Chapter Six - Calm In The Chaos
Day 8
Tanjiro's pov
"Muichiro, if I take these handcuffs.. will you promise me not to run away?" I asked softly, staring into Muichiro's eyes, wanting to rebuild his trust after what I have done to him. Muichiro looked at his bruised wrists, nodding a little "I promise.." he mumbles quietly.
I nodded and unlocked the handcuffs, taking them off slowly and putting them at the table next to me. Muichiro shakily looked at his wrists once again, smiling softly "th..thank you.." he said, tears slowly welling up in his eyes.
I smiled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on his forehead which stunned him a little. "Is there anything you'd like me to buy? I'll go to a store in a bit" I said, knowing this will be a chance to test his loyalty.
He shook his head a little. I gave him a small nod, turning away and grabbing my coat "I'll be back in like two hours, do you remember the rules?" I asked and he nodded once again.
"Stay in the living room.. only allowed to watch tv and read.. or draw.. ehm.. I am not allowed to go anywhere else besides the bathroom.." he mumbles and I nodded "good, glad you remember"
Muichiro's pov
I watched Tanjiro leave the house, hearing him lock the door behind himself. I sighed and sat down on a couch, knowing I have to try to run away but wait a whilr so I am sure that Tanjiro did leave and didn't just act.
Once some time passed, I quickly stood up and ran to the door first, trying to open it with any way possible but it seemed impossible. I began to panic, search through drawers and tried every key I found but nothing worked.. just.. nothing..
I grabbed a knife and pushed in between the door and a wall in hopes of it opening the door somehow but no.. nothing worked..
I dropped on the floor, hugging my knees and sobbing into them, sobs wrecking my body uncontrollably. I felt so helpless, so trapped and controlled in this house it felt horrible, everything was si overwhelminh.. but not so much as at home..
I wanted to escape from here but.. do I actually..? I don't.. want to go back home.. I don't want to get best up every single fucking day for every stupid thing I do!
Where would I go.. what wound I do.. is someone even looking for me.. did my parents even notice I was gone..
Those questions circled my mind since the first day Tanjiro has taken me here and they were just getting louder and louder.
My parents were abusive, showed no love and only hatred.. while Tanjiro.. does love me just.. has issues controlling himself..
I sighed and stood up, hiding the knife and laying down on a couch, watching the sand channel four days in a row.
I wasn't allowed to have my phone because he didn't trust me with it, knowing that I would try to call police.
I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes, thinking of the time my family used to be happy, when Yuichiro was still alive.. when everything was just.. perfect.
I woke up not too long after, feeling a hand stroking my long hair, making me realize that Tanjiro has came home. "You're finally awake" he said with a gentle smile. I only have him a small nod, hoping he doesn't find out about what I was trying to do.
"I'll go make dinner, would you like to help me?* He asked, ruffling my hair playfully. I gave him a forced smile, shaking my head in response, being too drained and exhausted to even more one muscle.
"Alright then" was all he answered with efjre grabbing the bag with groceries and carrying it to the kitchen.
He seemed fine.. if he knew about what I tried to dud, he would definitely not be thus calm.. maybe he was just hiding it, maybe he's preparing something and will just do something later.
My hands began to tremble in panic, the thoughts in my head making me think of the worst things that he could possibly do to me if he found out.
"Muichiro, can you explain this to me..?" I heard Tanjiro say with a cold tone that send shivers down my spine. He grabbed the remote from the TV and clicked on a tab called "camera system"
My eyes widened in shock as I saw myself on one of the camera recordings, trying to open the door before giving up. Before I could say anything, Tanjiro grabbed me by my hair forcefully, making him look at me.
"So this is how things will go, huh?" He pulled out faces together, his eyes wide opened and his mouth turning into a big grin.
"I tried to act nice, I tried to make your life better, I brought you here because I fucking love you and this is how you repay me?!" He yelled out, his voice filled with pure anger as he shoved me off of the couch, making me fall down and hit my head against the table in the process.
"I-I am sorr-" I tried to apologize but before I could, he grabbed me by my neck, his grib getting stronger as his anger grew more.
"So now you apologize? Now you fucking apologizs?! What do you want me to do, Muichiro?! Forgive you and let you go?! Fuck no!" He yelled out and lifted me up, pulling me in front of the basement and pushing me in.
