Hey guys it's MY BIRTHDAY tomorrow. I know i shouldn't brag about it but i am just tooooooooo excited for tomorrow as it's my 15th bday
Anyways let's start with today's chapter
A/n pov
They all were in their own thoughts when the operation theatre door opened revealing the doctor who had not so good expressions on her face. They quickly got up and waited for the doctor to say smth as their throat was stuck to say anything.
They door removed her mask and cap and said
(Note: doctor is a girl)
Doctor: i am sry she has lost too much of blood and i don't think we can save her
Their world stopped when they heard that.
Lim: w-what do you m-mean doctor
Doctor: see she was shot near her heart and even more she was stabbed in her hand because of which she lost too much of blood. Her blood group is very rare to find and we don't have it right now in our blood bank. So i don't think we can save her
May: c-cant we arrange blood from somewhere
Doctor: her blood group is rare so it won't be possible to arrange it so early and if we don't have blood within next 2 hrs i am sry.
Dad: w-whats her blood group maybe one o-of us could help
Doctor: it's AB negative
Mr.kim looked at BTS and they shook their heads say no. Then mr.kim looked towards black knights they also shook their heads. That's when enwoo said smth
Enwoo: i-i can help
Everyone looked towards him
Enwoo: i have the same blood group
Jin: you can give your blood?
Enwoo: yeah why not i have no problem. Doctor you can take my blood
Doctor: ok then. We'll see if your blood is healthy or not then take it. You can go with the nurse
Enwoo nodded and went with the nurse. Mr.kim held the doctor's hand and said
Dad: pls save my daughter. I only have one daughter and can't afford to lose her. Pls doctor
BTS and black knights were shocked seeing the mafia king requesting someone to save his daughter.
Doctor: we'll try our best sir.
The doctor left from there. After sometime enwoo came back after donating his blood. Then the doctor again went inside the operation theatre and the light of the operation theatre turned red.
BTS, Black knights, Mr.Kim, Enwoo, uncle Lim and aunt May all are impatiently waiting for the operation theatre door to open and they get to know that their y/n is safe.
That's when the operation theatre light turned green. They all got up from their seats and saw doctor removing her mask and cap.
The all stood there waiting for her to answer the question which wasn't coming out from their mouth because they feared that she might say smth negative which will break them apart.
They looked at the doctor with gloomy eyes and waited for her to answer
Doctor: i am glad to say that she is out of danger now
They all sighed in relief when they heard that from the doctor. They finnally let out the breath they were holding for so long.
Yeonjun: c-can we meet her.
Doctor: sure. Just wait for sometime we have shifted her to the other room but we need to do some tests on her to see if she is fine or not. After the tests are over I'll call you to meet her
They all nodded. Then the doctor left but suddenly Yoongi went and hugged enwoo.
Everyone including enwoo was shocked seeing Yoongi hug someone on his own. He doesn't hugs anyone first other than his princess. He pulled back from the hug and said.
Yoongi: thank you. Thank you soooo much i don't know how to thank you for what you have done. You saved our sister's life and i think it is all because of. So thank you very much.
Enwoo: no need to say thank you sir she is also my friend so i am glad to help
Namjoon: call us hyung no need to be so formal ok
Enwoo: ok hyung.
That's when the doctor came back.
Doctor: you can go in sir. She is awake
Y/n pov
I woke up and saw a similar celling. I looked here and there and found out that I was in a hospital. I saw the doctor and the nurse checking me.
I tried to get up and the nurse helped me to sit.
Doctor: you want smth
Y/n: water
The nurse quickly have me a glass of water and i gulped it down.
Doctor: how are you feeling
Y/n: good i guess
Doctor: alright then. I'll do some tests and then you can meet your family ok.
I nodded and the doctor again started to check me. That's when she said smth
Doctor: you are lucky you know
I looked at her confused
Doctor: your family cares too much about you. They were sitting outside the operation theatre all the time the operation was going on. I don't think they even drak a drop of water for the past 3 to 4 hrs.
She then tapped my shoulder lightly.
Doctor: you are really lucky to have them.
Y/n: indeed i am
I smiled at her she smiled back. Then she left with the nurse.
After 5 mins the door opened revealing BTS x Jin, black knights, enwoo, dad, uncle Lim and aunt May. Tae oppa came and hugged me lightly not wanting to hurt my wounds.
I wasn't able to hug him back as i can't move one of my hands but i hugged him back with my other hand.
Then dad came and held my hand. He had dry tears in his eyes
Dad: you know how much worried we were
Y/n: it's ok dad i am fine now.
I wipped his tears then he hugged me and one by one all of them hugged me. I looked here and there but didn't find Jin oppa anywhere
Hyunjin: what are you looking for
Y/n: Jin oppa. Where is he?
Then i saw BTS x Jin looking at each other
Y/n: what happened? Doesn't he want to meet me
Hobi: it's not like that
Y/n: then
Yoongi: he is angry on you
Y/n: why what did i do
Jungkook: you pulled off a stupid stunt
Y/n: what stunt
Jimin: you risked your life to save him
Y/n: so? I can't see him get hurt like that
Namjoon: last time i pulled off the same stunt and he wasn't talking to me for a month
Y/n: you mean he wasn't talking to you at all
Namjoon: he used to talk but very less and coldly with me.
Y/n: so he won't talk to me as well
Tae: we think so
Y/n: for how much time
Dad: Namjoon was hit on his arm still he wasn't talking to him for a month and you....we almost lost you so i guess he won't talk to you for a long time
Y/n: that's won't happen. I am his only princess after all how can he resist me
Hobi: he is also stubborn y/n.
Y/n: don't worry I'll make him talk to me in less than three days
Seojoon: and how will you do that
Y/n: wait and watch *smirk*
Mission: making Jin oppa talk to me like before begins
I said to myself.
To be continued............. ◉‿◉
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