The dragon is of myth and extremely dangerous, known as the demon dragon of vengeance, the Muspelbeast (moose-mul-beast), its in the four classes Mystery, Tracker, Stoker, boulder, and Strike
Credit for the ghost dragon goes to LyntonLevengood on Reddit)
it is rumored to be the creation of fire and vengeance itself, the dragon made of Surt the fire giant's flesh, and the dragon made for Vidar the norse god of vengeance, (an actual Norse God not an oc and look at how much he looks like the Ghost Rider! )
(Credit for the art of Vidar goes to samflegal on Pinterest)
It was first discovered in the archipelago when one of the first chief's of Berk the chief Throon skull hammer, Bork the brave was a prisoner at the time. Throon priotized his wealth and well being over his people's, (Borks book of dragons entry) the dragon came at night but with its fire it looked like muspelheim (realm of fire) came to midgaurd (earth), as it walked around, fire that couldn't be put out followed from its footsteps, the fire always pointed towards the dragon as if pointing towards it's creator and master, the fire melted any metal, even steel, (remember they don't know about dragon proof metal or gronkle iron yet) that came in direct contact with its flames and wood simply turned to ash, Throon followers attacked the beast but even the stones from the catapults did nothing except slow down and anger the beast, it wrapped its tail around Throon followers turning them to a black and orange glossy stone that glowed orange like a campfire and made them crumble as its tail ripped through them like a hot knife through yak cheese, named muspelstone (the stone is actually very durable and good for weapons and armor and very fashionable for jewelry and even works as a nightlight, which is part of why Berk has a lot of gold, Muspelstone was rare and it had uses, but couldn't be melted so it was often used to make crude maces, axes, and hammers, but the orange glow grew dimmer when it's owners intentions turned towards the sinful) its fire breath almost instantly turned everything that came into contact with it into ash, when its tail whipped Throon's followers there was no trace of them besides their helmets, when it got to the Main Hall, it simply looked into Throon's eyes and spoke in an ancient tongue known to dragons and forgotten by man, suddenly Throon started screaming as if he were in pain from just staring into the eyes of the dragon his eyes turned into muspelstone as he fell limp and the Muspelbeast walked flew away, as the beast flew away the fire slowly faded and continued to fade as the Muspelbeast grew farther away. the way it took off was right off the ground, no jump or slow start needed, it flew faster than a night fury, it doesn't need to breath, it can run on water, go under water, on land it's faster than a speed stinger, when you see the faint orange glow and hear the demonic roar of this dragon, pray, for it may already be too late.
Dragon eye: can only be viewed when the four dragon classes, "mystery", "tracker", "stoker", and "strike" come together or you can only see one piece of information at a time.
Stoker dragon-eye info: known for its anger and fire, the Muspelbeast must not be hunted up close, its Monstrous-Nightmare like appearance is more than just for show, it is always on fire, it melts any metal instantly and not even dragon proof cages can contain it, it slowly melts through when it's at a distance, but if dragon proof weapons go directly into the flames on its skull or Pierce its thick hide they melt immediately and the wound mends cauterizing it immediately. (meaning it has the hottest fire). be weary of this beast for it may be the last you ever encounter. (Gronkle iron is better for attacking), it's fire breath comes in two forms, streams and bursts, streams have less range and power but it's more concentrated, bursts have better random and power but is less concentrated.
Mystery dragon-eye info: it's unknown how this dragon lives without flesh on it's skull, or see without eyes, smell without a nose, it's not known how this dragon keeps itself ablaze at all times when awake, it's unknown how it turns living beings into muspelstone or blue muspelstone or how muspelstone is almost as strong as gronkle iron, all that is known about this dragon is that engaging it is suicide, all be wary of the Muspelbeast for it may be the last dragon you ever see.
Tracker dragon-eye info: no matter where you go or what you do to slow this beast down and cover your tracks, no one ever escapes the Muspelbeast, the last two didn't get away even I thought I could, but I realize now I have only delayed the innevatable. Even now I can hear it's demonic roar as it continues on it's path of demolition, destruction, and death, do not engage this dragon, if you think you've gotten away its because it let you, and if you see the bright orange or blue glow that burns as bright as the sun, may the gods have mercy on your soul.
Boulder dragon-eye info: the strange stone only comes second to gronkle iron in terms of strength, if it wraps it's tail around a boulder it will slowly turn it into muspelstone and launch it at it's enemies.
