Chapter Thirty-Four.
One minute I was dreaming peacefully and next, I felt something cold and wet thrown on me. I gasp, sprung up into a sit position. I looked around, but my vision was getting use to waking up and my eye lids still felt heavy, but I could still it was somewhere bright.
Suddenly someone grabbed my face and my body was still a little numb from waking up. I felt slaps on my cheeks, “Hey, wake up. Wakie, wakie, Abigail.” I heard Gabe voice and I finally got myself together to be staring into his brown eyes.
Everything rushed back to me like a slap in the face and I have a feeling those people weren’t from Child Protection Services. I’m pretty sure they’re not allowed to drug us.
So this is all Gabe plan I’m sure. Fear settled into me and I began to push at Gabe’s chest, but he wouldn’t let go of me, “Let go! What did you do, Gabe? Stop touching me—oww!” I hissed in pain when he grabbed my wrist and squeeze tightly, stopping me from what I was doing.
He leaned over to me to where his nose was almost touching mine, “Listen here, Abigail, you need to stop fighting me or I’m going to have to do something I might regret. So stop it.”, he said, throwing me back onto my back on the floor
I got back up on my butt and pushed my wet hair behind me, looking around. I seemed to be in some fancy garage.
I heard Gabe sigh and my attention was back on him. He picked up a chair and brought it over to me. He put it down and startled it.
“W-where am I?” I asked. “What’s happening?”
“You’re in Chicago.” he said and my eyes widen. That’s so far away from Vermont. How long was I out? I opened my mouth to ask him, but he raised his hand, “Now before you start asking me tons of questions, yes, you were out pretty long. But each time you kept coming around on the way here, they’ll drug you back to sleep.”
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “Isn’t Scott being in the hospital good enough for you? He doesn’t even remember.”
“And I’ll make sure he’ll never have to know.” he said. “But when I said I didn’t plan him getting hit, I meant it. I didn’t plan for him to get hurt.” he said and I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Look, I don’t care if you believe me or not, doesn’t matter anymore. But when I said I plan to hurt Scott, that’s still in motion.”
I looked at him questionably, “What are you talking about? How is bring me all the way here to Chicago going to hurt Scott in anyway?”
“Straight forward, I see.” he sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyed and irritated now. “As you know, Mina’s my mate.” he said, a small smile on his face. “You must know when I was out, I wasn’t spending all my time running. Want to guess who I was with?” he asked.
My eyebrows came together, “Your telling me this whole time your tortured me you actually were with her? Why in hell are you doing all this to me then?” I exclaimed, raged.
A side grin on his face, “You're apart of getting Scott hurt. Now that he physically hurt, I can’t do much. But I can hurt his damn heart like how mine was.” he said and I was back to confusion. “And well, actually, I have two problems going on. You’ll be the salutation to them both.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked, wondering if he’s going mad. “Gabe, you got Mina—which I must say, I feel sorry for you—and Scott hurts even if you didn’t plan it! What else more do you want!?”
“Well if you keep that mouth of your shut and let me finish, you’ll know.” he said coldly. But he quickly changed back to his happy self, “As you know, I’m apart of a gang. I need a way out of a gang to start my life with Mina. I didn’t leave Chicago because of my father like I said, I was running away from the gang, but they’ve seem too caught up to me.”
“Soo….?” I questioned, wanting him to move on cause the curiosity was killing me. “How is kidnapping me going to solve that?”
“You see, the leader of my gang is a very high rich man. He doesn’t want to lose me since I am pretty good fighter, even when I was younger cause of my wolf abilities. But he gave me a break, saying if I get someone to take my place for any kind of way, he’ll let me go if I bring someone new in.”, he said.
I looked at him in shock, my throat feeling like a lump was forming in it. “S-so—you sold me to a pimp!” I yelled, feeling my heart pick up race, scared out of my life. “Oh my god, Gabe!”
