Chapter Fifteen.

Chapter Fifteen


I had to lean on the wall a few feet away from Abigail as she lifted her gray hoodie up over her and I saw bruises going up and down both her arms. A few bones in my body made a cracking sound only I could hear, and I had to control myself from shifting right there. And going out the front door back to her house and watching her father cowering back in fear before I killed him.

I rolled my head around and cracked my knuckles, my human side regaining control over my wolf side even though he was not happy. He wanted to come out and the reason why I’m away from the others is because if someone comes near her, I’ll murder them. I’m not joking. No one—and I mean no one!—should mess with a male wolf's mate. We kill for the littlest things. I took a few deep breaths and I clenched my hands. My eyes darkened and I closed them, trying to take long, deep breaths.

Not now, not now. Later, when she’s sleeping. You’ll be free later, just be patient, I thought. It’s like those angel and devil things that would be on your shoulder when you don’t know what to do. My human side is my angel and wolf side is my devil. And right now, the devil wanted to show her pathetic excuse of a father fear. My oldest siblings, their girlfriends, and my parents were all looking at Abigail in pity. She brought one of her hands up to her other arm and rubbed it awkwardly as she looked down at the hard wooden floor.

My mom cleared her throat. “Anywhere else, honey?” she asked. My mother, only 5 minutes after Abigail came in, had asked to see everywhere she'd been hit. Abigail hesitated and I saw her cheeks turn red, but she pulled her shirt up enough to show her stomach. A hard growl rose in my throat and was easily heard behind my mouth. Bruises were everywhere the size of a normal male fist. Some were a gross yellow color, other a blue-purple color, and one of her right waist that was the darkest. It almost looked black.

Abigail turned her head to look at me confused and I raised my chin in the arm, my look hard, but not for her, for her father. My hands were in tight fists and as hard I tried not to, I punched the wall, making a dent in it. Abigail lowered her shirt back down and crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at the floor again in shame. A few more of my bones crackled and the devil part of me yelled for me to just leave and kill Will Crow. No one will ever suspect me since I'll be in my wolf form. I could easily get away with it.

Transform, go to Abigail’s house, rip his throat out, and come back and be able to sleep with both eyes closed. I pushed the devil aside and he nagged in my ear about how a real wolf would have done it. I leaned up from the wall and out of the living room out to the back porch. I needed air.

Actually, a ton of air. I need the air of the woods, fresh hair. I need to relax. I stepped out back and I stretched, my wolf side wanting a run now. He felt trapped, making me feel uncomfortable. That’s how I know when he wants to be let out. He wanted to be out so bad I didn’t even realized the door opened and someone stepped out.

I smelt her scent even before I turned around. I raised my chin up and took a hard swallow before turning around to face her. Her eyes looked dull and tired. She ran her fingers through her hair, pushing her it back and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at me.

I need to hear it. Her voice. Maybe that will ease the stupid devil on my shoulder that was yelling at me to turn and run into the woods. But the angel also wanted to hear her voice and let her know that…yes, he knows. I don’t fully understand why she kept holding back from me, making me think she was muted, making me feel stupid and confused.

I wanted to yell at her today, shake her to answer my question, and then kiss her. But I knew I should let her talk when it was the right time. Let her speak when she felt comfortable. But right now, all I could think about was, Screw it. My throat felt dry when I spoke. “Speak, Abby. I know you can talk.”

I heard the low gasp escape her lips before she looked down at the ground and raked one of her hands through her hair, trying to cover her face. Something in me turned and the sound of my bones cracking became hearable. I didn’t like her trying to hide herself. It pissed me off more. She shouldn't hide from me.

I stepped towards her and placed my hand on her face. I felt her cringe at my touch and I lifted her head up as she let her arm drop to her sides. Even though my look was hard, my eyes softened when I saw her eyes water up and she tried hard to fight the urge to cry.

“Just say something,” I told her calmly. Her lips parted open a little, but no words came out.

