Davekat 1
There was about three davekat stories I had. One called dump of Ideas. This is that.
I awoke to the sound of my alarm beeping. I slowly sat up and looked around my messy room. There were my bros puppets everywhere, and katanas scattered across the room. My clothes still soaking wet from the night before. I stood up, and walked forward as I try to remember what had happened. Okay, so there was a back to school party that my bro threw, and I got thrown out in the rain. I trudge through the room with my long sleeved white shirt and red boxers. I got to the door and paused for a bit. I wonder if bro got any apple juice last night.
"AACCHHHOOO!!!" I sneezed unexpectedly. I wiped it with my sleeve and opened the door. I braced for a messy apartment, even messier than usual. But as I glanced around, it was all just the same. Puppets stuffed in the blender and microwave, little Cal chilling on the fridge. I walked over to little Cal to give him a fist pump, like bros do, but he moved before I could even give him one, but that's OK. Bro should be recovering after we spared last night. I was sick of his shit anyway.
I glanced in the fridge to see if we had any apple juice left. As it opened, more puppets and katanas flooded the room. Shit.... Guess I'll have to get some at school. I walked away from the fridge, leaving the pile of garbage on the ground. I look up to the attic, where my bro is. I tried to convince him yesterday to let me stay home, to take care of him, but of course, that didn't help my case. Since bro just locks himself in his room, only coming out for the bathroom, food, water, basically the essentials. I walked back to my room to get dressed. I half tripped on some puppets, but I ended up kicking them away.
I got dressed in the usual of a record t-shirt that's red, black, and white. I got my jeans on, and then started to look for some socks. I couldn't find any in my room, and the time was running out. I had to be at school by 7:45 and it was rounding 7:30. I walked out of my room, and stopped infront of bros attic. I tugged on the string, and down went a pile of puppets. I walked through the puppets, and into the attic. I knew that bro would be upset to see me, but I didn't care. We loved each other, and that's all that matters.
As I continued forward, I noticed that bro wasn't in his bed. I looked around to see if he had fallen off, but he didn't.
"Bro! Come out! I need you." With that, bro appeared like a ninja, but as far as that goes, I could never be him. I scolded him on not resting for a bit, but then asked where were some socks. He pointed to them, sipping a carton of apple juice. I lifted my hand, ready to speak, but he stopped me before I could ask.
"No, there is no more apple juice." He said in a gravely voice, so I guess the hangover got to him. I got the socks and walked to my room. I put on the socks and my shoes, which where red and black. I got my coat and backpack, and started to walk out the door. Bro stopped infront of me, holding a katana.
"Bro, I can't bring katanas to school. They'll expell me." I tried to warn bro I couldn't take it, but he wouldn't listen. I ended up putting it in my backpack. I know it may sound crazy for a backpack, but it's not that big. It's an artifact my bro got when he was little. It could take a person, and still looks the same.
As I put my hand on the handle, I stopped. I forgot my sunglasses. I rushed back to my room, and on my dresser, were my sunglasses. I quickly grabbed them and rushed out of the door.
It was a foggy morning, and really damn cold. I checked on my phone how cold it was, and it turned to be 28°F. I tried to walk fast since it was 7:38 right now. And who wants to be late to school? I know I don't. I speed walked through the neighborhood, since the school was only a 5 minute walk. But as I glanced around, I noticed someone else was running towards the school. I didn't get a good look, but I noticed they dropped something. I walked over to the other side of the street to see what it was. It seemed to be a phone with the zodiac Cancer sign. I decided to hold on to it, untill I find them.
I got to school at 7:42, rushing to get to class. I memorized my schedule, so my first period class would be History. I ran through the hall to my class, since we didn't have lockers yet. I made it to class at 7:44, with one minute left. I took my seat, checking my pockets if I had dropped anything. Thank god. I looked around me, to see if there was anyone I knew. I saw a figure in the back with his legs up on his desk and leaning back in his chair. He was wearing black shoes, blue jeans, and a black shirt with the Cancer sign. His hair was black, his skin color was gray, and he had horns on the top of his head, little stubby ones. Must be a cosplayer. Anyway, regardless, I wanted to walk up to him, and give him his phone, but class started and the teacher walked through the room.
"Okay class. I'm your new History teacher. I bet I can tell you, your gonna have a great time. My name is Ms.Garrison." Ms.Garrison then took her seat and took role. As I waited for my name, I heard some pretty strange names. Huh, Nepeta Leijon. What a name. I looked around some more, and the only kid I knew in here was John Egbert. He's a pretty good guy, and went through a lot. I mean, our friend group is pretty insane.
"Dave Strider?" Ms. Garrison said, looking up to see if he was here.
"Here" I said, raising my hand. She nodded and continued role call. I looked about a few rows behind me to where the kid was, waiting to see when he would respond. He was the last kid called, his name being Karkat Vantas. He looked bored, almost tired, and was rocking back and forth in his chair. He finally stopped, and looked straight at me. He eyed me suspiciously, and then continued to rock in his chair. I tried to focus on what we were doing, shaking the experience from my head.
"Today class, you are going to introduce yourself to the class. State your name, 2 things about yourself, and what you want to learn this year. Let's start over here," she said pointing at Karkat. "You first." Karkat reluctantly got up from his seat and walked to the front of the class.
"My name is Karkat Vantas, I have 2 older brothers, and I have a mystery blood color. I hope to learn nothing in this class." Karkat then took his seat, while Ms. Garrison was in utter shock. What the hell, "mystery blood color"? What does that mean? As John, Ms. Garrison, and a few others were in shock, some people clapped and praised Karkat for whatever he did. One of them even said "spoken like a true Vantas", and that made no sense. Ms. Garrison furrowed her eyebrows, and marched to Karkat's desk.
"Young man, you better tell me what stunt you are pulling right now." Ms. Garrison said, trying to be firm. Karkat just looked puzzled.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about your presentation young man. It was utterly wrong."
"What do you fucking mean?"
"I mean how you made up a 'mystery blood color' and how you didn't want to learn anything. This is unexceptional." Ms. Garrison said, frustrated and trying not to explode.
"But it's true, ask anyone here with horns, they'll tell you they don't know my blood color." Karkat said, pointing at the people with horns. Ms. Garrison looked around, angry at the people with horns. She then walked up to someone similar to Karkat, only this dude looked like a clown and had different shaped horns on. She then tried to rip off his horns, but the wouldn't come off. The dude was actually ok with this. She then tried to wipe of the "face paint" that they used, but that wouldn't come off either. She finally gave up on appearances and resorted to questions.
"Does he really have a mystery blood color?" Ms. Garrison asked doubtfully.
"He motherfucking does. He's a motherfucking miracle." The dude said, his voice trying to stay cool. Ms. Garrison couldn't believe this.
