on the front in white blocky text. She also has somewhat rippled navy blue jeans and red tennis shoes with white laces. Around her neck is a smooth rectangular bit of rock with a small and simple picture of a fire engraved on it on a leather cord around her neck. She also has a pair of rectangular red glasses.
Personality: Elysia is laidback with a somewhat playful and teasing personality that can go to ways. She's usually rather warm/welcoming and pleasant to talk to if you can get over her occasional teasing and the rare prank, but when pushed she sometimes responds by becoming more reserved and sometimes disconnected from everything else except her goal and or mission. And other times she'll turn downright hostile if certain buttons are pushed and her teasing will take a dark turn into berating insults and quips.
Powers: Temperature Manipulation - She has the ability to control her body's internal and external temperature as well as the temperature is a general area around her. This has proved useful for slowing a wounded persons heart so that they would not bleed out as quickly, and other things. She can also heat up or chill her weapons.
Hearth Transportation - If she has visited a hearth before she can transport herself and others to other hearths that she has visited as long as they are lit. When she teleports this way she is guaranteed a good ol' dosage of pain at some point. Sometimes it happens right after the teleport and other times it takes hours before she is hit with pain. The more people the worse it is.
Pyrokinesis - She has minor control over flames, so she can light fires and whatnot. Currently she can do small blasts of fire from her hands, light her fingers on fire, or her whole being, so this is only really useful in hand to hand combat or with a weapon that is resistant to fire. She can make them not harm people however, since the original nature of the flames of the hearth is gentle and welcoming. She is also pretty much immune to fire and only certain fire hand harm her.
Regal Axe - This beautiful axe is her main weapon in battle.
Silver Seer Axe - This is a one-handed axe that can also be used for throwing.
Weapon Properties:
Regal Axe - A Hephaestus kid made this axe for her as a welcoming gift and to help her feel more at home because she was homesick for a while after making her way to the camp.
Silver Seer Axe - This one-handed axe was a gift from her adoptive father who was given it by her mother. Her father told her that it would always show her who she truly was, and it is indeed true. By looking at her reflection in the axe's blade she can appear differently depending on her motives or other things. Same can be said for others.
Backstory: Hestia, her mother, loved a mortal by the name of Nathaniel. He passed before they could truly live with the revelation that they loved each other as Nathaniel was struck down by a mysterious illness. Hestia sought for a way to remember him as it had always been a wish of his to have a child, and so she spread his ashes in a hearth on Mount Olympus before drawing some fire from her own inner flame and setting the ashes ablaze. For three months Hestia feared that she was wrong-that her researched actions would not result in what she had hoped, but her attendance to the fire and never letting it burn out was rewarded. A small little fire spirit appeared and slowly began to form into a human baby. The child's bed was the very coals of the hearth until the day it was born in a shower of sparks. The baby was practically hurled from the hearth in which it was developed in a fiery display, and Hestia caught her only child. Hestia named her daughter Elysia, as it meant 'a blessed home' and sung lullaby's to her every night. Eventually she was told that her now four year old daughter could not grow up on Olympus, and so Hestia sought out someone to take care of her daughter, and that would not mind her visiting. A woodcutter accepted the child from Hestia, who was under the guise of a young woman, and adopted her. The woodcutter's name was Peter, and he showered the little girl with affection and love and taught her his craft as she grew. Elysia had her deceased father's last name and lived a happy life even though it was somewhat secluded. She went to school although she had to wake up really early to get there in time, and would excitedly rush home to show her adopted father and mother (she frequently visited) all of the projects that she did. She ended up becoming quite tech savvy and took engineering and coding classes in school-always cramming as much learning as she could into her schedule since her adopted father didn't have much of that stuff back home. One day when Peter took her out into the woods to cut down some trees and logs and whatnot they were attacked by monsters, and Elysia's powers woke within her. Peter tried to protect her and they made it halfway to the house when Peter's woodcutters axe was knocked from his hands and he was tackled. She stood rooted to the spot, petrified as the monster (a wolf like creature) tore into her father's arm savagely. Something in her snapped and she took up the axe. It felt right in her hands as she swung at the wolf thing, and she managed to get it off of her adopted father. More emerged and eventually the weapon was knocked from her hands-and her pyrokinesis exploded from within. Every inch of her was set ablaze, and the wolves coming at her were either burned or backed off. Peter was shouting (I mean wouldn't you if your adopted daughter randomly burst into flames?) when Hestia arrived on the scene. She saved them both and tended to their wounds while explaining to Peter what she had hidden from him about Elysia and herself while soothing him. Elysia has about a week to get a grasp on things before Hestia took her to Camp Half Blood for her own saftey (she was around 13). Peter gave her one last gift before she left, her Silver Seer Axe, saying that it was probably about time for her to have them. She's lived at the camp ever since.
Other: She's been working to develop a special type of cellphone that doesn't attract monsters attention, and has so far managed to keep it under wraps so that she doesn't get into trouble.
She has a natural resistance against the extremities.
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