3 Months In
If anyone that knows Japanese PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THIS MEANS!!!!!!
I woke up feeling like hell today.
"Sanji i'm hungry" I grumbled.
And, like a genie in a bottle he appeared with a platter of meat (sorry if you are a vegetarian).
I picked up a slab and stuffed it in my face with anime tears falling down my face.
"This is so good!!!!" I cry.
Sanji nosebleeds and does his weird tornado thing back to the kitchen.
I walked to Choppers office and laid down on the bed.
"I feel terrible" I complain with my face in a pillow.
I hear him hop off his chair and rub my back.
"Its ok (y/n)" he smiles.
I return a soft smile.
Then he keeps a stern face again.
"Alright (y/n) you and Luffy have not done anything since the news right?" he asks.
I blush slightly, "W-Well u-umm...m-may-b-be" I stutter.
he floor palms (when face palm is not enough XD).
And thats the story on how I had a 5 hour lecture from a reindeer...
I walked out shaking on how much medical knowledge I acquired.
And again he came and massaged my feet.
I sigh while looking at the sun set.
I saw Luffy come out and hug me.
"How much longer" he pouts looking at my stomach.
"6 months" I giggle.
He pouts and pesters Sanji to make him meat.
During dinner everyone was bombarding me with questions which I answered.
"When is the wedding?" Zoro asks.
"In a week" I smile.
Luffy looks at me and smiles also.
"Oh Zoro will you and Sanji be something called my best men?"Luffy asks childlike.
Both the men bean and scream "YES".
Franky and Usopp laughed also.
"Chopper will you be the ring bearer" I ask.
"YAY!!!!!" he cheers.
Me being me I could not help my self and I squeezed him.
"SO.FRICKING.ADORABLE!!!!!!" I squeal.
The whole group laughs at my display.
"Nami and Robin will you take the honor and be my best women?" I ask.
Nami squeals and Robin giggles and nods.
"And Brook will you be the priest?" I ask.
He nods then says, "If I can see your panties" he blushes.
Sanji and Luffy glare daggers at him.
I roll my eyes and stand up lifting my skirt up a bit.
I saw Brook and Sanji faint with a floor covered in blood.
"THATS YOU" Nami yells.
"Oh right" he says fixing them up.
I laugh while Luffy pouts looking at me.
"Aww is someone jealous~" I coo.
He does not reply but the blush on his face increases.
"No i'm not" he mumbles.
I laugh while stretching his face to lengths not known to mankind.
He frowns and hugs me close.
"Mine" me mumbles childishly.
I giggle and hug him back.
"Ugh please can we stop with all the affection" Zoro asks.
"Go to hell" I smile.
"No thanks princess" he smirks.
I manage to keep my smile with my eye twitching in annoyance.
"I hate you" I say rolling my eyes in disgust.
He laughs then says, "Then the feeling is mutual".
(sorry but this is my catchphrase " Then the feeling is mutual" is MINE)
I gasp and look over to Sanji who started to nose bleed looking at me.
"Damn those pesky marines" I heard Nami mumble.
I turned around to be hit in the nose by the tip of a marine ship.
All of a sudden there are thousands of marines that pile onto the ship.
I felt a large kick on my leg and saw 10 marines staring at me.
"Don't. You. Dare." I began glaring daggers into their souls.
"EVER MESS WITH A PREGNANT WOMAN!!!!!" I yell stabbing them with my huge sword.
"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!" I repeated to each and every single marine.
I saw the crew back away as they watched me with fire in my eyes killing every one of them.
I saw Smoker look at me and his cigars dropped.
"Y-Your pregnant?!" he asked.
"Yeah whats it to ya'" I say spitting off the ship.
"With whos kid..." he asked.
"Mr. rubber brain over there" I smirk.
He looks at Luffy with shock on how he knew about all of this.
Smoker picked up his den den mushi and then said, "Bad news Straw Hat is having kid" he says then glares at us then goes off.
Luffy walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Mine" he mummbled again.
"What the hell is wrong with you today" I ask raising an eyebrow.
He giggles then hugs me again.
I looked at his neck and saw that the demon blood mark is almost gone...
'Is that why he is acting all childish again?'
"Luffy are you ok?" I ask.
He nods removing his hat letting the wind blow through his raven locks.
Nami saw my worried look and came to me.
"Follow me" she said.
I nodded following her looking at Luffy chasing Chopper and Usopp.
I sigh entering the girls room.
"Whats wrong" Nami asked holding my hands.
"Remember the demon mark I gave him on his 20th birthday?" I ask.
She nods and motions me to go on.
"Its almost gone...which means he will be him silly self again...I forgot that was a side affect of the demon blood...a-and all the times we have together get erased" I say chocking back tears.
"W-what do you mean?" Nami asked.
"It means...I get erased from his existence like I never even was alive" I say letting a few tears drip down.
"Then what can we do?" Nami asks clearly upset.
"I have to go...so I wont be a struggle" i say looking at my stomach.
Nami tries to grab my hand but I run out of the room.
The whole crew looks at me concerned.
I look at Luffy who is sitting on Sunny's head smiling looking at the sun.
I smile and let my demon wings loose.
Luffy turned my way looking at me confused.
It looked like he was struggling to remember...
'It's to late...'
I look away and set off.
The crew all tried to stop me with their powers and their attempts went to vain.
I flew and flew until my wings were sore and numb.
I landed on a pure white cloud which turned black upon my arrival.
"Now how will daddy know about you my little Ace?" I cry.
I collapse to my knees letting the cloud reflect my mood.
Sorry minna that I was not that active I was stuck in the hospital for a reason I do not want to share...
If you have heard about what I posted for all my followers then just skip this part if not then listen closely.
I was in band practicing with a few of my friends during study hall.
Then my friend well, 'friend' said, "Hey Bella are you going to the dance?" he asked.
I blushed lightly and nodded.
"Do you wanna possibly do the slow dance together?" he asked with a pin hue over his cheeks.
I shrugged but in my mind I was squealing.
I smiled and nodded.
I went to the social and it was now time for the slow dance.
He walked up to this other girl and started dancing with her.
And at the end he did something so unpredictable I almost puked.
He went up to her and kissed her on the cheek.
(keep in mind I am in middle school)
I topped what I was doing and ran out of the building.
I stopped at a tree close by and saw a few of my friends there.
I made sure they did not see me and I sat close by.
I waited till I caught my breath and I relaxed before going into the building again.
He saw me and walked up t me.
i smiled and pretended not to care.
"Hey" I said smiling.
"Hey" he said fidgeting.
"You know I was joking right?" he said.
Thats when it hit me like a ton of bricks.
'h-he lied...'
Then I smiled and said with my hair covering my eyes.
"Don't worry i'm used to it" I said smiling.
he looked at me shocked and walked away laughing with his friends.
I managed to hear, "Wow what a loser for believing that" then some more laughter.
I sighed then walked to the bathroom.
This reminded me of another experience.
I was at school then thee two boys came up to me and one of them said,
"Hey there my friend thinks you are pretty" he said smiling.
I smiled and then they both walked off laughing.
"What an idiot!" i heard them said.
I frowned.
That is why I can never believe anyone when they say I am pretty...
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