Chapter One - "I Have To Make Him Mine"

As I said, this fanfic is inspired by one of my one shots. This fanfic will be longer so the first chapters will be something that was never included in the one shot and will be slightly different. But of course expect every single part I included in the one shot somewhere in the story.

Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro Tokito.. a guy I fell in love with just a couple days.. we could say it was love at first sight but it took so long for him to realize..

His beautiful hair, his big eyes, the way he always smiled at me. I became obsessed with him, he was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of unless I had him just for myself..


It was a regular day, I woke up due to my alarm going off. I let out a groan and slammed my hand on my phone, turning off the alarm and pulling a blanket over my face, the sunlight hurting my sleepy eyes.

I knew I had to wake up but there was no point for me to go to school, I hated studying and hated being surrounded by so many people even more.

After a while I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to find a reason to go school today but I didn't find any but for some reason I decided to go, I guess because of the food in the cafeteria.

Food in the cafeteria was terrible but at least I didn't have to waste money on my own food. I sighed and looked at my night stand, seeing a picture of my family which passed away during a... terrible accident... Yes.. an accident. Accident means that something happened and it was no one's fault.

I put my uniform on and packed my bag before heading out of the house. It was quite cold outside even though the sun was shining. I sighed and looked up at the sky, watching the gray clouds move around the blue sky, wondering how I would kill the time in school so it passed quicker.

I could always bother the teacher until they are so annoyed I am forced to leave the classroom like always, seems like a good idea to me.

I shut my locker and grabbed my biology book, heading into my next lesson. I was looking at my phone when suddenly I bumped into someone, my phone dropping down onto the hard floor.

"What the fuck, kid!? Watch where you walk!" I yelled out, looking at the smaller male in front of me. He picked up my phone and handed it to me, looking straight into my eyes "I am so sorry I didn't mean to" he said and bowed down.

Before I could say anything more, he quickly walked away, most likely embarrassed that this happened. I couldn't help but think of his voice and face. His facial features were absolutely beautiful, his chubby cheeks and his big eyes were almost impossible not to look at.

His voice was so calm yet so mesmerizing. His body that was covered with school uniform was absolutely stunning as well, his skinny arms, his thighs that I would pay for just to have them around my body. His neck, so beautiful, so undamaged, god how much I would want to suck on it and leave small purple marks on it.

He was perfect, he was beautiful, I had to make him mine. You might think "well, you just met him now, no? How is it possible you are already this down bad for him?"

Just ask yourself, if a guy like that bumped into you, would you think of him any differently?

He's just irresistible, he was like a drug, use it one time and you're addicted just like with him.. only one look is enough for you to get addicted.

Muichiro's pov

Once I got to class I sat down at my seat in the back of the class right next to a window. I looked around, seeing all of my classmates chatting and laughing, some doing their homework which were too lazy to do at home.

I only sat there, not laughing, talking, studying.. I saw no purpose in anything, why should I study, why should I try, it's not like I will live long enough to get a good job.

I sighed and rested my head in my arms that were laid on my desk. All I wanted to do was sleep and hope that when I wake up the school will be over and I could finally.. go home.

To be completely honest.. I am not sure where I dislike it more. At school it's so loud, everyone makes fun of me, I have no one to talk to.. but at least during lunch I get some peace.

At home.. It's quiet and peaceful until my parents come home and ruin everything. They are heavy alcoholics and don't care about me. Only thing they see me as is a punching bag.

They don't cook, clean, barely go to work.. the only thing they do is drink non stop and it's so.. so annoying. I come home, clean up all the empty alcohol bottles, wash the dishes and clean other things, sometimes it's a lot, sometimes not so much.

Everytime I come home from school I am praying there isn't much of a mess so I can clean it and go and rest before they come. Although most of the time before I manage to clean up everything, they come and I get beat up for not cleaning everything in time.

I just wanted to escape all of this, live with someone who cares about me and loves me.. tell me comforting words while I am feeling sad.. hold me while I am crying.. cuddle me, hug me.. anything..

I just wanted that, am I asking for too much.. All I want is that.. nothing else.. I am so touch starved it's crazy.. I would probably start to cry if someone just hugged me..

Tanjiro's pov

I was watching him through the door to the classroom, he sat there with his head resting in his arms. Before I could make any move, the bell rang and I was forced to go to class.

"Just wait, you'll be mine soon and you won't be able to do anything about it.." I laughed slightly and headed back to my classroom.

"Why were you spying on Tokito?" Someone behind me said. I turned around to see a guy with a mohawk. If I remember correctly his name was Genya, one of the most feared bullies in the whole school.

