Chapter Thirty-Three.
It was four o’clock now and I haven’t left Scott’s side. He was still fast asleep, but I never left even though I was tired. I just took a nap on the chair and when I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that he was still asleep, but he does need his rest.
Gabe left a long time ago and I have never been so happy. I didn’t want him in here. Skyler Sir, Kelly, and Skyler all went back to the house, but Skyler only went because he wanted to grab some food and be back.
I was actually kind of nervous of Skyler knowing. Skyler was about twice the size Gabe is, he can take him on, right? They’re both the same age and Gabe a little bit taller, but Skyler was really buff.
I was wrapped up in a blanket and watching TV when the door opened and Skyler came in with a Wendy’s bag and two soda’s. He pulled a table up and unloaded the bag. We ate in total silence and it was really awkward.
Finally, he spoke as he ate his burger, “Want to tell me about it, Abigail?” he asked.
I slowed my chewing to not having to answer, “What do you mean, Skyler?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Abigail.” he said, his voice hard and so was his eyes. “What is Gabe doing? What has he been doing to you?”
I thought about if I should tell him everything. He knows about Gabe now anyways. I sighed, putting my half eating burger down, “It started the night he got here.” I began and told him everything. It was a long story to tell to tell you the truth, but he sat there and listened.
When I was finished, I was breathless from talking. He didn’t look at me when he spoke, “Well, I know whose ass I’ll be beating later tonight.”
“Skyler, don’t—”,
He humorlessly chuckled, “You think I’m scared of that punkass? Abigail, your Scott’s mate, making you practically my sister-in-law. I’m going to protect my family.”
“I can deal with Gabe myself—”.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Abigail.” he said. He calmed his voice down now, “Look, I know you’re not use to people helping you, but you can’t keep letting this build up inside. I thought this whole time was because you were getting use to this change in your life. If I knew it was this, you know all of us would have beat his ass out of our house without hesitation.”
I just looked at him, knowing he was right. I didn’t have much of a fight anymore, he knows and I’m sure he won’t let this slide. Gabe might have something on Skyler, but I’m sure Skyler doesn’t care. And like he said, he was like a brother to me now. I never had an older brother. One as protective as him.
An hour and half later I heard a low groaned and quickly rushing up to my feet and over to Scott’s bed where I saw him moving a little and his face scrunched uncomfortably. Skyler came up on the other side, rolling his eyes.
He slowly peeled his eyes and he looked at Skyler then me. He gave me a small smile and held his hand up weakly. I put my hand in his and sat on the bed next to him, “Nice to wake up to see a beautiful face.” he said, reaching up and placed his hand on my cheek.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
He groaned, “Like I’ve been hit by a car.”
“You were.” Skyler said, sucking his tongue against his front teeth.
“I know.” Scott said, grinning. “But I just wanted to make sure, I can’t remember much.” He reached up to his neck brace and tugged a little, “Ugh, seriously? Skyler, can you get this thing off me?”
“No can do, man.”, Skyler said. “Not until we leave. You know the rule when we go into the hospital. We have to pretend we’re injured or they’ll be curious.”
“Come on, dude. My neck just sore and this is making my neck really stiff.” he said. “You’ll hear a nurse come by and we’ll just quickly put it back on—”.
Skyler shook his head, “Nope, deal with it until they release you.”
Scott glared at him, “You’re a dick, you know?”
Skyler grinned, “Nice to know you’re still the same. Thought that car might knock that sarcastic ass out of you.”
Scott began to curse him out, but I spoke, “Okay come on, your both pain of the asses.” I said.
Skyler rolled his eyes and Scott looked hurt—faking though. “You still love me though, right?” he asked, making those brown-golden eyes look like puppy dog eyes.
I smiled and nodded, “Yeah.”, I said. I lightly hit his chest, “But I should smack you for running into a rode. Haven’t you ever heard of looking both ways before crossing?” I sarcastically asked. “You scared me half to death Scott, never do that again? I thought I was going to lose you.” I said, frowning.
He frowned to, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I wanted to have a minute alone with Scott. I looked up at Skyler, “Hey Sky, I was wondering if you could go get me a candy bar from the cafe.”