“Oh relax.” he said as he wasn’t telling me he was indeed selling me to a pimp. “No, of course not. I mean, he is a pimp, but his whores come to him willingly.” he said and even thought that didn’t do much to relax me, I continued to listen to him for some odd reason. “You won’t be his whore, just his maid. He can’t afford having some scared teenage girl begging for someone to help her, so he’ll just make you his maid. He a very powerful car salesmen and he doesn’t want to ruin it. Actually, we’re in his mansion right now.” he said. “He wanted me to wake up his new slave and wanting me to inform you.” he teased as he grinned to scare me.
Staring at him in shock, my body felt numb and I was sure I was going to faint at the news. He has to be joking, right? He can’t be selling me to some creep! Tear willed up in my eyes and before I could hold them back, they slipped from my eyes, “Gabe, please, don’t do this.”
“I’m sorry, Abigail, but this is the only way I can get out of the gang so Mina and I can start our lives.” he said. “But hey!”, he said, slapping his hands as he got up from the chair and moved him, bending down in front of me, “Think of it this way, you can now live in a beautiful mansion, it’s actually pretty great here, don’t get so scared. You’ll be happy.”
My mouth dropped, “You sick asshole.”
He half smiled, “I’ve been called much worse.”
“Scott will come looking for me .”, I told him. “And when he does find me, he’s going to kick your ass.”
He chuckled, “I doubt it. He’ll just suffer threw a broken heart, which is where me hurting him comes from. I don’t even have to do anything to him. It’s perfect.”
Rage was building up in me again and I glared at him, “You’re sick, just like your mate.”
He pursed his lips, not liking that I trashed on his mate. Before I knew it, he slapped me across the face and I cried out in pain, holding my right cheek that stung in pain. “I’ll think twice before you speak about Mina.” he said.
“Scott will come looking for me.”, I said. “Along with the other and when they do, be prepared.”
“I wouldn’t count on it, but thanks for the warning.” he said, getting up and took a phone out. He put in a number and brought it to his ear. Soon he was speaking in Spanish and taking French in school, I didn’t understand at all. “, si. Okay.” he said before taking his phone away from his ear and looked down at me, “Ready to start your new life?”
“Go to hell.” I said, glaring at him.
“I’ve been there already.” he said. “Don’t plan on going back for a very long time.”
“I hope Mina realizes how much of an awful pig you are.” I spat. “When she finds out you did this to me, I’m hope she’ll never want to see you again.”
“Believe me, I got her in the bag. A few fights that’s all and then there make up sex, which is the best.” he grinned and I looked at him in disgust.
“No one in the family will forgive you about this.” I hissed.
“Like I care.” he said. “As long as I have Mina, I’ll be happy.”
“Scott is supposed to be your best friend! How could you do this to him?” I exclaimed.
“How could he do what he did to me a few years back?”
“You didn’t tell him!” I screeched like a mad woman. “How could you be so immature about this!? Get over it.”
His wolf eyes appeared and he stepped forward towards me, but the door burst opened and a very hit-man like guy stepped out. He looked to be in his forties, very fit, dark pushed back hair and in a suit. Two buff guys walked behind him and looked at Gabe and me.
The guy walked up next to Gabe and they both went on in Spanish. After a few minutes, the guy looked down at me and smile, “Ahh, she is pretty. Virgin isn’t she, Gabriel?”
“As far as I know.” Gabe said. “What does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.”, the guy said. “Anyways, Rick and Carlos, get her.”
“Wait, no!” I said, crawling back when the two guys came near me. My back then hit the wall and the guys picked me up by my arm, “Wait! Please! Don’t! Gabe, please! No! Let go of me!”
“Oh, feisty one.” the guy said, grinning. “She’s going to be a hard one if she has a temper. Differently can’t be around cleaning when my guest are here.”
The guys dragged me out, but I didn’t go without trying to fight.
Scott, please save me, I thought.
I was very confused when Skyler and Shay came to pick me up and Abigail wasn’t with them. She didn’t come yesterday, them telling me she suddenly felt very sick. I just thought she would come today; it’s not like she could get any of us sick.
