"The Amphibious Alien/Sebas" (SCP)
(I'm currently redoing this bio)
Name: Dr. Michael H. Yang
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Item #: 5478
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5478 is to be contained in a climate controlled, cave-like enclosure at Site [REDACTED]. The enclosure must be no less than 50 meters long, 20 meters wide and 30 meters high (not including pool) and have various amounts of rocks, boulders, stalagmites and stalagtites placed so that it resembles a cave. The enclosure should have one human-sized door for personnel, and a 3 meter high door for SCP-5478 in case of transportation, retrieval after escape, or emergency.
The room should not have any light except some strobe lights at the entrance of the enclosure and small, somewhat dim lights resembling glow worms (Lampyris noctiluca). The glow worm-like lights should run along the rocks, walls and within the pool of water that is given. The pool must be composited of highly salt-based liquid water and must be 10 meters long, 10 meters wide and 25 meters deep. Below and above the water level of the pool should be an observation window for personnel made with three layers of borosilicate glass. Within the pool should be various amounts of the same lights running along the rocks and walls of the enclosure above the water level.
Three standard security guards are to be at the entrance of the enclosure at all times, rotating every six hours. If personnel wished to enter the enclosure, they must have Level 3 or higher clearance or permission from Level 3 or higher personnel. Only three people must enter the enclosure, occasionally including one guard, who must accompany the person or people at all times when entering the enclosure. They must always be mindful of the hazards of entering SCP-5478's enclosure, such as serrated stalagmites protruding from the ground and instances of SCP-5478-2 on the enclosure floor. They also must take precautions around the entity, as 5478 is sentient, very cautious and potentially aggressive towards unknown, suspicious-acting people. Do not go past the SCPs limits, as it will start becoming aggressive and may attack. For more information about SCP-5478, help during meeting sessions, and when instances of SCP-5478-2 are seen, please contact Dr. Yang.
Description: SCP-5478 is an amphibious-like being that is 2.4 meters high and 7.9 meters long, including the tail, and weighs 406 kg (896 lbs). It is of unknown origin due to it being incredibly vague in an interview (see Addendum 5478.1). SCP-5478 has six bright blue eyes, three eyes on each side of its head, and has acute vision and an acute sense of smell. Its ears are similar to radar dishes, and can swiftly snap towards any sound that it hears. It has cobalt and navy blue skin that has similar texture to a salamander's (Urodela), blue and brown keratin horns that curve upwards on top of its head, and a white-tipped shark-like fin on top of its head. It has a body structure equivalent to a cheetah's (Acinonyx jubatus) and has hollow bones that allows it to both run and swim fast. Its white-tipped tail and completely transparent white fins can be compared to a goblin shark's (Mitsukurina owstoni) and has teeth and a jaw almost exactly like one. The jaw has been seen to be able to displace and protract quickly to catch small prey, then bring the victim back into its mouth just as quickly to swallow it whole. Its jaw has been seen to extend up to 2 feet and can catch prey within 402 milliseconds. In between both pairs of its paws, there is some thin, cobalt blue transparent webbing that allows it to swim swiftly.
SCP-5478 does seem to have the capability to reproduce, but can also seem to change its sex on command. It has been observed switching from one sex to another, but has been mainly seen with both reproductive organs and systems. Although it has the capability to reproduce, it must need a partner to procreate, which suggests the fact that there might be more entities similar to this one. SCP Foundation personnel have yet to know more information about or make 5478 speak about its species, culture and accommodation, due to its lack of enough human vocabulary to inform. Dr. Michael H. Yang and other personnel are currently in the works of letting SCP-5478 learn more about the human language, the lessons being daily.
Similar to SCP-682, it is extremely intelligent and can engage in complex communication. It can use different types of verbal intercourse such as using the bright cyan blue bioluminescent markings on its skin, horns, spikes on its back, and the two lures on its chin; emitting clicks, low growls, shrieks and trills from it's advanced vocal cords; being able to speak some human vocabulary; and imitating some animalistic calls such as the braying and barking of a zebra or donkey, the low bellows of crocodiles, and the long shrieks of barn owls. Unlike SCP-682, it is more cautious towards other species and objects than it is aggressive. 5478 has exempted many signs of curiosity towards humanity and other SCPs alike while staying a good distance away from other entities. It often has written down notes in an unknown language on the enclosure ground and walls near the corners of the room. The reason for why it is doing this is unknown. There are very few cases of SCP-5478 incursions and breaches, only when it is being provoked, attacked, or starts having neurosis due to confined spaces will the entity start being aggressive and/or attempt to escape it's containment. Although, there are times when SCP-5478 without warning escapes its containment and starts rampaging. During these rare occurrences, the entity always has to be tranqed and to be turned in for question of its motives. Every time this occurs, SCP-5478 seems to not recall any of the events that have happened when it is questioned. The reason for why this happens is still unknown.