"Fine. What's your blood color then? Surely it's not a mystery." Ms. Garrison said, and with that, the dude took a sharp object, cut himself, and said with a smile; "It's dark purple."
And sure enough, it was. Ms. Garrison stared in horror as the other people with horns clapped. I stared in awe, and looked back to Karkat. He was smiling, showing his sharp teeth. I don't know why, but I started to blush. I quickly looked back at my desk. I didn't know what he was, or what his blood color was, but I wanted it to be sliver. It would suite him.
The bell rang, and most people took their leave. I picked up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. I looked back to Karkat's desk and saw him grabbing his backpack. I decided to walk over and give him his phone. I walked towards his desk and set his phone down on the surface.
"Here. You dropped it." I said. He looked at me for a second and then continued to pack.
"Thanks." He said as he pushed me away. He walked off without another word. I froze, recollecting what had happened in this class. I walked off to my next class, Science. It wasn't too far from here, so at least that's good.
I arrived to class, and the first thing I see is Karkat in the back, leaning back on his chair. He wasn't socializing with the other horned people, or anyone at all. The seat to the right of him was free, but the one on the left had a chick with red glasses, a teal tongue, horns, and a cane. She also had black lipstick on, not to mention her shirt had the Libra zodiac sign on it. She was busy yapping away while Karkat silently listened. He nodded to everything she said, only glancing at her from time to time. I took the seat next to him, because that was the only seat left opened. The bell rang, signaling the start of class. Our teacher walked in, dressed in a lab coat and tie.
"Hello class, and welcome to science. My name is Mr. Cluad." He said as he wrote his name on the board. The girl on Karkat's left shot her hand up.
"Yes Ms...." Mr. Cluad said as he looked up her name. "Pyrope."
"How do to spell Cluad?" She asked. The non-horned people started to chuckle. The horned people expected Mr.Cluad to answer her.
"Well Ms. Pyrope, can't you see it on the board?" Mr. Cluad said, trying to handle what he thought was an attempt at a joke.
"No, I can't, I'm blind. And the only way I can tell us if you tell me or have a piece of paper with your name on it." She said. The laughter died down, and the horned people nodded at this information.
"Ok, well it's spelled M-R.-C-L-U-A-D. Did you get that?" He asked. She pulled out her phone and started typing the letters.
"Done!" She said as she licked her screen. "Mmm blue raspberry." She exclaimed, as everyone else who had horns carried on with their business. Mr. Cluad regained the attention of the class.
We started learning about science stuff. I looked over at Karkat, and he was listening to music on his phone. Even his earbuds had the Cancer sign. What does that mean? I studied his body language, the way he was, and tried to figure out what the sign meant. While Mr. Cluad was talking, it seemed as Karkat didn't have a care in the world. He wasn't even paying attention.
I didn't come to a conclusion after class. He was just so hard to read. I packed up my stuff and was headed towards my next class, Math, but Karkat stopped me.
"Hey dude, what's your class after this one?" He asked. His eyes was sincere and curious.
"Math." I answered bluntly. I didn't know how to act.
"Huh. Mine too. Which classroom? I have 167." He said looking at his schedule. He folded it when he was done, and continued walking.
"Same." I answered. Why is he talking to me? He just started to talk to me, so why?.
"Hey dude, I gotta question, why don't you see us as horrific people or fucking idiots?" He asked, looking at me. I didn't know what to say, but I had a thought.
"Probably because you and your friends are different, but nobody really just got to know you. I mean, you don't judge a book by it's cover, everyone knows that." I answered, and it felt right. I mean, they weren't demonic or crazy, they were just themselves. Karkat looked up at me and smiled.
"Thanks, but I don't need any fucking praise." He said. "Oh, what's a book?" He asked. I was actually astonished how he didn't know what a book was.
"A book is something you read off of. It has knowledge and experience, also great stories. I'll take you to the library after lunch, ok?" He nodded as we headed into class. I noticed Rose right off the spot, but didn't feel like talking to her. Well actually Rose was talking to a horned person.
I followed Karkat to his seat. What the hell are they called anyway? I took a seat next to him, only to find once again it was the only seat available. I got ready to speak, and then the bell rang.
I looked down at my desk, not noticing the teacher or the room. I got out a piece of paper and wrote: what are you guys called anyway? I tossed it over to him. He looked at me surprised, read the note, scribbled on it, and tossed it back. It read: WE'RE CALLED FUCKING TROLLS. I noticed he wrote the same way as English, so he must have grown up using our terms. But how? I've never seen his species before. Oh well. That's a question for another day. I tried to focus on our pretest, but there was no way in hell that was happening. I looked over to Karkat, and it seemed that he was breezing by these questions. I looked down on my paper again and tried to focus. I could do this.
The bell rang, and I finished the last question. Karkat was leaning back in his chair again. I believe he was napping. His eyes still closed, slightly. I passed my paper forward and looked beside me. He got down and started to pack up his things. His eyes red from the nap.
"Hey Karkat, you ok? You're acting like you're really tired." I said, trying not to sound like a dumbass.
"Yeah, it's just my older brothers stayed up too late last night partying, and I had to take care of them." He replied, and with that, left.
I didn't ask for Karkat to wait up, since he really didn't have my trust yet. Plus he wouldn't open up to a complete stranger. I got out of Math and walked to lunch. Man, what a pain in the ass. I got passed through the double doors that lead into the lunchroom until I heard someone mumble under their breath. I looked behind the left door, and sure enough, Karkat was sitting in the corner.
"What the hell do you want?" He asked, his eyes redder than before.
"Dude, Karkat, have you been crying?" I asked, concerned.
"Fuck no. Leave me alone. Go away." Karkat said, turning his head away from my face. I stepped closer and forced his eyes to reach mine.
"Dude, let me come over to your house tonight. You need serious help." He pushed me away, knocking me to the ground, and ran out of the school. I stood there, wondering what to do. Without thinking, I ran after him. I'll end up skipping the rest of the day, but I don't care. I'm worried about Karkat. Luckily, he was walking by the time I caught up with him.
"Karkat, come on, I know you won't go back to school, but the least you could do is not running of on your own. So come on, I'm going to your house. And don't argue with me."
He looked at me, trying not to cry. But he started crying again. He was crying what looked like blood, but I let him. He was another species, and I didn't know their anatomy. I pated him on the back as we walked.
We finally reached his house, which was an old victorian house. He walked to the front of his house and slammed the door, leaving me outside. I smiled at the thought and walked back to school.
"See ya tomorrow Karkat." I yelled out. As I walked, I recalled that Karkat didn't have his backpack with him. I'll just bring it to him.
