Split Personality Quirk
Quirk: Split Personality Quirk manifest (Subconscious Quirk Maker)
Type: Emitter
Based Idea from: Legion (Marvel) and The Hord (Split/Glass)
User Idea: Izuku Midoriya
His Quirk allows him to manifest a separate personality who will have their own view, desires and capabilities. Each personality created will manifest a personal Quirk that represents their personality.
Each personality is born under different circumstances that Izuku will find himself in. the personality and Quirk manifested is dependent on his experiences and thoughts.
If both Izuku and more than one personality wishes for a Quirk to help them with their circumstances, then a weaker or limited Quirk will be created that have no personality attached to it. Izuku could call them Personality remnants.
I like to think that most personalities are close to Izuku and wish to help him.
Drawback: Izuku won't have complete control over the personality's they are each a different individual. Izuku can't always control it when a personality takes over his body.
He can't access a personality's Quirk without the personality attached to it. In battle he will need to switch over to a personality that suits the situation best.
If Izuku is forced into an unresponsive state, then a random personality will be forced in control and may course problems for Izuku and those around him.
Example – ifHitoshi uses his Quirk on Izuku a personality will be forced into control overhis body.
Personality and Quirk Ideas/Examples
Personality Remnant -001
Quirk: Dream Ink
Description: The Quirk allows the user to produce a white like substance that can transform into any accessories. Depending on the desired clothing it can change colour.
Drawback: The user must have a very clear imagination of what they wish to wear. Dream Ink does not allow them to create weapons or support gear no matter how clear the thought is.
How/When it was made: It was made soon after Izuku created a personality that wished to wear something very badly.
Quirk: Personality separation
Description: The Quirk allows Izuku to separate his multi personalities from his mind in the form of a clone of Izuku. Combining this alongside Avatar is a powerful combination.
Drawback: The Quirk only separates personalities from Izuku not make clones of Izuku. How many clones Izuku can make are dependent on how many personalities he has.
How/When it was made: It was made an out of the personality's wishing to interact with the world alongside Izuku instead of relying on him.
Personality Remnant -003
Quirk: Avatar
Description: The Quirk allows the user to change their physical form into the form they desire the most. The form can be any shape, size and form the user wishes.
Drawback: The use can't shapeshift into someone they know exists. They must have a proper view on what form they wish to take.
Usage: The way the personality's use Avatar to help them alters depending on whether they are separating form Izuku or not.
True Form: Is the form the personality few themselves at.
Avatar possession: When in possession of Izuku the personality will alter Izuku's body slightly usually be changing the eye and hair colour, if needed his gender and physical capabilities.
A personality can alter Izuku's body into their true form if they wish but they avoid that because of the strain it can putt into Izuku's body.
Cloned avatar: When a Personality separates from Izuku they automatically take on their true form.
How/When it was made: It was made from the personality's wishing to take the form they call their true form. It can help the personalities utilise their Quirk better.
If you wish to use these ideas, you may change the personality and Name as you see fit.
Personality 001: Name: Jeff – Quirk: Full Access – Gender: Male
Based Idea: Stain
Description: Jeff believes that everyone must earn their wright to have a Quirk by utilising it the best they can not matter how Weak, Strong or useful the Quirk may seem.
Jeff believes that the weakest people are those that rely entirely on their Quirk and neglects their own physical capabilities. He hates seeing people use their Quirks for completely selfish reasons and looks up to those using their Quirk the best way they can.
Example – He hates Endeavour and Bakugo because they wish to use their Quirks entirely to prove authority. He likes Aizawa and Mei for them using their Quirks to help people not caring about popularity.
Personal Capabilities: Jeff's Physical capabilities are more agile and stronger than Izuku's, Jeff has the best battle awareness than any personality.
Quirk: Jeff was originally Quirkless like Izuku, but he had pride in it because it will just push him into training. It was only after a decent amount of personalities were created (2 or 3) that Jeff's Quirk Full Access manifested.
His Quirk allows him to access any Quirk owned by a personality without having the personality attached to it. He may not be able to use a Quirk to its fullest capability's because the personality that owns it is only able to.