Normally when provoked, SCP-5478 will vomit SCP-5478-2 as a defense mechanism. SCP-5478-2 is a non-sentient cyan blue bioluminescent gel-like fluid, and when a person/people with the capability to smell is nearby, it emits a scent that smells like what the person or people desire to eat the most at that given time. It will also increase the person's cravings and give them hallucinations that they are seeing the item they want to ingest, making them eventually eat 5478-2. When someone consumes the fluid, the person will start feeling fatigue and nauseous, eventually making their body temperature unusually cold. More symptoms may include amnesia, diarrhea, migraines, suicidal thoughts, the sudden feeling of being famished, and in rare cases it might end in death. These symptoms may last from 4 days, up to a month. Although, if nothing touches the substance after about four hours, the substance will lose its smell and the effect it has on other entities. If you show any of these symptoms after being in SCP-5478's enclosure, please immediately contact Dr. Yang for an antidote.
If the SCP is not provided with water, the skin will start drying out after thirty minutes. If the SCP is nearby anything that radiates a temperature above 29° C (85° F), the skin will dry out within five minutes. In both of these occurences, its skin coloration will slowly start turning from a blue color to a grey and white color and its bioluminescence will turn into a black color during a two hour time period of being dehydrated. If water is not provided as soon as possible in both instances, 5478's skin will start flaking and show a sticky black substance underneath its skin (what is presumed to be its blood). Please check if the entity has the amount of water it needs every six hours, or else the entity will most likely become deceased.
(-Recovery Log-)
In ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■, ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■, Australia, 1,000+ accounts of a large dragon-like creature with six eyes were seen observing people and sometimes seemingly writing down notes on a transparent notepad within the forests at the edges of the beach. After multiple fishers encountered the entity when it was caught in their fishing net, the entity defended itself and harmed all of the fishers. All of them survived the encounter, but one of them nearly died. MTFs were sent out into the area to try and capture the entity after the attack. They went into the forest after reports that the being went into the woods. It took over seven hours to find the entity. They found it when MTF Agent ■■■■ looked through some bushes, only to be spat on with SCP-5478-2. Fortunately, the Agent had a visor and mouthguard on so his face was protected, and other MTFs helped get the substance off of him, securing it in a hazard bag, and capturing the yet-to-be named entity. The entity put up a fight, going extremely defensive as it let out many animalistic noises and some words that sounded like human vocabulary. Eventually, the entity was tranqed and was no longer conscious, allowing the MTFs to capture the drake-like being and bring it back to Site [REDACTED]. A stolen human dictionary book, a childrens' english book and what seemed like an advanced circular tool that humans are not able to use was all that was confiscated on the being.
(-Addendum 5478.1-)
The following is an interview conducted by Dr. Michael Yang during the initial investigation. A Level 4 person by the name of Dr. ■■■■■■■ is watching their interaction. SCP-5478 is restrained with metal alloy wrist restraints and a shock collar in case of it trying to escape. Dr. Yang is in possession of the shock collar controls.
Interviewer: Dr. Michael Yang
Interviewee: SCP-5478
Dr. Yang: So... Why did you harm those people?
SCP-5478: (silence)
Dr. Yang: We know you can speak English, the MTFs heard you.
SCP-5478: (in Chinese) Only.. English... heard?
Dr. Yang: Apparently. (quietly) But now I know you can also speak my native language.
SCP-5478: You.. China?
Dr. Yang: (surprised by the entity's great hearing) Yes, but I'm interviewing you here. Not the other way around. And please, speak English.
SCP-5478: (in English) We.. go.. both ways.. Doctor. I.. question you... you... question I.
Dr. Yang: (blinks) For... what purpose?
SCP-5478: Research. You?
Dr. Yang: Same as your reason. Why do you need research?
SCP-5478: Can't... explain.. in human.
Dr. Yang: I see, with your lack of enough knowledge about human languages.
SCP-5478: (tilts head, seeming confused) I not.. understand.
Dr. Yang: My point. Now, back to the original question. Why did you hurt those people?
SCP-5478: Caught.. I, unpurposely.
Dr. Yang: (pauses) ..If you were aware that they did it on accident, then why did you still attack them?
SCP-5478: They wanted... hurt. Hurt them to.. protect myself.
Dr. Yang: Ah, I understand. So it was in defense?
SCP-5478: (pauses) I not.. know word. Guess.. yes.
Dr. Yang: Hmm, I see. So, what's your physical health like?
Scp-5478: Normal... Swim everyday.
Dr. Yang: Mental status?
SCP-5478: ... no answer.
Dr. Yang: You have to answer, 5478. Unless you don't have a way to answer.
SCP-5478: Can't explain in human.
Dr. Yang: Okay, that's fine. We'll come back to that question as soon as we teach you some English. Now, what-
SCP-5478: (widens front two eyes) I teached?
Dr. Yang: Yes. I will teach you English so we can communicate better.
SCP-5478: (puts both human-like hands on the table in between both of them, face getting closer to Yang) Please. Teach now.
Dr. Yang: (scooting his chair back a bit, grabbing the shock controller slowly) I will, but not right now. Just answer my questions.
SCP-5478: (hesitation, then pulls back) Understanded.
Dr. Yang: (puts shock controller in his lap) Good. Now.. (pulls out and puts down on the desk the advanced circular tool found on 5478 during its capture) What is this used for?
