Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
My siblings, my father, and I circled around Jamie. He was having a hard time keeping himself up, but he managed and looked around. My family looked up at the sky to see the moon was about to land right over him.
My dad twirled the scissors around his index finger as he walked over to Jamie. “I have been waiting to cut your damn hair for so long now.” he said, about to grab Jamie to start cutting his hair.
Jamie hopped away. “Wait—wait! Dad, please, this is my hair! You can’t cut it off. I ch-change my mi-mind! I don’t care if it’s hard to run, I need my hair!” he said, walking backwards.
“Jamie, you’re getting a haircut whether you like it or not—Tristan, hold him!” he ordered when Jamie bumped into Tristan and Tristan wrapped one arm around his arms and waist. He held Jamie face still as my dad started cutting away.
The whole time Jamie was cursing, but my dad paid him no mind.
I was chuckling with my brothers, finding this really funny. We all had that skater type of hair back when we were thirteen, but our father cut our hair off. Not because he didn’t like it—and believe me, he hated our hair—but because if we shift with long hair, it’ll be so hard to run and our body heat will be hotter than it already is.
After a few moments, my dad stepped back and Jamie looked so different. My dad ran his hand threw Jamie's hair and chuckled. “Don’t worry, it looks so good, son. We’ll fix it later.” he said, patting Jamie cheek who huffed out his nose.
“Dad that was my hair! Now everybody going to be staring at me—argh!” Jamie doubled over in pain and Tristan let go of him. He fell down on his knees and held his stomach. We all watched his spine appear above his back, growing and shifting pretty quickly.
My mom placed her hand over her mouth and looked away. She always hated the first transformation since everything in your body is practically changing and it’s a painful process. She didn’t like watching her ‘babies’ in pain.
My dad helped Jamie over to the middle of the circle and he went back in his place. Jamie back spine made a snapping sound and I heard a gasp coming from behind me. I turned my head to look at an eye wide Abigail as she watched Jamie. She looked concerned and worried.
“He’s going to be fine.” I told her and her head snapped to me.
“But that looks really painful.” she said.
“Oh believe me, it is.” I said, remember the pain as if it just happened to me again. Shifting is like a women childbirth. Difficult and agonizing. Thankfully it’s quick.
Jamie spine snapped back down in his body and he went on his back, panting. Eyes closed. Sweating. Right now he would feel as if he has a cold and his body temperature was changing, quickly rising.
His face turned to pain again as it rose and he actually started weeping. It hurts—burns. It feels as if you’re on fire. Jamie was scratching and hitting at his skin as if he was burning. To him, he is.
“D-dad, its hurts!” Jamie cried out. “Make it stop!!”
My dad kept his tough act on, but I saw in his eye he wish he could help. “A few more seconds, Jamie.”
Seconds feel likes minutes to us when that kind of burning pain happens.
But like my dad said, five seconds passed the Jamie stopped clawing at himself. The new power forming from Jamie was coming off and I looked around at my brothers and dad to see if they felt it and they all nodded. A new wolf always has its own strength and when one shift, the feeling of shifting for another wolf comes along.
My wolf wanted to come out. The devil side.
Jamie panting was turning very hard, un-human like. Like a wolf. He began to dig his fingers into the snow and dirt. His nails started to grow and sharpen, pointing at end. Jamie back arched upwards and even my nose scrunched up from looking at my brother in pain since he was facing me now.
Like in those old werewolf movies, hair started to grow all over Jamie's body. Med-brown like Jamie's normal hair appeared. Jamie turned on his stomach and he laid flat down now. His eyes were dark just like black, no longer their usual brownish-gold color.
I saw Jamie's teeth lengthen and his teeth were like knives now as they form into a perfect points like fangs.
My dad growled. “You’re doing great, Jamie.” he said, unbuckling his pants and as his pants fell, he bent down on his knees and shifted into his wolf.
I felt my teeth lengthen themselves as around me I heard snarling and growls. My wolf was really kicking me in the ass right now to shift. So that’s what I did, I let my boxer slid down my legs and I shifted.
My brothers were already in their wolf-skin, gathering around closer to Jaime as his arms and legs and everywhere else cracked and bones as he was shifting.
