Episode 13: Day of the Great Devourer

Great Devourer: *swallows Sensei Wu*

Me: NOOOOOOOO! ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Who's going to lead the ninja now?!

Great Devourer: *looks at the Ninja*

Jay: "Maybe if we stand perfectly still..."

Me: That's a terrible idea, Jay. Don't stare at it! RUUUUUUUN!

Kai: "Ruuun!"

Me: Thank you for that wonderful suggestion, Kai.

Great Devourer: *chases after the Ninja*

Jay: *trips while running*

Me: Ahhhhhhh! Please don't get eaten!

Nya: "Fire up the engines."

Lloyd: *continues to stare out the window*

Nya: "I said, 'Fire up the engines!'"

Me: Hurry up, Lloyd! Stop staring at the deadly snake chasing your friends!

Great Devourer: *almost bites the Destiny's Bounty twice*

Me: *freaks out for the rest of the chase scene* Man, Nya is an awesome pilot! But that was still waaay to close for comfort!

Jay: "Does  anyone else think the Great Devourer looks bigger than it did before?"

Me: *looks closely at the Great Devourer* No, I don't really see a difference.

Great Devourer: *grows*

Cole: "The more it consumes, the bigger it gets."

Me: That is extremely... TERRIFYING!!

Cole: "Don't throw anything else overboard!"

Kai: *throws Sensei Wu's teapot overboard*

Me: What did Cole just say, Kai?! Also, did Kai really think that one teapot would help them become lighter? I hope that the teapot doesn't have any magical tea in it that will make the Great Devourer get a big growth spurt.

Great Devourer: *makes the Destiny's Bounty crash*


Zane: "Goodbye, old friend."

Me: This is so sad and scary. Hurry up and get out of there!

Great Devourer: *eats the Destiny's Bounty*

All Ninja: "No!"

Me: Now that's adding insult to injury. 

Kai: "That was too intense."

Me: You're telling me! My heart is still beating fast!!

Zane: "There is no time to rest. We need to warn people before it become bigger."

Me: Zane, not everyone can recover as quickly as you. Let our hearts get back to a normal rate!

Jay: *freaks out and starts rambling*

Me: This is why I like Jay. He is so funny when he freaks out and he helps relieve the tension. 

Cole: "And what? Just give up?"

Jay: "You know as well as I do that we have no chance at stopping that thing."

Me: Jay has given up already? This isn't looking good.

Kai: "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting, running and hiding, giving up?"

Me: Wow, Kai brought up a good point.

Lloyd: "But he's not here anymore."

Me: Geez, Lloyd. Way to kill the hope right there.

Kai: "But his teachings live on. Sensei once told me it's not the size of a Ninja in a fight, but the size of the fight in the Ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with Skeletons and the Serpentine, we've persevered through so much. We can't just give up now. A Ninja never admits defeat. A Ninja always picks himself up when he's down which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now."

Me: That was so beautiful! I bet you really made Sensei proud, Kai. And speaking of Sensei, was that him I saw during Kai's speech?!!!

Jay: *still freaks out* "Oh, we are so hooped!"

Cole: "Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big."

Me: C'mon! Don't you two feel at least a little empowered by Kai's awesome speech?

Kai: "Jay you're a genius! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Jay: "Probably not, but go ahead."

Me: I think you mean accidental, uninterested genius.

Fangtom: *blames Skales for their trouble with the Great Devourer*

Me: It's your fault for listening to Pythor too, not just Skales. You could've overthrown that psycho before ever reaching this point.

Skales: "Out of my way, coward."

Fangtom: "You're the coward."

Me: You're both cowards and idiots!

Cole: "Good idea, Kai. If the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full on buffet."

Me: Oh, so that's why they went to Ed and Edna's junkyard.

Kai: *pulls out blueprints for the Ultra Sonic Raider*

Me: Whoa! That looks so awesome! Poor Lloyd can't see the plans because he's short and he's standing behind the Ninja.

Zane: *plays a recording of the Sacred Flute*

Me: Since Zane has a recording of it, why was Jay freaking out earlier about losing the Sacred Flute?

