x. Soft heart
Season one, chapter ten
"You're soft, like the summer rays"
Thea felt a profound sense of longing for her brother, Jun-Seo, as she walked alongside Mun, who inadvertently brought memories of her sibling to the surface. She cherished reminiscing about Jun-Seo, recalling him with such clarity that it almost felt as though he had never departed. She imagined him by her side during the nighttime, providing comfort and safeguarding her from the relentless nightmares that tormented her.
He was no longer present, having transitioned into a celestial being unjustly subjected to the events that transpired. Thea vividly recalls the anguished cries of Jun-seo as he and her family endured a harrowing night of torture, during which three of them tragically lost their lives while valiantly shielding Thea.
Mun expressed, "I think this is it. Yes, this one" before redirecting his gaze towards Thea with a slight smile forming on his lips "Thanks, Thea"
"Just so you know. I'm leaving if it's crowded" she cautioned. Thea harbored a strong aversion to crowded environments and wasted no time entering the nearby establishment in front of her
As Thea opened the door, it emitted a noise, prompting her to explore the surroundings. Despite being unoccupied, the space exuded a warm and inviting ambiance.
"We're about to close" The girl noted, focusing her attention on the lone female individual present, who was holding a mop and seemed to be the intended recipient of their message "You can take it to go, though"
"I see. In that case, two cups of Americano" Thea stated, as the young man beside her impatiently glanced in her direction
"One second, please" the young woman requested before excusing herself to the kitchen, leaving the two teenagers alone. Thea quickly grabbed Mun's backpack when she realized he was attempting to follow the young woman
Before beckoning him to follow, she gazed at him with a meaningful glance. Standing together before the counter, they displayed impatience as they awaited the completion of their beverage orders. Thea acknowledged the girl's remarkable beauty, and both she and Mun found themselves unable to divert their attention from the mysterious individual, whose identity remained unknown to them.
"Stop staring at her" Thea murmured quietly, despite her own difficulty in averting her eyes from the girl
Mun impatiently inquired "How am I going to do this?" His gaze fixated on the young lady positioned at the counter "You said I can tell her without her noticing. You have to tell me how"
Thea commanded "Hold my hand" as she extended her hand towards him without making eye contact. Although she appeared nonchalant about the gesture, her heart raced as if on the verge of collapse
"What?" Mun inquired with a sense of perplexity, experiencing a sensation of nervousness spreading through his body upon observing the gesture of her outstretched hand
"Hold my hand. Quickly" Thea impatiently repeated. After a moment of deliberation, Mun acquiesced to her request without further delay
"Here's your coffee" The young woman presented the coffees to the teenagers, lifting her gaze in response to Thea's touch on her hand
"I have to tell my daughter something" Thea said in a distinct tone, gazing intently into the young girl's eyes
The young woman, with tears in her eyes, asked, "Mom?" as she gazed profoundly into Thea's eyes, although she saw glimpses of her own parents instead of Thea in her eyes
The young woman appeared enchanted, as Thea ensured that the recollection remained entrenched in the young girl's consciousness for an extended period. This was also in line with Thea's own aspiration to retain a lasting memory of her family until the appropriate time to relinquish it.
"Come on, she'll be back when she's done seeing her parents" Thea elucidated while extending a cup of coffee to him from the array on the counter
"Thank you" Mun expressed gratitude as he accepted the cup from Thea's hand in a modest manner
"Let's wait outside until she comes back so we can leave without worries" Thea replied with a smile, as she picked up another cup from the counter and ushered the boy to follow her
With their hands interlocked, they both resisted the urge to release their grip, choosing instead to tighten their hold on each other, making it difficult for either of them to let go easily. The swift onset of butterflies in their stomachs was soon evident to both adolescents.
Their hearts beat in unison unbeknownst to them, Mun found himself in a state akin to a reverie as the object of his affection clasped his hand firmly, showing no sign of releasing it any time soon. The intensity of the moment overwhelmed his fragile heart, as nervousness consumed his being and flushed his cheeks with crimson.
He gazed at the young woman seated beside him on the solitary bench outside the local establishment. She appeared unfazed and ordinary, giving the impression that the situation did not perturb her. Her demeanor perplexed him greatly, as he longed to express his feelings whenever he laid eyes on her or whenever she drew near. Each time she approached, she caused him to lose awareness and cease breathing for a prolonged duration.
