Chapter Four

~The next day~

Sans P.O.V.

                 Another day, another gold, or in humans case, dollar. Me and my brother are about to leave to go to school but my brother received a call from King Asgore about an emergency. I don't know what the emergency was but Papyrus needed to leave immediately for the emergency. Luckily, he has his own car, a red ferary ( I don't know how to spell that fucking car, PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME!!! but if I spelled it right then thank you ), he can reach to the King's palace as fast as his car can run, he'll be staying there till Saturday according to what my brother said, he was also excused to the class, this also included Undyne and Alphys since they were also called. Since my brother isn't here, I decided to teleport to school again. With a quick snap of my finger and *pop!* I'm at school. I started walking to the assigned classroom, as I was walking someone bump into me.

(Y-N) P.O.V.

                I have arrived school and started walking to the classroom, I wasn't focusing on anything until I accidentally bump into someone, damn it, I'm so clumsy, at least I was half expecting it. I look up to the person I bump into, it was Sans. He raised his brow, more like a folded bone? -I don't fucking know- his suspicious of me, he has a right to be suspicious, especially I bumped into him twice. "Sorry sorry I didn't mean to bump into you again" I flash Sans a shy apologetic smile, he smiled back. "it's okay kiddo, come on let's go to class" Sans said as he started walking forward with me following behind.

~Timeskip to the end of the last period brought to you by: MARKIPLIER!!! X3~

Ahhh the end of the class, I can tell due to the school bell ringing loudly announcing that the class has ended, as I started packing up my things, Sans tap my shoulder, I hummed so that he'll know that I was listening while I pack my things. "hey kiddo, are ya free today?" I responded to his question "Hmm, why is that?" I was curious of why his asking me this question "i-i wanted to. . . uhh hangout. . . with you. . ." "O-oh! you wanted to hangout. . . with me? u-umm sure! sure, I'll hangout with you!" Gosh darn it! why did I stuttered?! I also have a tiny warm familiar feeling in my chest, I ignored it, I think I sound stupid to Sans right now, I blushed as I smiled to Sans, Sans cheek bones started to have a strange bluish hue as I smiled at him, it's been a long time since someone ask me to hangout with someone.

Sans P.O.V.

                  As the school bell rang, I was planning on asking (y-n) if she is free today so she could hangout with me today, ya know, to get to know each other and stuff, since my brother isn't home till Saturday, I have nothing to do in the house today and it'll be boring. I stand up with my bag on my back, I walk to (y-n) chair where she's still packing her things, I tap her shoulder, she hummed to know that she was listening "hey kiddo, are ya free today?" "Hmm, why is that?" I started to feel nervous for some reason with a small fuzzy feeling in my chest and soul " i-i wanted to. . . uhh hangout. . . with you. . ." please say yes, please say yes, PLEASE SAY YES!!! "O-oh! you wanted to hangout. . . with me? u-umm sure! sure, I'll hangout with you!" oh god! that second I thought I would be rejected, she smiled at me, I feel my cheek bones warm up, what is this feeling? it feels so warm and fuzzy when I'm around (y-n), I ignore this feeling, "come on, i know a good place to hangout and they have great food" "Really?! let's go!" I hold out my hand for her to take it and she took it. I decided to walk to the place instead of teleporting since I wanted to savour the moment with (y-n), we decided to make puns as we walk, I absentmindedly rub my phalanges to her soft hand, she blushed, I quietly sigh as her skin feels so soft, warm and a bit squishy like a teddy bear. "your so soft and warm" I squeeze her hand gently. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wHAT THE FUCK?!!! oh shit I accidentally said that out loud, omgpleasekillmerightno- "U-uhh. . . thank you?. ." she blushed even harder and looked away, oh thank god, I was about to lose my cool right there and then "I mean your a skeleton, skeletons don't have skin so- omg that's racist! sorryifIoffendedyou!" she suddenly panic, I quickly caught up on what she said "no no its fine really, i mean i just said something creepy so were even, i guess. . ." I shrugged a bit nervous hoping it'll solve that.

~Timeskip to arriving the place brought to you by: . . . $∆Π$ is watching you (y-n). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HE'S watching his angel . . . . . . . ~

We now arrive at Grillby's Bar, where I usually hangout with other monsters or by myself. As I opened the door to the bar while holding (y-n) by her delicate hand, the bell rang, everyone stop on what they were doing and decided to look on who ever entered the bar; which is us to the matter of fact. (y-n) shyly hides behind me as the others stare at us, but their gazes are mostly to (y-n), maybe because she's the only human who enter a monster restaurant. The monsters finally decided to go back to whatever they were doing as we enter the restaurant and take the seat that I usually sit with (y-n) sitting beside me. "kiddo, do you want anything? food? drinks?" "I'll just have (fries/ a burger) please" I called Grillby to order our food "okay kiddo, psst grillby pal, (fries/ a burger) for the pr- girl a-and the usual for me"I flinch, stuttered and blush as I almost called (y-n) a pretty girl. Grillby looked at me for a moment and smirk, he walks to the backroom to make our food.