Mailman: "Aah! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet."

Me: They're ninja, they're supposed to be sneaky and quiet. Although, to be honest, Jay really isn't all that quiet.

Mailman: *talks about the Take Back Ninjago Rally*

Me: Huh, that sounds interesting. Good to hear that the people are standing up to the Serpentine.

Great Devourer: *slithers up behind the mailman*

Me: Aaahhh! Look behind you!

Mailman: *freaks out*

Me: And you said Ninjas gave people heart attacks.

All Ninja: *create the Tornado of Creation*

Me: Cool! It's been a while since I've seen them do this.

All Ninja: *create the Ultra Sonic Raider*

Me: That looks so amazing! I want one!

Zane: "May I remind you we just magically whipped up this heap of junk."

Kai: "Well, I hope one of us created a reverse feature because... reverse!"

Me: They don't know who controls what or how anything works?! Do they even know who's got the driving controls? What if Jay has the self-destruct button and presses it like "Hmm, I wonder what this button does"? They're so doomed. 

Mailman: *hiding in the trash can*

Me: I really feel for this poor guy.

Zane: *hits the Great Devourer*

Me: Yay, Zane hit it. Is everything good now?

Kai: "It's got a weak spot!"

Me: Oh, that's good to know. Quick hit it!

Great Devourer: *uses its tail to destroy the back of the Ultra Sonic Raider*

Me: Zane! Are you okay?! Please don't be dead!

Zane: *half of his face is missing* "That was close."

Me: Whoa, I didn't know Zane's face could do that. You sure you're good, Zane?

Kai: "Did you guys notice on his forehead? It has a weak spot."

Jay: "Ooh, great. Let me make a note of that. 'Giant snake has wee, itty-bitty weak spot that'll be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AT BECAUSE THE THING IS TOO RIDICULOUSLY HUGE TO DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!'

Nya: "Are you done?"

Jay: *inhales* "Yes."

Me: I love Jay and Nya. C'mon, Jay, don't give up hope. At least the Great Devourer has some sort of weakness.

Kai: "If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it."

Me: Hurry up! Go after it!

Citizens: "Hey! Hey! What do we say? We want snakes to slither away."

Me: Aww, all those people are so cute. That is an adorable rally.

Great Devourer: *enters Ninjago City through the subway system*

Me: Man, I'd hate to be one of those people in the subway with the Great Devourer.

Great Devourer: *eyes Ed and Edna*

Ed: *tries to start the car but it won't start*

Me: Nooo! Please don't eat them! They're the sweetest parents ever!

Jay: "Leave my parents alone!" 

Me: Yeah! Go, Jay! Aww, he truly does love his parents.

Newsmen: *videotape the Great Devourer*

Me: I know the story is important to you guys, but shouldn't you get a little farther away from the action? If the Great Devourer comes after you, it won't have to go far.

Cole: *throws newscaster van at the Great Devourer*

Newsman: "Go ninja! Go!"

Me: I expected the newsman to be more worried that his van just got totaled.

Zane: *freezes the Great Devourer's tail*

Me: Go, Zane! And everyone please run while you still have the chance.

Jay: "Uh, I think we only made it mad."

Great Devourer: *roars*

Me: Ya think?

Lord Garmadon: "Traveler's Tea."

Mystaké: "Only a fool would request Traveler's Tea."

Me: True, except Sensei asked for Traveler's Tea and he isn't a fool.

Lord Garmadon: *glares at Mystaké*

Mystaké: "But you're not a fool. Let me go get some in the back."

Me: After watching Hunted, I don't get why Mystaké was so intimidated by Garmadon. She is a full blooded Oni! She could've probably beaten Garmadon into the ground if she wanted to.

Newsman: "People are recommended to flee or run away, flailing their arms wildly while screaming like little children."

Me: *sarcastically* Oh wow, that's a great recommendation. I should totally do that the next time my city gets attacked by a giant snake.

