(Extra #Two.)
I saw the nervousness in Scott’s face as we walked towards the school building of Princeton University. His hand tighten in mine and I reached my other hand over and placed it over his when we were a few feet away, “Scott, I know you’re nervous, but nothing always happens much on the first week.”
He chuckled, “I know, Abby, but I can’t believe I’m actually going to be stepping through the doors of the school I’ve wanting to go since I was fifteen.”
“I know and you’ve worked hard to get it here. Your so smart and I’ll sure just like high school, you’ll beat those rich nerds who think there all that.”, I said and I saw amusement in his eyes, but he was still nervous. “Scott, your smart, you’re going to be fine. You’ll graduate here then and become an engineer, what you always wanted.”.
“What if I don’t?”, he asked and I gave him a confused look. “Wh-what if I don’t graduate, drop out because it’s to hard, and not be able to take care of us and—“
I moved in front of him and wrapped my arms around his waist, “Scott, you way over thinking it. You should be more worried about helping me finish school since I wont have a thing to do and I’m go Kaplan.”.
He’ll be an engineer and I’ll be a social worker for kids to help them get out abusive homes. I never got helped until I met the Russo’s and that doesn’t stop me from helping those kids who need it also. Becoming a children social worker is important to me cause giving children who I know what their going through and give them a better home.
His arms found their way around me and he nodded, “Your right, I should be more excited then worrying all about failing or something.”.
“Right, now you should go in there before your late, that wouldn’t look good.”, I said. My arms slid up around his neck, “So proud of you, Scott. You got here even when you got involve with my crazy family.”.
“Would do it all over again just to save you.”, he said. “We had one hell of a journey, but were here now and we’re happy.”.
I smiled and stood up on my tip toes to kiss him, “Right. Now get in there and show them how much of a smart wolfie you are.”, I teased as I ruffled his hair. “Oh, but make sure you sit next to a guy.”.
He chuckled and pecked me, “Will do.”.
I walked into my first classroom after spending twenty minutes looking for it and having help finally from a guy, I was more then happy to find not so many people where in here yet. Good, I thought I was going to be the last one in here. How awkward.
I walked up the desk and sat down, feeling awkward now that I had no one to talk to and I already missed Abigail. We spent the whole summer together just the two of us and fixing up the apartment.
But now she was walking around town getting us job applications since she doesn’t start school until another week.
These are the times where I still wishes I was in school with my brothers and friends. I missed everybody back home, but I always knew I should leave and go to school somewhere else. Once I graduate, Abigail and I would go back to Vermont and live near Nash, start a family, and have a normal life.
…well, as normal a werewolf family could have.
I wonder what everyone would think if they found out they were in class with a werewolf. They wouldn’t believe me after all, but how funny would that be? Finding out their classmate is a werewolves because of some witch who took revenge on his family over three hundred years ago. How ironic?
I didn’t realize I was grinning down at my phone until I heard a voice next to me. I was to caught up thinking to myself I didn’t realize someone sat down next to himme
I turned my head and blonde girl was sitting next to me. She kind of reminded him of Colleen with the long blonde hair and glasses, but she was prettier. She smiled at him and extended her hand, “Hey, I’m Lisa.”.
I reached over and shook her hand, “Scott.”, I said, looking around to find a new place to sit since I knew it was a bad idea to sit next to a girl. Yes, because Abigail told him not to, but also because—call me cocky—girl to start flirting with me.
“So where you from?”, she asked.
“Cool, I’m from Nevada.”, she said. “I have never missed home so much as I do right now. Being homesick sucks even when you have no friends here.”.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. My girlfriend and I miss our family back home.”, I said, making it clear out that I’m taken so she doesn’t get any idea.
“Lucky, my boyfriend didn’t want to come with me. I’m pretty sure it’s over now, which only makes it harder.”, she said, frowning. “I seriously thought about packing up and leaving, going back there.”.
I chuckled, “I had to get my girlfriend to help me through the doors just to get me in here because I’m so nervous. Everything so different. Where I come from, it’s a small quiet town and I’ve known everyone there, I never felt so much like a stranger.”.
“Well my roommate isn’t much of a friend since she’s always out.”, she said. “Parties, parties, and oh yeah! Parties for her while I’m stuck in the room with pizza and HBO movie.”.
We talked the whole time until the teacher finally came in and started the introduction. He first made them all go first go into introducing themselves then he started going off what they’ll be learning. Scott was surprised at how cool he sounded and he started to feel a little better.