I arrived at school just in time for my elective, Radio. I know I'm a DJ person, but the school doesn't have a rap or DJ course, so radio was the closest thing. I walked in the classroom, expecting to be late, but I was actually early. The teacher walked in a bit late, pushing a cart with a sound system on it.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Peterson, and I'll be your Radiology teacher. Today we are going to learn about a sound system." As he went on, I tried to stay focused, but he wouldn't leave my head. It was like he haunted me. It wasn't like I needed to listen in anyway, I mean I use a sound system for my DJ table.
I laid back in my chair and started to fall asleep. I dreamt of Karkat, in a dress. I have no idea why, but it was cute. The dress was red, black, and white. He was on the ground, acting all cute, until he said my name.
"Dave... Dave!" I immediately snapped out of my dream. I fell backwards, my back hitting against the ground. I opened my eyes to see Karkat there, looming above me and looking at me, puzzled.
"Karkat?! What are you doing here, I thought you went home. And how did you get my name?" I asked, because I didn't give him my name, the last I remember.
"I pay attention when names are said in classes ya know, now get up. It's almost 9:00." He said as he pulled me up. I thought for a moment. Wait, it's 9:00? I thought it was 10:00.
"Wait, what do you mean by 9:00?"
"Dude, Dave, you fucking slept through the whole day. It's 9:00 p.m." Karkat said, pulling the curtains behind a window to reveal it's night. The night sky dazzling with diamonds, made it feel special.
"So why are you here?" I asked, half excepting the answer to be because of his backpack.
"Well, part of it was my backpack, and the other was..... Well..... You didn't come home." Karkat said, blushing intensely. He was looking down on the floor, like he was ashamed for what he said.
I felt my face getting hotter too. "Well let's grab our stuff and walk home, ok?" I didn't even wait for an answer. I started grabbing my backpack and heading out of the room. Karkat followed behind, embarrassed.
"Hey, how did ya know I wasn't home?" I asked, out of curiosity and paranoia.
"Oh, you don't know. Our houses are close together, across the street actually." He said, and I could hear his sincere thoughts has he said it.
We walked in silence for most of the way. Occasionally we would talk, but we kept it short. The moon was shining down on us, almost directly. The stars and the sky are something that I haven't seen in a while.
"Hey Karkat,"
"Do you love me?"
Karkat's eyes widen as I turned to look. Even though my eyes were covered, my eyes told everything. As a shooting star shoots across the sky, he stepped towards me, and takes off my sunglasses. He sees my red velvet eyes and leans forward for a kiss.
"I do." He whispers in my ear, and kisses lightly on my lips, as if waiting for permission. And I let him, returning the kiss. We shared one last passionate kiss under the stars.
"Karkat, thank you."
"For what?"
"Opening up my world."
We walked home through the starry night, making it a magical night indeed. We stopped at Karkat's house, which was really across the street from mine. Karkat started to say goodbye, but I stopped him.
"Could I come over to your house? For tonight? My bro is gonna get pissed." I asked, reaching for Karkats hand. He looked at the hand, and then at me.
"Ok, but don't get to excited." His face was a red beet right now. I smiled a charismatic smile and followed him inside. Inside was a lot nicer than the outside, with red wallpaper and beautiful furniture. You could hardly call it a house.
In the living room, there were 2 people sitting and watching TV. One was yapping away with hair, similar to Karkat's, but wearing a red turtleneck sweater and black jeans. The other one was wearing a hood, and some black and red jeans. You could see is chest if he moves a certain way. I stare in astonishment how they are related to Karkat in any way.
"Hey fucktards, I brought a friend." Karkat announced, causing both of them to look up, and the red turtleneck sweater troll started talking again.
"Karkat, I do not believe you should have any friends, for you are not worthy to have any. You use to much foul language, your mind is like a rotting corpse, and.." He was cut off by the other one, slapping duck tape on his mouth.
"I'm terribly sorry about that. Welcome to our home. My name is Seerkat and this is Kankri." The hooded figure said, extending his hand. I took it, and was staring at Kankri, who was trying to pull the duck tape off.
"I'm Dave, and it's a pleasure to meet you." I said, trying to be as nice as I can right now. Kankri finally got a brain and reached for the scissors, hitting the open blade and cutting himself. He started to bleed at his fingertips, staining his turtleneck sweater.
"Anyway asshats, we're off." Karkat said, dragging my hand up the stairs. Wait, I just saw Karkat's blood line, and it was perfectly fine. What the hell? He swung open his door with full force, making a loud crashing sound downstairs. I winced at the commotion, but Karkat seemed unfazed. He went on his bed, laying on his back, and stared up at the ceiling.
"Hey, what do you want to do?" He asked, still staring at the ceiling.
"Hmm. Anything really." I said. Karkat sat straight up, looking at me with wide eyes.
"Fine, we're gonna watch some rom-coms. I'll pick it." He said, getting straight up and heading over to the DVD rack. He picked 10 things I hate about you and plopped it in the DVD player. He even had a flat screen TV, so I would say it's pretty impressive.
As he was getting everything ready, I closed the door and sat on the bed. The bed was so soft and comfy, I wouldn't mind staying the night here.
He sat back down, a wide smile across his face. He cuddled up against me, as if I was a pillow. I smiled slightly as I watched the movie.
About 5 minutes in, Karkat was already going through a box of tissues. I then realized that his tears was the same color as his blood, red. But not just red, human blood red. It made it even more adorable to try and watch the movie with him flipping out.
We were at the moment where she was sent to the counselors for the 2nd time, and he was bawling. I looked down and hugged him, he he stopped for a split second. But another sound came, it was like a cat. Is he purring?? I leaned closer to get a better hear, but I ended up falling forward, hitting my head first into the ground.
I sat up, pain still in my system. Karkat was trying to pull me up on the bed, giving it most of his strength. I got up and laid down on the bed, on my stomach. I wanted to still watch the movie anyway. He was beside me, on his stomach, trying to enjoy the rest of the movie.
Ok, it's about 30 minutes into the movie, and he has gone through 10 whole boxes of tissues. He's crying hysterically, and I'm beside him, trying to comfort him. I hold onto him, no longer laying down, and rocking him back and forth. He's wailing, words trying to come out, but can't. I can't make out what he is saying, but it's drowning out the movie.
He finally shuts up for a big scene, then starts wailing again. This time I could hear him say how it wasn't fair, just kiss already, etc. I tried not to laugh on how moved Karkat is by rom-coms, but im not judging either. I actually love that about him right now.
After about 60 boxes of tissues later, the movie ends, and Karkat is purring on my lap. He's cradled like a baby, holding on to me for dear life. I relax and lay down, pulling Karkat down with me. Eventually I found the remote for the TV on the dresser and turned it off.
I pulled the covers up about to Karkat's chest, and started to drift off to sleep myself. I dreamt about Karkat being an actual cat, it was so cute. Imagine that, having a Neko boyfriend. Oh, the hours of fun and happiness!
