Saltwhisker WIP


[From left to right]

Pricklefrost (m), Lightningfoot (f), Dawnfire (f), Redburn (m), Saltwhisker (f), Thornkit(fall) (m), Thistlekit(leap) (f), Juniperbrook (f), Sunblaze (m), Frostpaw (f), Brindleheart (m), Larkflight (f)

Juniperbrook and Saltwhisker's kits):
Pricklefrost, Sunblaze, and Brindleheart

Redburn and Saltwhisker's kits:
1st litter: Lightningfoot, Dawnfire, and Larkflight
2nd litter: Thornfall and Thistleleap

Saltpaw and Frostpaw were going to be mates after becoming warriors but Frostpaw died. Pricklefrost was named after her.


Name ↠ Saltwhisker (Saltstar)

Reason ↠ Salt' because her step-father is a used-to-be loner with a sister named Salty, after they joined the clan she was named Blazepelt, and 'whisker because of her stark white whiskers

Gender ↠ she-cat

Age ↠ 75 moons (6.3 years) when she became deputy, 116 moons (9.7 years) when she became leader, 239 moons (19.9 years) when she loses her last life

Clan ↠ HailClan (live in the forest near the base of a mountain range, named after the founding leader, Hailstar)

Rank ↠ warrior, deputy, leader

Sexuality ↠ pansexual

Personality ↠ blunt, fiery, hot-headed, salty, short-tempered, borderline rude, intelligent, shameless, not afraid to speak her mind, confident, she can be patient if she's desperate enough, she takes the lead if the situation calls for it. She's more of a "fight first ask questions later" kind of cat. As she grows older she becomes more mature and has a better grasp on her emotions. She is protective but not clingy and has an almost unbreakable façade. She likes hunting because it's a calmer atmosphere but fighting always gives her a rush so she'd pick that any day.

Likes ↠ watching the rain, the sound has always calmed her, hunting late until midnight and waking up before dawn, it's like the less sleep she gets the better she feels, hunting because of the calm atmosphere, fighting because it gives her an adrenaline rush

Dislikes ↠ cats who can see through her façade, appearing to be weak, being unable to protect those she loves

Appearance ↠ a lithe, scruffy, fairly tall dark brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, chest, paws, tail tip, and a streak on her muzzle. She has amber eyes and stark white whiskers

Kin ↠
Mother ↠ Tigerfang - a beautiful dark brown she-cat with black tabby stripes and brilliant yellow-green eyes
Father ↠ Hawkcloud - a short furred light brown tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, paws, and muzzle. He has amber eyes
Brother ↠ Acornpelt - a brown tabby tom with a white underbelly and hind paws
Sister ↠ Wrennose - a reddish tawny she-cat with a white chin and green eyes
Step-Father ↠ Appledark - a tortoiseshell tom with blue eyes
Half-sisters ↠ Aspenshade - a beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes // Firestripe - a reddish-brown she-cat with black tabby stripes, a paler underbelly, and green eyes
Half-brother ↠ Pinefang - a tiny black tom with a russet streak going from his nose to between his eyes, he has russet flecks all over his body and blue eyes

Mates ↠ Frostpaw (deceased) - a white she-cat with a gray striped face, tail, legs, gray ears, and frosty blue eyes // Juniperbrook (deceased) - a ginger tabby she-cat with a white muzzle, paws, underbelly, chest, tail tip, a ring around her neck, and amber eyes // Redburn - a dark reddish tabby tom with darker stripes and forest green eyes

Kits with Juniperbrook ↠ Brindleheart (littermates with Sunblaze) - a brown and white tom with ginger patches and blue eyes // Sunblaze (littermates with Brindleheart) - a ginger tabby and white tom with blue eyes

Kits with Redburn ↠ Lightningfoot (littermates with Dawnfire and Larkflight) - a quick brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, chest, muzzle, paws, and amber eyes // Dawnfire (littermates with Lightningfoot and Larkflight) - a ginger and white she-cat with green eyes // Larkflight (littermates with Dawnfire and Lightningfoot) - a brown she-cat with darker ears and green eyes // Thistleleap (littermates with Thornfall) - a dusty brown she-cat with a darker stripe down her back and green eyes // Thornfall (littermates with Thistleleap) - a lithe brown tabby tom with a darker stripe down his back and amber eyes

Mentor ↠ Duskrunner - a lithe, pale brown tom with darker ears, a stripe down his back, and his tail is also darker. He has a lighter chest, neck, underbelly, and muzzle, and blue eyes

