A/n pov
she heard the door bell ring. She got up and went to open the door. She opened the door and found Jungkook standing there.
She again ignored him and turned around to leave but he held her hand and turned her around.
Y/n: wth!! Leave my hand *cold*
Then y/n smelled alcohol from Jungkook's t-shirt.
Y/n: WHAT THE FUCK JUNGKOOK. why are you drunk
Jungkook didn't say anything he just got inside the house and sat on the sofa. Y/n followed him.
Y/n: if Jin oppa gets to know that you drank alcohol then i am sure you are dead
Jungkook: YoU kNow yOu lOoK liKe mY sIstEr
She raised an eyebrow.
Jungkook: BuT shE iS MoRe pRetTy ThAn yoU
Y/n: you think she is pretty?
Jungkook: yEs!! VeRy pRetTy anD yOu knOw shE iS anGrY
Y/n: why is she angry
She asked him to see what he answers
Jungkook: ShE iS aNgrY oN a MF
Y/n( in mind): he's calling himself an MF
Y/n: and who is that MF
Jungkook: iTs mE. ShE iS aNgRy oN mE.
Y/n: why?
Jungkook: bEcaUsE i-i sAiD maNy abUsiVe wOrDs tO heR aNd yOu kNoW i EveN huRtEd hEr fEeliNgs bUt i dEseRve iT. I aM a rEalLy baD bRotHeR tO heR
Y/n felt a little bit bad for not forgiving him.
Y/n: Jungkook let's go to your room ok
Y/n didn't got any response so she looked at him to see him already sleeping. She sighed
Y/n: i think i need to take him to his room.
She somehow picked him up from the sofa and made him stand. She put her one hand on his waist and wrapped his hand around her neck.
Y/n: i wonder what this muscle bunny eats
She somehow managed to take him near the steps.
Y/n: ok y/n you can do this
She encouraged herself. She walked up two steps but stumbled because Jungkook weighs more then her but before they both fell down someone catched them. She looked towards Jungkook to see Taehyung and jimin holding him and Namjoon holding her.
Hobi: what the hell are you doing
She stood up straight from Namjoon's embrace
Yoongi: why are u carrying Jungkook like that
Y/n: this dumbhead is drunk
Jin: wth he drank alcohol!!!
Y/n: yes and he passed out on the sofa so i had to carry him to his room.
Tae: don't worry we'll carry him to his room.
Y/n: hmm I'll go to my room.
She went towards her room and slept.
The whole day y/n again ignored Jungkook as always. They didn't have university as it was Sunday.
Right now y/n is going on her bike to the convenience store to buy some stuff which Jin told her to bring. While riding she was thinking that should she forgive him or not.
Soon she reached the convenience store. She went inside and brought all the stuff that was told by Jin. She came outside to see it was raining.
Y/n: fuck!! Why did it had to rain right now. Now how I'll go home.
She can go home on her bike but the stuff she brought will be wet which she doesn't want. She doesn't want to get scolded by Jin.
She waited for the rain to stop but it never did. That's when a car came and stood infront of her. She ignored the car as it was Jungkook's car.
Jungkook: get in
Y/n: no thanks I'll wait for the rain to stop *cold*
Jungkook sighed
Jungkook: see y/n i know you are angry on me but pls get in the broadcast said that the rain won't stop till tomorrow morning. So pls for once keep your anger aside and get in
She sighed and went inside his car. He started to drive home. He was driving slow as it was raining heavily.
Jungkook: y/n.....*cut off*
Y/n: i don't wanna talk about it *cold*
He kept quite but y/n noticed smth that a car was following them. She ignored it for the first time but the car continued to follow them. Jungkook noticed it too.
He saw y/n also looking at the car.
Jungkook: you also think that the car is following us?
Y/n: hmm drive fast *cold*
Jungkook started to drive a bit fast the car behind them also raced it's speed. Now they were confirmed that the car was following them.
Y/n: Jungkook don't take the car home. They'll know the location of our house
Jungkook nodded and took a turn to the other side. The car was still following them.
They reached another road which was all quiet. They continued to drive on that road and the car followed them but soon there were more cars following them. There were almost 5 cars following them.
Y/n & Jungkook: shit!! It's a trap
Jungkook raced the car even more but the breaks of the car broke
Jungkook: fuck!!
Y/n: what happened
Jungkook: the car breaks aren't working
Y/n: now what
Jungkook: idk
The continued on the same road. That's when a big truck came and stood on the road infront of them. It was a bit far
Y/n: Jungkook look infront
Jungkook saw it and his eyes widen. The only thought that Jungkook had in his mind was to save his one and only sister. He removed his seat belt and went to y/n's seat. He took her in his embrace.
Y/n: what are you doing
Jungkook: saving you and i am sry y/n pls forgive me if you can
That's when the car hit the truck. The car got crushed from the front side and it rotated in the air as the impact was too much.
It landed on the ground up side down. Jungkook already lost his consciousness. Y/n had many injures but she still had her consciousness. Before closing her eyes she heard a man say.
??: Your work's done boss. I don't think they'll survive
Then slowly y/n also closed her eyes.
In Kim mansion
All the BTS members x Jungkook are waiting for the two maknaes to come home as it's already late. That's when Jin's phone rang. He looked at the caller id it was an unknown number He picked it up
Jin: hello? *Cold*
??: Hello
Jin: who is this *cold*
??: Are you somehow related to Mr.jungkook and miss y/n
Jin: yes i am their elder brother *cold*
??: I am speaking from Seoul international hospital actually they both have gotten into an accident so i called you to inform you about them.
Before she could complete her sentence Jin's phone slipped from his hand. The other members noticed it and got worried about Jin.
Jimin: hyung what happened *concern*
Jin didn't say anything. The others got more worried
Tae: hyung say smth
Hobi: who was on the phone
A tear escaped from Jin's eye. It was the first time he cried after his mother's death. The members saw.
Yoongi: hyung why are u crying. What happened *worried*
Namjoon: say smth hyung
Jin: y/n and j-jungkook
Jimin: what about them
Jin: t-they got into an a-accident
BTS x Jin and jungkook: WHAT!!!
To be continued................ ◉‿◉
Sry i wasn't able to update yesterday. I was a bit busy
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