It took her a moment, but she spoke, her beautiful voice speaking. “Something,” she sarcastically said.

Even at this kind of moment, I gave her a one side grin. “Smartass.” Her cheeks blushed up, but a small smile appeared on her face.

It then dropped again and she lowered her head. “How’d you find out?” she asked before looking back up at me, her teeth biting one side of her bottom lip.

“Friday, after the game. I came over to tell you we won, but before I could knock on your window, I heard you singing to Tyler,” I told her. “You have no idea what appeared in my mind. I actually thought I was dreaming for a second ‘cause I couldn’t believe it.”

Her cheeks blushed up. “How…how many times have you been looking inside my window and please tell me I’m always dressed.”

I chuckled once behind my lips, “Only once after I snuck you out and yes, you were dressed.

“Stalker.” she said and my guess is, is that she’s trying to push aside what happened today. I felt something was wrong when she gave me that look when she and her father drove out of the school parking lot. That’s why I called Skyler to pick me up and drive me to her house. I was so surprised to see her walking away like how she was. It worried me so much and how she was scared me.

Now I know the truth. I know everything. She didn’t just have one secret, she had so much more than I thought. It only made me more mad. I don’t know my mate at all then I thought. I felt her shiver, so I put my hands around her shoulders and pulled her into my heated body. She placed her hand on both sides of my waist.

She pressed herself closer and sighed heavily. “You’re so warm, Scott. Why are you always so warm?”

Because werewolf blood is unusually hot, I thought, but something else came out. “Your guess is as good as mine."

“Are you mad about me lying to you?” she asked. I held onto her a little tighter, but not enough like how I used to. She’s more fragile than I thought, I guess.

“No,” I honestly said. It wasn’t her I was mad at, it was her dad.

“Why not?” she asked and my eyebrows furrowed together. “The others flipped on me when they found out."

More confused, I leaned away and looked down at her. “The others know?” I asked. Back up! How do the others know before me!? Why do they know!? I’m her mate, I should know first! It pissed me off that they knew and what’s worse didn’t tell me quickly! How long did they know?

She nodded. “Yeah, but it was on accident last Friday. I spoke without meaning to.” Okay, I get that, but they should have told me still.

I mean, they knew since Friday! I angrily thought.

“Ow, Scott, you're hurting me!” Abigail said, waking me up from my angry thoughts, and I realized I was pressing my fingers into her skin very hard. I quickly moved my hands away from her and she took a step back.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “Abigail, why did you make us believe you were muted? I feel like an idiot now."

“I’m sorry, but my dad didn’t allow me to talk. He said just to always keep my mouth shut at school and don’t talk to anyone. He said I didn’t have time to stop and make friends,” she said. “But do you know how hard it is not to talk when the most annoying guy is always talking?” she asked, making her voice sound exhausted. “I mean, you just never shut up."

Even though I was pissed, the angel in me made me laugh since it was true. Then the devil in me kicked the angel and turned me back into my sour look. “You change the subject a lot, you know.”

“So,” she shrugged, stuffing her hands into her pockets. She then lowered her head again.

“Well, this turned out to be a different kind of birthday than usual. Nothing this surprising ever happens.”

Remembering it was indeed her birthday; I raised my right wrist up and took off my watch. It was just a plan brown leather one with the clock being black and white with four real diamonds around the 12, 3, 6, and 9. I took one of her wrists and I didn’t have to see her face to see she was confused. After attaching the watch to her wrist, I held her hand up. “My gift to you,” I said.

“A watch? Usually a guy gives a girl earrings or something,” she sarcastically said.

I gave her a look. “Take it or leave it."

She adjusted the watch on her wrist. “You sure you want to give me this? I mean, this watch looks like it could be expensive."

“Christmas gift from the grandparents when I was fourteen. It’s kind of boring to me now,” I said. “But it looks good on you.”

“I…I can’t take this,” she said.

“Why not?” I asked, confused as to why she couldn’t. It was a gift. You can’t give back a gift.