Apprentices ↠ Blizzardheart - a white she-cat with one blue and one yellow eye, deaf in one ear // Pinestreak - a tiny black tom with a russet streak going from his nose to between his eyes, he has russet flecks all over his body and blue eyes // Stormstrike - a blue-gray and silver tom with stormy gray eyes // Dewberry - a very light silver tabby tom with amber eyes

Backstory ↠ Before Saltkit was born, before Tigerfang even knew she was pregnant, Hawkcloud's brother died, leaving him heartbroken and unable to function properly. He grew angry seeing most of the other cats in the clans with their siblings. He grew angry, distant. And when Tigerfang told him of her pregnancy, he was angered that his kits would have siblings but he would not. The rest of the clan comforted her, telling her that he was just grieving, but Tigerfang decided that if Hawkcloud was going to put his grief above their kits, she wanted nothing to do with him.

Her pregnancy was hard, especially with the recent loss of a mate. Appledark, Tigerfang's friend, was by her side the entire time. He had unrequited feelings for her, but the more time they spent together, the more she realized he should have been her first choice all along. Eventually they became mates.

Appledark was hesitant at first, always making sure that Tigerfang was with him because she loved him, not because she was trying to get back at Hawkcloud for leaving her. She assured him relentlessly, understanding his worry, and a few days later, the kits were born.

Tigerfang named two of the kits Wrenkit and Acornkit, and told Appledark he could name the third. Appledark decided to name her after his sister, Blazepelt, who'd formerly been a rogue named Salty. The kit was named Saltkit.

Saltkit new from the beginning that Appledark wasn't her father, but she didn't know how.

From a young age, Saltkit's best friend was Frostkit, they did everything together, until Frostkit became an apprentice, being a little less than a moon older than Saltkit.

Finally, after another moon of waiting, Saltkit was named Saltpaw along with Wrenpaw and Acornpaw. She was a few levels behind Frostpaw, but at least they were sharing a den again.

About two moons into her training, Saltpaw got into a fight with an apprentice from another clan at the gathering. When asked why, she told Appledark that the other apprentice was making fun of Frostpaw for her white pelt.

It was moments after that that Saltpaw realized she was in love with Frostpaw.

She only made it a half moon before Frostpaw caught on.

Frostpaw (to literally no one's surprise) liked Saltpaw back. They decided to just remain friends until they became warriors, but as the moons passed, they began talking about the future, what their goals were, how they wanted things to work out. And it almost became a reality.

HailClan was going into battle with JaggedClan, the clan of the moors. The fight was fierce and almost relentless. Why they were fighting, Saltpaw wasn't completely aware, something about scents over the border from one clan to the other.

Saltpaw was having the time of her life, each strike seemed to give her more energy. She fought back-to-back with a larger tom, named Hawkcloud. They fought every foe with ease, as though one knew what the other was thinking before they thought it. Thanks to this, they defeated everyone who attacked them, helping to drive JaggedClan back over the border.

After the battle was over, Saltpaw turned to talk to Hawkcloud, only to find him gone amongst the crowd. She didn't mind though, running to find Frostpaw.

The white she-cat's fur was blood-stained, and she complained that it would take forever to get out. Saltpaw only laughed.

When they reached camp, Kestrelstar, the leader, was about to make Frostpaw, Sprucepaw, and Daypaw warriors, when Frostpaw collapsed. Saltpaw was by her side in a moment. Asking what was wrong and stroking her fur with her tail. Frostpaw only managed to croak out "hurts..." before passing out.

While Briarwing, the medicine cat, checked Frostpaw over, Saltpaw spoke to her about all the plans they'd made, the goals they would reach, not caring that the entire clan was watching. When Briarwing finished her inspection, she only shook her head.

Saltpaw's entire world SHATTERED. She begged Briarwing to do something, but the medicine cat had already moved to cleaning up wounds and sealing them along with her apprentice, Birdpaw.

The entire night, Saltpaw sat there and just stared at Frostpaw's body, barely feeling the younger ginger tabby apprentice who'd leaned on her shoulder all night. Saltpaw felt comforted by this. When she finally came to her senses before dawn, she looked over to find the apprentice leaning on her, asleep. Saltpaw remembered her to be Juniperpaw, she was apprenticed a few moons after Saltpaw.