Strike dragon-eye info: this dragon is not all looks, it's jaw can crush through gronkle iron and dragon proof metal, its intelligence goes beyond any other dragon we have encountered, its speed is unmatched, and its wrath goes upon any unlucky sinner who crosses its path, the Muspelbeast is unmatched by any means and those who dare attack it alone, are fated to turn to its formidable stone,
It has a third type of fire attack, when struck by lightning or a Skrills fire, it becomes energized, red lightning goes between it's bones as it's whip like tail now can shoot off a blast of fire similar to the Singetail, except the blast is made of red lightning with it's fire inside, when it makes contact with anytthing or goes out of reach the blast sucks in anything loose towards it as it gets smaller, after 1 second the blast explodes, anything alive within a meter of it's radius gets turned to ash and and a couple tiny pebbles of muspelstone, stone burns as if it was the surface of a volcano, any metal melts, it creates a tiny shockwave that travels 10 feet outside of the fire radius that will make any flying dragon stumble but won't make them fall.
Secret dragon-eye info (when mystery, stoker, tracker, boulder, and strike dragon fire are present or when a really large piece of muspelstone is nearby): it is the dragon of Vidar and it only has one goal, to avenge and protect the innocent, and to kill the guilty hunters, killers, thieves, abusers, and rapists of the world and will not stop until every sinner is dead. It has a secret blue flame that burns brighter and hotter than it's first flame, not even gronkle iron can get close before turning red, and the muspelstone turns dangerous as it turns blue and white, it burns wood to ash and heats up gronkle iron turning the silver colored metal red and yellow. There is a secret and powerful armor and weapon that which it protects, it's location can only be viewed when the dragon uses it's true blue flame into the dragon-eye, the god of vengeance's armor and sword itself, whoever has the armor is granted control over the beast and the living's fate, but beware, whoever dares to try and take Vidar's sacred items, shall face the trials of justice and vengeance, all who enter may not turn back, the only way to exit is to finish the trials, may you have justice and bring vengeance instead of being brought to justice and pay penance.
(Muspelstone is almost as strong as gronkle iron, blue muspelstone is as strong except it has a burning effect and the Vidar armor and sword effects are as shown below near the end.)
Dragon name: GhostFire
Likes: his rider, the innocent, punishing the guilty, flying, hunting, tracking, fish, eels, mutton, chicken, yak, pork, ham, any meat, Musmulstone, sleep, night time, stars.
Dislikes: the guilty, sinners, killers, the ones who cannot change, the dragons who kill for petty reasons.
Personality: always serious never playful, always on the hunt, but is caring to his rider and the innocent, stops for breaks when needed, takes care of the creatures around it, bringing the innocent cooked food, warmth, and safety from the sinners out in the world
Abilities: born tracker, untouchable by metal or wood (except gronkle iron but even then it eventually gets to the point where it melts), whip tail, fire body that melts even dragon proof cages, penance stare, fire breath that melts even dragon proof cages, water walking, underwater breathing, better speed than toothless, total fire immunity, fire dragon blast immunity, acid immunity, fire doesn't go out, even underwater. Slowly breaks through stone and dirt. Does not listen to the alpha/ bewilderbeast
Weaknesses: being caved in by stone and ice. Less so on ice.
Sexuality: not interested, there are still sinners left to punish
Attack: 55
Speed: 39
Armor: 53
Fire power: 61
Shot limit: 9
Venom: 0
Jaw strength: 20
Stealth: 0
Zac Zarathos
An inventor with extreme intelligence and curiosity, a fighter without mercy and extreme brutality, a rider who follows his dragon.
Zac is a kind soul who always listens to both sides of the story, he always makes his dues, and a loved person to all the islands outside the archipelago, which would be true if an Armada hadn't attacked his island, killed everyone on it besides him and ran off with everything of value when he was 12.
because of this Zac has become a cold and secluded person reluctant to trust anyone but himself and GhostFire, he met GhostFire when he was at his lowest point, starved, lonely, almost dead, GhostFire brought fish with him and made sure to take care of him, gave him his own scales to make a absolute fire proof suit and saddle, gave him muspelstone to make his whip sword, he gave him his gel to make his sword turn to flames, together they made a base of operations, the ones who survive (for now) send messages call him the ghost rider, spreading rumors that he is the child of Vidar ready to claim the guilty's souls of the world.
