Chapter Nine.
Chapter Nine
I had my arms crossed across my chest and my hood of my jacket up. Colleen must’ve seen me from behind cause she was calling my name from behind down the hall, trying to keep up with me.
I felt her hand go around my arm and she stopped me. “Hey, didn’t you hear me call your name?” she asked. She slid her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “I was calling you for the last minute.”
I walked around her and I felt her gaze on my back for a second, but she ran back up next to me “Hey, did I do something wrong?” she asked.
I just shook my head and took the note out I made for her, mentioning that I think it was nice and sweet of her to want to be my friend, but I just don’t want to. I explained to her I like to be a loner and be by myself. I held it out to her and she hesitated, but took it.
I continued on my way as she read, but damn, she was a fast reading because I didn’t even get a dozen steps away before she caught back up to me by the time I went around the corner to another hallway.
“Wait, Abigail, come on,” she said. I just kept my gaze forward, hoping she’ll find me mean and annoying, and want to leave me alone now. I started to walk faster and she looked like she was having a hard time keeping up as she said, “Look, act like a bitch right now if you want. But soon, we’ll be the best of friends ‘cause of Scott.”
My head snapped to look at her confused, my eyebrows together in confusion. What the hell does that mean?
“Can you slow down?” she asked a few steps behind me.“Damn, did you run track at your last school or something?”
No, just had to run from my dad sometimes before my brother came along, I thought.
We walked out of the school building where people were getting on buses, cars, or walking home. I felt someone’s gaze and I turned my head to see Scott looking my way as he leaned against the Jeep.
“Ahh--Ow!” I heard Colleen behind me and my head snapped to the side to see she had fallen and was holding her ankle.
My eyes widened, realizing she got hurt because of me. I bent down in front of her and before I could hold my tongue, I whispered, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m—” she cut herself off when she realized I talked. Both our eyes were wide open. Oh god, I can’t believe I just spoke to her! Oh god, this ruins everything now. I’m in deep shit now. “You…you just talked,” she forced the words out.
“Colleen!” I heard Tristan’s voice behind me. I turned my head to see how far he was and he was running over.
I turned my head back around in a panic. “Please, I beg you, don’t tell them. Colleen, please, keep it a secret.”
She nodded. “Oh—um, okay. Yeah, sure,” she said as I helped her up. “But why’d you tell us you couldn’t talk?”
Before I could answer, Tristan ran up and took Colleen from my hold, “Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, my ankle just hurts a little. An ice pack and some Tylenol will do the trick,” she said. “I wasn't watching where I was going and slipped on a can of soda.”
I saw Scott run up next to me. “Hey, why have you been ignoring me since gym?” he asked.
My cheeks burned up and I raised my hand to Colleen in goodbye before turning around to walk home. I put my hands on each of my upper arms and rubbed, quickly getting cold. These are the times I wish I also had ear muffs.
I felt something placed on top of my shoulders and I smelled Scott’s cologne before I turned to look at him. He put one arm around my shoulders, holding me close to his warm body.
I looked up at him and shook my head, trying to move him, but he just pulled me back to him. I tried a few more times as we walked, but I decided to give up since it was becoming pointless. But I gave him an annoyed look. I scrunched up my nose and pressed my lips together roughly.
“That face doesn’t scare me, Abby. It’s actually kind of cute,” he chuckled and I breathed out my nose heavily in annoyance. I just looked forward now, deciding to just let him hold me half way there. I took in his warmth, and it was starting to feel comfortable. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in towards him. He was so warm and he felt kind of like—in tacky words—home. Like how when his arm was around me, I just wanted be in his arms all the time.
I felt his arm tighten around my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. I had to move my arm around his waist just so our bodies were touching.
Before I knew it, he stopped us, and I looked up to see why, but all I saw was his face leaning down and his lips were on mine before I could say ‘stop’. My eyes were wide and my body went stiff. I was freaking out inside, but you could see my nervousness from my slightly shaking hands.
I wanted to squeal out in joy ‘cause I finally got my first kiss! But I also wanted to slap him and run away, knowing we were on dangerous grounds. I mean, my dad could drive right past and see us! I should be staying away from Scott, not be kissing him!
