Chapter Four - Countdown
Tanjiro's pov
"I am so sorry I am late! I had to talk to mister Tomioka about something!" Muichiro said and I smiled at him "no no it's okay, don't worry about it"
He sat down in front of me and just sat there, didn't even take out his food. "You don't have food?" I asked and he shook his head "no.. my parents forgot to pay for the food in cafeteria.. and I wasn't really allowed to make myself something in the morning"
"What do you mean by 'not allowed'?" I asked, knowing very well that his parents did something again. Muichiro looked down, his expression changing quickly from happy to sad.
"As I said.. they are not the nicest.." me mumbled quietly, refusing to make eye contact with me. I frowned at the comment, moving closer to him and saying "why are they so mean to you? They are your parents, why do they treat you like this?" I asked with an annoyed tone.
Muichiro's eyes widened a little before filling up with small tears, saying "it's all my fault.."
"What do you mean it's your fault??" I asked and the tears that were filled in his eyes slowly slid down his cheeks "come on, you can tell me.." I said in a big of a soothing voice, hoping he'll tell me.
"W-Well.. it started when I was like.. eight years old..?"
Muichiro's pov
"Yui!! Come on! Hurry up!" I yelled out to my twin who was running towards me with a ball. We were playing in front of our house.. very close to the road which ended up being a horrible.. horrible mistake.
We were playing for a while until I accidentally dropped the ball and it rolled onto the road. Without looking, I ran there to grab the ball.
"Muichiro, watch out!!" I heard Yuichiro say when I picked up the ball. I turned to my right to see a car coming my way, I completely froze, not able to move.
Suddenly someone pushed me aside, making me drop onto the ground not too far from where I was standing.
I looked behind me, my eyes immediately widening. I saw Yuichiro's limp body.. laying on a cold road with blood under his head.
I started to scream and cry hysterically, moving closer to Yuichiro and shaking with his limp body "Yui!! Yui!! Wake up!!" I yelled out, crying hysterically. When the person got out of the car, he immediately rushed to us and called the ambulance.
Not too long after, our parents ran out of the house straight to us. "M-Mama! Y-Yui is h-hurt! i-I am so-sorry!' I yelled out, reaching my arms towards her.
She hugged me tightly and looked over at Yuichiro, tears streaming down her face as well while dad was yelling at the other man.
My mother was holding me in her arms while we waited outside Yuichiro's hospital room. I was still so being, unable to calm down, I was so scared of something terrible happening and soon… those worries came true.
"I am sorry but.. he didn't make it.."
The room fell silent, I couldn't believe it. I began to cry harder, apologizing over and over again while my mother just sat me down, her face cold as a rock.. emotionless with no signs of emotions at all.
"M-Mama..?" I mumbled and grabbed her hand. The second I touched her, her face changed from emotionless to mad. She raised her arm and slapped me "this is all your fault! He's dead because of you!"
My eyes widened, filling up with more tears as I touched my cheek, crying even louder "I-I am so-sorry, mama! I-I am so-sorry!" I yelled out, my father taking her away from me before she could do anything more.
From that point.. everything just went downhill..
My mother refused to talk to me. To cope with Yui's death she began to drink.. a lot.
My father tried to be better, still take care of me but it was hard with my mother constantly drinking, getting into fights with him and blaming me for literally everything.
Later on it was too much for my father too.. he began to drink as well, listened to my mother who made him believe that Yuichiro's death was my fault which.. it was.
It was my fault, I didn't blame them for hating me, I hated myself for it too.. It should have been me who died.. not him..
When I got older, they just got more abusive, started lacking their job and.. just thought of me as something that ruined their life.. they didn't even refer to me as their son which.. hurted.. so much.
Tanjiro's pov
"Well yea.. it's.. all my fault they hate me.. it's understandable.. I deserve it" Muichiro said with a trembling voice, tears streaming down his face.
My blood was boiling with anger when he told me such a thing, I couldn't believe it "Muichiro it's not you'd fucking fault, you are their fucking son! They shouldn't be treating you like this!"
