Chapter Ten.
Chapter Ten.
I covered my brother’s ears the best I could so he wouldn’t have to hear my parents arguing from across the hall. Tyler was sitting in front of me on my bed, with my back against the wall, trying to block them out.
Tyler was playing with his toy as my hands were over his ears.
“How about you help me!” my dad yelled.
“What do you want me to do, Will?!” My mom yelled back at him.
“I don’t know. How about you get your lazy ass up and get a job! I can’t be the only one around paying for stuff, not to mention all that liquor you’ve been drinking. It’s not up for debate, Angela. You’re getting a damn job and you’re going to help pay for things around here!” he yelled.
“What kind of job can I get with the education I have, Will?!” she screamed. “You made me drop out of college when I got pregnant with Abigail—ah!” she yelled when he slapped her, I heard the impact from here.
"Bastard!” she yelled and I heard her gasp when he slapped her again.
I heard a thump against the wall “You won’t ever speak to me like that again, Angela!” he yelled. “I’m your husband, and you’ll respect me and do as I say! Find a job, it doesn’t have to be a nice fancy one, but one that pays!”
“Where do you want me to go? A fast food place? A bar? Huh?” She continued to argue even though she and I both know she should just shut up. I know to never talk back to my dad or I’ll get it worse.
“Please, like anyone would want your old ass working at a bar!” he yelled. “Now—don’t speak or I’ll cut your tongue out,” he said, his voice lowered, but threatening and dangerous. It even made me jerk. “Why can’t you just be a good wife and mother? You promised me a happy family and do I look happy? You ruin everything, ever since college when you got pregnant and then that little bitch had to continue ruining things.”
I sniffled a few times as my eyes water up, and I tried to hold back my tears, but a few slipped out. I closed my eyes, my emotions running wild. I knew I was a mistake, but I never knew they regretted having me quite so much.
I felt Tyler shift and I opened my eyes to see him turn around and put his arms around me. I rubbed his back and put my forehead in the crook of his neck.
Don’t you hate it when your weekend feels like it’s gone to fast? I walked down the hallways, holding one side of my rib cage where a bruise was. None of them were broken because I know what it’s meant to feel like when they’re broken. My dad’s broken four in my entire life.
My face has never felt so caked up from wearing concealer. My face was bruised around my eyes. I sighed heavily and brushed my hair behind my ear.
Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into somewhere. Colleen closed the janitor’s door and turned to me, taking a step closer to me. “Okay, do you want to explain to me about why you said you couldn’t talk?”
I bit my lower lip and looked away. I knew it was be pointless to try to tell I don’t know what she’s talking about. She heard me Friday and I’m sure she won’t leave me alone until I tell her.
“Look, I have my reasons,” I told her. “I just don’t want to talk to anyone.”
“I doubt that,” she said. “Look, Abigail, it’s alright to tell me why. But I feel kind of hurt that you would do something like this. I don’t know what I’m doing to make you not want to talk to me.”
“It’s not you, Colleen. I’m,” I paused, trying to think of something to come up with. I haven’t had to do this in such a long time. I haven’t spoken to anyone since sixth grade. “I’m just not a people person; I like to keep to myself.”
“I still don’t get where that keeps you from talking. We all seriously thought you were muted,” she said. “Do you know how bad I felt this whole weekend?”
“I’m sorry, but I prefer not to talk,” I told her sternly. “Just leave me alone from now on.” I felt guilty when I walked around her and left the janitor’s room we were in. I saw the hurt look on her face before I did, but I kept myself going as I made my way over to my locker.
I put the code in and opened the locker. I was wearing normal blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I sighed heavily as I took everything out and grabbed everything I needed. I closed the locker and saw Scott leaning on the locker next to mine.
I gasped and took a step back, scared for a quick second. My hand was at my chest and I glared at him while scrunched up my nose and pressed my lips angrily together.
“Hey Abby,” he said, leaning up from the locker. “I have an idea—ha-ha,” he fake laughed when I rolled my eyes and breathed out real heavily. “Anyways, I was thinking about taking you and Tyler out to dinner tonight at say—seven. There this great diner a few blocks from here.”