His lips were so soft though! I was surprised at how moist they were and, yes, they were a little chapped, but they were perfect. They were warm and manly! His lips were full, his bottom one slightly bigger. They were totally kissable!
I finally decided to think, what the hell! I’ll ignore him tomorrow. That’s how perfect his lips were.
I wasn’t an expert about kissing, but I know you’re supposed to move your lips. From watching those cheesy romance movie, I seen your just really supposed to part your lips and close them again.
He moved in front of me without breaking lip contact and he placed one of his hands softly on my cheek. Feeling awkward my hands were just hanging there, I moved them up to wrapped around his neck. His hands moved down to my waist and he wrapped his arms around me.
The question finally popped in my head. Why was he kissing me? I moved my upper body back and he looked confused, leaning towards me to kiss me again, but I put my hands on his chest and held him back.
Man, my lips felt sore now.
Realizing what I just did, I couldn’t stop from gasping and covering my mouth, staring at him with my eyes wide. I just freaking kissed him! Ugh, I wanted to slap myself right now. How could I let this godly like guy kiss me! And why did it have to be perfect?
I stepped back, expecting him to moved his arms, but he just pulled me back and I swear, I heard him growl. I put my hands on his arms, trying to move them. He shook his head and my nose scrunched up and my lips pressed tightly together in annoyance, giving him my annoyed look.
I need to get away from him right now. He’s too dangerous to be around. He’s going to get me in trouble now. I have to get home, air myself out since if I change my cloths my dad will question, take care of Tyler, and start my chores and cook dinner.
I pushed at Scott’s chest when I realized he wasn’t going to let me go. He huffed out his nose and shook his head. I was questioning these behaviors, but getting away from him was more important to me right now!
“No, Abby, I’m not letting you go,” he said, his voice hard and dominant. I hit at his rock hard chest, but that didn’t make him let go. I turned to my side and tried to push myself away, but I only end up turning all the way that my back was facing him and I kicked, hit, and tugged at him to try and let me go, but nothing was working.
I let out an annoyed breath and crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly when I realized he wasn’t going to let me go. I felt his head next to mine and he kissed the side of my head. My right eyebrow arched up when I heard him inhale.
He moaned. “You smell just like strawberries, Abby,” he whispered next to my ear. I was wondering why the hell he smelled my hair, but since this boy was more confusing than a math problem, I just pushed it aside since it was hurting my head way too much.
Thinking of something to get him off me, I decided to raise my right foot and with all my might, I slammed it right down on his foot. He made a ‘yelp’ sound and his arms loosen from around me. I took a big step forward and walked around him to continue on my way as he rubbed his foot.
Teach him not to kiss me again.
I walked into my house and slammed the door shut. Skylar and Haley were on the couch and I was taken back to see her eating a pack of cream cheese and a bag of Utz dark potato chips. I raised an eyebrow and pointed at the stuff in her lap.
“I have cravings, idiot,” she said.
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever,” I said angrily and walked over to the steps the same time my dad walked out of the kitchen. He looked at me questionably and I just ignore it, jogging up the stairs to my room. I went into my room and lift my headphones up, placing them on my ears and blasted a Nickelback song in my ears.
I heard my door open through the music and I smelled my dad’s scent. I turned my head to look at him and he walked over to my bed, sitting on my edge.
I moved one side of the headphones behind my ear to hear him better. “You haven’t been eating a lot lately.”
“I just haven’t been hungry,” I told him. It was true; my mind has been completely on Abigail, just wanting her to be in my arms all day and be there watching me run with my brothers. I want her to know about me, but I have to gain her trust and get her to let me in before I could spill the big secret.
He nodded. “I understand. Do you know when we’ll be able to meet Abigail?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, she’s kind of stubborn. She,” I hesitated and he gave me a look for me to continue. “She…she has a kid.”
His eyes widened, staring at me questionably. “Excuse me, Scott?”
“Tyler, nine months. I tried to ask her about him, but every time I try, I can’t seem to let the words slip out of my mouth when I’m around her or I’ll sometimes just forget,” I told him.