Muichiro shook his head, hugging his knees and sobbing more "N-No.. I am a horrible son, I-I deserve it!"
I pulled Muichiro into a hug, holding him tightly against my body, caressing the back of his head "stop saying that, it's not your fault, it was your brother's decision to save you, it was either him or you and if you died, he'd blame himself.. your parents are assholes.. you deserve love, caring and so much more.. you don't deserve this treatment"
Muichiro was still sobbing, shaking his head "N-No! I-It's m-my fault.. stop lying!"
I just hugged him tighter, knowing he won't believe me. I can't believe he's been going through this for so long, he must be so touch starved.. who knows when was the last time someone showed him any signs of love.
"Muichiro, look at me and ask yourself.. Did you ever mean to do such a thing? Did you want that to happen?" I asked and he shook his head "o-of course n-not.."
"See? You didn't do it purposefully, it was an accident, and accident means that if something happened, it's not anybody's fault, okay?" I said with a soothing voice, wiping away his tears with my thumb.
"The guilt s-still won't leave me even i-if you tell me this.. I-I miss him so much.." he mumbled quietly and hugged his knees again "and my p-parents will never understand.."
He sighed and clenched his fists, trying his hardest not to break down again "I-I don't know why am I even talking a-about this" he stood up "s-sorry.." he then ran away without saying anything more.
I didn't want to leave him feeling like this, he didn't deserve it, he deserves love! Love and only love! And I am willing to give that to him!
Muichiro's pov
I was sitting in an empty classroom, sobbing quietly while hugging my knees. It was a bad idea to talk about it, it was like I was reliving it all over again..
I took a tissue out of my pocket and wiped my tears before blowing my nose. I just sat there for hours.. not caring about what my parents will do when I get home.. not caring about my classes.. I just felt so drained.. so horrible, I didn't care about anything anymore..
Suddenly the door opened and the janitor walked in "you gotta go home, kid, the school is closing soon" he said and I nodded, apologizing quickly before walking out of the classroom.
I went to get my stuff and then walked out of the school, just looking at the ground, thinking "should I.. stay outside today..? Think about stuff and just.. relax..?"
There was a forest not too far from school so.. maybe I could buy something and go there.. that seems.. nice..
I was sitting on a bench, watching the stars.. it was peaceful.. way more peaceful than at home..
I picked up my energy drink and took a small sip, pulling my knees close to my chest again to keep myself warmer. I knew that once I got home it'd be a nightmare but.. I was just enjoying this moment of being outside.. alone and without any problems.
Suddenly I heard something behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a figure behind a tree "who's there?!" I yelled out and grabbed my bag, panicking.
I just began to run as fast as I could, hearing them right behind me. Then suddenly.. a sharp pain in my head.. and then everything went black..
I woke up in a room.. tied to a bed. I began to panic, looking around, starting to breath heavily before suddenly seeing the door open..
A tall figure walked into the room.. "T-Tanjiro..?" I mumbled, immediately recognising him "why am I here?! Why am I tied up, wh-"
"Shhh, be quiet, no need to panic" he smiled and cupped my cheeks with his hands "you're in my house.. I am gonna protect you now.. show you love.. because.. I am in love with you Muichiro"
My eyes widened, looking at him with a shocked look "wh-what?! T-Tanjiro you can't just lock me here because you love me!! I-I don't even feel the same!"
My face fell.. looking cold and emotionless. "I don't give a shit, Muichiro!! I am not losing someone I love again!!" He yelled out and pinned me down onto the bed.
"Wh-what do you mean by that..?" I mumbled quietly, seeing a slight smirk creep on his face. "I am saying that I've been in love with someone before but.. it didn't quite work out.." he touched my cheek and mumbled "I am giving you one year to fall in love with me.. if not.. I am gonna get rid of you, just like with the other person.."
My eyes widened, shaking my head repeatedly.
"You can't escape this Muichiro, you are mine now, I own you.." he said with a creepy voice, his eyes wide open as he leaned down to my ear, whispering.
"the countdown starts now"
Word count : 1723
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