Memory Island. Aoi & Aka's Pasts Revealed.

3rd person POV

Aka, Law, Aoi and Ace stepped on the shores of memory island. The four stared at the clouded island.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Aoi asked. Everyone looked at her.

"May as well get this over with, right?" She said. With that, they walked on to the island.

"The treasure is supposed to be in the direct heart of the island where the fog is the thickest." Law said.

"Simple. Just walk forward. We'll get there eventually." Ace said. Aoi looked over at Aka. Aka kept her head down and stayed away from Law. Law would glance in Aka's direction every now and then and his hand would clentch as if he wanted to hold her hand.

They continued on in to the fog. The fog got thicker and thicker the further they walked in to it.

Then, it suddenly cleared.

"Wha-?" Ace said.

"Did we take a wrong turn?" Aoi asked. Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming open made everyone jump and turn. They watched as a drunk man walked through a door. Aoi's eyes widened in realization.

Law started to draw his sword. Aoi put her arm out to stop him.

"Who-" Law started.

"My father." Aoi said weakly. Ace looked ready to fight.

"Kirayan!" Aoi's father yelled. A tall woman with blonde hair walked through Ace to the man.

"What is it, John?" She asked.

"You dirty little slut, you speak to me with respect." John raised a pistol. "Or I'll shoot you where you stand." John and Kirayan began to yell and argue, then the door slammed open again, a skinny, frail looking man entered. John turned and pointed his pistol to the man, but was immediately shot by the man.

"Frederick, what are you doing? Stop! Stop! Sto-" another gunshot rang out and Kirayan dropped to the floor, dead. A small, panicked gasp rang out. The four turned and saw an eight year old with blonde hair and wide, panicked eyes sitting in the corner.

"Oh? Kirayan has a daughter? A pretty one at that. You'll replace your mother just fine, child." Frederick said, removing his shirt. Ace's fists clentched.

"And your training starts now-!" A gunshot rang out and Frederick joined John and Kirayan on the floor, dead. Law, Aka and Ace looked back at the eight year old. Aoi didn't look, she already knew that her friends would see the little girl holding the gun.

"What is this?" Aka asked.

"My memories. My past." Aoi said grimmly. Everyone walked forward and found another Aoi memory. One from her watching One Piece when she was young. She had to be twelve.

"Oh, wow!" The twelve year old Aoi said as Ace appeared on the screen. She cheered when Luffy and Ace began to converse.

"Kirayan Ocean the Second, shut that TV off and finish your cleaning!" A voice yelled. Aoi cringed with her younger self.

"Sorry, Hilda!" Young Aoi called. She reached out to the tv and smiled at Ace's face on screen.

"Wait for me, okay, Ace?" Young Aoi requested as she shut off the tv.

"Always." Ace said, looking at Aoi. Aoi looked away.

The next memory was from high school. 15 year old Aoi was standing over a freshmen.

"Hand it over, punk. All if it. Or you're going out the window like the last one." 15 year old Aoi said, holding out her hand to the freshmen pinned to the ground.

"H-here! Take it! Just don't hurt me! Please!" The girl cried, shoving a twenty in to Aoi's hand.

"Now get lost before I change my mind." Aoi said, shoving the girl away. The girl ran away and Aoi pocketed the money.

"Tch, there goes the criminal." "Get out of her way! You know what she did to Sara just for standing in the hall when she was walking past!" "Bet ya she's using all the money she takes from us to bang sluts like her father did." Students whispered.

"Aoi." Ace said.

"I told you I wasn't proud of who I used to be." She said. They watched as teen Aoi put the money she had robbed her schoolmates of in a jar.

"A total of three hundered today. I'm just one thousand away from changing my name. Then I can leave this city and start over." Teen Aoi said. She sighed, pulling the red beanie cap from her head, a mix of blonde and blue hair fell to her shoulders.

"Damn it, Aoi, what are you proving this way? No. No more. No more harassment, no more violence. Make the last thousand honestly! You're better than this! You. Are. Not. A criminal." Teen Aoi said.