“So you don’t actually know if it’s hers or not?” he asked.
“I’m pretty sure he is,” I told him. “I’ve seen him with her twice, once alone at the store the other day. She was acting so much like a mother to him. The way she looked at him, I don’t know, it just felt like it.”
“Scott, this is something you should really ask her,” he said. “’Cause for all you know, it could just be her brother. You boys always jump to conclusions,” he said, chuckling. “Okay, is that the only problem?”
I shook my head. “No. I don’t think she likes me very much.”
He chuckled more. “What? My boys are handsome, how could any girl not like them?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know, but she doesn’t. She can be shy one second and the next, stubborn and hard head. She shows her emotions since she can’t speak. I kind of kissed her today and she stomped on my foot. It was like Tristan and Colleen all over again,” I said, my dad and I grinning at each other when Tristan walked passed my room. He stopped at the door and glared, huffed out his nose, his brown eyes turning black for a quick second before turning back to their normal brown color at me before walking away.
My dad patted my knee. “You’re a Russo, meaning you’re a wolf, a strong one. We get what we want. But let the girl be used to you before you think about jumping into a relationship, though.”
“Thanks for the advice,” I sarcastically said. “Everyone has tried to be her friend and she just pushes us away.”
I grabbed the headphone I took away from my ear a moment ago, but before I placed it back against my ear, my dad said, “Well maybe, there’s something happening at home.”
“Tyler, no,” I said, taking the marker he was just using to draw out of his hand because he was sticking it in his mouth. He slapped his hands down on the table and fussed about it. I rolled my eyes.
“That’s too bad. Don’t stick things in your mouth; it’s dangerous. How about food, are you hungry?” I asked in a cherry tone and smiled brightly at him. I’m a very good actor in front of him.
His mood quickly changed and he nodded, clapping his hands together and smiling.
I put my index finger against my cheek. “Hmm, what should you have? How ‘bout apple sauce?” I suggest and he made a ‘yuck’ look and shook his head.
“No? Okay, um, bananas?” Again, he made a ‘yuck’ look.
“Okay, uh, strawberries?” I asked and his eyes brightened up and he clapped, jumping up and down in his highchair. “Strawberries!” I cheered, clapping my hands with his.
I ruffled his blond hair and went over to the fridge, taking out the pack of strawberries. I began cutting them in small bites and as I did, I couldn’t help thinking of what Scott said about me smelling like strawberries. I wonder where he got that idea since my shampoo is Dove.
I wonder why he even smelled me in the first place! What a weirdo.
After cutting up Tyler’s strawberries with some sugar, I placed the bowl of them in front of him and he started chowing down on them.
The front door open and I knew who it was. The Devil. He came into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He looked tired and grumpy. I kept my gaze on Tyler and helped him pick up the strawberries.
I felt my dad walk up to us and I turned my head to look at him, but he punched me. I fell down onto the floor with a scream and Tyler started crying.
I brought my hand up to my right cheek and I looked up at him. “What did I do?” I asked quickly.
He shrugged, “Nothing. I was just bored and wanted to do something.”
I sniffed a few times as tears slid down my cheek. I hate how my dad uses me sometimes as a punching bag. “Get back up,” he told me and I shook my head, looking away from him. “Now,” he said calmly, but his voice was threatening. When I stayed where I was, he bent down and picked me up by my upper arm. He punched me in my stomach and I bent forward, gasping for air.
It felt like fire was running through my body and I was in so much pain. He let go of me and I fell down on my knees, one hand over the spot he punched me at. Tears left my eyes and I squeezed them shut, trying to stop crying, but tears escaped through my tightly closed lids.
He back handed me and I fell on my side. My legs crawled up in a fetal position. He stomped down on my legs roughly and I cried in pain each stomp. It felt like he was doing this for hours, but it was only fifteen seconds, nine stomps.
He stopped and walked out of the kitchen. I lay in this cold tile spot, crying. My hair was everywhere and my body was burning in pain. I would have a hard time coughing here and there from my crying.
I need to get out of here, I thought, but who would I go to? I have no one.
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