I awoke a few hours later, having Karkat not being attached to me anymore . I sat up, and went to go sleep on the couch, I didn't know why, but I needed to focus my attention on something else for a bit. As I was opening the door, Karkat slowly awoke to. He sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes.
"Where are you going, asshole?" He said, considering I just woke him up. He looked at me with the determination to get the information out of me, but there's no need for a cat fight.
"Im gonna go sleep on the couch." I said, closing the door behind me. As I walked down the stairs, I heard excessive amounts of talking. I looked to see what's going on, and it turns out that Seerkat and Kankri were drunk.
I slowly walked back up the stairs, into Karkat's room , and closed the door lightly. I then took a pillow, and decided to sleep on the floor. Karkat looked over his bed.
I moved so I couldn't see him in my eyesight, but he just grabbed a comforter, and joined me down there. He grabbed me around my neck, and pulled in close.
"Hey, you know you can sleep on my bed if you want. It's a lot more comfortable than the ground." He spoke softly, making me blush. I took off my sunglasses, and looked him straight in the eyes .
"Are you sure?" I said, still blushing. My velvet eyes looked into his, making him blush even more. He slightly nodded, and went in for a kiss.
I awoke the next morning to the sounds of someone crying. I looked over to see Karkat sitting up, crying silently. Tears gently go down his cheeks as he struggles to breathe, shaking after every breath. I quickly sit up, grabbing at his waist and pulling him in close.
His breath relaxes, and he starts to calm down. I touched his candy corn horns with one hand, and still holding on to him with the other. I hear him gently purr, causing me to put my head on his shoulders. His tears slowly stop, and he turns to hug me back. Throwing his arms around me, and gripping tightly. I return the hug, but a bit gentle than Karkat's. He pulls away and looks straight at me with his cute eyes.
I start to take my thumb and index finger and lift his chin up. I move in for the kiss. My tender lips touch his, making him blush slightly. I close my eyes, feeling the wet spots where the tears fell down. I pulled back, looking at the expression that he gave. It was like he was captivated, helpless to my touch.
I stood up and looked through the window. It was a nice, sunny day with a bit of clouds. Didn't looked like it was gonna rain though. I looked back at Karkat, who stared at me confused. I walked over to my backpack, got my phone out, and checked the time. 7:15, nice. Karkat still looked at me, confused on what I was doing.
"Dave, what the fuck are you doing?" He asked as I rifled through his stuff. I was looking for a hairbrush, but I guess everyone doesn't need one.
"Karkat, did you forget? We have school now." I said, waving my phone. He groaned at the thought of school. In nothing but a grey sweater and boxers, Karkat got dressed, as I was just trying to freshen up my image.
We walked to school at 7:35, holding hands and playfully swinging our arms up and down. The sun radiating of my glasses, and Karkat holding my hand, I could tell the world was a bit brighter.
Once we reached the front of school, we let go of our grasp and walked side by side, talking about whatever came to our minds. The endless conversation could've gone on for hours, if we weren't already in History. We took our seats as Ms. Garrison trailed off. Something about 1901, devastating.
I looked around me some more. Looks like most kids forgot the incident, well except Ms. Garrison, she seems pretty shaken. As I look at her, I can see how she's gotten barely enough sleep. There's bags under her eyes, and her eye is twitching.
"Alright, Karkat, could you please summarize what I just told you about? Remember?" Ms. Garrison said, smiling, trying to be normal. I can tell how her pupils dilated that she was going crazy. And not the fun kind.
Karkat looked up from his pencil. His paper was scribbled on, either writing or drawing. He dropped his pencil and sat up straight. "I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?"
"I said, Mr. Vantas, could you please summarize what had happened in 1901?" She said again, and god, I feel as if she's gonna snap at any moment.
"Oh, well, in 1901, shit happened, and it was devastating because you had to walk to school, there was no transportation, no electricity, no phones, computers, tablets, iPhones, etc. We didn't have airplanes, any high tech stuff, normally what there is now." Karkat said, his face actually serious. I looked back at Ms. Garrison, her face in great and utter shock.
"Uh, yes, Mr. Vantas, that's right." Wait, so that whole lecture was about pointless crap. Great going Ms. Garrison. I kinda sat there for a while, bored, and looking at Karkat. My thoughts were filled with him, and I don't know why. He noticed me staring, and glanced over. I suddenly snapped out of it and looked at my desk. There was a paper, but it was blank.
"Might as well write some raps." I said as I started to rhyme, my thoughts out of time. I wrote about Karkat, and what I knew about that. I expressed how he made me feel, like he'd heal.
I ended up filling up the whole paper, front and back, full of raps. The bell rang and Ms. Garrison passed a piece of paper to every student. It had our locker number and combination written on it. I glanced over to Karkat, who just got his.
"Hey Karkat, what's your number?" I asked as I headed towards his desk. I glanced at the paper and saw that it was 667. We headed out the door, searching for our lockers. My number was 669. Karkat's locker was to the left of me, so I glanced over and smiled at Karkat. I put my backpack in my locker, as well as putting my binders and books out to show. I grabbed my Science and Math binder, as well as my books, and started to head off to class. Karkat followed behind, stumbling at the sudden movement.
We headed to class, grabbing my materials and walking towards my desk. Karkat followed close behind, keeping quiet. I looked behind me, to see him glancing at the floor. I lifted his chin with my free hand, setting my stuff down on my desk with the other. Karkat blushed at the sudden contact, making him actually looking up at my eyes.
"Hey, you doing ok?" I asked, still lifting his chin. He looked up at me, and pushed me away. But he didn't get far, for I grabbed his wrist and leaned in closer after he pushed me.
"Tell me, what's wrong?" I asked, our faces inches away from each other.
"Let go of me you fucking piece of shit." Karkat quietly said, still not looking me in the eyes. He tried to wiggle his way out, but I didn't let my grip go. God dammit, I needed to know what was going on. Even if it meant I needed to use any type of force.
I kissed him, startling him. It was a quick peck, but it gave me enough time to look at his wide eyes, shocked face, and hopeless state. "Tell me," I said, snapping his thoughts back at me.
"Fine I'll tell you, during lunch." Karkat said, still avoiding eye contact. I let go of his wrist and sat down at my desk. All that time, the classmates either were staring at us, with confused faces, or minding their own business. Mr. Cluad came in, writing Macro scale on the board.
"Class, today we will touch briefly about molecular biology for the next couple of days. First, we will start with the terms. Can anyone tell me what the definition is?" Mr. Cluad said, pointing at the board. As they continued the lecture, I looked at Karkat once more. It was as if something was taking up his mind.
The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I packed up my things and started to head out the door, but Karkat stopped me. He put his hand on my shoulder, turning me around.
"Hey Karkat, you doing alright?" I asked, trying not to loose my cool, and I'm really trying. It's hard to when someone you love is looking at you with those cute, beady eyes.