Suddenly, the wind picked up and I heard a ‘whooshing’ sound. My little brother got up from the ground and had a hard time standing on his all four paws, but he manages.
My mom scuffed as she pushed her way forward and pushed me and my brothers away, crouching down in front of Jamie, grabbing his face. “Damnit, Jamie, don’t scare me like that. You took the longest.”
My dad stepped forward to her and set his muzzle on her shoulder. She brought her arm up and wrapped it around his neck a little.
She smiled though and scratched behind his ear. “Go run now, I’m sure your legs are stiff.”
He whined loudly and even our wolf-skin, we were laughing threw our minds. We all turned our heads to our mates that were huddle together. Abigail smiled, but her eyes weren’t smiling. I wonder what’s going on with her. Ever since what happen in the woods—no, even before that, she’s been acting so strange.
Is it because I have been spending too much time with Gabe? I don’t mean to make her feel unwanted, but I’m just catching up with Gabe cause Gabe always been there for me as children. He was two years older than me, he could have been friends with Skyler which he was, but we’ve always been the closet. Best friends. Still do this day we’re best friends.
I looked over at my best friend and he grinned, giving me a challenging look at he looked into the woods. I barked at him and he ran towards the forest, shifting on the way and I ran behind him as my brothers joined.
How could I not be happy? I have a great family. The perfect mate. And my longest best friend who I know I can always trust.
I fell asleep on the way home since it was four in the morning when the whole ceremony for Jamie was over. I knew we were home though when the car stopped and I was lifted out the car. Scott’s fresh forest scent with the mix of mint hit my nose and I wrapped my arm around his neck as he carried me inside.
I felt back asleep and woke up when I felt myself being laid on something soft. My bed. I adjusted myself and opened my eyes, seeing Scott lean up from me. I frowned and grabbed his t-shirt he was wearing. “Aren’t you staying?”
He chuckled, placing his hands over mine. “Unlike you, I’m not very tired. Running usually helps, so I’m going out with Gabe for a little few miles run. I’ll be back even before you wake up.”
I didn’t want to, but I ended up snorting. “Gabe.”
His eyebrows furrowed together, “Abigail, is there something you want to tell me?” He asked.
Realizing what I was doing, I hesitated and kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t just come out and say ‘your cousin slash best friend practically tried to kill me tonight’. Like, come on! And I’m too tired right now.
I slowly shook my head “No, nothing.”
He knelt next to the bed and pushed my hair away from my forehead, “Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything; you don’t have to be afraid.”
Why do I feel like that is so hard to believe? I want to believe that he’ll believe me, but don’t know. Maybe it’s my lack of trust issue.
“Nothing wrong, Scott.” I said and he didn’t speak, just look down at me in concern. “I’m fine, I’m serious. Just almost time of the month I guess.”
Amusement written his face, “You’re a terrible lair, but if you say everything okay, I believe you. Sleep, you had a long night with the excitement of my family.”
Remember how I’ll never forget the crazy eventful night, I chuckled once, “I can’t believe that’s your normal.”
“Well believe it, baby, because it’s your normal now to.” he said, leaning down and kissed my forehead. “Next time you wake up, I’ll be right next to you. Promise.”
I let go of his shirt as I sighed heavily, going under the covers. Scott left then and I looked out the window into the dark night winter sky. Is what Scott said true? This kind of life is my new normal now? Werewolf? I guess it never really fully function in my mind, but now that what I watched—can I deal with that forever?
Can I handle having a werewolf boyfriend?
True to his word, the next time I woke up, Scott was laying down right next to me in his full size bed. I didn’t realize he moved me to his when he got back. Thanks to my nagging, he finally cleaned up. He got me to help him and I had his mom in tears when she walked in, saying she hasn’t seen his room this clean in a long time.
Looking at the clock, I noticed it was eleven o’clock. I yawned as I got up from the bed, wanting something to eat now. Scott was peacefully sleeping right next to me as if nothing in world could wake him up right now.
I stretched my body and left the room to get something to eat. The house was quiet, telling me mostly everyone was still asleep. I don’t see how not. Jamie turned into a wolf for the first time painfully and everyone was mostly chasing each other as a ‘game’.
I walked down the steps to make me something to eat and when I got into the kitchen, my body turned cold when I saw Gabe. I wanted to groan in annoyance and always run in fear. Remembering last night when I was up in the tree and he pulled me down.