Did she fail to observe that? Did she overlook the way he gazes at her with a newfound understanding of love? Despite evoking a multitude of emotions within him, she remained oblivious to it all. How could such a thing be possible?
"She came back" Thea interjected, pulling him out of his reverie. He turned his gaze towards the window, observing the girl weeping as she leaned on the counter "Happy now?" she inquired, raising her cup of coffee to her lips. Mun replied with a subtle grin, nodding in agreement "I thought she had to tell her something much greater"
"Thea. There's nothing greater than that. Don't you have such memories?" Mun questioned as he glanced at her, he became acutely aware of the unfamiliarity he felt towards her, likening her to a metaphorical closed door requiring a key for access, a key that he must acquire in order to reveal what lies beyond
Thea was deprived of the chance to bid farewell to her parents and brother upon their demise, as they departed with all the cherished memories, leaving her to endure the burden of painful recollections.
"Mun" Thea uttered as she released his hand and rose from the bench, her countenance marked by a serious and aloof demeanor
"Don't get so friendly" Thea warned. She detested the notion of being confronted with reminders of her family in a way that suggested they did not impact her, as it only served to evoke feelings of vulnerability and sentimentality about her past
She glanced back at him one final time before heading off into the night, Mun chuckled knowingly as he followed behind. He found her apparent disinterest in forming a friendship intriguing, recognizing that it was not truly reflective of her character. Determined to earn her trust and companionship, he prepared to pursue her relentlessly.
It had been a few hours since Thea and Mun had said their goodbyes. Mun had gone back to his home, while Thea, with her hair damp and knotted in a towel, was deeply immersed in viewing Tik Tok videos suggested to her on her phone. With a toothbrush awkwardly held in her mouth, she smiled foolishly. Beside her, Ms. Chu, seated with a mix of affection and amusement, intermittently glanced at her while tallying the day's earnings from the restaurant.
"Plus 840,000 won... it's gone up a lot" murmured Ms. Chu as she calculated figures on a calculator. Meanwhile, Hana paused in the middle of drying her hair with a towel, glancing outside the window
"Ms. Chu, Thea" Hana remarked before quickly moving towards the glass door "I've never seen our territory shift like that" Thea shifted her attention from her phone to the scenery outside, her eyes widening at the sight of the vibrant lights of their territory
"My gosh" Ms. Chu expressed with astonishment before quickly rising from her seat, causing Thea to almost stumble over the corner of the table while mimicking her movements. Ms. Chu removed her glasses to better observe the scenery and added "Neither have I"
"Nor I" Thea responded with astonishment, her lips slightly parting in disbelief, rendering her momentarily breathless.
The territory shone like never before, surpassing any previous glow it had ever emitted. This phenomenon raised questions about its origin and cause.
"Yes, U-sik" Hana abruptly interjected, her eyes briefly illuminated in a striking shade of blue before returning to their normal state "What?" she inquired, knitting her brows before directing her gaze towards the two women flanking her "Mun, he's in danger, we must go where the territory is"
Without engaging in further dialogue, the trio swiftly gathered their belongings and promptly left the dining establishment with one clear purpose in mind: the rescue of Mun. As Hana closed the glass door behind them, she retrieved her phone from the inner pocket of her jacket. Meanwhile, Thea experienced a rush of anxiety at the mere idea of Mun being in jeopardy, feeling as if the air had been sucked out of her lungs once again.
"Mo-tak, did they contact you?" Hana asked as she walked alongside her two colleagues, holding her phone to her ear "See the territory opening near the school? He must be there"
Thea promptly settled in the rear seats of the vehicle as Ms. Chu initiated the engine and navigated towards their intended location, the abandoned factory.
Upon arriving at the scene, Thea observed a multitude of student bodies scattered around, indicating possible involvement in the bullying of Mun. The remote location of the factory, immersed in darkness, suggested a connection between the group of perpetrators and Mun's emotional turmoil.
Thea was the initial person to enter the factory and was the one to observe a thug attempting to crawl on the floor holding a piece of glass with malicious intent. Without hesitation, she applied force to his hand, causing him to writhe in pain and release the glass. She then used her foot to raise the thug's face.