"Yeah, uh, Dave? Um... I'm sorry, nevermind." Karkat quickly apologized and rushed off to get his math book. I followed, with a more slower pace. I opened my locker, grabbed my book, and headed off to class.
I arrived to class, barely acknowledge anyone as I walk to my desk. Karkat didn't really look up from his desk, more or less his paper. The paper was covered in drawings. They were actually pretty good.
The teacher walked in and handed back our tests. I looked at mine, 19/20, almost. I glanced over at Karkat's paper. 20/20 was written in red on the top, with along sentence to go with the perfect score.
I tried to make out the sentence, but Karkat answered it for me.
"Hey dude, I got 20/20 but she wants to see me after class. Why?"
"Probably because she wants you out of her class and onto advance." I replied, leaning back in my chair. I kicked my feet up onto the desk. Karkat just scribbled on his paper.
"Hey Karkat, whatcha drawing?" I asked as I tried to lean closer. My balance failed and I fell face first on the floor. Karkat looked at me annoyed and continued to draw, while everyone else laughed.
"You're gonna ruin your pretty face Strider." Karkat half whispered, half mumbled. I got up and fixed myself, fixed the desk, and plopped myself back on the chair.
"Listen, all I want to know is what's up. Why is that so hard?" I asked, drowning out the teacher in the process. He looked at me and sighed. Going back to drawing. That little shit! I went to fish put a piece of paper from my binder. I got it and threw it at Karkat.
"We aren't done talking. We aren't even close." On the note, it said to meet during our lunch at the front of the school. Then I would take him somewhere. He looked at me, looked back at the note, sighed, and tucked it away in his pockets.
I waited at the front door for Karkat. He looked at me, still pissed off. I extended my hand, waiting for him to take it. He reluctantly agreed, grabbing hold of my hand. I then took off, running to a nearby deserted forest. Nothing but trees for miles.
After we gone in far enough, I stopped. I let go of his hand and faced Karkat. "Ok, what the hell is wrong with you. You've been acting weird lately. To the point where I had to drag you out here." I said, acting as calmly and concerned as I can.
Karkat sighed, looked up at the ground, and spoke in a hushed whisper. "Dave, what are we?"
I was kinda startled by the question, thinking he already knew. I was about to open my mouth, but then he rambled on. "I mean, are we matesprites, or are we moirails, or are we the spades none of us wants to talk about." He finally took a breath. "Please, I gotta know." I watched him with curiosity.
"Ok, well, according to your standards then we're matesprites." I said recollecting my thoughts. I saw Karkat's face, and it was beaming. He threw his arms around me in a big embrace. I hugged him back and put my lips to his forehead.
"I love you Karkat."
"I love you too Dave."
"Hey Karkat," I said as we walked to our lockers. "Do you have anyone else to talk to?" Karkat looked at me, giving me a curious look.
"Where are you going with this? Of course I have friends asshole." He said looking back at the ground.
"Dude, do you really talk to anyone else? I mean, there is the chick in science class that rambles on and on, but I don't see you guys hanging out often. And then there was that Gamzee person who seems high as hell." I stopped for a moment. Karkat looked back at me with an angry face.
"Here, I may not talk to them, but I know about them, so we are moirails. It may not seem like it, but they matter to me." He said in defense. I smiled and rest my arm on his head. He tried to push my arm off but failed and hit my head. I laughed and he was persistent on trying to get my arm off him. I finally stopped and grabbed my notebook for Radiology.
"Hey Karkat, what class do you have now?" I asked. I closed my locker and looked at him as he pulled out his slip of paper.
"I have Art." Karkat said slipping the piece of paper back in his pocket. Well that explains it.
"You know, you should draw me a picture at some point. I heard you're an excellent artist." I said teasing. He looked up and almost blew a fuse.
"Where did you here that!?!"
I laughed and headed to class on the opposite side of the building. My smile quickly faded as I left Karkat. I stared at the floor, not making any eye contact. I walked into class and took my seat in the far right, in the back. Once again, the teacher came in late and was pulling a different cart full of microphones and recording systems.
"Ok class, today we are going to learn how to use and record using a microphone." He rambled. I didn't have to listen, because I'm a DJ and I know how to use this shit. I look at the blank notebook on my desk and started to rap.
This and that, that and this
Hopefully I can end this shit
Karkat's on my mind
Like the fourth of July
I can't escape his grasp
But that's why I rap
It clears my mind to think
So I don't go on the brink
Of insanity
Oh the profanity
Radiology sucks dick
As much as I'm a prick
Karkat loves Dave
Even if he misbehaves
DJ's my heart
It's a work of art
I love you baby
And maybe
You do too.
Class ended and I looked at my rap. It was beautiful. I was thinking of giving it to Karkat. Tape it to his locker, and see him smile at my attempt of art. I packed up my stuff and was about to head out the door untill the teacher stopped me.
"Dave, can we please have a word?" Mr. Peterson asked. I nodded and headed over to his desk.
"Dave, can you please tell me why you aren't paying attention to my class?" He asked, lifting his eyes from his papers to look at my shades.
"Well sir, sorry to burst your bubble but I already know this stuff." I say, trying to rush it so I can go to PE. Mr. Peterson looked intriuged.
"And what do you mean that you 'already know this stuff'?"
"Well I'm a DJ, and I've been one since I was 5 years old." I say. Mr. Peterson nodded and waved me away to go to my next class. I hurry to my locker and put my stuff in. I then grab my PE clothes and head to the gym.
I rush in the locker room to find it almost deserted. Looks like not a lot of boys are in the class. I do spot a familiar face.
"Karkat!!" I hug him as he looks surprised to see me.
"Dave, what the fuck! I'm getting dressed here." He tried to push me away, but I reluctantly agreed, only still smiling like an idiot. I get dressed quickly and follow Karkat outside the locker room, shooting hoops. There was then a whistle and all the girls start flooding the room. They were all staring at me and motioning me to come and join. Karkat looked annoyed but I put my arm around his shoulder and pat it.
"Don't worry, they are never going to steal me away." Karkat smiled and continued to shoot hoops with me.
The whistle blew again, signaling to put the balls away. I take both of our basketballs and put them in the cart. I then jog over to where Karkat was sitting and sat with him on the ground. The girls were swooning over me, but I didn't pay much attention to them.
"I'm Mr. Johnson, your PE teacher. If you talk while I'm talking, you do a perimeter." He pointed at a couple of girls who then got up and ran out the door. "Our grading system is point based. Do a good job, show your effort, wear your PE clothes, and don't do a perimeter, then you'll get a A. Got that? Good." With that, he split us into two lines, boys and girls. Karkat and I got to sit on the bleachers while the girls sat on the floor on the other side of the gym. He did role call, which meant that we were the only boys this period. We then did Dynamic Stretching, to prepare us and not pull a muscle. The rest of the period we got to shoot hoops because fitness testing starts next week. The girls still couldn't pay attention because of me. The class was then excused to get dressed five minutes before the bell rang. We got in the locker room, got dressed, gave Karkat a quick little peck on the lips, grabbed our bags and headed out.