It was Juniperpaw that helped Saltpaw cope with her grief, the small ginger apprentice was shy but optimistic and open once you got to know her. Sprucepaw and Daypaw were named Sprucepelt and Dayleap a few days after Frostpaw's death.

The next moon was rough for Saltpaw. Juniperpaw helped, and when it came time for Saltpaw's final assessment, Juniperpaw was cheering her on. There were four parts to the assessment, each on a separate day. The first day was hunting.

Saltpaw passed the hunting aspect of her assessment easily, it was early leaf-fall so prey was still running wild.

She caught three mice, a squirrel, and a stray rabbit from near the border of JaggedClan territory. After dropping that off at camp, she was sent back out, since there was still time before sundown. She managed to catch a mouse and a vole in that time.

The second day was herb review. All the apprentices learned the basic herbs to help them if anything ever happened. Saltpaw got just over three fourths of them right.

The third day was fighting, she had to go against Duskstorm, a senior warrior in the running for deputy. While Duskstorm won, as he had several seasons more experience, Saltpaw managed to hold her own for the longest, despite him fighting one of the most skilled fighters in the clan.

And the fourth day was the day they would travel to the Warrior Stone. A cat shaped rock looking up at the sky. It was a lot bigger than Saltpaw had imagined, about twice the size of a large warrior. When the moon was directly above the nose of the warrior, the stone would get a faint glow, allowing the cats to speak to MoonClan.

When Saltpaw woke up in MoonClan, the cat she saw was Frostpaw. Saltpaw was beyond ecstatic to see her, and they greeted each other happily. When Frostpaw pulled away, she smiled sadly and said, "You need to move on from me, there are other cats your heart is destined for," before turning and padding away. Saltpaw tried to chase after her, but another cat appeared, stopping her. "The truth is not far from your claws. Your kin with reveal all soon."

Before Saltpaw had a chance to respond, she woke up. Acornpaw was staring down at her, telling her that he was the first one up and that Saltpaw was the second. They spoke for a while, and Saltpaw told him about what she saw, even though you really aren't supposed to. He told her that he was told the part about the truth, but that was all he saw before waking up. Before they could speak further, Snowstripe awoke, and the others followed quickly. Wrenpaw asked what they dreamed about, but Hazelbreeze, Acornpaw's mentor, told her it wasn't allowed. Later that night, Acornpaw and Saltpaw told Wrenpaw about it, and she told them she had the same dream.

On the fifth day, Kestrelstar called the clan together to make the three warriors. He named Wrenpaw Wrennose for her skill at tracking and sniffing out prey, Acornpaw Acornpelt because of his appearance, and Saltpaw Saltwhisker because her whiskers stood out against the rest of her pelt.

Everyone cheered, but the voice she heard the loudest was Juniperpaw's, the thought made her smile.

Being a warrior was a relief for Saltwhisker, she was finally able to come back as late as she wanted and go out as early as she felt.

During a patrol with Sprucepelt, Saltwhisker got into a scuffle with two MistClan warriors, Littleleaf and Rainberry.

After talking for a bit, they all apologized, as all were new warriors. Saltwhisker told them she'd try to go to the next Meeting to see them, Sprucepelt and the others agreed.

A few days before the Meeting, Saltwhisker was playing with some kits when she noticed one, Blizzardkit, kept turning her head to one side. Asking Briarwing about it, the medicine cat said she'd check the kit. A day later, Blizzardkit was confirmed deaf in one ear, and Blizzardkit's mother, Dayleap, was worried she may not be able to become an apprentice.

Saltwhisker, on the other paw, decided that Blizzardkit WOULD become a warrior, and spoke to Kestrelstar about becoming her mentor. Kestrelstar was hesitant at first, Saltwisker WAS still young, but eventually decided that four more moons was enough time to prepare.

Saltwhisker went with the other warriors as they trained their apprentices, sometimes joining in and others just observing. She got to mock fight with Juniperpaw a few times as well.

Finally it was time for the apprentice ceremony. When Saltwhisker was declared Blizzardpaw's mentor, a few cats (sans mentors) were surprise.

Acornpelt congratulated her and told her he hoped to receive his first apprentice in the next batch, who would be coming up to the next rank a few moons later.

Saltwhisker was only slightly surprised at how quickly the half-deaf she-cat learned.

Other ↠ Frostpaw's warrior name would have been Froststorm. I almost named Saltpaw Saltfrost but I figured that was too much a Crowfeather move and it would have shown that she wasn't ready to let go, so I changed it

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