I shook my head and turned, making my way towards my class. But as I knew well enough from knowing Scott for one week, it’s harder than that to get away from him. He’s like some lost puppy or something. Doesn’t he have friends to hang out with?
Scott was quickly next to me and he put his hands in his pocket. “Come on, Abby. It’ll be you, me, and Tyler. I want to get to know him,” he said and I looked up at him with an arched eyebrow. He wants to get to know Tyler? Why?
He shrugged. “What? Is that so surprising or something?”
I nodded. It is kind of surprising.
He put his hand on his chest and put on a hurt look.
“Abigail, I am hurt by what you could be thinking. I would like to meet the boy who you seem to love more than me, the amazing guy with great hair,” he said, grinning widely and I just rolled my eyes. His hair is not that great.
Right when I got to Mr. Jen’s classroom, he pulled me back out and I gave him a confused look. “I’m not going to let you go in until you agree.”
I scowled him and pointed at the clock behind him, letting him know class is about to start in less than a minute and the class is filling up quickly. He turned his head and grinned wider when he turned his head back around.
“Better say yes before you end up late for class.”
I couldn’t go for many reasons. I wouldn’t be able to leave my house no matter what. My dad would murder me if I told him I had a ‘date’ with a guy. Then he’ll murder Scott. Going to dinner with Scott is very dangerous and it’s not like I’ll be able to step one foot out before my dad gets me. I have no idea how I could come up with something to act like I’m going somewhere else since my dad won’t even let me go to the library.
And I remember the look Scott gave Mina Friday in gym class. He just needs to leave me alone or I’ll become so angry with him, I’ll probably end up yelling a lung up at him that I don’t want anything to do with him.
I shook my head and tried tugging my arm out of his hand, but he wouldn’t let go of me. My nose scrunched and I pressed my lips together, moaning angrily behind my closed mouth, hoping he’ll get the point.
“Why not?” he asked. He turned his head around quickly. “Twenty seconds, Abby.”
I breathed out my nose heavily and glared at him for a second. My shoulder sagged then in defeat and I forced my head to nod. Hopefully I’m a good actor and he’ll believe me. Just to get him off my butt, I’ll let him think I’m coming.
He smiled. “Good,” he said, letting go of my arm. I turned, but before I could walk in fully, I felt his warmth behind my back and he softly wrapped one arm around my waist and leaned down towards my ear.
“If you don’t show up, I’ll come over. So don’t think about playing me, Abby. I know where you live,” he whispered and my cheeks blushed up, feeling slightly nervous now. My eyes snapped to Mr. Jen’s desk where he was sitting, his back to us as he face the computer. He kissed my cheek and stepped back.
“Remember what I said,” he told me and I felt his warmth leave.
Crap, I’m screwed. I thought miserably. I looked around the class when I noticed a few girls had seen what just happened and glared at me. I didn’t miss the fire dragon eyes of the evil witch Mina who did not look like a happy camper. I looked in the back and saw Colleen, who stared back at me. I bit my lower lip and made my way towards the back, taking the table that was next to her alone.
What am I going to do? I can’t go to dinner tonight with Scott, but I surely can’t have him come over to my house. What am I going to do? I asked myself as I sunk back in my seat. Why does Scott so badly want to try to get me in bed and why does he have to bring Tyler into it? I don’t want him to play with the both of our emotions.
I opened the medicine cabin and looked around for my mother’s sleeping medicine. My eyes searched around for them and when I found them, I grabbed the orange bottle and stared down at it, not sure if the idea I have is a good one. Is it wrong to drug you parents to make them pass out just to go on a forced date some jerk at school is making you go on? Not to mention that said jerk wants for some reason to bring your little brother?
But it’s the only thing I can come up with. My mom goes through these pills like there’s no tomorrow; she won’t miss any since she’s drunk most of the time and she doesn’t even realize how many she’s taking. Plus, I’ll only need one for each of them ‘cause these pills are strong and can knock her out in less than twenty minutes for the whole night. When she takes them she can sleep through a rain storm.