"What the..." But Thea rendered him unconscious with a blow to the face using her foot
"See that? Just throw little jabs like that" Mo-tak remarked, gesturing towards Thea. She approached them anxiously, her attention fixed on Mun, whose face was streaked with blood and tears "Whack them without killing them" Mo-tak elaborated, as Thea gently cradled the boy's face in her hands, filled with concern
"Are you alright?" Thea inquired as she gently wiped away the minor blood droplets on Mun's cheeks. He affirmed his well-being, seeking Thea's gaze, and eventually clasping her hand to lock eyes with her momentarily before Ms. Chu diverted everyone's focus
"Mun!" Ms. Chu exclaimed, rushing over to the group with two assailants assisting the boy with orange hair who was lying on the ground. "Mun!" she shouted once more as the trio of attackers departed the scene "What happened here? Mun, did you do this?" Ms. Chu inquired, surveying the area with disbelief
"I'm sorry" Mun expressed regret with a lack of emotion, apologizing as the territory seemed to vanish gradually, almost mysteriously
"Mun, this is wrong. We cannot use our powers like this!" Ms. Chu reprimanded before attending to the incapacitated boys lying on the ground all over the place "His nose is broken. You hurt all these guys? You punk! Did you even hit a girl?" she exclaimed while quickly moving towards the unconscious girl on the floor. Thea, feeling conflicted, bit her lower lip and gently massaged her temples, understanding that Mun would never intentionally cause harm to innocent individuals
"No, he didn't. These pricks hurt his friends badly. That's why he lost it" Mo-tak clarified while advocating for Mun
Ms. Chu expressed incredulity with a soft murmur "My gosh," her countenance adorned with a furrowed brow
"See those two?" Mo-tak gestured towards the pair of teenagers who were lying unconscious on the ground "That boy is Mun's crybaby bestie. Get the picture?"
"Is that what happened? I think his friends are okay. They're beaten up pretty badly, but no internal injury" Ms. Chu remarked while examining both adolescents for any signs of injury
The sirens emanating from the police cars could be discerned in the far-off distance, indicating their habitual tardiness in arriving after the events had transpired.
"Ms. Chu, the cops are here" Hana announced, indicating the presence of the police by tilting her head in their direction
"Indeed" Mo-tak nodded in concurrence with her statement, as Thea expressed her irritation by clicking her tongue
Ms. Chu, in a state of desperation, asked "What do we do?" as she anxiously paced back and forth "We don't have time to heal them. Let's erase their memory and run" Ms. Chu proposed, which Thea agreed to, willing to do everything necessary to help Mun out of the difficult situation
"No, don't" Mun's unconventional statement bewildered and mystified those in attendance as he shook his head in response "I'll just... get punished for this"
"What?" Thea gazed at him skeptically, her eyes growing wider in bewilderment as she struggled to comprehend the inexplicable nature of his choice
"Why? Don't complicate things" voiced Ms. Chu with an air of concern
Mun remarked "If I don't put an end to this now, this will never end" Although he spoke the truth, it was commonly understood among those present that legal consequences were unnecessary in his case, as he had acted in self-defense
"Ung-min and Ju-yeon..." With a remorseful look on his face, Mun proceeded to elucidate as he made his way towards his two invaluable friends who lay unconscious "They're like parents to me. They helped me overcome my aphasia and walked by my side when I used to limp. Yet they keep getting hurt because of me. I won't let that happen anymore. Things got out of hand, so I'll be punished. But I'll deal with it, to end this for good"
"Why should you be punished?" Mo-tak inquired with frustration, wearing a stern expression "If you can't do anything when your friends are hurt, what are your powers for? Well done. You did the right thing, so stand tall"
"Just let us sort this out, Mun" Ms. Chu requested as she took his hands, only to have him reject the idea with a shake of his head "Goodness gracious. This reminds me of how my son made me feel" she complained, expressing her frustration and exasperation
"What? What do you mean?"Mo-tak asked with bewilderment
"He made me angry"
"This reminds me of what it's like to be a son" Mun expressed emotionally as he gazed affectionately at the woman
"What it feels like to make mom angry" Mun remarked contemplatively, gazing downward with a sense of wistfulness
"Gosh!" Ms. Chu expressed surprise and dissatisfaction, furrowing her brow in concern, unwilling to abandon the unfortunate individual to deal with the repercussions
"We've got to leave" Hana directed, upon hearing the increasing proximity of the approaching police sirens
"My gosh"
All of them were unwilling to leave Mun by himself to shoulder the blame for the consequences of his actions. Their sense of loyalty and understanding prevented them from doing so, especially when they were aware that Mun was not to blame for the situation.
