The music resonated throughout the place which buzz with thousands of mall shoppers and kids.
Our trip from Hawaii just ended and we just got here back in our country. Before we could hit home, we decided to stop by one of the Miers prestigious mall, Loockabrooke Mall, to go shop for our soon to be baby. We just also found out that Lex is gonna be a boy, and I couldn't even erase how Alexanders face turned out to be when he finally knows what gender our baby is.
He can't stop smiling and it seems like his mouth is going to rip apart.
"How about this blue one?" Alexander offered as he scan different baby cribs. I looked at it and I must say, I was impressed with the design. I nodded in approval and he motioned a sales guy to accommodate us.
Since my husband own the mall, he manage to close this dollar boutique for baby clothes just for us to shop at peace and without anyone who'll accidentally bump unto me. Like hell I would let a single bump will hit me, I'm a skilled butler, even a slaughterer for a second.
I scan my eyes through some baby bottles standing on a cute display and smiled. I picked one with a blue fish swimming around and it was like an ocean imprinted right on the bottle but something caught my attention, it was another baby bottle with cute stars and flowers imprinted in it and it was damn fucking cute!
Now, I was in a confused mess. I can't decide whether to take the bottle with a fish in it as a design or the stars and flower one? I further scanned the bottle and my face conterted into a grimace.
"5,000 dollars just for this fucking baby bottle? Really?!" I whisper yell to myself and I think Alexander notices it since he immediately came scurrying to my aid.
"What's wrong hun?" He asked. I looked at him and held out the two baby bottles in front of him.
"Tell me it's a joke." I stated blankly.
"Excuse me sir, the crib you pick is already at the counter, here's the issue sir." He handed it to Alexander and before Alexander could touch it with just the hair of his finger, I immediately snatch it from him. I scanned at it and my mouth drop off from my face, I think.
"32, 652.00 dollars just for this crib?! Are you really kidding me?! It was just a mere crib, I could've built a crib on my own, but this one?! Its worth my salary for the next 4 months. My Lord!" I exclaimed under my breath.
"Lay... this is my forst born so I want to have everything perfect. And no more buts, does the world consider me as the richest person in Europe if I can't even pay a thousand?" He stated. "Now, put everything in, and let my wallet do the job." Hewinked as I stated at him flabbergasted.
This is what I get in marrying a rich person.
We furthered scan the store for baby clothes and I think were gonna spend a million just for this day, but, I want what's best for my son, so just like what my husband had said, I am willing to spend thousand just for him.
I sat at the round fluffy couch on the corner, rubbing my tummy while waiting for my husband who's paying in the counter. When he was done, he came to me while talking with someone over his sleek black iPhone then suddenly, four bulky men in suits an shades entered the boutique. I tensed when I thought it was some kind of robbery but mentally laugh when I realized it was Alexanders bodyguards.
"So... let's go eat for awhile. I bet the two of you are hungry." He stated as he supported me from standing up from the couch. We exited the store and let his bodyguard's do the job.
After spending half of our day in the mall, I was already feeling tired. Like, obviously, carrying something on your stomach is frustrating, but I love my son so I'll sacrifice.
I beamed up when I saw him.
"Morgan! I've missed you!" I walked over to Morgan happily as he envelop me into a warm hug. He felt like my father. After seconds, we parted from each other as he looked at me, happiness etch his very face.
"Hello master, welcome back." He greeted Alexander and quickly turn to me.
"So, my soon to be nephew is gonna be a boy. I wish he would follow after you, dear Lay." Morgan stated while looking at my round tummy as I caressed it gently.
"I hope so." I laugh.
"Well Morgan, I'm pretty sure all my children will look beautiful considering both of their parents are good looking." Alexander boasted which made the two laugh uncontrollably. I smiled.
So this is the feeling of having a baby huh? Mom? It feels somewhat, everything around you is lively and very nostalgic.
"I bet your hungry from the trip sir's." Morgan offered. I just gave a smile and linked my arms to Morgans arm.
"No need Mr. Morgan, we already ate. Seems like having a baby tends you to eat thousands of plate. So for now, I'm still fine and full." I smiled and that had him ruffling my hair.
"Oh dear Lay."
We entered the mansion and the always magnificent foyer greeted me in return. I couldn't stop looking at that foyer especially the chandelier and the twin staircase that leads to the different direction of the house.
I snapped my head at the stairs and saw Mark squealing like a horny dog, haha. He immediately ran to the stairs and jump three by steps. Since he has long lean legs, then no problem for him. He quickly lounge at me for a hug but realizing I'm pregnant, he stopped midway before he could reach me and topple his feet from the sudden halt and crash his face to the clean red carpet of the granite tiled floor.
Inertia. Always remember to wear seatbelts when inside a car, or else, you'll be thrown forward. Simple physics.
He quickly stood up from the floor and dusted his butler suit. Oh, I will miss wearing that one.
"Lay! I thought you'll never be coming back here. I've missed you so much man!" I chuckled. Mark held out his arms to hug me, which I immediately gave him. He was my best friend, my brother from a different blood and I am lucky to have met such person like Mark.
"I've missed you too Mark." I stated. We pulled away after a few seconds and laugh at each other.
Haaaahh... Friends sure have something to laugh at, even if there's no particular things to be laugh.
"Why don't we settle in the living room? I have things to be discussed with everyone here." Alexander informed. "Call all the members of the household inside the living room okay?" Alexander added as he walk me with his hands on my waist to the direction of the living room.
"Yes sir." I heard Morgan and Mark replied. I miss being a butler yet again.
We entered the living room and I immediately sat at the fluffy red cushion. Damn, my tummy's heavy. I looked at my husband standing at the huge window looking outside. I took a breath before speaking.
"After I gave birth, can I go back being a butler?" I asked. His head turned slowly to me and pushed up his body off the wall and neared me.
"Why? Your my husband, you have to manage our children." He stated with a solemn look at his face.
"I know that dear, but I want to keep my butler image at the same time, taking care of our soon to be children. I know my responsibilities and dedications as a mother, but I just want to be my usual self. Don't worry, I will still be your loyal husband Alexander." I sttedwhich earned me a huge smile from Alexander.
"That's why I love you so much Lay." He said as he kissed me heatedly.
"I love you too Alexander." I said in between kisses.
We stop and froze. I immediately parted from the kiss blushing heavily to myself as I saw all of our household members standing in the door grinning.
Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed...
Everyone piled inside the room as Alexander took his seat beside me in domineering manner as he slowly snake his arms up my shoulder.
"Hello everyone." Alexander greeted.
"Welcome back masters." They all greeted respectfully while lowering their heads slightly. I blush but stayed intact.
"I have good news to tell all if you guys." Alexander started. He stood up from the sofa and walked in front of us. He gave the most happiest smile in front of everyone that I even heard some of the people around the room gasps quietly.
"I've never seen master smile before."
"Yeah, it was nice to see him smile again after the previous master died."
I heard the conversation of two of the old maids in the mansion, who has been here since the previous master was still in his younger years. I smiled.
"My husband Lay is pregnant." Alexander declared and a series of cheers and claps resonated in the room making me blush.
"And our first born will be a boy." Alexander added.
"Oh yes! My nephew's a boy!" Mark and Morgan chirped in unison and glared at each other. I chuckled as the clapping sound and cheers didn't end. I scan my eyes at all of them and place my hand on my five month bump.
This'll be your very surrounding my dear Lex. I will share to you the wonderful people I have grown to love, the very people that had supported me and accepted me without doubt. They are my family and soon, you will be added to the circle.
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