Their Birth: Jeff was made from Izuku's strong desire to still protect people despite being Quirkless but really wished he had one.
Jeff was born when Izuku tried to protect a kid from being bullied by Bakugo.
Story Idea involving the Personality: Jeff becomes active during the Battle Trial to show how weak Katsuki is against him.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eyes become red and his body becomes more physically fit.
True Form: Jeff looks the same when he takes possession over Izuku except gaining a bit more hight. Jeff will use Dream Ink to create the same clothing as Izuku has on at the time of changing into his true form. Jeff would darken all colours of any clothes he's mimicking.
Personality 002: Name: Data – Quirk: – Gender: Male
Based Idea: Izuku's desire to write Quirks down.
Description: Data is obsessed with learning knew quirk's and loves to learn how they could become stronger. His treatment towards people can depend on their Quirks and how they utilise them.
Personal Capabilities: His physical feats are the same as Izuku's and he rarely ever changes into his true form. He prefers to not leave Izuku's body and just change his body.
Quirk (Knowledge is Power): Data's Quirk allows him everything about a persons Quirk by consuming a bit of their DNA via Blood, hair, sweat or saliva.
When gaining enough knowledge of a Quirk's capability's either from his Quirk or by learning it himself Data can gain an immunity towards some Emitter type Quirks.
Example – If Data learns everything about Hitoshi's Quirk Brainwashing and fights him, Hitoshi's Quirk won't affect him.
Drawback: When activated his eyes become cloudy and he goes on auto pilot while righting everything about the Quirk down on paper. He is unable to acknowledge anything going on around him in this state and he's unaware what he's writing down until he reads it himself.
Their Birth: Data was made from Izuku's desire of leaning and writing down Quirks alongside his envies of others having Quirks.
Data was created after Jeff from Izuku's deep desire to know more about his own Quirk as quickly as possible.
Story Idea involving the Personality:During the U.A. festival he is by accident forced into his true form while Izuku was against Hitoshi.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eyes will become grey and he would sometimes create a white smooth mask with random words and letters covering it that covers his face.
Data avoids separating from Izuku and feels much more comfortable to stay connected with Izuku.
True Form: Data is a white featureless giant that has random words and letters covering his body. He's big enough that when standing at full hight his head will just be below reaching the roof of the USJ.
Data very rarely will allow himself to take his true form out of his dislike of how big he feels.
Personality 003: Name: Timid – Quirk: Barrier imprisonment – Gender: Male
Based Idea: Barrier Quirk (Hekiji Tengai)
Description: Timid dislikes conflicted towards himself and others. He's shy towards people and only stutters sometimes when first meeting someone.
Personal Capabilities: Timid has the same physical capabilities as Izuku but he's much less able to fight people. He will hide himself with is arms a lot (Izuku style)
Quirk (Barrier imprisonment): Timid's Quirk allows him to create a cube like barrier either around himself or around someone else being able to trap them in place. He can alter the size of the barrier to allow him to trap more than one person at once.
Drawback: Timid can only create one barrier at a time. The further away he is from a barrier the weaker it becomes. Timid's mental state can affect how durable the barrier can be.
Their Birth: Timid was made from Izuku's shyness around people alongside his deep desire to protect people and avoid conflict.
StoryIdea involving the Personality: Timid takes over Izuku to protect Tsuyu from Tomura's attack.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eyes become light blue. Timid will create bandages to cover his face only showing his eyes and hair.
True Form: Timid looks the same when he's in possession of Izuku except less hight. Timid would create bandages to cover his entire body almost like that of a mummy.
Personality 004: Name: Goblin – Quirk: Blueprints – Gender: Male
Based Idea: Mei's desire to create machines and Juryrigg (Ben 10)
Description: Goblin has a deep fascination towards any, and all mechanical machinery specially support gear. He has the constant impulse to take apart most machinery's he lays his eyes on.
Personal Capabilities: Goblin's Physical feats are better than Izuku's. He has enhanced strength, agility and jumping.
Quirk (Blueprints): Goblin's Quirk allows him to gain an X-ray like vision towards any machines he sees while highlighting any parts he wishes. His Quirk also allows him to access all knowledge he has on mechanics both consciously and unconsciously.