Samurai X: *places a lamppost in between the Great Devourer's jaws*

Me: Yes! Go, Nya! Quick, someone attack the Great Devourer while its distracted.

Lloyd: "Its breath smells worse than Cole's chili."

Cole: "Hey!"

Me: So Lloyd is in the Samurai X mech with Nya? Isn't that a bit cramped? Oh, poor Cole. That snake's breath must smells very bad. 

Kai: "Get out of there, sis!"

Me: My thoughts exactly. What's taking Nya so long?

Nya: "I can't. I'm stuck!"

Me: That is the worst place ever to be stuck.

Ultra Dragon: *hits the Great Devourer*

Me: Whoa! What dragon is that? 

Cole: "Rocky! Our dragons are back!"

Me: Oooohhhhh! That's who that is. It's cute how Cole recognizes his dragon immediately and he sounds so happy. I have a question though. How did the dragons combine like that? 

Zane: "It appears dragons go through a metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. They too have found their true potential."

Me: Cool! Now everyone is super powerful.

Cole: "Well, they couldn't have come at a better time. Go get 'em, Rocky! Go!"

Me: Aww, Cole sounds like a proud, happy dad.

Ultra Dragon: *fights the Great Devourer*

Me: Oh, yeah! This is so awesome! Two insanely powerful beasts are fighting each other. *wipes happy tears away* It's so beautiful! *tries to remember and call out the names of Shard, Flame, Wisp, and Rocky as they each use their elements on the Great Devourer*

Samurai X: *falls out of the Great Devourer's mouth*

Me: Aaah! Someone catch them!

Ultra Dargon: *saves Samurai X*

Me: Phew! Wow, that dragon is good at multitasking. It's fighting a ginormous snake but still manages to save Nya and Lloyd.

Great Devourer: *hits Ultra Dragon with it's tail*

Me: Noooooooo! Aw, man! The ninja just lost their most powerful ally. How are they going to defeat the Great Devourer now?

Lord Garmadon: "Give me the weapons. I'm the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the Devourer."

Me: What? No way! Nononononononononono! NO! If they do give Garmadon all four weapons, he'll probably give them an evil laugh and run off.

Jay: "Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons."

Me: Exactly! I thought that too.

Zane: "I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way."

Me: Seriously, Zane? Come up with more scenarios. Garmadon can't be the only option.

All Ninja: *give Garmadon their Golden Weapons*

Me: This is a horrible idea.

Jay: "I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back."

Lord Garmadon: "I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot." *runs off while laughing evilly*

Me: Um, I highly doubt that Garmadon will give the Golden Weapons back. Why did you have to give them to him?!

Kai: "Come on you overgrown worm. Take the bait. Come and get me!"

Me: Oh, I guess it's sorta smart that he lured the Great Devourer toward a narrow road. Now it can't move that quickly or easily.

All Ninja: *take turns in luring the Great Devourer*

Me: Wow, the Great Devourer just made a lot of car alarms go off. Cole's little happy dance was cute. Oh geez, Jay was so close to being eaten and since when does his element allow him to fly?

Zane: "Instead of a fire escape, how about an ice escape?"

Me: Oh! That's (literally 😉) so cool! Although, he should've put borders on his ice slide. What if he or Jay accidentally hits one of the curves wrong and ends up falling off of it? Yikes!

Great Devourer: *breaks part of the ice slide but Zane manages to fix it in time*

Me: Wait, how is that ice slide that long and still standing? Is it attached to the building or something because it doesn't look like it is? How did Zane have time to make all of that? Oh well, whatever. Good job my precious Zane.

Zane and Jay: *slide off of the ice slide and are about to be swallowed by the Great Devourer*

Me: Aaaahhh! No! Don't you dare swallow Zane!

Ultra Dragon: *swoops in and saves Zane and Jay*

Me: Oh good. For a second there, I thought they were going to let Jay and Zane get eaten. I'm glad that their dragon is okay. Can it still fight the Great Devourer?

Great Devourer: *bites it's own tail*

Me: Ha! Serves ya right! Wait, why doesn't the Great Devourer just let go of its tail? Is it because its tail is curved?