I could have broken my neck.
“Got to go.” Gabe said to whoever he was talking to on the room and quickly slammed the room down, ending whoever he was talking to. He looked at me before grinning, “Abigail, morning.”
My fear suddenly turned to anger at his casualness as if he didn’t blackmail me and try to kill me. I walked forward to the island where he was on the other side. I leaned down on it, glaring at him. “You are so low.” I hissed, but kept my voice low.
He looked confused, but his eyes showed he was amused. “And what may I have are you talking about, chica?”
“How can you live with yourself when you’re tried to kill me last night.” I spat.
He snorted, rolling his eyes, “Don’t be dramatic, Abigail. I wasn’t trying to kill you, just to scare you. Which I see have worked.” he grinned ear to ear.
Realizing this, I felt stupid but still pissed! That doesn’t change anything! He couldn’t have killed me by trying to scare me! “Doesn’t matter!” I hissed. “Look, you already got me doing this thing I hate doing, but scaring me half to death and pulling me from trees is crazy! Why are you doing this, Gabe? What did Scott do so much to make you want to go after us? Everything was perfect until you came along.”
“Oh really?” He questioned. “Cause last I check, around the time I came along, Scott’s parents were nice enough to take you and your brother in cause your father was beating you.” He said and I gaped at him. How does he know this? None of us have ever talk about that in front of him. The only thing we said about me and Tyler living here is because we’re foster kids already, not going into much. “And that you pretended to be mute.”
“H-how do you know this?” I stuttered.
“Who do you think told me.” he said, not making it a question. “Scott tells me everything. Your father beat you and your mother was a lazy alcoholic. And to Skyler Sir and Kelly, your only allowed to stay here because your Scott’s mate.”
“That isn’t true.” I hissed. “Skyler and Kelly are amazing, they would do this no matter what for me and Tyler.”
“You really think normal parents would let their teenage son girlfriend stay with them and let them sleep in the same bed?” He questioned. “Look, Abigail, you're broken, I get it.” He said in a nice, calm voice and I wanted nothing to do but claw at his face!
“I’m not broken.” I said through my bared teeth.
“Now just because Scott say your not doesn’t mean it’s true.” He said, faking pouting and gave me a pity look. “Admit it, Abigail, your father beat you and you let him. You let him control you. Say it, say the word ‘beat’.” He taunted, making my eyes water up as so many emotions ran through me. “Here’s another way you can think of the word ‘beat’. You lost, he won. Why do you think they call it ‘beat’? Just like a game, he beat you.”
Tears streamed down my face. “I hate you so much.” I whispered, afraid to raise my voice before I might choke on a sob. I’m sure he heard me anyway. “Why are you so cruel and mean? I didn’t do anything to you and you’re talking to me as if I’m scum.”
“I’m speaking the truth.” He said.
All this had to stop! I don’t care if Scott gets mad at me anymore! I won’t let Gabe crush me like how he doing right now anymore!
I turned around. “Let’s see how Scott thinks of—” He grabbed me and bent me over the island table. “Ah—” He covered my mouth as I began to scream. Fear rose up my body and my stomach never felt so badly like it did right now.
“Now listen, Abigail.” he said, his voice hard and cold. “I won't let a little bitch like yourself ruin my plans. You wanna know so bad what Scott did? Ask him about Reece Saunders seventh grade party and a little game called spin the bottle. Ask him who it landed on and take a wild guess on what I hate him so much now.” He said. He leaned down, his chest pressing against my back. “You won't tell Scott about this or something going to happen to that cute little brother of yours.” He said in my ear in a cold tone. “And like our agreement, I want you to continue to ignore and not show him any compassion. Actually, I want you to make him hate you now.”
I didn’t even attempt to say anything or get him to let go of me. I was more focus on trying to hold back my tears. I can’t believe he was now bring Tyler into this. My hate boiled over the pot now.
He lifted my chest up from the island and slammed me back down, “Do you understand, Abigail?” he questioned and I quickly nodded. “Good girl, but now I can see why your dad beat you. Your so stubborn.” he said before letting go of me and left the room.
I cried my eyes out, thinking Why can’t I be stronger than this?
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