When I heard my dad’s footsteps coming up the stairs, I opened the bottle and quickly took two out, closing it back up and putting it back in the cabinet. I closed the mirror door and flushed the toilet, making it sound like I was using it.
I stuck the pills in my pocket as I walked over to the door quickly and stepped out and almost bumped into my dad. “Sorry daddy,” I said.
He snorted and put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me away. “Go finish dinner, I’m starving,” he said and I nodded.
I went back down stairs and took the chicken out of the oven. I took the two pills out and looked around for something to smash them with. Deciding to do my best with a spoon, I grabbed a cutting board and smash down on it real hard. Once all of it was nothing but a bunch of white power, I grabbed a glass cup and scooped the power into the cup. I purred the cup with some whiskey. I did the same thing with the other one for my mom.
I filled my parent’s plates and took it out to them. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed their drinks. My dad asked me why I wasn’t going to eat, so I told him I wasn’t hungry. He just said ‘whatever’ and continued eating and drinking.
When they were half way done, I noticed they were starting to look tired. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw I have ten minutes left. My dad ran his hand down his face when he was about finished.
“Dammit, work must have really killed me today,” he said.
As always, I’m supposed to say something to that. “You do work hard for us, daddy,” I complimented, even though I wanted to snort and smack my teeth at him. They both finished and I took their plates and drinks out.
I heard my dad’s chair squeak as he pulled away from the table and he groaned as he stretched while I walked back into the dining room. He walked into the living room with my mom behind him.
“I’m going to bed early tonight, I’m worn out,” he yawned and my mom agreed. I waited five minutes downstairs before quickly going upstairs and slowly opened their door, seeing them in their bed, passed out.
I couldn’t help but let a small one sided grin appear on my face, not believing this worked so quickly. I knew I would have to go to the dinner since I didn’t feel comfortable no matter what letting Scott come here at all. I ignored him the rest of the day at school and I saw he wasn’t very much about it. I managed to block him out with his annoying chattering and his siblings and their girlfriends.
I closed the door and walked over to Tyler’s room. He was sleeping, but I woke him up. He fussed for a second, but quieted and rubbed his eyes. I put some comfortable clothes on him and put his winter jacket on. I put his green hat, mitts, and shoes on.
I placed him on my hip as we walked out of his room and into mine. I grabbed my jacket. I winced as I put it on since I had to stretch my arms out and I groaned when they went down. I fixed the cover up around my face again before I picked Tyler back up and we left the house.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this. Can you?” I questioned Tyler as we walked towards the diner Scott mentioned. I knew where it was because I have seen it on my way home. He shook his head and brought one of his hands up to his mouth.
“She should be here soon,” I told the waitress who came back over to take orders for the second time. She just nodded, but I saw her face turn into annoyance when she turned back around to leave.
I put one of my elbows down on the table and put my chin on my hand. She blew me off. I’d been here for ten minutes already and even though I didn’t look like it on the outside, I was getting mad. She hates me this much; she won’t even show up to have dinner?
I tapped my hand on the booth table when I heard the bell and the door opened behind me. A wash of fresh forest air and strawberries hit my nose. I looked over to the door and saw Abigail with Tyler on her hip looking around until she looked to the back of the diner on the right side and her eyes caught mine.
The same waitress I was just talking to a moment ago came up to her, but she pointed at me. The lady nodded and Abigail made her way over to me. She sat across from me, giving me an apologetic look as the waitress placed a menu in front of her.
“Would you like a high chair?” the lady asked, pointing the back of her pen to Tyler who Abigail was sitting on her lap. Abigail smiled and nodded.
When the lady left to go get Tyler the high chair, Tyler began to bounce on Abigail’s lap and she shook her head at him, making him stop. She looked back up at me and pointed at the clock that was on our table.
“Get loss or something?” I tried and she nodded. “Well maybe it was messed up of me not to pick you up instead, but I thought I’d better not since the last time I showed up, your mom didn’t seem like she liked me.”