SCP-5478: (All six eyes widen) Tool.
Dr. Yang: Yes we're aware it is a tool, but what is it used for? How do you use it? Why do you have it?
SCP-5478: (pauses, then suddenly turns head and quietly lets out a hiss resembling a cobra's while staring at the ground)
Dr. Yang: 5478, don't get aggressive with me. I will activate the shock collar.
SCP-5478: (hiss stops, then looks up and tilts head in confusion) Shock.. colour?
Dr. Yang: Collar. The thing on your neck. It will give off electricity, and give you a temporary shock.
SCP-5478: (hesitantly grunts) Understanded.
Dr. Yang: Now back to the original question. What is this tool used for?
SCP-5478: Memories.
Dr. Yang: (blinks, then leans back) Memories? Do you write down what happens to you as you continue your life, take pictures, both?
SCP-5478: Yes.
Dr. Yang: Yes as in-
SCP-5478: Both.
Dr. Yang: Okay. If I give it to you, can you show me how you use this tool?
SCP-5478: Yes.
Dr. Yang: (looks at glass observation window for confirmation)
Dr. ■■■■■■■: (nods, then speaks into microphone) Only for five minutes.
Dr. Yang: (looks back at SCP-5478 and gently puts the tool in front of it) Show me.
SCP-5478: (quickly grabs tool and places it in its brown padded palm, starting to speak an unknown language)
Dr. Yang: What are you saying?
SCP-5478: (no response as it observes and presses the center of the tool a couple times, then puts it down and looks at it, seeming frustrated)
SCP-5478: (looks up at Yang) Broken.
Dr. Yang: How?
SCP-5478: Human broke. Tried caught me, broke it.
Dr. Yang: So when the MTFs tried catching you, they broke it in the process?
SCP-5478: (Nods)
Dr. Yang: What do you need to fix it?
SCP-5478: Techni-see-an.
Dr. Yang: You mean a technician, right?
SCP-5478: Guess, yes.
Dr. Yang: Well, I believe no one at this Site knows how to fix this. So I'm sorry, but we can't use it right now.
SCP-5478: (nods) Understanded.
Dr. Yang: All right, then. I guess we'll move on to our next question.
SCP-5478: (shifts a little bit uncomfortably)
Dr. Yang: You all right? Are you hurt?
SCP-5478: (shakes head) No, fine.
Dr. Yang: Okay, if you insist.
Dr. Yang: (leans back and becomes quiet for a few seconds)
SCP-5478: (lowers one ear and raises the other) You? Okay?
Dr. Yang: (looks up at 5478) Yeah, yeah I'm okay. It's just.. this question may be too personal.
SCP-5478: (grunts) Go.
Dr. Yang: (hesitates, then sits up) All right. What is your history like?
SCP-5478: (silence, then looking down at their hands)
Dr. Yang: ...5478?
SCP-5478: (still silent while looking at their hands)
Dr. Yang: Do- do we need to skip that question?
SCP-5478: ...I not understand question.
Dr. Yang: (suspicious, but skips question) Okay. So, do you have a name?
SCP-5478: (looks up and tilts head) Name?
Dr. Yang: What your mother or father titled you.
SCP-5478: Oh. Title. It is (A few clicks and whistles are made, with a low rumble at the end).
Dr. Yang: ...I don't suppose you have a human name that you would rather go by.
SCP-5478: (More confidently in his speech) I heard title Sebastian. I enjoy it, but maybe I can smallen and make Sebas.
Dr. Yang: (writing in his notes) I see. And where have you heard about this name?
SCP-5478: An old human called titles in house full of hatch- er, birthlings. Had.. odd titles, but heard Sebastian, and enjoyed it.
Dr. Yang: Mmm. I understand. Now where are you from?
SCP-5478: Home. It water cave. Soon moved, and put in chains.
Dr. Yang: Chains? Why?
SCP-5478: Lost battle. Capture.
Dr. Yang: You were a PoW?
SCP-5478: What?
Dr. Yang: ...Never mind. Why were you battling someone?
SCP-5478: Not one. Entire species.
Dr. Yang: You were at war with your species or a different species?
SCP-5478: Different.
Dr. Yang: I see. And where is this war taken place?
SCP-5478: At sphere.
Dr. Yang: And where is your sphere?
SCP-5478: In Solar System.
Dr. Yang: (quietly) Incredibly vague. (Out loud) Is your home here?
SCP-5478: Similar. Orbits larger sphere, smaller spheres follow.
Dr. Yang: What does the larger sphere look like?
SCP-5478: Looks big, white... (trails off)
Dr. Yang: (waiting patiently) ...Sebas?
SCP-5478: (looks down, then looks back up at Yang, raising a hand) I wish water. Skin is dying.
Interviewer's Note: The interview ended due to SCP-5478's skin drying out rapidly and changing to a grey and white color, as well as its bioluminescent skin turning a black color. Water was provided to Sebas and the skin quickly rejuvinated to its normal coloration. There will most likely be another interview later when we find a way to build a portable water life support system for Sebas.
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