The bell rang and the class flooded out. I went to my locker with Karkat and grabbed my stuff for English.
"Hey Karkat, what's your class this time?" I asked, grabbing my notebook that I used for Radiology and closed the locker. Karkat looked at his piece of paper.
"English." He said. He folded it back up again and closed the locker.
"Wow, fate just wants us to be together." I say as we start walking towards our next class. We walk in and instantly I get crowded with girls. I took my usual spot in the far back, Karkat sitting right beside me. One of the girls tried to get Karkat to move, so that she could sit there, but Karkat acted like he heard nothing. And when she finally got mad at him, you know what he said? He said "Did you hear something?". The girl looked at him, astionished. And you know what I said? I said "I didn't hear anything". That left us alone for awhile .
The teacher walked in, holding a bunch of papers. Then one by one, she started handing them out. On the top, it said Poetry Assignment and it continued to say that we had to create poetry using whatever came to you. It could be any kind of poetry too. I smiled and got to work.
My name is Dave
And I gave
My one and only love
To be above
Above and beyond
Even a simple pond
They are my everything
And that can't change a thing
Because my sweet little Karkat
Is more then just that
I treasure and value him
Even if I have to make a hymn
I can be Romeo and they can be Juliet
They can also be my pet
Pur like a kitty
Oh don't be silly
My love is more then just that
To my little Karkat
I finish and decided to write it down in my notebook. I finished writing it down in my notebook and the bell rang. I turned in the paper and glanced over at Karkat's. It was pretty short, but it was beautiful. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door, trying to avoid the swarm of girls while waiting for Karkat. Karkat finally got past and we walked to our lockers.
"Dammit. Why are the girls a problem now?" Karkat said annoyed. I looked at him and smiled.
"Well the first half of the day was full of either trolls, my friends, or people who already confessed their feelings. Of course, I said no to them so they decided just to not be a bother anymore. It kinda works out. In the morning I can't stand girls crowding me." I said. We reached our lockers and I got my stuff for Technology.
"So Karkat, what's this class?" I asked. This one he didn't need his piece of paper for.
"Really?! I didn't know you were into that stuff."
"My buddy Sollux begged me to join. He said he needed a coding buddy." We walked into a class mainly filled with boys. Some girls looked up from their monitors and stared at us, while a troll with two horns, one smaller than the other one, motioned us to sit with him. We walked over and we took our seats next to him.
"Sollux, this is Dave. Dave, this is Sollux." Karkat said as I shook Sollux's hand. He smiled and adjusted his red and blue glasses.
"Nice to meet you Dave. I hope we can get along." Sollux said, taking a seat to Karkat's right. I took Karkat's left and began to type. Let's see here, website start up huh? Let's do this. I then typed away, creating yet another rap on the page. Just then, the chat comes up.
Dave: nothing much, I'll share it with you when I get done.
Sollux: hey guy2, can we ju2t focu2 on our web2iite2?
I then finished the rap and skimmed through it:
Karkat Karkat,
The Vantas that got all that
He has the best boyfriend
Who would never let their relationship end
My mind will explode
And you go unopposed
To be the best crab
That I will have
And when we have fun
I don't wanna run
I wanna stay be your side
I want you to be mine
Your tears are perfect
They are really worth it
When you cry of happiness
I don't ever wanna miss
The chance to be with you
So I'll look at mew
And the kitty has spoken
The spell is now broken
He will love again
Just like it had began
On a sunny September day
When I blew your breath away
Into the starry night
Because I'm your knight
In shiny red armor
I finished and wrote down the IP address for Karkat. I gave it to him and he typed it down on the browser. Up came my rap. He read it again and again, trying to resist the urge to smile. Sollux looked at Karkat confused, and a bit concerned. Karkat then made a different group chat, only for me and him, and typed the words THANK YOU. I smiled and nodded, while Karkat continued to code.
Sollux already finished, laying out a whole website to play on. I stared in astionishment as Karkat skims through it and points out all of the missing details. Sollux then fixed them and it made a even bigger deal, giving more errors. Karkat, still being unfazed about this, then tries to complete his coding.
The bell rings just as Karkat was about to share it with me. I quickly write it down and head out the door to my locker. I open my locker putting my technology stuff in there and grabbing my backpack. I paused for a moment, debating if I should bring my notebook with my raps. Fuck it. I grabbed the notebook and closed the locker as Karkat comes up.
"Hey Dave, what was that about? We didn't walk together." Karkat says as he opens his locker. He grabs his backpack and sets his stuff inside, closing the locker.
"Oh, sorry, I'm still used to, at the end of the day, rushing off to home. Sorry about that." I said, and we headed off. We walked out of the school and onto our street, holding each other's hand as we walked.
"Dave, do you have any more of those poem/rappy things?" Karkat asked, breaking the silence. I then showed him the notebook I had and he flipped through the first few pages, beaming at the raps.
"They're beautiful, just like your eyes." Karkat said. I blushed lightly at the words and walked on. We reached Karkat's house, so I said goodbye and walked across the street to my house. I opened the door and the first thing that I saw was a pile of puppets coming down to the door. I was covered in the puppets, but it wasn't hard to get out of the trap. I quickly got the katana out of my backpack and started to slice some puppet ass.
"Dude, just walk through the puppets, be one with the puppets." I heard my Bro say. I walk towards him, still holding the katana.
"No fucking way I'm doing that. Here." I said, shoving the katana in his hands. "Go do whatever."
"Dave, there is no way I can leave the house if you don't tell me where you were last night."
"Dirk, I was with a friend. I slept through most of school because of your lame ass party and slept from at least 12:00 to 9. So really you're held responsible." I say walking over to the fridge. I check to see if any apple juice was in there, and sure enough, there was. I grabbed a bottle and closed the refrigerator door, mumbling a thanks to Dirk before I opened the bottle and took a drink.
"So what? Did you get laid?" I almost spit out the apple juice that was in my mouth. I quickly swallow the apple juice and almost yelled at my brother.
"Bro, there is no way in hell I would get laid in highschool." I continue to drink the apple juice as I leave the room, heading to my room. I take out my laptop and type in the IP address for Karkat's website. It opens to a screen that is titled DAVE and then below it, it says I LOVE YOU. I smile and took another drink of apple juice before I get started working on a remix for my friend, Jade.
Not long after, I felt extremely tired. So I closed the laptop and feel asleep, still remembering Karkat's touch.