She shrugged her shoulders right when the lady came back with Tyler’s high chair and Abigail started putting him in, but he started kicking, not wanting to go in. I reached out and helped her by moving his legs in threw the holes and he smacked the table angrily. Abigail grabbed his hands and pointed at him, giving him a look telling him to quiet it, which he did.
“Can I start you off with something to drink?” the waitress asked in boredom. Abigail left the menu up and turned it to the back, pointing at something. “Well, want do you want?”
Abigail tapped something and the lady gave her a look to tell her.
I leaned over and saw what she was pointing at. “She wants a sprite,” I told her and the waitress rolled her eyes and muttered a ‘whatever’ as she wrote it down. “For the kid?” she asked and Abigail shook her head, pointing at her chest. “She’ll share hers?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Abigail who nodded.
The lady turned and left. As Abigail took the jackets off herself and Tyler, awkwardness filled the air. When she got his jacket, mitts, and hat off, we all sat in quiet, so I decided to break it. “I’m glad you and Tyler could come.”
She held her hand out and I raised an eyebrow, but realized why she did it. I took my phone out and handed it to her. She typed in something and gave the phone back to me; you made me come against my own will.
I couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah, I guess I did. But, hey, I promise you’ll have a good time.”
The lady came back with Abigail’s drink, clicked her pen, and took her note pad out. “What can I get you both?” she asked.
“I’ll like a steak, half way done. Fries and mashed potatoes on the side,” I told her and wrote it down.
She turned her head to Abigail and Abigail turned the menu around, pointed at what she wanted.
“Can’t you talk or something?” the waitress asked, clearly annoyed.
Abigail suddenly looked angry, so I spoke. “No, she can’t. So just look at what she pointed at and write it down,” I told her and she looked shocked, looking back at Abigail.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude,” she apologized to Abigail who just pointed at what she wanted. The waitress nodded and wrote it down. “And the kid?” she asked and Abigail flipped the menu and pointed. “Apple sauce only?” she asked and Abigail nodded. “Okay,” she said, writing it down and left.
I was so close to yelling at the waitress! I was so close to opening my mouth and yelling at her, ‘Yes, I can! I would like the bacon cheese burger and fries if that’s okay with you!’ I completely forgot Scott was right there for a second and almost broke my secret I was keeping from him. Dammit. I just got so mad. She didn’t have to be a bitch and just look.
But I think it irked me more when she thought I was actually muted when Scott told her and quickly jumped to apologies. When she left, I saw Tyler stare at Scott and tilt his head to the side.
Scott leaned down on the table and smiled at Tyler. “Hello again, Tyler. Do you remember me? I’m Scott.”
Tyler just stared at him, eyes wide, and Scott chuckled. “You look just like Abby,” he said and right when he said my name, Tyler’s eyes lit up and he smiled, showing the couple of teeth he has. Scott reached and tickled his stomach, making Tyler giggle.
I couldn’t help but smile, finding the scene really sweet.
“He seems like he would be a good boy,” Scott said and I shrugged and nodded. Tyler is a good boy, but he can be annoying sometimes. I still love him, though.
“Where’s his father?”
My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at him confused. Where’s his father? That’s an odd questioned.
Scott shrugged. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. Tyler’s a lucky boy to have a mom like you. Isn’t that right, Tyler? Abby’s a good mom,” he said, lifting Tyler out of the high chair and started playing with him.
I continued to stare at him confused before realization hit me. Crap, he thinks Tyler’s my son! How hard could that have been to guess!? I’m so stupid and, yes, naïve to have not noticed that something as obvious as that! I guess I have been so busy thinking of how hard it is to get rid of him that I never guessed he could think Tyler was my baby. The fact is, I do act like a mother to Tyler. I gave Tyler more attention than our own mother.
I grabbed Scott’s phone and type in, Tyler isn’t my son, he’s my brother.
The song on the side totally fits this song. Comment if you agree!
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