He looked confused, “We just ate not too long ago—oh, yeah, sure.” he said when I gave him a look to leave and understood I wanted alone time with Scott.
He turned and left the room.
I looked back at Scott, “Scott, do you remember anything from last night?” I asked.
He closed his eyes and his forehead wrinkle at trying to remember, “No, I can’t really. All I remember was running with Gabe and getting hit, but nothing else.” he said. He opened his eyes and looked at me, “Why? Should I remember something?”
I shook my head, not wanting him to think too much while he’s in this state. I’ll tell him when he comes home. “No, nothing important.” I said.
“Well if there’s nothing, can I get a kiss now?” he asked, pouting.
I chuckled and leaned towards him, kissing him. One of his hands went behind my neck and I ranked one of my hands threw his hair.
As he kissed me, he spoke, “Abby, can you please get this neck brace off me? It’s making me feel kind of awkward”.
I chuckled and shook my head, “No. It’s what you get for not paying attention while running.”
“Evil woman, I’ll get you back for this.” he said, kissing me roughly and bit my bottom lip teasingly. He pulled away a little, “I must look like total crap.”
I nodded, “Yeah, you kind of do.” He gave me a shut up look and I giggled, “It’s okay, at least that handsome face wasn’t ruined.” I sarcastically said.
“Thank god.” he said. “Cause you know, I’m hotter than my other brothers.” he cockily said.
I rolled my eyes, “Yup, you’re still the same.” I said, kissing him.
Even though we were in a hospital, we made out still and Scott seemed as normal as ever as he didn’t get hit by a car, but I knew it was just an act to make me think he was manly enough to deal with the pain.
I don’t know how, but I found myself on top of Scott on lap and he took the neck brace off himself. There was no arguing with Scott about it since I was too lost in the making out to even care.
Scott put his hand under my chin and tilt my head back, kissing my neck and collar bone. I felt his hands slid inside my shirt and his again hot had traveled all over around me. Both our hormones were off wild.
I kissed the few bruised around Scott face until I found his lips again.
“I love you so much.” he said, sounding breathless. “I can’t wait to get out of here.”
I couldn’t stop from grinning, “It’s going to be so lonely tonight without you next to me.”
He groaned, “Don’t remind me.”
His hands began to slide my shirt up when the door opened, scaring me and I fell off the bed when I tried to get off Scott, but my foot got caught in the sheets and I feel off the bed on my butt. “You know, I don’t think hospital like horny teens having sex in the room when one of them should be badly injured.” Skyler said. “Oh and by the way, Scott, you should put your neck brace back on, doctors on his way in about a minute.”
“Shit,” Scott said as he quickly put his neck brace back on.
I got up from the floor, my face badly heated up. Scott and I looked at each other. Amusement was written in his eyes and I glared at him at finding this funny.
The doctor came in right Scott got his neck brace back on and laid down. “Ah, Scott, awake—young lady, are you alright?” he asked, looking at me. “You look quite flushed. Do you feel ill?
Skyler chuckled, “Oh doc, she’s feeling something.” he said and I glared at him to shut up.
The doctor talk to Scott and did a few test. He looked surprised a few things, but let them passed. Fifty minutes later he left and a nurse came in, “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are about to be over.” she said and then checked Skyler out.
“We understand.” Skyler said.
“Will you be back tomorrow?” she asked, flirting with him.
He smiled stiffen, “Yes, with my family and pregnant girlfriend.”
“Oh,” she said, not looking happy. “Well, have a good night.” she said, walking out.
“I swear, that’s the third nurse to flirt with me.”, Skyler said, walking up to the bed. “Anyways, rest up bro.”, he said, him and Scott slapping their hands together.
I hugged Scott and pecked him, “I’ll be back tomorrow morning.” I told him. “Have a good night.”
“I’ll be thinking of you.” he said, winking. My face heated up more and I slapped his shoulder for him to shut up.
It was hard to leave Scott and the hospital, missing him already. It was quiet on the way home, the radio only thing playing. I couldn’t stop a small smile appearing on my face though because I knew after tonight, everything was going to be better. Gabe will be gone and everything well finally be perfect.