I woke up hugging my pillow. Today is Saturday, so that means it's binge watching anime for Dirk. I sat up, pulling away from the comfort of the pillow. Damn that was nice. I hear some commotion downstairs, and it's definitely not anime. I walk downstairs to find Dirk's boyfriend, Jake, sitting on the couch with Dirk. They were just talking, having a good time, so I went back upstairs and got dressed. Might as well see Karkat today.
I get dressed in a black and red t-shirt with some blue jeans. I then tied on my other shoes, hightops with red and blue flames crawling on the sides. The background is pitch black, so it makes it sick. I walk out my bedroom door, grabbing my jacket and shades. I put them on and headed out. I don't have to tell Dirk where I am because he's busy and it's none of his business. I walk outside, feeling the cold breeze past through. Living in Gig Harbor during the fall has some downsides, but the spring and summer are so worth it. If our relationship last that long, I may take him to see one of the spectacular beaches we have. I reach Karkat's house quickly, cause all I needed to go was across the street. Really. It's convenient actually, but it could be closer. We could be neighbors.
I walk up the victorian steps and knock at the door. I waited for a moment before a tired Karkat opened the door. He had a cute bedhead. His hair looked super soft and warm I had to put my hand on his hair.
"What the hell do you want? It's 5:30 in the morning." He grumbled. I chuckled slightly at the news.
"Well, I didn't realize it was 5:30, but I got bored. I peered over Karkat's shoulder to see if anyone was there. No one. God, how can he survive like this.
"Can I come in?" I asked, pushing Karkat aside. I sit myself down at the dining room table and sit there patiently, waiting for Karkat to finish his waffles.
Karkat reluctantly follows. "Hey Karkat, did you make them yourself?" Karkat nods and continues to chew, not even making eye contact with me.
"Nice, I have a boyfriend that can draw, is smart, AND cook. I hit the jackpot."
He blushed slightly. "Well fuckass, maybe you would've learned to if you weren't such a moron ."
I began to open my mouth, but close it. Instead, a take a chunk of Karkat's pancakes and plopped it into my mouth. It was delicious. The strawberries and blueberries with some of the whipped cream still on it, besides it was blackberry pancakes. The berry goodness was blowing my mind.
"It's delicious!" I say, trying to reach for another chunk, but Karkat's hand slapped mine away.
"You should've eaten before you left."
"I would, but Dirk is binge watching anime and has his boyfriend over." I say bluntly. Truth is, I don't mind Jake. I just don't want to be around at a bad time. I almost did that once, and decided it was best for me to stay clear.
"So you had nothing to eat. Fine, get some fruits that you will eat and I'll cook for you in a second." I looked around the kitchen to find apples, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. I set them out on the counter and took a seat. I then watched Karkat as he slowly got up and grabbed the pancake mix and a bowl. Then he proceeded to mix in all the ingredients and transform into a delicious pancake. He made several, just in case, but I gulped them all down.
"Thank you Karkat! It was delicious." I say as I finished. I walked over and rinsed out my plate. I noticed a bunch of other dishes in the sink so I started to wash those dishes as well. When I got to the third dish, Karkat stopped me.
"You know, you don't have to do that. I'm fine with my brothers fucking making a mess."
"I know, but you need at least some help, right?" He smiled and asked to help me. I said okay and we spent about a good 10 minutes washing and drying dishes. When we got done, I pecked Karkat on the lips and asked if he wanted to play some games.
"Sure, but I'm gonna beat your ass." I laugh at his confidence and head up to his room, where I know I saw a console. Sure enough, I did. It was an NES, and the game was just right.
"So, do you wanna play Super Mario Bros?" He nodded a small yes as I start to play the game. It's already 5 minutes in and he lost all his lives while I still have mine.
"THAT'S IT, WHERE'S THE HAMMER. THIS GAME IS RIGGED." He starts to yell. I pause what I'm doing and start to curl him up in my arms.
"That's probably enough video games for today." With a screaming Karkat, I turn off the NES and start to put in Titanic. We watched it so that he could calm down. Now that I know romantic movies touch his heart, it will be an easy way to calm him.
He fell asleep, his head resting on my lap. I take the remote and turn off the TV. Laying down a bit, I felt a bit fatigued. I know, I know, very fancy word. I hear a gentle purr and start to hum, matching the pitch. He smiled his actual smile and started to curl up a bit more. I decided to do the same, forming something like the Yin Yang. I smile and drifted off to sleep, the only muse I have is Karkat's purring.
I supposedly woke up to Karkat kissing my forehead, smiling his perfect smile and beautiful teeth. God I was lovesick. I pull him closer, feeling his soft tufts of hair as I do. I was about to kiss him before he starts fading away, becoming nothing. Being swept away from the wind, he vanished.
I start to cry. I may have my shades, may not, but either way it wasn't a good feeling. I suddenly felt as if a hole appeared inside me, took my only love.
I sprung up from the floor, seeing Karkat stir while gripping onto me. I felt something wet on my cheeks. I raised my fingers to feel that I was actually crying. It was only on one side, but it felt as if my head was incredibly heavy. I carefully plop back down onto floor.
Karkat is now sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?" His bedhead is cute, being fluffy and all. He was in a cute position too, his legs bended and crossed a bit towards the side while he's leaning forward holding his support from one his arms planted on the ground.
"Hmm? Oh... nothing." I scoot closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. I lean in for the kiss, but he stopped me. He then pointed below us, where footsteps where walking up and down the stairs. I nod and smile, letting go of my grasp and standing up. I help Karkat up too and start to walk downstairs towards the front door. Kankri was sitting on the couch while Seerkat was pacing around the room frantically. Karkat followed me, grabbing my hand. Once his family was in view, he let go of my hand and pulled my neck down to his level.
"Can I go to your place?" He whispered, luckily they still don't know we are just standing halfway up the stairs. I nodded but then looked hesitantly at Seerkat. "Don't worry, I'll leave him a note."
He walked upstairs when Seerkat wasn't paying attention. He came back minutes with a piece of paper and a pencil. He scribbled on the piece of paper and dropped it on the floor along with the pencil. I then walk out the door with Karkat, bracing the strong winds that blew our way.
We walked across the street to my house, huddling close together to keep warmth. We soon got to my house, cause, you know, anyway we walked in without me giving a second thought. There was Dirk and Jake sitting on the couch, both wrapped in a blanket and watching Another. Jake fell asleep, so it was just Dirk watching it. We crept past them, slowly tiptoeing behind them. We did make it to the stairs, but that's when Dirk turned around.
"Hey Dave, finally got a boyfriend I see." He said with a smirk. I swear I will beat him one day. But now's not the time.
I returned the smirk. "Well, at least I got one better than yours." He furrowed his eyebrows and went back to watching Another while Karkat and I walked upstairs to my room.
We were rounding the corner to my room when Karkat spoke. "You didn't mention anything about a brother."
"Was I supposed to?"
"A heads up would've been nice."