Three months later.
I was wrapped in a blanket with my third slice of pizza, watching a movie—alone. Scott was at the library studying with a girl name Lisa. She came around a few times and I couldn’t help but be jealous of her. She was bright, funny, social, pretty, and smart!
She was like a perfect time while I felt a six. She only came over for dinner a few times and her and Scott were mostly talking about class and school work, but I still felt jealous of their friendship. Should I be jealous?
Probably not, I know Scott loves me.
I just can’t help it; ever since we started school, school work, and working, it’s so hard to see each other now. It’s like we went from one moment to always being together to the next we’re the only time we see each other is to go to bed.
I felt alone and I have never missed home so much right now.
I looked at the probably cold pizza and sighed as I got up from the coach to throw away my paper plate and put the pizza in the fridge. I sat back down on the coach and covered myself in the blanket, watching a movie, but I was barley watching it.
I checked my phone to see if I got any text or call, but nothing. Not even from Colleen. Everyone was busy in their own lives now and I am to, but I feel so alone right now. I did my school work, cleaned up a little, and now what?
Christmas is still a month and half away to go back for vacation, so what should I do until then? The hotel isn’t busy right now so I don’t have much hours while Scott either at the library or at Star Bucks making coffee for people.
Thirty minutes later, the door finally opened and Scott came in, throwing his bag down and ran his hand threw his hair, looking tired as he walked over to me.
“Got all the research you needed?”, I asked.
“Yes, I’m done opening and closing books. They need more computers in there.”, he said, lifting my feet up so he could sit down and placed them on his lap.
“Well I passed my test.”, she said. “Eighty five.”.
“Really? That’s great, Abby.”, he said, grinning at me as he moved over to lay with me. “See, I told you, you could it as it on your own.”.
“I still feel like I could have done better if you’ve help me.”, I said. “I’m just now finally passing.”.
“I know, but I needed to study to.”, he said. “But you passed it, you should be happy.”, he said, pecking her.
When he was pulling away, I caught a smell and grabbed his collars. He looked down at me confused as I sniffed his jacket and smelled some vanilla perfume. “That isn’t mine.”, I said. I don’t like vanilla, I wear raspberry.
He grabbed his jacket and sniffed, “Oh, that’s Lisa. She hugged me before I left.”.
“Oh.”, I said, letting go of his jacket. Quickly jealously ran threw me and I hated it. I know I shouldn’t be jealous cause of some hug, but I couldn’t help it. I know there is nothing for me to worry about; I check Scott phone—with his permission of course cause I’m not that stalker girlfriend and the only text message I see from Lisa are questions about school work and they never call each other. He never goes on his Facebook to much now cause of school and when he does have time to just relax, it’s usually spending it sleeping or with me. So I knowing being jealous is stupid.
But I couldn’t help it! It’s another female around him that makes me angry!
Scott noticed, “Abby, don’t give me that look. It was just a friendly goodbye hug.”.
“I know, I know, Scott. But you know the feeling, I can’t help getting jealous.”, she said. “It’s just…it’s like she gets more time with you then I do.”.
He reached up and his warm fingertip brushed my bangs away from my face, “I know, I miss you to. I never thought it would be like this.”.
“We’re growing apart now.”, I told him, my eyes tearing up.
He shook his head, “No, Abigail, I promise we’re not. We knew it’s going to be difficult in the beginning.”.
“I know.”, I said, blinking back the tears and sighed. “I just really miss you.”.
He reached down and grabbed her hand, kissing it. “No studying this week for the both of us, just the both of us. Dinner, a movie, run in the woodss, and just cuddling.”.
She smiled, feeling happy now that Scott was finally taking this serious and planning spending time together.
“And I’m sorry if I have bend spending to much time with Lisa.”, he said. “But I don’t think you have to worry soon; she told me her boyfriend finally deciding to come to school around here in January and all she did was talk about was him, which is why I look so tired cause I couldn’t stop reading the same paragraph over and over because she was just kept talking and talking. ”
I couldn’t help but chuckle, “Well, that’s good.”.
“You two should really become friend, you’ll be surprise how much you to have in common. She’s like another version of Colleen.”, he said.
“No one could replace Colleen.”,
“I know, I’m not saying that, but maybe a friend would be good for you. You haven’t made much and I think spending some girl time would be good for you.”, he said.
I lowered my head, “I don’t know, Scott. . .”,
After a few moment, I sighed, “Fine, okay. I’ll be friends with the girl.”.
He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling loved again.
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