(Y-N) P.O.V.

                    Man, they are many monsters staring at us as the small bell rang, their mostly staring at me, maybe because I'm the first human to enter this restaurant? who knows, I shyly hid behind Sans as they stare at us or mostly me, We take our seats and the monsters are now back to what they were doing, "kiddo, do you want anything? food? drinks?" "I'll just have (fries/ a burger) please" "okay kiddo, psst grillby pal" A flaming man approach us, holy shit! he's actually on fire like literally nothing but fire - minus his white eyes- , he's wearing a bartender and a pair of glasses, it suits him, oh! that was a pun, I smile as I just thought of a pun as I stare at the flaming man  "(fries/ a burger) for the pr- girl a-and the usual for me" Sans stuttered something but I don't know what it was, The flaming man or 'Grillby' -According to what Sans called him, he must be the owner of this place due to the neon lights- smirk at Sans, Sans on the other hand was having that strange hue of blue on his cheeks again but bluer as Grillby smirk at him, as Grillby went to the back room, I stare at Sans, his still having that blue hue on his face but I notice that his eyelights are gone, his eye sockets look like black void. Woah, he can do that? cool! but I need to ask him if his okay because his like staring at nothing. "Sans, are you okay there?" I tap his shoulder, he must have snap out of it, because his eyelights are back "yeah, i'm fine kiddo, just space out" he avert his gaze and the blue hue started to spread and now his looks like a blueberry "Heheh, Sans you look like a blueberry" "i-i am?" "Yes, Sans. . ." I almost jump at my seat because of the new voice, it was Grillby and he was smirking at Sans, Sans face become even more bluer if possible, he hid himself with his hoodie. Grillby put out our food in front of us, he went back to cleaning - the already clean- shot glass and his still smirking at Sans. "Sans, why is your face so blue?" "w-well-" "He's Blushing. . ." oh! so it's a blush all along, he must be embarrassed "grillby!" Sans whines, I decided to eat my (fries/burger) before they get cold, Sans also decides that there's no point of hiding his face and decided to eat, he ordered fries, he took the bottle standing beside his fries and . . . drinks it?! he drink it like it was a beverage! the hell?! well, okay then, not gonna question that but my curiosity is killing me!!! screw it! I'm gonna ask him about it without sounding it a bit rude "Uhh. . . Sans, Why you. .  you know. . . drinking-" "ketchup like it was a beverage?" the hell how did he know?! as if he read my mind, he answered that question "many people get surprised seeing a person drink a ketchup, wanna taste?" he handed me the bottle and winked, I blushed, I didn't know he can wink too, is his bones are actual that malleable? I drink his ketchup, it tasted like tomato paste and a hint of. . . whiskey? the fuck?! this thing is spiked! "Sans! It's spiked! Why didn't you tell me?!" "well, you didn't ask" Sans and Grillby chuckled, I puff my cheeks and look away from them my (fries/burger) so that I'll finish it and go home, I felt my cheeks warm up a little, maybe because of the alcohol, I didn't know Sans drink alcohol, then again it's our first hangout together so maybe having this hangout isn't bad after all since I'm actually knowing Sans pretty well, at least in my opinion. I started munching down my (fries/ burger) slowly but not too slow. "aaawwww, don't be upset kiddo, i'm sorry" I smile but I didn't face him "i can see your smile kiddo, does that mean you forgive me?" "Yeah yeah, I forgive you" I face him and smiled "You Know. . . You Two Look Great As A Couple." "omg grillby no." "Nope nope nope nope" there is no way in hell and heaven that I would be open up for a relationship, especially last experience. . . . . . . . . right?

Our night was filled with laughter, fun and jokes, it was great hangout in a long time.

( Holy god, this took me FOREVER to make this chapter with 1700+ words for not making chapters often! especially school and having a strict mom, jeez it's not like I would die if I don't graduate this year, there is a possible slow burn due to current conditions, maybe, probably, everything is hell in the Philippines with no winter, ANYWAY! so how do you like your hangout with Sansy wansie? ;3, what do you think of the chapter? do you have any ideas? tell me in the comments OwO, if you want to UwU, for now, Boi! X3)

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