Drawback: The strength of his Quirk can increase in strength depending on his personal knowledge of mechanics. He can only use the X-ray vision on machines.
Their Birth: Goblin was made from Izuku's fascination towards support gears of pro hero's.
StoryIdea involving the Personality: Goblin becomes active during the U.A. Entrance Exam or the U.A. Festival to dismantle the robots. He would get along with Mei very well.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eyes become red he will grow fangs and he will gain green talon hands that reach towards him elbows. He will also gain a green devil like tail.
Goblin sometimes won't manifest his talons when possessing Izuku.
True Form: Goblin is the same size as Izuku's head and has a similar appearance as a goblin, gremlin and imp.
Goblin wears a pare of goggle son his head a sleeveless jacket and a pair of jean shorts that look like trousers on him.
WARNING: Don't take this personality I thought up too seriously I'm sometimes just a bit perverted.
Personality 005: Name: Sadie – Quirk: Succubus – Gender: Female
Based Idea: Succubus
Description: Sadie is a sexual woman who cares deeply towards Izuku but isn't interested in other males. She loves woman and always willing to experiment with any girl that is willing.
She holds pride in her existence viewing herself as proof of a teenagers healthy growing hormones. She wishes to one day give Izuku his first bedroom experience when he's both willing and ready.
Personal Capabilities: She as an agile capability's, high endurance alongside loads of energy.
Sadie has the characteristics of a succubus wings, tail and internal biology. She can alter any section of her body or all of it to suit the preference of anyone she seduces.
Her alteration of her body can involve size, colour or texture all are possible for her. She can produce pheromones that increase the sex drive of anyone who smells it.
She can survive on natural bodily fluids from sex, this can reach from days to weeks or even months her not needing food to survive without Izuku.
Drawback: When someone inhales her pheromones, she can't control or predict how that person will react to such an enhanced sex drive.
She has a higher than natural sex drive that can cloud her mind more severe than other people.
Their Birth: Sadie was made from Izuku's growing hormones and deep attraction towards Midnight.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's body changes into a female version of himself with an attractive body. Her hair becomes a dark green colour like Izuku's mother Inko, sometimes she makes her hair into a ponytail.
Sadie prefers to separate from Izuku more than take possession over him, so she rarely ever takes over.
True Form: Sadie looks the same way she does when she changes Izuku's body. She tends to create to same clothes Izuku at the time is wearing just making it into a female version of it.
Personality 005: Name: Ying Yang Twins – Quirk: The Sun's and Moon's Love – Gender: Female + Male
Based Idea: Half hot Half cold (Shoto) and Dark Shadow (Fumikage), Light Light Fruit and Dark Dark Fruit (One piece),
Description: The Ying Yang Twins are a pair of boy and girl twins that both were created at the same time and have a joint Quirk that works differently for each other.
Brother – Hansel: He is a dark, brooding slight goth type of boy who prefers to stay in the dark and avoid any source of light as much as possible. He will go out of his way to cover his head with a hood to feel secure.
Sister – Gretel: She is prideful and cheerful girl who loves the feel of the sun on her skin. She doesn't fully understand the concept of modesty and tends to purposely show of as much skin as possible to feel more comfortable.
Personal Capabilities:
Hansel: His body is more durable than Izuku's, but he has less energy and slower than him.
Gretel: She has more agile physical feats that Izuku and more energy to use.
Quirk (The Moon's Love): Hansel's Quirk allows him to produce his own darkness that he can manipulate at will. The strength of his darkness increases in the darkness. Darkness from the absence of the sun is much more effective than shadows created by the sun or cloudy days.
The darkness has the capability to consume and store anything he wishes without doing damaging it if he wishes.
Drawback: his Quirk is reliant towards darkness that is in his immediate area and in contact with him.
Any form of light will weaken his Quirk, but natural light is much more affective compared to artificial light. When daylight comes his Quirk is completely cancelled and anything, he may have stored into his darkness will be forcefully removed.