Half way there Skyler phone went off and he answered it, “Hey Hal, what’s—wait, what is that?” he questioned. “I can’t—Hal, are you there? I think I’m losing you, signal suck—Hal?” he moved the phone away and looked at the phone. “Call ended.” he said.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
He shrugged, “I don’t know, the phone was cutting off. I couldn’t really making out what she was saying. Guess we’ll find out what she was trying to tell me when we get home.”
But what I didn’t expect when we got there was a big black SUV outside the house and everyone was outside with four people in dress suits.
Skyler and I looked at each other confused and he parked the car. He parked the car and we got out, walking towards everyone.
More confused, I picked up my speed to where I was almost running, “What’s going on?” I asked, looking back and forth between the lady and Kelly.
The lady looked at me, “Hello Abigail, I’m Lauren, I’m with child services.”
I looked at her in shock and my heart stopped. I looked at Kelly who looked like she was about to cry, “What’s going on?” I asked.
Skyler Sir came up to us, “Abigail, we don’t know how—hey, what are you doing?” Skyler Sir questioned when one big guy held onto my upper arm.
“Let go!” I yelled, trying to get his grip off me. “What is going on?”
“We heard about your alcohol addiction.” Lauren said to me.
“What?” I exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”
“Abigail, there is no need to lie, we know everything. We want to help you.” she said. “We have to take you away for you to get help and—”,
“I don’t have an alcohol addiction.” I said, trying to get the guy let go of me. “Who are you guys and what’s going on? Is this some kind of joke?”
“Gabriel Cruz has told us everything.” she said and I gaped at her. “He’s told us about his worry for you and would like to get you help.”
“This is crazy.” Skyler Sir said. “Abigail doesn’t have an alcohol problem.”
“Mr. Russo, we have come to understand that she comes from a home of a drunk mother. That tend to effect the child to do the same thing—”
“Abigail is not a drunk.” he said coldly.
“And how do you know this for sure?” she asked. “Are you home twenty four seven?”
“Well, no, but my wife—”,
“And I have been told that she has been living under a house with a boyfriend?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Becoming a teen mom is not going to help her life back together and—”,
“Whoa, there is not a law saying anything about her not living here and that boyfriend being my son.” he said.
“I know this, but if you let me finish, Abigail needs to start over and let’s say she gets pregnant Mr. Russo, her life will just fall apart. She need an education, which is why we feel it would be right to remove her form this household.” she said.
“What?” I exclaimed. “I’m not leaving—let go!” I screamed, hitting at the guy chest. He made a good fight, but I ended up kneed him in his groin and ran away towards the woods, but I didn’t even making it that far when the two other guys caught me. “No, let go of me! Stop! I’m not leaving! Ow!”
“Boys, don’t!” I heard Skyler Sir call out, but I didn’t look to see what he meant. But I knew it had to do with the boys trying to help me.
The two guys pushed me towards one of the cars and I tried to fight to get them off, but they were really strong. “No, please! Please, don’t do this! Don’t separate my brother and me!” I yelled, one of my worse fear coming to life.
The guy on my right opened the SUV door and got in. The other guy pushed me and in and got in on my right. The guy I kneed got in the passenger and turned, glaring at me.
Lauren got in the driver side and drove away. I was crying the whole time driving. I can’t believe this is happening. I was being taken away by a lie and it’s all Gabe’s fault. I was taken away from Tyler and my heart broke. I remember hearing him cry when they took me away and I wanted to lash out on these people. What is this happening to me? What have I done that my life is this crappy? Why does Gabe have to make me so miserable?
My heart broken even more at the thought of not seeing Scott again. I was being separated from them both. This cannot be happening. I pinched myself, hoping this was all a dream, but it wasn’t.
Suddenly something was pressed against my mouth and my eyes widen in horror when the two guys looked at me. I tasted something weird and I began to feel tired. I don’t understand what was happening. I tried to push them away, but no use. I screamed behind the cloth, but that was stupid since no one would hear me.
My eyelid began to feel heavy and my vision became blurry. My eyes rolled back and I passed out.
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