"Go on. Hurry" Mun urged the group to proceed quickly, displaying no regret for his actions.
"Mun" Thea expressed concern as she approached Mun. Upon observing her troubled and hesitant demeanor, he couldn't help but experience a twinge of sadness in his heart, as he disliked seeing her in such distress
"I'll be fine"Mun provided reassurance, however, this did little to alleviate her concerns about the circumstance
"Gosh, what do I do?" Ms. Chu pondered, hesitant to leave him unattended, while Hana impulsively leaped out of a window without prior warning "My gosh. Hey wait. Hold on! Wait, what about Mun!" Ms. Chu cried out as Mo-tak quickly grabbed her arm and led her away with him
The young man observed Thea next to him, standing steadfastly in her spot. She gazed at him with a slight grin before resolutely rising onto her toes and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving him utterly stunned. Before he could respond, Thea swiftly made her way to the window and leaped after her comrades, gracefully landing on her feet.
After brushing the dirt from her hands onto her jacket, Thea sighed heavily. Placing her hand on her chest, she noticed her heart was pounding with excitement. Did she truly just do that? Had she indeed kissed his cheek?
"Why did I do that?" Thea whispered to herself in contemplation, expressing a sense of remorse through a resigned sigh
Before entering the vehicle, she reluctantly voiced her dissatisfaction internally, joining her fellow team members as they made their way inside where Hana was already seated, anticipating their arrival.
"What if he gets expelled from school?"Ms. Chu inquired, displaying a skeptical expression in response to Mun's actions
"He said he'll take responsibility and deal with it, so have faith in him" commented Mo-tak, seated in the driver's seat
"Deal with it all on his own? How? He doesn't have parents" Ms. Chu recalled with regret, feeling remorse for having abandoned Mun and leaving him on his own "Kids' fights are no different. Rich kids get away with anything. The poor ones always take the fall. That's not 'dealing with it' it's unfair"
"Then how about we say we're his parents?"Mo-tak proposed a solution, his eyes widened with enthusiasm as a clever concept arose in his thoughts
"What? Us?" Ms. Chu was taken aback and expressed disbelief when Mo-tak pointed at the two of them. She questioned with hesitation "You and me?" Mo-tak eagerly affirmed by nodding his head
"As if that's going to help him" Hana expressed skepticism, leaning towards the adults
"What is this?" They both inquired, gazing into each other's eyes as they observed Hana holding her phone "Are we thinking the same thing?"
"He wants to put an end to it. We need our boss" Hana proposed while placing her phone against her ear with a resolute expression
"How dare you call him a beggar!" Jangmul expressed indignantly as he entered the school, with Hana and Thea following closely behind "I bet you don't even have a trillion won. Hey! Let's see who ends up behind bars" He menacingly confronted the individual who had disparaged Mun
"Who the hell is this prick?" The man inquired with a quizzical expression and a sense of offense
"What? 'Prick'?" Jangmul echoed disdainfully "I'm that boy's guardian, you prick!" He gestured towards Mun, who observed the situation with utter bewilderment
"Oh, you're his guardian?" He stammered, taken aback by the unexpected presence of the sophisticated gentleman before him
"Here" Jangmul extended a handkerchief to Mun, who graciously accepted it "Your nose is bleeding" At the same time, Thea and Hana stood on either side of him, each carrying a black bag filled with pipes and bats slung over their shoulders
One of the officers narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized Jangmul, remarking "I've seen him before"
"I'll tell you what really happened. Those bullies beat up his friends and he saved them. This boy is a righteous hero" Jangmul declared as he rested his hand on Mun's shoulder "Isn't it a touching story?"
"My son can't even kill an ant. And yet what? He's a bully?" the man defended his son unequivocally
"You must be out of your mind. Do you have any proof?"