"PUNK ASS SLUT GET OUT HERE AND CLEAN THE DAMN DISHES!" Hilda yelled. Teen Aoi stuffed her hair back in to her beanie.

"How did you live through that?" Aka asked.

"I didn't let it get to me." Aoi said.

Next, it appeared to be back at the school. 17 year old Aoi walked through the halls, blue hair down where everyone could see.

"Slut!" "Bitch!" "Go back to the mafia where you belong, you whore!" "Go to hell you vicious criminal!" Students yelled. 17 Aoi stormed in to an abandoned bathroom, slammed the door to a stall and cried.

"... Hm..." Aoi said.

"What is it?" Ace asked.

"I never remembered the days it got to me." Aoi said. Ace held her hand as they watched teen Aoi cry.

"One more... Just one more month... Then I can leave..." She cried.

The next memory that played was the last one Aoi had in Reality. The group therapy.

"Aoi, did you, by chance come here in search of companionship?" Asked Jordan. Caleb uncomfortably cleared his throat.

"Uh, Jordan, I think that's a little too personal." Caleb said.

"Nah, it's fine. I don't need friends. I have One Piece." Aoi said.

"One piece of what?" Camille asked. Aoi rolled her eyes.

"No, One Piece. It's an anime. Y'know, from Japan? It's actually really good and culturally diverse. It has hot guys, too." Aoi said.

"How hot?" Camille asked, her attention sparked.

"That girl is lying. She knows exactly what you're talking about." Aka said. Aoi nodded.

"She's the one that brought us here, Aka." Aoi said. Aka stared at the pink haired girl.

"I know you can't hear me. But thanks." She whispered.

"There is one character that is an incredibly fit swordsman appropriately named Zoro." Aoi said. Camille got a twinkle in her eye. Ace cocked an eyebrow and Aoi began to sweat.

"Yeah?" She said.

"He's mine." Aoi said. Camille's face dropped in dissapointment. Ace looked to his girlfriend as she chuckled nervously.

"I was a fangirl. I was allowed to have multiple crushes." Aoi said.

"But it's just me now, right?" Ace asked. Aoi squeezed his hand.

"Only you." She said.

"There's also a doctor kinda guy they call the Surgeon of Death and he's pretty hot, too." Aoi said. Camille smirked at the thought. Aka and Law looked to Aoi, who was now grinning sheepishly.

"Also mine." Aoi said. Camille pouted at her. Aka stared holes in to Aoi's head.

"Any other hotties?" She asked.

"Well..." Aoi started, Camille looked at her with curiosity twinkling in her eyes. "There's one character so hot he is litterally made of fire." Aoi said. She grinned happily.

"And he is so much mine that other fangirls don't even dare think about him while I'm around." Aoi said. Camille gave her a look.

"Why?" She asked.

"You wanna test out why?" Aoi asked in a creepy voice.

"Who were you talking about?" Ace asked. Aoi facepalmed.

"Really, Flame for Brains?" She asked. Then it hit him.

"Oh." He said.

(A/N: basically all of Aoi's memories from this point on are the story, so let's move on to Aka's. We all know Law & Ace's pasts.)

After Law and Ace's pasts finished, Aka's started.

"Akaria!" A woman stormed in to a room where a small girl with black hair played innocently. The girl had to be five or six.

"Mama! I made this for you at school today!" The little girl said, holding up a finger painting. The woman with blond hair slapped the five year old across the face. No on noticed Law cringe slightly.

"You little brat! You need to be the best! Anything lower than 100 is unacceptable! I will not have a failure for a child!" The woman said. The little Aka cried.

"I'm sorry, mama, I'll do better tomorrow. I promise!" The little Aka cried. Time changed and Aka was ten.

"This is good, Akaria. Your teachers say you'll be able to go to the junior high next year." Aka's mother, Diane, said.

"Thank you, Mom." Kid Aka said. The little girl looked up to her mom.

"Mom, I was wondering if we could go to Disneyland-" a swift crack cut the 10 year old off.