(Credit to whoever made this)
(Credit it ezcosplay)
(Credit to the maker of the sword)
(Credit to Amazon)
Age: two years older than hiccup.
Personality: cold, untrusting, serious, merciless (to enemies/ the guilty), understanding, tries to see both sides of the story, cold but caring, merciful (to friends/ the innocent)
Likes: GhostFire, meat, fish, punishing the guilty, kids, the innocent, fire, his sword, his suit, his mask, watching the guilty burn, the riders protecting the innocent.
Dislikes: veggies, the guilty surviving, people who get in the way, dragons who get in the way, innocent getting hurt, the riders unwillingness to kill, The vikings who destroyed his island.
Sexuality: straight but reluctant to love.
Crush: open to any women who are not guilty.
Weaknesses: Relies only on himself and GhostFire, reluctant to trust, being caved in stone, metal or ice, less so with metal and even less so with ice.
Suit abilities: fire resistant, resistant, glide and glide boost (he made the dragon-fly before hiccup, it's looks are two black wings folded being is back before springing to the sides of his back with a black scale cylinder opened towards his feets direction, and uses canisters of GhostFire's gel mixed with a touch of gunpowder to shoot out of the suits back like a firework has 3 canister sections for each of the two canisters per trip from his hideout on an island near dragons edge, an stone island with a very big but dormant volcano, able to rocket 3 times on each canister, the canisters are long but really slim and when they are put into the back of the suit, it has a cover to protect it from damage, it's made made of gronkle iron and scales from GhostFire)
Sword abilities: transform from sword to whip and from whip to sword, fire whip and sword that's able to slowly melt through dragon proof metal and stone (like a lightsaber), whip boost launch (two different canisters of gel, one with a touch of gunpowder and one without, the one with gunpowder launches the tip of the sword like Scorpions chain grapple, keeps two different canisters in the sword and has 4 of both on opposite sides of his belt, the canisters are two different sizes, the one with gunpowder is significantly thinner than the one without as it has the amount of gunpowder to explode instead of just rocket for a little bit like with the one his back for glide boosting)
Dragon-eye lenses: 2.
The 1st dragon eye lense can be lit up by Stoker, Mystery, Tracker, and Strike class dragons, each one shows that class of information for the Muspelbeast, all together they reveal the secret message. Location is in his bag. Attached to either his hip or GhostFire
The second dragon-eye lense can only be light by the blue flames of the Muspelbeast, and reveals the location of Vidar's armor. (Down below). Location is around his neck on his necklace which lies under his armor.
Vidar armor abilities: (locked [doesn't have the dragon-eye to even know about the map or use the dragon-eye to use the lense he has on his necklace to find the trials])
Complete fire immunity, lava walking, water walking, acid immunity, penance stare, fire coming from the top of the helmet, fire infusion with weapons as long as the wearer is touching the weapon, sin sight (able to see a person's every sins, immunity to penance stare, knock back resistance, fire fists, vengeful tracking, vengeance dragon infusion (turns any dragon ridden by wearer into a muspelheim version of themselves), fire fist's, fire shoots from their hands, fire feet, speed of vengeance (when chasing or attacking a sinner, depending on the level of their sins gets faster the more amounts of sin and the more evil the sins are), curse of immortality (cannot age past time worn, can only die due to outside forces such as starvation, dehydration, Impalement, battle, and so on and so fourth.), increased healing, (heals a lot faster than a normal human should, can even regrow limbs after 3 months, unless it's a instant killing blow.) curse of binding (once worn can not be taken off until death of the wearer), immunity to effects of the sword.)
Vidar sword abilities:
all who are impaled or killed by the blade are turned to muspelstone, all who are cut get a curse that slowly turns them to muspelstone from the cut
First appearance:
Dragons race the edge season 1 episode 13 "total nightmare", when the Titan-Wing Monstrous-Nightmare returns to it's cave, it sees a fiery glow, like the sun was sitting in it's cave, it was night and it knew a dragon was making itself welcome inside his home, it snarled as it marched over inside the cave only to find the awaiting ambushers ready to pounce, a dragon it's never seen before with almost its entire body alfame and a skull instead of a head, a whip like flaming tail, and a human with a skull for a mask and strange looking sword, the camera then turns to the outside of the cave as the Titan-Wing Monstrous-Nightmare sqweals in pain but suddenly stops to what appears to sound like amber from a death song quickly hardening and the unknown dragon and human fly out of the cave looking for the next sinner to punish, as the camera slowly enters the cave to see the Titan-Wing Monstrous-Nightmare turned into a statue with the colors of red and black... MUSPELSTONE.