Lord Garmadon: "You are the reason evil runs through my blood. You bit me once. Now, feel what it's like to be bitten back!" *leaps off the building* "Vengeance will be mine!"

Me: Wow, even the weather knows some evil stuff is going down. It got so dark all of a sudden and the weapons got all purple and evil looking. Ohhhhh, so that's why Garmadon was willing to fight the Great Devourer. He has a personal vendetta against it and he's willing to jump off a tall building with sharp weapons to exact vengeance. That's hardcore right there. I wonder what the Great Devourer is thinking right now.

Great Devourer: *explodes and its poison goes all over of Ninjago City*

Me: Ewwwww, that's so gross. What is that green stuff? Guts? It looks really thick? Does it feel like jello? At least the Great Devourer is dead. Yay!

Fangtom: "The Great Devourer must have been destroyed."

Skales: "Someone has to lead now."

Me: Please tell me the Serpentine will get a sensible and peaceful leader now.

Edna: "Awww. Our little ninja." *Walker family hug*

Me: Awwww, that's so adorable.

Cole: "There ya are ya big lug. It's good to have ya back." *hugs Rocky*

Me: Cole's relationship with his dragon is so heartwarming.

Lloyd: "I don't see my dad."

Me: Good point, but he's probably long gone by now.

Kai: "He should be around here somewhere."

Zane: "Your analysis is incorrect. He is not here." 

Cole: "Then our Golden Weapons are gone too. Oh well, isn't that convenient?"

Me: I told you he would steal them. Now what are you going to do?

Nya: "Look! His footsteps."

Me: Quick! Follow them! Maybe you can still catch Garmadon.

Kai: "I have a feeling we'll see your father again soon."

Lloyd: "I know. But that's what I'm afraid of."

Me:  Poor Lloyd. He still has to fight his dad. ☹️

Cole: "Sensei Wu!"

Nya: "Wow."

Jay: "Ha! Would ya look at that! He survived!"

Me: YES!!!! I knew they couldn't kill him off! 

Sensei Wu: "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you. The Great Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth." *grabs his teapot and drinks some tea*

Me: Uh, is Sensei talking to the ninja or the teapot? Also, I wouldn't drink that tea if I were you. 

Sensei Wu: "Ah, much better. And still hot."

Me: That's some magical tea right there. 🍵

Sensei Wu: "The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless."

Me: Whoa, that is so true. I'm so glad that Sensei is back and that he's not too panicked that Garmadon has the Golden Weapons.

Kai: "Besides, we have what is most important. You."

Me: Aww, that's really sweet of Kai to say. Especially to a kid who started out so bratty.

Sensei Wu: "The pupils have become the masters."

Me: Yes they have and I'm so proud of them. Raise your hand if you're proud of all the ninjas.

Lloyd: "Am I really going to have to fight my father one day?"

Me: Aww, I feel so bad for Lloyd. That's going to be heartbreaking fight.

Sensei Wu: "One day, but today, we can feel good that Ninjago is saved. For tomorrow, we will train for the day Good will finally face Evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time."

Me: Aw man, they only get to rest one day?

Kai: "But don't worry. We're going to teach you everything we know."

Jay: "And make sure you're prepared for that fight."

Cole: "Cause as we all know, good will always stand up to evil."

Zane: "And ninja always stand up for what is right."

Me: I love that ninja are all so awesome and supportive of Lloyd. 

All Ninja: "Go Ninja! Go!"

Me: Can we please get a round of applause for these awesome ninja?

Holy Guacamole!!!! It has been so long since I've updated this. I AM EXTREMELY SORRY.  😭😭😭😭😭😭 Hopefully the length of this chapter will kinda make up for the long wait. Woohoo! I finally finished the first season of Ninjago. What'd you think? Should I continue? Please don't forget to vote and comment. Once again, I greatly apologize for the long wait. There will probably be another long wait so see you later. 🙂

I own the very last one but not anything else.

😂 I'm that someone 

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