"Proof? There's plenty, you little jerk" Hana and Thea, sensing the urgency and importance of the matter, responded promptly to the imperative by tossing the black bags on the ground, causing alarm among those present due to the loud sound these made "Look officers. Did we really have to collect these weapons ourselves from the scene? This piece of the puzzle. It's crucial because those sons of birches left these there"
"What the..."
"Retrieve the fingerprints from these and compare them with those punks'. You're all guilty of attempted murder and this boy acted in self-defense, you idiots" Thea gazed at Jangmul with admiration, feeling a sense of pride in his words
"Did you say 'attempted murder'? Old man, are you trying to ruing my son's future?" The man's voice grew louder as Jangmul retrieved the handkerchief from Mun's grasp "Don't you dare!"
"You know what? One more thing. Look, his nose is bleeding" Jangmul observed, he gestured towards the individual while deftly wrapping the handkerchief around his own knuckles
"So what? You'll punch me or something?" He provocatively questioned Jangmul, staring at him intently with widened eyes
"I must get even with you"Jangmul menacingly advanced towards him
"Punch me ,punch me, then!"
"Shut your mouth, or I'll cut off your tongue!" warned before Jangmul delivered a powerful blow to the man's face. Thea observed with a sense of contentment as the man staggered backward
"He really did hit him"
"This is ridiculous!"
"Oh I know!"
"Jangmul Retail"He exclaimed in astonishment, noting the presence of Jangmul standing stiffly, devoid of expression but exuding an evident sense of pride
"Chairman Choi Jangmul!"the officer exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and astonishment
"Jangmul Retail?" Jangmul straightened his jacket, experiencing a sense of satisfaction from his achievements
"Old man!" The woman aggressively grasped the collar of Jangmul's shirt, prompting him to raise his hands in a defensive gesture, refusing to make physical contact with her "No! Let go!" Despite her protests and resistance, the officers eventually had to intervene and forcibly separate her from the old man
"Please don't do this. Sir, all they need to do is sincerely apologize to each other. That will resolve everything. Right, Mun?" Inquired the teacher urgently "Good. Just apologize to each other and..."
"Mun!" A voice from behind them interjected with a stern command "Don't apologize to them" It was revealed to be Mun's closest friend, a girl sporting bruising on her face and wearing glasses
"Never!" Ung-min concurred with a solemn nod, his visage marred with contusions
"You think it was just a prank? Look what happened" Ju-yeon expressed indignation as she pointed to her face
"This is nothing. Someone got 20 stitches after getting beaten up by them. A few even dropped out" stated Ung-nim boldly, with clenched fists
"Hey, why did you leave the hospital?"The teacher swiftly guided them by the shoulders "Go home. Go on"
"Hey! Stop! What are you doing?" Jangmul interjected with exasperation, raising his voice to capture the individual's attention "Are you really a teacher? The positive change this righteous boy brought helped them muster up the courage to step in like this. How could you hurt their feelings and tell them to leave? What's your job? As a teacher, you should listen to your students and be impartial! That's how you teach them to become better" He explained before turning to the officers "Hey, officers. See the steel pipes lying around at school?" He proceeded to forcefully strike the objects contained within the dark bag, specifically the bats and pipes "And your saying we should settle? Answer me. Oh, right. I heard one of the bullies is the mayor's son. So your playing it safe? Is that it? Yes? You don't want to get on his bad side, so you're ignoring this and how bad things can get! I'd like to make a formal request as his guardian. There are many victims! Investigate every case. Find all the bullies who hurt other students and reprimand them"
Mun turned his gaze towards the two young women, one of whom flashed a smile at him as the other came closer to offer a friendly pat on his shoulder.
"All right" Jangmul proceeded to approach Mun once again with an affirmative remark "It must've been stressful for you" Mun gratefully smiled
As Thea shifted her gaze towards Mun's friends, her cheerful expression waned upon recognizing two individuals who were distinctly familiar to her, prompting her to swiftly redirect her attention forward as she felt the onset of tears welling up in her eyes.
Author's note;
Well, to be honest this chapter was more of a conversation type than anything else, I'm not satisfied with it so tell me what you think about it here in the comments ➡️
Question of the day: Who do you think are the people that Thea saw? 🤔
See you in the next chapter!💜
Edited: 3/21/24 ☑️
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