First time the dragon riders encounter him:
dragons race to the edge season 2 episode 9 "edge of disaster part 2",
when things look dangerous for Astrid, Roughnut, and Tuffnut suddenly a demonic roar is heard as the sun rises... From the west?! A unknown dragon and rider come from the side and crash in between the dragon hunters and quickly kill them, turning them to ash and a stone like substance, and the Viking with what appears to be a skull head cutting them apart with a whip sword that lights on fire, Ryker, Heather, and Dagur retreat along with very few others but managed to get some of the strange stone for themselves,
Ryker: "Vigo will be pleased" Ryker smirks,
Heather: "how? We don't have the dragon-eye." Heather asks curiously hoping to get more info on what just happened.
Dagur: "Not only that but there's a new rider!? AND DRAGON THAT CAN TURN US TO STONE!?" Dagur says midly panicked and very confused.
Ryker: "The dragon and rider is nothing new. I just thought we burried 'em. But this... This will make Vigo very happy." Ryker grins evilly holding up a piece of the strange stone knowing how useful it can be.
Soon after, the sun rises and the rest of the riders come back to a battle Ground full of ash, bones, blood, weird stones, statues and death. Hiccup flies down to Astrid.
Hiccup: "what happened. Are you okay? Are you hurt, where are the dragon hunters?" Hiccup asks worried sick.
Astrid: Astrid smiles, "I'm fine but... We have a new problem."
Astrid looks down toward the beach, which Hiccup follows her gaze to see a new dragon with a skull for a head, blazing all over and a whip like tail burning infinitely, and a human wearing a skull for a helmet and mask, wearing black as night scales for armor, and a thing like the dragon-fly 1 on his back but with a weird cylinder cone in between them, and a sword with spaces in between certain parts of the blade with a weird space in the middle of the sword, looking at his dragon before both looked at where they were standing.
When hiccup and the rest of the riders landed they took note of the clean up, there was no more blood and corpses, there was just ash, bones, and weird stones and statues. The dragon was easily twice the size of hookfang, and the Viking 6'3",
Stranger: "what do you want?" The Viking spoke coldly slightly muffled due to the mask,
Hiccup: "we just want to talk." Hiccup replied,
Stranger: "I don't have time to talk" the Viking growled as this was just going to be a waste of his time,
Hiccup: "why not? We have food, supplies, anything that you could need." Hiccup offered,
the Vikings belly growled, he hadn't eaten in days, the giant dragon softly hummed signifying that the boy should take time to rest.
The Viking sighed,
Stranger: "fine but keep your questions till after we eat." The Viking said sternly,
Hiccup: "fine by me" hiccup smiled
After they ate which the Viking kept his mask on, only detaching the jaw with a click, once he put it back on, the questions began,
Hiccup: "who are you?"
Stranger:"Not important. "
Astrid: "where are you from?"
Stranger: "Not important."
Snotlout: "What is your dragon, and why is it a lame copy dragon of hookfang?"
Stranger: "Muspelbeast and he came first."
Roughnut: "what's his name?"
Stranger: "GhostFire."
Fishlegs: "What can he do?"
Stranger: "Breath fire, stay on fire, fire immunity, create extremely strong and potent fire gel, turn people to stone, easily melt through metal, eat metal that's weaker than gronkle iron, turn dragons to stone, walk on water, breath underwater, he's very fast and very strong."
Toughnut: *holds strange stone in hand* "what kind of stone is it? it's shiny." *looks around before crouching* "MY PRECIOUS, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!"
Stranger: "Muspelstone, don't try eating it unless you want a real bad stomach ache that will leave you immobile for 2-3 days."
Hiccup: "Why did you kill those dragon hunters?"
Stranger: "... Because they deserved it, they bring pain and death to every dragon they come across, the guilty must face penance for their actions, and the innocent will be safer without them around."
Astrid: "You don't get to decide who gets to die."
Stranger: "I know I don't, he does." He said pointing at GhostFire who was just looking at them.
Hiccup: "But you could've found another way."
Stranger: "I'm not risking the lives of the innocent."
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