Quirk (The Sun's Love): Gretel's Quirk allows her to manipulate light to protect her body and increase her speed. With enough training she can create long range attacks.
Her Quirk increases in strength depending on how much light is in contact with her body and increases again depending on how much light is in contact of her skin. Natural light from the sun is more effective that artificial light.
Drawback: Her Quirk is reliant towards light that she's exposed too.
All forms of dimmed light will decrease her Quirk. Shadows, shade and even cloudy days will weaken her Quirk if just slightly. When night comes Gretel is unable to activate her Quirk at all.
Their Birth: The twins were made from Izuku's interest in Quirks that can become very OP in certain environment but worthless in others.
Story Idea involving the Personality – Hansel: He becomes active during the Forest Training Camp Arc to protect Kota from Muscular.
Story Idea involving the Personality – Gretel: She becomes active during the U.A. Festival to fright Shoto and force him to use his fire.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession – Hansel: Izuku will gain bangs under his eyes, a brooding look and pale skin. His hair would become darker shade
True Form – Hansel: He looks the same when in possession over Izuku except that his hair becomes black.
Hansel tends to create a baggy hoodie so he can pull the hood over his head and feel more secure.
Avatar Possession – Gretel: Izuku's body will become a female version of his own with yellow eyes. Her hair will become a lighter shade.
True Form – Gretel: She looks the same when in possession over Izuku except that his hair becomes Yellow.
Gretel tends to always create clothes that show off a lot of her skin. If she could Gretel would be completely topless with short shorts.
Minor Personality Ideas
These personality ideas are just one-time thoughts I had at one time or I just haven't felt to interested in them compared to the others.
Personality 00A: Name: ? – Quirk: Mirror Realm – Gender: Male
Based Idea: From reading some Fan Quirk Ideas (Not sure where)
Description: He's a supporting personality that doesn't leave Izuku's mind.
Personal Capabilities: Possibly the Same as Izuku's
Quirk (Mirror Realm): His Quirk allows him to access a realm that reflects our own. The moment he enters it everything starts to glow in rainbow light and moving extremely slow almost frozen in time.
He can move in that real but can not interact with anything with anything. He can leave his realm and appear in a different location almost like teleportation.
Drawback: The amount of time he stays in this realm is the same amount of memory he loses before he entered the realm.
Example – If he spends one minute in the realm then he shall lose one minute of memory's before he entered the realm.
Their Birth: ?
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eye colour becomes rainbow coloured.
True Form: ?
Personality 00B: Name: Big Daddy – Quirk: Adaptable Protection – Gender: Male
Based Idea: Endgame (Legion), Big Daddy (Bioshock), Nautilus (league of legends)
Description: Big Daddy doesn't have a noticeable personality to himself like most personalities. he's always very straight forward, never lies and prefers to speak with actions than words.
He doesn't care for much about other people, how they feel or anything about them which includes other personalities.
Big Daddy's entire existence only involves towards those he creates bond towards. (Like a Big Daddy towards a Little Sister) to those he makes a bond with prefers to be called Daddy everybody else its Big Daddy.
Personal Capabilities: His physical capabilities and pain tolerance is stronger than most other personality's.
Quirk (Adaptable Protection): His Quirk allows his body to adapt towards any situation or opponent he's facing. His size, strength, durability, Wight etc. will increase all depending on his mental, emotional and physical state.
Big Daddy can gain capabilities similar to other Quirks depending what the situation calls for.
Example – If he needs more power to help him defeat an enemy, he can temporally gain access to someone else's Quirk as long as they are in contact with him.
Drawback: Big Daddy can only activate his Quirk when he's protecting or doing something for an individual, he's bonded to.
When he's bonded to someone, he can be completely blinded to everything else around him.
Their Birth: Dad Daddy was made from Izuku's desire to help and protect Eri from harm.
Story Idea involving the Personality: Big Daddy would fight Overhaul to protect Eri showing of his extreme strength and OP Quirk when the conditions are met.
Avatar Forms
Avatar Possession: Izuku's eyes become completely cased with a yellow glow. (Little Sister Eyes)
True Form: Big Daddy will change Izuku's body into a large tank like being that looks like that of armour.
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