“My dad wouldn’t like me wearing it,” she said. There goes that stupid devil on the side nagging at me and only my ear heard the cracking sounds.

A growl rose up my throat and it escaped past through my bared teeth. “You’re not going back there, Abigail.” Her eyebrows furrowed together,

“Scott, are you okay?” she asked, taking a step back. “Your eyes just turned black."

I reached out and grabbed her upper arm. “You’re not going back there, you’re staying here with me.”

Her eyes showed fear and I felt her cringe. “Sco—Scott, let go of me. I—I have to go back. It’s the only home Tyler and I have.” Her lower lip trembled and she shook in fear. Realizing I was scaring her, my hand dropped from her upper arm and my eyes widened.

“Oh my god,” I whispered to myself. “Abigail, I didn’t mean to scare you—no, wait!” I said when she turned around to leave, but I quickly grabbed her from the waist and stopped her. “Abigail, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, it’s just…I want to protect you. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore,” I whispered in her ear like it was a secret. “You don’t have to go, this house if big enough for you and Tyler,” I added.

“My dad wouldn’t allow me to stay here,” she said. “You really think he’s going to let us go that easily?”

“Not if he wants to get arrested. He won’t come within ten feet of my house,” I said, my voice hard without me wanting to. The devil was now talking, not the angel.

“No, you can’t call the police!” she suddenly yelled and turned around in my arms. “They’ll take Tyler and me and separate us. I can’t let that happen, Scott. I’m the only one that cares about him and I refuse to let them do that to us. I only have two more years. I can handle my father. I won’t let people I don’t even know raise Tyler when he has me, that’s all he needs is me—”

I put my hands on her face and calmly said, “Okay, okay, I won’t. Just relax you’re giving yourself a panic attack.” She was heavily panting and her body was shaking. “Take deep breaths and just look in my eyes.” Her hands were at her chest as she breathed through her nose and out her mouth, staring into my eyes, calming down. “Feel better?” I asked and she hesitated, checking herself and nodded.

“Good,” I said, caressing her face with my thumbs, her eyes never leaving mine. “We’ll figure something out. You and Tyler won’t get separated, I promise."

“Good,” she said.

We continued to stare into each other’s eyes until I leaned down and pressed my lips softly on hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I moved my hands down her waist to press her closer to me. Suddenly we heard a growling sound and it didn’t come from me. Abigail pulled back with her cheeks red as an apple. “Sorry,” she said. I couldn’t help but chuckle.


Tyler was sleeping on my chest as I made it up to the room Kelly and Skyler Sr. Scott’s parents, showed me before I ate dinner with the whole family. All the girls were there too. It was very weird, getting served, and not being the one to serve it. And the food! I haven’t ate like this before tonight. A big plate of spaghetti, salad, and a huge piece of chocolate cake! How is everything in this house so thin and healthy? My stomach hurt from being full, which I can’t say happens a lot other than on holidays.

When I stepped into the room, I was taken back to see Scott setting up a crib for Tyler, but shirtless. He may have not been like Skyler, huge and buff, but he sure did have a body under those V-neck shirts. He had a six pack and if he worked out a little harder, they would show more. His waist was a perfect V and I don’t know if he noticed or not, but his jeans were hanging dangerously low.

I hadn’t realized I was staring at him until he cleared his throat. My eyes widened and my head snapped up to see him grinning. My cheeks turned crimson and I could feel the heat on my them.

I looked away for a quick second before looking back, but I wasn’t able to look at him. “Uh, thanks. But you didn’t have to do that, he could have just slept with me,” I told him.

“If you haven’t noticed, the bed is twin sized. It’s okay. It gave me something to do while the girls hogged you away from me,” he said, walking towards me as my cheeks continued to feel hot. He took Tyler from me and turned back around, walking over to the crib. I walked over to the bed where I saw a pair of flannel pajama pants and a gray t-shirt.

I felt Scott come up next to me. “They might be baggy, but they should be fine,” he said, sitting down in front of me. He took one of my hands and kissed the back of it. “You know, before, I always wondered what your voice sounded like.”