"It's none of your business" I replied and crossed my arms. Genya smirked and walked closer to me with his arms crossed as well "don't try anything with him, that guy won't talk to you even if you tried"

"How can you know that?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "He's such a fucking loner it's annoying, at least half of the class tried to talk to him but he just gave them side eye and left it like that, if you want to get embarrassed, go ahead, talk to him and see it for yourself"

"K, I will" I replied and walked away, lifting my arm up and giving him a middle finger. I heard him groan which made me laugh "he has such a short temper it's unbelievable" I thought and walked into my classroom, once again thinking of him.

"Maybe it would be better to first know what things he likes and after that I should talk to him.. but no one talks to him.. how will I know what he likes.."

Then it hit me "I don't need to ask anyone.. I'll just figure it out myself.. by stalking him" I laughed to myself "what a silly idea, huh? But an affective one"


After school I waited outside for Muichiro to come out, his classes ended at the same time so I didn't wait much longer before I saw him come out.

He was speed walking, like he was scared of something. Soon after, two other guys walked out of the school and went quickly after Muichiro.

"Tried to run away, huh?" One of the guys said and put his leg in front of Muichiro, making him trip over it and fall down to the hard ground.

The two guys immediately burst out laughing while grabbing Muichiro by his hair, making him look up at them. Muichiro grabbed onto the dude's hand, trying to pull it away from his hair but the more he tried, it just became more painful.

"Come on Muichiro~ are you scared? Your parents do this every day, no? Shouldn't you be used to this already?" One of them said and Muichiro just sat there, slightly trembling.

I felt my anger building up "how could anyone hurt someone like him? He doesn't deserve this" I thought and stood up "hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled out and walked towards them.

They all looked at me. Muichiro looked at me with tear filled eyes and I could feel my heart skip a beat. Even though he was crying, he looked adorable. His cheeks and nose were colored with a light shade of pink that were decorated with small shiny tears.

"Oh~ did you finally find a friend, Muichiro?" One of them asked and tugged Muichiro's hair harder, making him yelp in pain.

"I said leave him alone!" I yelled out and punched him hard in the face, making him stumble back. "So you want to fight huh?" The other chuckled and clenched his fists "fine, let's do it"

I smiled and nodded, looking down at Muichiro "get behind me"

He quickly nodded and stood up, quickly hiding behind me. One of the guys charged at me but I dodged his punch with ease and squatted down, giving him a hard hit with my elbow into his stomach. He clutched his stomach, giving me an opportunity to hit him hard into his face.

He fell to the ground when the other charged at me as well. Before he could hit me, I grabbed both of his arms and hit him in his stomach with my knee repeatedly until he was in so much pain he just fell to the ground.

"I-Is that all you can do?" One of the guys said and I kicked him in his face "shut up" I grabbed him by his hair and looked into his face "it's not so nice when someone does it to you, huh? So leave him the fuck alone!" I slammed his head down on the ground.

I stood up and turned towards Muichiro who was looking at me with shock "you okay?" I asked and he quietly nodded "yeah but.. you didn't have to beat them up.."

"They deserve it, they have to understand how much it hurts, if I just let them go without the right punishment, they would do it over and over again" I replied and looked at them again.

"..thank you.. a lot" he said quietly once again and gave me a slight smile. There was this feeling again, my heart skipping a beat just because of one stupid smile.

What am I talking about.. it's not stupid.. I would do anything to see that smile again.

"It's no problem.. you're Muichiro, right?" I asked and placed my hand on his back, taking him a couple steps away from those guys.

"E-Ehm.. yeah I am.. and you are?" He asked. "Tanjiro, Tanjiro Kamado" I replied simply.

"Well" he hold out his hand "it's nice to meet you Tanjiro"

I shook his hand and he pulled away a little after "oh my god his hands are so soft.. I want to touch them again so badly..." I thought to myself, staring him in the eyes.

"Well.. thank you so much again.. I really appreciate it.. also, sorry for bumping into in the hallway, is your phone okay?" He asked with a worried tone.

I nodded "it's fine don't worry, it's already really old and has a lot of cracks so if another one appeared I wouldn't even notice" I replied and he chuckled.

"Okay.. well, I'll see you tomorrow, bye Tanjiro" he said and gave me a small wave. I waved at him as well and stared at him while he walked away.

I couldn't help it. The way he walked and how his thighs rubbed against each other each time he took a step, the way his hair slowed in the air, he was just perfect and I knew what I had to do.

"I have to make him mine"


Word count : 2107

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