"Okay, I'll do that in the future." I said as I opened the door to my room. It's still a bit messy, but it's a lot better than the beginning of this week. He walked over and sat on my bed with the look of 'this is nice, I guess' plastered all over his face. I took my earbuds and laptop and walked over to him, giving him the right earbud. I then opened my laptop and played the latest remix I made. Karkat laid down and listened to the music while I pulled up a document and started to rhyme once more.
This is a dream come true
Nothing but anything is new
I'm with my little kitty
And he's very pretty
I try and figure out
But I can't when I'm in doubt
How this will work
When trolls are just absurd
He's laying next to me
So peacefully
I wished I could go and kiss him
But then I'll just miss him
Then there are the times
When I rhyme
That everything turns out ok
Just for the rest of the day
After I finished the last sentence, Karkat peered over my shoulder reading my rap. He smiled when he finishes and points at the part where I said I wanted to kiss him.
"Why would you miss?"
"Well because it's in case you ever leave." I said. I then turned my head towards his and gave him a kiss on the lips. We then cuddled up in a blanket, the remix playing in repeat. I felt light-headed, tired from all this commotion. My eyelids felt heavy as I drifted off to sleep, with Karkat by my side.
I awoke from being too cold, or Karkat leaving the bed for breakfast. I sat up, my neck in pain. I rubbed my neck while walking out of my room to go find Karkat. I stumbled upon Dirk instead, outside his room checking on his phone.
He looked up and spotted me. "Your boyfriend is in the kitchen." He said with a wink. I eyed him suspiciously and continued to walk downstairs until I smelled something being cooked. BACON. I rushed downstairs to find Karkat at the stove cooking eggs and bacon. I also see pancakes being made as well.
"Hey Karkat! What are you making." I mean, I knew what he was making but there was no harm in asking.
"Well, can't you see what's infront of you fucktard?" He replies grimly as he flipped some pancakes. I chuckled softly and came closer, grabbing him from behind and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Well good morning to you too." I said. He tried to escape my grasp but I just tightened my grip.
Finally, he sighed. "Good morning. Now can I oversee the bacon it's about to burn." I let go of Karkat, immediately heading towards the bacon. He put them in a plate out of my reach while he checked the eggs.
"Hey, why did you do that?"
"Because I don't want you to eat it all before breakfast."
"But I'm starving." I whine, trying to get him to let me eat.
"Then drink some apple juice in the meantime, it won't be much longer." I sighed and reluctantly got some apple juice from the fridge. Sipping it slowly, I watched Karkat flip pancakes and make more bacon. Apparently, the eggs were just his. I walked to the living room, trying to find Jake and wake him up. Sure enough, he was still asleep on the couch. I set down my glass and shook him slightly.
"Hey, dude, it's almost breakfast."
"Hmm? Oh hey Dave. It's almost breakfast you say. Ok, make sure Dirk is down here too." I nodded before climbing back upstairs and calling Dirk to come down here. We walked downstairs, him without his shades showing his percing orange eyes. I still had mine on since I didn't take them off last night.
Dirk, Jake, and I got situated at the table before Karkat started to carry the 2 plates of bacon to the table. He then proceeded with the 3 fully stacked plates of pancakes. After that, he came back with 3 empty plates, 4 forks and 2 knives for the condiments (butter and peanut butter). In his other hand held his plate full of eggs. Before he sat down, he came back in the kitchen to grab the syrup, butter, peanut butter, and 3 glasses. He then proceeded to fill one of the glasses with Orange Juice. The other one with Ginger Ale, and the last one with Orange Juice with lemon lime soda (really delicious). He carried all the stuff to the table. Damn, he should just be a waiter.
He smiles faintly as he puts the last item down. "Good morning. Here's your breakfast." He then sits in his seat and starts eating his eggs slowly.
"Thanks." I said cheerfully as I began to taste the bacon. It was crunchy and delicious beyond belief. I finished the bacon in no time and started to eat the pancakes. Dammit! These are too fucking delicious. I tried to not gourge down the pancakes, but man were they good.
"Thank you." I heard Jake say on his English accent. Actually, his whole diction was British anyway.
"You're welcome, I hoped you enjoyed it." Karkat replied. Jake ate a total of 6 pancakes out of at least 19 that were there. I nabbed the last pancake off the first plate and began to butter it up and pour syrup on it.
After we reached midway of the second plate, Dirk finally broke the silence. "So, did you guys do it last night?"
I blushed immediately a deep red. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well did you or did you not?"
"Well, clearly related superior to Dave, we did not pail if that's what you fucking mean." I questioned Karkat's understanding of this, but I went along with it.
"What's pailing? I'm just asking if you fucked last night."
Karkat finished the last of his eggs and looked at Dirk. "Why do you fucking want to know whether or fucking not if we fucking pailed last night." He said this while giving Dirk a death glare, clear sign to not do this in the morning.
Dirk but his hands up in defense. "Woah, woah, just wanted to know ok."
Before Dirk continued, Karkat interrupted him. "Did you and Jake pailed before?" There was dead silence. Dirk shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly not wanting to give an answer.
"I don't have to answer that." He replied. Really?? I just continued to keep my head down and try to eat my pancakes.
The rest of breakfast stayed in silence. Only a few times words were spoken but only when we were saying thank you. After breakfast, I cleaned my plate and went up to my room, thinking of what to do in the meantime. I laid down, staring at the ceiling in silence before grabbing my laptop and messaging my friend Jade.
———turntableGod started Pestering Gardennostic at 11:41 am———
TG: hey
GN: why hello Dave, what's up?
TG: I'm bored..... Just had an awkward breakfast with my bro
GG: really?
TG: yeah. I had a friend sleepover last night and this morning he asked if we fucked.
TG: doubt he even fucked Jake though.
GN: wow. That is awkward. Well, I'm sorry about that but I hope it doesn't get weirder.
TG: yeah me too.
TG: bye Jade.
GN: bye Dave! :B
———Gardennostic ended Pestering turntableGod at 11:49———
I sighed and put on my headphones, listening to the remix to one of John's song. Showtime haunting refrain was it? I forget what it's called. I got lost in the music and started to close my eyes. I relaxed for a little bit before I heard extremely loud yelling.
"DAVE FUCKING STRIDER ARE YOU LISTENING?" I opened my eyes to see Karkat on top of me, sitting on my legs so I can't move. I lifted my head up and looked around for my phone.
"Karkles, what's with the yelling?"
"Okay, one, don't call me that, and two, now that I got your attention, why the fuck are you back asleep?"
"What are you talking about? I wasn't asleep." Which was probably not true. I may have fallen asleep without realizing it, for I have done it serval times before.
"Dave, it's 3:00 in the afternoon. You are not sleeping through the rest of this beautiful cold day. Now come on." He started to pull my arm, but with no chance of actually getting me up. I stood up and caught sight of my phone on the dresser.
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