OC One: Noct Je'taime: Dragon Age
Dragon Age
Name: Noct Je'taime
Class: Templar Hunter (I.e Demon Hunter not Mage Hunter.)
Age: 28
Looks: Has scar going from the top of his left hairline to his chin. Has Charcoal black hair that is short and messy but not curly. Has Obsidian colored eyes (Like Mikasa from Attack On Titan). Is relatively good looking. Has a nimble body like a Free Runner might have. Is about 5ft.11 in height. Has a slightly darker skin tone to Cullen since he is outside quite a bit.
Outfit: A long coat not unlike the Novice Ursine Armor from The Witcher armored with thick dragon scale. Allows him to be nimble and slice without a weight holding him down. Colored with the Famous red and white that the Chantry's Templar's are known for. Has Templar symbol etched into his chest but after the Templar's started killing all mages regardless of guilt it has since been scratched out. In place of the normal plate helm he wears a hood similar to an assassin in the same color.
Weapons: Dual Sided Daggers so he can cover more space in less time. They are made of Silverite since demons seem to hate it as much as darkspawn. Has almost woven like handles. Also carries many special bombs meant to hurt different types of demon to weaken them and make them easier to kill. Also has two bracers with hidden knifes in them. Those are only used when he has to dress formal like at parties or balls.
Likes: Cookies, Spirits (Loves Cole to Death), Tall Women (Especially Quinari), The Work the Red Jennies have done, Mage freedom, The Maker, stealth, Philosophy, Psychology, and watching the sun rise and set respectively. Also secretly reads swords and shields and most of Varric's books.
Dislikes: Demons, Racism, Slavery, The Rite of Tranquility, The Seekers (Excludes Cassandra), The Templars for killing all mages, Caviar, Alcohol, Small Spaces, Lying of Any kind, and most forms of cakes due to a case of food poisoning when he was young.
Beliefs: Believes in The Maker but does not think he intervenes on anyone's behalf. The Divine's death is a prime example of that to him. Believes all gods exist as long as people believe in them. Believes mages should be free but have a separate school just for them so they can hone their skills. Like a boarding school where they attend for eight months then can go home and do whatever and after they graduate they can live their lives as they see fit and have Templars on duty to put out fires or calm badly casted spells or badly done experiments. Thinks Vivienne would be a perfect Headmaster for that school. Thinks the Rite of Tranquility should be abolished period. No if ands or buts. Dislikes Blood Magic but doesn't believe it's anymore evil than any other form of magic. He often brings up how nice Merrill is as an example of it not being inherently evil. Believes Solas when he explains spirts and demons are the same but demons are intentions gone wrong. Doesn't change how he feels when killing them but it makes him feel good when Solas informed him they may reform as they once were.
Personality: Enjoys making people, especially children, smile or laugh. Is a big fan of making people cringe with bad puns. "What do you call an owl magician? WHOdinni!" Oddly enjoys discussing things like philosophy with Keran. Has massive respect for people who for go tradition and walk their own path as he had when the Templars separated from the ChantryLoves learning new things about other cultures he's never immersed himself in. Is best friends with Cole, Dagna, Harding, Krem, and Sera. He had adopted Sera and Cole sort of. Makes sure they are happy and well off. He even once asked Sera how the rest of the Red Jennies would feel if he joined after all this mess. She was ecstatic to say the least. Actually has met many of the old companions. Hates all alcoholic beverages for and I quote, "Why would I want to drink something that taste like sweat that was boiled in a pot with piss and old socks?" Has never had sex out of choice not some unspoken oath. When Bull pays a tavern wench to seduce him he usually says, "Unless you are only wishing to talk give Bull his money back because that shit ain't happening. And no it's not because you aren't attractive I just have no desire to do so." He always tells the truth. Once Vivenne asked how a certain dress looked on her and he warned her, "If I say what I think odds are you'll roast me." She assured him she wouldn't and he then said, "It makes you look like a walking child's painting." He was right about her wanting to roast him but it's a good thing he remembers how to negate magic. Despite not lying he's actually damn good at Diamond back and even beat Josephine a few times at the game. When he met Hawke he wanted to deck them but resisted to urge to deck Hawke because they had not known what Anders had planned and is actually relieved when he hears Hawke killed him. He hates The Seekers with an undying passion. His hate was only amplified after Cassandra let him read the book of secrets. He doesn't hate her and believes if anyone can make The Seekers into what they should be it's her. He even offers to help after she decides to rebuild them. Actually is a bit of a skilled sketch artist. Often makes amazingly detailed sketches of places and people. Vivienne once looked through his book at his request and she asked to keep the one he did of her and had him sign it and had it framed. He was ecstatic. Though his family were killed in the Blight he was able to let go of the rage. Has a portrait of them hanging in his room at Skyhold. Cassandra once caught him reading Swords and Shields and nearly squealed when she learned she had someone to talk to about it. They said if either speaks to anyone about this the other dies. Would be willing to die for those he loves and will not hesitate to kill whatever threatens them.
Story: He was about 17 or 18 when the blight happened. He remembers it all. He hails from Redcliffe and actually was ecstatic to see Harding in The Inquisition. They spent the day just catching up with each other. He remembers the undead tearing through the village however. He remembers the screams, the blood, and the fear. He still has nightmares on Occasion because that's how his parents died. They died the first night they came to the village. It's what made him join the Chantry and almost Demand to become a Templar Hunter instead of a normal Templar. They nearly sent him to the Seekers but he said if they did they would never find him. Oddly they took that threat from the young man very seriously so began his training. It was beyond difficult but he did not give a shit about how hard it was. The day he took his oath was the anniversary of the blight ending in Fereldan. For the next 8 years he traveled all over the world short of Par Vollen and Tevinter doing his job. Killing demons, abominations, and on occasion serial killers. One faithful day he was hunting what Val Rouyex described as, "An abomination sent by the demons to kill everyone." This is the faithful case where he would meet the love of his life Saylice the Ben-Hasserath agent. As he was stalking his prey a tall Quinari woman stopped him and asked what he was doing. He told the truth and she offered that they should work together since he can negate magic and she knows its tactics. He agreed and overtime they became rather close and just before the case ended they kissed. They kept in contact in secret after that and he would always meet her or help her when she needed it. When he heard what Anders did he was livid. But not at the mages there. He knew Meredith was fucking crazy and even complained to the leader of the Templars about her behavior. He wanted Anders dead. But when the Templars left the Chantry to kill all mages regardless of involvement or guilt he destroyed the symbol that was on his armor and left the order. He wandered for a year till a giant hole opened in the sky. He raced to Haven and joined The Inquisition. It helped that Harding was there. They were good friends in Ferelden. He quickly became their go to Demon expert and he often collaborated with Solas to inform the Soldiers how to fight them effectively. After the events of Redcliffe Castle and Corypheus revealing himself and they went to Skyhold Saylice showed up. Bull recognized her and confirmed her story with the letters he received that she was indeed named Tal-Vashoth. He let her stay in his room and their relationship quickly grew from there. Bull actually found some comfort with him and her when he saved The Chargers.
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