"Such frivolous things will make a child stupid! I will not have a failure as a child and these stupid fantasies of happily ever after and Prince Charming will not dilute my child's mind! Do I make myself clear, Akaria?!" Diane snapped. Aka closed her eyes.

"Don't turn away. If you look away, then you will lose yourself to your past. Stay strong, Aka. You can do it." Aoi whispered encouragingly to the purplette. Law reached out and grabbed Aka's hand.

"You don't have to stay. You can leave." He whispered. Aka opened her eyes and looked fiercely back to her past.

"No. I can do this. I have to do this. My past won't control me." Aka said.

Time changed again, Aka was fourteen and hiding under the covers of her bed, quietly watching One Piece on her iPad mini.

"Come on, Law. You can do it. I know you can." She whispered. No one could see what was on the screen of the device. Teen Aka suddenly smiled softly.

"See? I told you you could do it." She said.

"Akaria, you better be studying for your college entrance exam in there!" Diane's voice came. Teen Aka frowned and stopped the episode of One Piece.

"Yes, mother." She said. She turned the iPad mini from One Piece to a college website. Teen Aka carefully looked at her door, then reached under her pillow, pulling a small, Law plushie out from under it. Law stared at the doll, then at Aka.

"Aaawww! How cute!" Aoi said. Ace chuckled. Aka blushed lightly.

"I forgot I had that..." She said.

Time passed again and a sixteen year old Aka returned home from college to a very disgrundled Diane.

"Mother? Is something wrong?" Teen Aka asked. Aka frowned, knowing exactly what was coming. Diane pulled the Law plushie out from behind the cushion on her chair.

"I found this on your bed, Akaria. Tell me why a doll was on your bed." Diane snapped. A small bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head.

"It was a gift from an old friend. I thought it would be a waist to let such an expensive gift to merely be tossed in to the garbage after someone had been so kind as to give it to me." Teen Aka lied. Diane raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Then you truely would not care if I did, say... This?" The woman asked and tossed the plushie in to the fire. Teen Aka's eyes widened.

"No!" She yelled reaching out to grab the doll before it was too severely burned. A swift crack rang through out the air and Aoi noticed Law's jaw and neck muscles tightend when he saw blood running down Teen Aka's face.

"I told you to stay away from frivolous fantasies! I will not allow my daughter to-" Diane started to lecture.

"Hold on, Law-kun! I'll save you!" Teen Aka said. While everyone heard it in perfect English, Aoi and Aka knew that Teen Aka had just spoken in Japanese.

Not even caring about getting burned or the fact that her mother had cut her face by back-handing her with the hand that had her wedding rings on it, Teen Aka retrieved the small plushie from the fire and smacked the fire out.

Unfortunately for Teen Aka, the doll had already been burned beyond saving. The only thing that indicated that the burnt mess in Teen Aka's burnt hands was once an adorable little Law plushie was the one arm that had been spared of the fire.

"G-Gomen... Law-kun..." Teen Aka sobbed silently. She suddenly stood and glared at her mother, still clutching the burnt pile of material that was once the young woman's only joy.

"You vile woman! You don't actually care for your own daughter! You dispise me so much that you would destroy the one thing in my life that actually brought me joy! I hate you! I despise you! I wish I had a different mother!" Teen Aka screamed and ran to her room, still holding tight to the plushie's remains and ignoring the pain in her hands.

She slammed the door and locked it and threw herself on to her bed, sobbing hard.

"I hate her! I hate Diane! I hate her! Why did she have to take mini-Law-kun away from me? Oh, Law, if only you were real! I could stay with you and I know you wouldn't slap me and hurt me the way she does! I hate her so much!" Teen Aka sobbed.

Aoi watched carefully as she saw Law bite his lower lip and clentch his fists to stop himself from shaking.

Time changed again and a seventeen year old Aka sat beneath a tree that had Here lies the remains of Mini-Law and Aka's love carved in the trunk. Aka was reading a medical book. Another woman came out to Aka.

"Miss Akaria, aren't you going to attend your own graduation party?" The woman asked.

"I don't see a point in attending an event that my mother is hosting. There are more important things to do." Teen Aka said. It was hard to miss the dead look in her eyes and how her voice sounded dead.

