Apologies, Parents, & The Bachelor/Bachelorette Party
Stephanie's POV
We left Earth and headed back to the fleet. Everyone was at their normal places, Kanan and Hera are in the cockpit. Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper are fighting like always. Sabine and I are in our room. She was painting and I was reading a book. "So, are you and Ezra going to make up?" She asked. "Huh? Oh, I don't know." "What do you mean by I don't know?" "He accuse me that I was cheating on him. I'm still mad at him for saying that." "Steph, that was in the past. Back there you said you'd love him." "I do love him...he's my everything..." "And you know what?" "What?" "He probably feels sorry about what he said. But he still loves you no matter what." I didn't realize this, but I was starting to tear up. Sabine pulled me into a hug as I let out little sobs. "Thanks Sabine." I said as we broke apart. "No problem, you just needed someone to talk to." "I guess I did." Then we heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Sabine said as the doors slid open reviling a very shy Ezra. "What is it Ezra?" She ask. "I-I just want to...um... ask if I can...um...borrow some paint?" He said with a cheesy smile. Chopper came in making noises. "Shhh, Chopper!" Ezra yelled. "No, no, Chopper tell me why he's really here." I demanded as he told me. "Oh, I see. So he came here to apologize?" I looked up to see Ezra rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "I'll leave you two alone, come on Chopper." She and Chopper headed out as the door closed behind them. "So. What do you have to say?" I ask. "Huh? Oh! I'm sorry for.....you know.....accusing you that you were cheating on me...and for judging Matthew even though I don't know him like you do." "And I am sorry for saying we shouldn't get married. I mean to be honest that was really harsh and it hurt me for saying it, but you know we were both mad and of course couples do fight over stupid little things." "Yeah. So we're good?" "Yeah...we're good." "But you do still have the ring. Right?" I showed him my wedding finger that had the engagement ring. "I never took it off." He came and hugged me as I returned the hug back. We both didn't realize this until we heard sniffing outside the door. Me and Ezra pulled apart from the hug and he walked towards the door. The door slid open reviling a crying Twi'lek, Jedi, Mandalorian, and Lasat. "Y'all were eavesdropping, huh?" "Yes. Yes we were." Kanan admitted.
Ezra's POV
"I can't believe it! Just three more days until the wedding! I mean I know that were only seventeen, but hey, WHO CARES!" "Steph, calm down." I laughed as she jumped up and down in the common room with excitement. "Sorry, I'm just really, really, really, REALLY excited." "I am, too." "Well you don't sound like it." "Oh believe me I'm excited." "If you say so." "How come you didn't want to have a royal wedding?" "Its to fancy. I just want a normal wedding." "What ever you want to do its fine with me?" "You get to plan this out to you know." "I know." I said as I pulled her towards me. "Are you ready for this, Mrs. Bridger?" I said giving her one of my best looks. "You don't know how long I wanted the last name Bridger." She replied "How long?" "Since when I fell in love with you." She said with a smile then rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her head. We stayed like this for several minutes, until someone came in. "I see that you two are having a moment." Hera said then Stephanie and I pulled apart. "Yeah we are. I mean the wedding is just around the corner." I said. "I'm so happy for you two. Taking a step forward into your relationship." She said giving us a warm loving smile.
"My little princess is getting married!" Mitch yelled with joy. Stephanie's parents ate staying with us until the wedding is over. "Dad." "What? I'm just happy that my little girl is growing up so fast." "We're all happy for you two. And this is a big step in life," Annabella said then got up to hug both Stephanie and I, "And pretty soon I'm going to be a grandma." "M-Mom!" Stephanie yelled as her face turned red which caused me to laugh. Annabella then release us and looked at her daughter seeing her red face. "No need to be embarrassed, dear. You and Ezra will be great parents." "Mom!" She yelled again. "Actually, having a kid around isn't such a bad idea. Its like having a little version of me and Stephanie." I added as I placed an arm around Stephanie's waist. "See, even Ezra agrees." "We'll see. I do actually want a kid." "Well if you want on so badly, go make one!" Annabella said. "Mom! Please! We will have one when we're ready!" I couldn't help myself, so I just let it all out and so did Kyle, Mitch, Kanan, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine. "Okay, okay, I'll wait." She laugh along with Stephanie.