I fell down the stairs, every inch of my body hitting the sharp edge of the stairs. I laid on the floor, gasping for air, crying and apologizing over and over again.
"You'll stay here until you learn how to act!" He yelled out and locked the door. The room fell completely dark, it was so cold that even after just being there for a couple seconds, I was shaking violently.
I looked around, somehow trying to get used to the darkness but it seemed almost impossible. I just laid my head down, wrapping my arms around my trembling body, sobbing quietly.
"I fucked up.. this is my fault.. why did I do this.." I mumbled to myself and crawled up the stairs, sobbing and saying "T-Tanjiro.. pl-please I am sorry.." I sobbed out, hoping he'll hear me.
"Pl-please.. I promise I won't do it again.. I promise.. it's so dark here.. please I am scared.." I sobbed out desperately, listening closely if I heard any footsteps.
Only thing I heard was a chuckle and then footsteps getting far away from the basement. "Tanjiro..?" I mumbled, hoping that I just heard wrong and he's just waiting there "Tanjiro.. pl-please..?" I placed my hand on the door, my nails digging into the wood "please.. don't leave me here.."
I heard the door open, seeing the light from the other room light up the dark basement. I was still sitting on the stairs, having no idea what time it was.
Tanjiro walked into the room, looking at me with an annoyed look "get down there" he said and I quickly nodded, wanting to be obedient so he let me out of here quickly.
Suddenly he pushed a matrace down the stairs, making my heart drop "matrace..?" I mumbled and he nodded "you'll be sleeping here for a while"
I shook my head, tears filling my eyes "N-No please.. it's so d-dark here.. I-I ca-"
"You should have thought about that because you tried to run away," he said, putting a pillow and a thin blanket on the matrace. "O-okay.." I said quietly and sat down on a matrace. He was looking at me for a bit before walking out and coming back soon after with a small box with many things.
A small pluggable lightbulb. He plugged it in a socket, the room immediately lighting up a little with it. I looked into the box, seeing a small teddy bear that I gently grabbed and looked at it. It was missing an eye and arm but I didn't care "may I keep it..?" I asked quietly.
He looked at the teddy bear and nodded "sure, it belonged to my sister"
Just now I realized that I never heard him talk about his family "where is your family..?" I mumbled quietly and he immediately froze. "don't ask stupid questions" was all he said before grabbing the box and leaving the basement, locking the door behind himself.
I laid down on the matrace, covering myself with the blanket and looking at the teddy bear "why was he like that when I asked about his family.. maybe they weren't the nicest like mine.." I mumbled to myself "what do you think teddy?"
I chuckled to myself and hugged the plush close to my chest, feeling oddly calm and safe even though I was laying on a matrace.. in a basement.
"Hey, wake up" I heard while someone was shaking lightly with my body. I opened my eyes to see Tanjiro sitting there with a plate of food in his hand.
I quickly sat up and took the place, my eyes shining with excitement as I picked up the fork. Then suddenly a wave of guilt washed over me "I.. missbehaved.. I shouldn't eat this, I don't.. deserve it"
"Why are you not eating?" Tanjiro said, frowning a little. "I.. don't deserve it.." I said quietly, looking down at my lap.
Tanjiro raised his eyebrow in confusion before moving the plate back close to me "you got this from your parents, no?"
My eyes widened as I mumbled "how do you..?"
"It's obvious, now eat" he said and grabbed the fork, picking up some food with it and putting it close to my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth and he started to feed me slowly.
He seemed oddly calm even after what I did.. if it still shocked me that he wasn't yelling at me.. trying to hurt me or worse..
"I need to head to school soon, there are some books in the box over there, you can read those while I am gone" he said and I nodded slightly.
When he stood up I quickly grabbed his hair, knowing what I have to do "pl-please.. don't leave me here.." I mumbled quietly, knowing that by this acting he'll develop trust in me again.
He smiled and kneeled down next to me, kissing my forehead gently "I'll be back soon, love, don't worry" he said, now his expression changed from annoyed to happy.
I nodded slightly and finished my food quickly, handing the plate back to him before he left. He stood up and went to the small box with books, looking for something that I might be interested in and soon I did find a couple mangas which I happily took to my matrace.
I laid down, grabbed my plush and began to read. I was still wondering why I felt so calm.. so happy.
Word count : 1862
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