"U-um, Miss Akaria?" The woman - who was very clearly a maid- asked. Teen Aka sighed.

"What is it?" She asked. The maid produced a box from behind her.

"My mother and I got this for you as a congradulations gift. It took us a long time to find it, but I remember how heart broken you were when the mistress destroyed your doll. It's not the same, but I hope it will suffice." The maid blabbed on, not even realizing Teen Aka had already opened the box and was currently staring down at another Law plushie.

"Jade." Teen Aka said, her voice just slightly lighter than the empty tone she had before. The maid, Jade, looked up as Teen Aka stood. The maid seemed suprised when Teen Aka hugged her.

"Tell your mother that I thank you both for this gift. For you to remember the exact look of Mini-Law and to find a match for me means a lot to me. Thank you, Jade." Teen Aka said. The maid, Jade, smiled at Teen Aka. Teen Aka closed the box and carefully placed it inside her handbag and returned to her bedroom, ignoring her mother and the party guests.

Time shifted and Aka was nineteen.

"Akaria!" Diane shrieked. Past Aka sighed and turned.

"What is it now, Diane?" Past Aka asked. Diane slapped the newspaper she was carrying down.

"You dare embarass me in such a fashion?!" Diane snapped. On the newspaper the Headline read Akaria Burgandy quits being a doctor to become Photographer?

"I'm sorry, Diane, I have trouble seeing the issue here. I have scanned the headline plenty of times, but I see no error or grammar mistakes or even typos, so I don't see why you are so angry." Past Aka said.

"Don't you dare back talk me, you ungrateful brat!" Another swift crack as Past Aka was slapped yet again. Past Aka slowly tunred her head back to the woman.

"I see that even now when I call you "Diane" instead of "Mother" you fail to realize that you can no longer control my life where as I am an adult that can make my own money. I like photography more than I like medicine, so I am going in to Photography." Past Aka said. Aoi cheered.

"You tell her!" Aoi cheered. Diane scowled.

"Then you don't need my money." Diane sneered. Past Aka cocked an eyebrow.

"Your money? I have not used your money, nor have I needed it since I was fourteen when I started making my own money." Past Aka said.

"Then I want you out of my house." Diane snapped. Past Aka did what Diane did not expect.

She smiled. Brightly.

"Alright. Good bye, Diane." And with that, Past Aka turned away and gathered her things.

Time changed to a few months later when Past Aka was returning to her condo from work. She didn't noticr the head of pink hair following her. As she fell asleep, she heard two words.

"Rift-Rift: open." The voice of Chiyori came.

Past Aka gasped as she woke from being dropped directly in the ocean.

"Help! Someone help me!" She yelled. A wave washed over her and knocked her beneath the surface. Surely she would die now.

Suddenly, her head broke the surface as she rose on the deck of a submarine, she was on her hands on knees, coughing and wheezing. Soon, Bepo emerged from the sub, seeing Past Aka.

"Captain!" Past Bepo yelled. Past Law ran out to see what was happening and saw Past Aka. Immediately, he was at her side, helping her get the water out of her lungs. Once she could breath again, the once black haired girl that was now a purplette leaned against Law for warmth.

Time changed again and Aka was twenty. She had officially joined the Heart Pirates, clearly. She had already eaten the Time-Time fruit, as was evident as she was playing with her ability. She heard Past Law groaning as if he was in pain.

"Captain? Law?" Past Aka asked, opening the door to his room. He was sound asleep, but clearly having a nighmare. Sweat beaded his forehead and his breathing was harsh. She reached out and stroked his hair, amazed to find him calm down instantly. She quietly dragged a chair over to his bedside and sat down, stroking and playing with his hair, lulling him back in to a peaceful sleep.

"I will stay by your side until the very end, even if I die. Because... I love you, Law-kun, you brave, strong yet broken man. I love you with all my heart." Past Aka whispered. Law was staring at Aka's back now. All memories after that were of meeting Ace and Aoi.

Then.... Nothing. The four were left standing in a grassy feild.

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