3 Person POV
Kanan and Kyle walked into Ezra and Zeb's room to wake him up so that he can enjoy his last night of freedom. "Ezra, time to get up." The Jedi said trying to wake up his sleeping padawan. Ezra opened one eye, but then closed it and faced the other way away from him Master. "Come on Ezra, get up." He said again this time having a response from him. "Kanan, its to late to wake up." "Come on Ezra, let's go have fun! I mean after tomorrow its going to be your last day of your freedom." Kyle said. "Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" Ezra asked. "It doesn't matter right now. Let's just go have fun." Kanan replied. "Where exactly are we going?" "To a bar." "Aren't I too young to drink?" "Naw man, you'll be fine." Kyle said. "Okay then." He finally said then got up from his bed and put on his boots. "Let's go. Mitch and Zeb are waiting for us in the cargo bay." Kanan rushed "They're coming along, too?" Ezra questioned. "Yup." Kyle replied. The five men then walked out of the Ghost, into the fields of Lothal and to the bar.
"Are you sure I should drink this?" Ezra asked. "You'll be fine, Ezzy." Said a already drunk Kanan. "Chug it. Chug it. Chug it." Rooted a also drunk Kyle. "Okay, here I go then." Ezra finally made up his decision and chugged down the alcohol. "GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!" Each of the four drunk men cheered, then Ezra finnish the last drop and slammed the cup on the counter. "Wow! Let's do that again!" He said as Kanan poured him more. Five hours later all five men were having a drunk conversation. Between some words they would begin to hiccup. "So E-Ezra. How did you feel?" Zeb ask between hiccups. "L-like a man enj-oying his last day being fr-ee." A drunk Ezra replied. "Come on gu-ys, we should he-ad back to the Gh-ost." Mitch suggested. They all got up, almost falling but regained their balance and walked out the bar and headed back to the Ghost.
After the boys left the Ghost, the girls were all in the common room. "Okay Stephanie, since this is you last night being a free women we have something planned for you." Hera exclaimed. Annabella and Hera then went to the kitchen and came back with five big bottles of Alcohol and four cups. "Mom? Your seriously going to let me drink?" Her daughter ask in curiosity. "Why yes. I mean your almost an adult so why not." She said as she gave Stephanie a cup of alcohol." "Well, here goes nothing." She said then drank it all in four gulps. When she finnish the last drop she set the cup on the checkered table. "Oh. My. Glob." She said, satisfied by what she drank. Four hours later the boys came home to find four girls drunk in the common room. "Ezra baby, where have you been?" His drunk soon to be wife walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him for support since she was stumbling all over the place. "Out enjo-ying my last nig-ht of freedom." He replied hiccupping between words again. "That good." She said then slowly laid herself on the floor and so did Ezra. "Er-Mah-Gerd I feel so great." "So do I." The others left the common room leaving Ezra and Stephanie on the floor. The two were silent well for a while until Stephanie decided to sing. "Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you Oh shall I stay, would it be a sin. Oh if I can't help falling in love with you. Oh like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling so it goes some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. Oh for I can't help falling in love with you. Oh like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling so it goes some things are meant to be. Oh oo-ooh take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you. Oh oo-ooh for I, I can't help falling in love with you." She sang then drifted off to sleep. Ezra was still awake but also drifted of to sleep, but be for he did. He wrapped Stephanie in his arms then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead making her nose twitch in a cute way. He grinned then fell asleep.
A/N: I know I'm late but happy May the fourth!!!! Er-Mah-Gerd I'm so tired, but I need to tell y'all something........there's two more chapters left for this book to be finished. Yup, that's right. "My Only Love: A Star Wars Rebels Fanfic" is coming to an end. And to be honest it feels weird just thinking about this book coming to an end and never getting any new chapters, but the book got to end sooner or later. May the force be with you......
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