“And?” I wondered.

He gave a one sided grin. “Cheesy, but it sounds like angels are singing.”

“You’re right,” I said and he looked up at me confused. “That was cheesy.” He chuckled once behind his throat.

“I’m glad you decided to stay here tonight, I don’t want you to go back there.”

“Well, I smacked my dad in the head with a pan. I think he might be really angry right now,” I sarcastically said and he pursed his lips, giving me a ‘shut up’ look. He then put his warm hands on each of my wrists, sliding his hands up my arms.

Goosebumps traveled down my back. “No wonder you wore that ugly hoodie today and last week,” he said, sounding like his throat was dry and had to force the words out. He looked at the few bruises on my arms that were a gross yellow or light purple color.

Feeling suddenly nervous, I changed the subject. “You think my hoodie’s ugly?”

I think he meant to chuckle, but it came out as a snort. “It looks like it could be made into rags.”

My mouth dropped and I hit his arm. “Shut up, it’s not like I wanted it either. But it’s the only decent one they had at the Salvation Army.”

“Well, from now on, you’ll wear one of mine,” he said, grinning up at me. He then frowned and his hands went down to my shirt and pulled it up like how I did earlier.

His hot fingertips softly touched the bruises. “You know, male wolves would do anything to protect their mates,” he said and I gave him a confused look. His way of trying to tell me he was mad and that he wanted to keep me safe from my dad by using animals as examples was strange.

Not taking his eyes off the bruises, he said, “They’ll attack, and kill. After, they’ll take care of their mate. If she’s hurt, he’ll lick at the wound and be there until she’s healed. He won’t let another wolf come near her and yes, he’ll be kind of a jackass to the rest of the pack, but he does it out of love.”

I grabbed his hands and pulled them away, pulling my shirt back down, “What’s your point, Scott?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“My point is,” he said, taking my hands. “I’ll be here whether you like it or not.”

I like that idea, I thought, but had to say sarcastically and with a dramatic sigh, “How will I ever survive?”

He chuckled, “You’re so sarcastic. I liked you better when I thought you were muted.”

I just gave him a small smile and looked down at my feet. I heard him get up from the bed and put his hand under my chin, lifting my face up. His eyes stared down into mine as he lowered his head. My cheeks heated up and I felt like I was paralyzed. When his full lips touched mine, it felt like fire flamed up in my body. I loved how he made me feel when he kissed me. I felt like I’d been lit up and I felt happy. He put one of his hands behind my head and raked his hands through my hair, pressing my lips closer to his for a rough kiss. Our lips worked quickly together.

I found myself liking how it was going.


Cold shower, then scaring the living shit out of her dad, I thought as I kissed Abigail. She pulled back a second later and she smiled. She leaned up on her tip toes a little to press her lips on mine again. She pressed her body up against mine and she gasped when she felt my pants. I chuckled when she pulled back and her cheeks were crimson red again. She looked away awkwardly. Even though we both knew she was a little embarrassed, I saw her trying hard not to smile.

She cleared her throat. “We should get to bed. School tomorrow.”

I groaned, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back into me. She jerked quickly. “Forget school right now.”

She chuckled, but then groaned. “Crap, my stuff’s at home.”

I pressed my nose in her hair, exhaling her strawberry smell. “See, we can’t go tomorrow anyways.”

“No, I can’t go, but you can. But I have to anyways cause of those detentions. My father should be gone by six forty-five, so Skyler has to stop by my house tomorrow so I can grab my things.” I groaned, not liking the idea of her back in the house, but it was true. She needs her things.

“Fine.” After her shy way of telling me not to kiss her again because I practically became a horn-dog ‘cause of her, I left so she could get change and go to bed. I took a fifteen minute long cold shower and when I was done, all I did was throw on some basketball shorts. I don’t know what I’m going to do about scaring her dad, but I knew I had to do something. He can’t just get away with hurting my mate. It’ll be a cold day in hell if I let him.

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