We finally got to the house and Shay helped me out. My neck felt like I slept on it wrong, but the cut going across my chest and down my stomach stung when I moved. I was left with that my whole life—that ugly scar going down my chest.
It was a bitch going up those stair of the porch and when I got to the door and walked in, everyone was in the living room—but Abigail.
My eyebrow came together and I searched for her scent around the house I got nothing. That worried me. “Where is Abigail?”
My parents looked at each other and back at me.
“What?” I questioned. “Mom, dad, where is she?”
My dad got up from the couch and robbed the back his neck as he came up to me. He put his hands on my shoulder and looked me right in the eyes, “Some people took her.”, he said and I felt like I’ve been by another car as I looked at him with my eyes widen.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, my stomach turning.
“Two days ago, people came saying they were from child services.” he said.
“Child services took her? Why?” I asked.
He shrugged, “We don’t know, but we do know they’re not actually from child services. We called yesterday, they said they didn’t bring anyone in yesterday by that name.” he said.
“What does that mean?” I asked. “Someone kidnapped her? Who would want to do that?” I asked, fearing for Abigail. Where is she? Where is my mate? I swear, when I get my hands on the bastards that took her, they’ll regret even thinking about it
“Scott, we believe it was Gabe.” he said.
My gut dropped, “What? Gabe? Why would he want to do that?” I asked. “I don’t believe you.”
My dad looked Skyler, “Tell him.” he said.
I turned to Skyler and Skyler looked uneasy.
“Skyler, tell me.”, I said.
“Mina’s Gabe mate.” he said and my eyes widen. How in the hell is that possible? Gabe would have mentioned that.
“That can’t be true.” I said. “Gabe would have said something—”
He shook his head, “He didn’t for some reason, but she is. It must’ve been at Reece’s party when you were in seventh grade when he found out, but didn’t get the time to tell you. Then spend the bottle came up and you kissed Mina and—”,
“He got pissed.” I finished and he nodded.
“Apparently he has been tormenting Abigail ever since he got here and when Colleen found out, he started on her too.” he said.
“Colleen?” I questioned, turning around to face her which Tristan had an arm around her shoulder.
She bit her lower lip, “I figured it out and when we plan to tell you, he had something on me.”
“What?” I asked.
“My dad might make me move.” she said and Tristan growled in his throat, not happy about it.
“He’s not taking her away from me.", Tristan said, sounding like he was talking to himself.
“Scott, you have to understand, Abigail was scared and didn’t know what to do.”, she said when I suddenly felt more wolf then human. She knew this whole time something was going on and didn’t tell me? She got up from the couch when I began to walk towards her, “Scott please—”.
Tristan got up from the couch, “Stay away, Scott.”
I ignored him, “I want you to tell me everything. I don’t care if it’s long or short, everything, Colleen.”
She stared up at me and she gulped, but told me every detail. To where Gabe showed up to him kissing her just to get someone on her. Then a bunch of other crap. It was all filling up in my brain and I realized that guy I thought was like another brother to me was actually an enemy to me that took my Abigail from me just because it’s his own fault he didn’t tell me about Mina the second he figured it out!
I wouldn’t even think about kissing her if I knew she was his mate.
After she was finished, all I knew was that I had to find Abigail. “So none of you have went to go find her?” I asked, pissed.
“Of course we have.” my dad said. “All day yesterday, but we it was getting dark. But we all crossed out of Vermont and came into New York and Pennsylvania, but we had to get back here. We tried again, but we had to get back here. Scott, we’re going to try every day until we find her.”
“And what about Gabe?” I asked. “Where is he?” I asked so I can kick that ass of his. He’s dead—to me and literally.
“We don’t know.” my dad said. “He left even before those people came and took her.”
I’m going to kill Gabe. But to my surprise, my mind wasn’t so much on Gabe, but what those people are doing to Abigail.
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