An interrupted date

Shout stuffs his hands into his pockets as his smile slightly gets bigger. He enjoys the walk through the city as the sun slowly sets, making the say pink, orange, yellow, and also slightly purple. He takes her to a casual but good restaurant where nothing was too expensive, but it had great food and really good service. "Oh I know this place! I often came here with-" Y/n start but then holds her tongue and looks down, "Nevermind..." Shouto lets a quiet huff out of his nose, but it couldn't really be heard. They had soon gotten into the place and found a table to sit at. It had a nice clean surface and comfortable chairs that cushioned their backs, but also gave them support. While they were talking, the waiter comes and asks for their orders, "Yes i'll have, (Meal name) please." He tells the waiter, looking up slightly from his seat. "I'll take the same" Y/n says smiling, her sweet expression made shouto blush a bit and smile at her, the waiter nods his head, "They'll be out shortly." 

Her heart almost skip a beat and she smiles back at the boy, "How about you tell me about yourself, I'd like to get to know you better.""I-" she looks in Shouto's eyes "I don't know...what would you like to know about me?...There's nothing interesting about me..." "Do you have any family?" He asks tapping his finger on the table slightly. Y/n looks at the finger for a moment, then answers. "Yes I have...I-Uh...I know it's strange but I have two families...My parents's a long story.." She answers looking away from Shoto to to the other people in the restaurant. Spacing out as she looks at all the faces around them. "Oh.. I understand. My family sort of has the same situation, though I'm hopping that will change soon.. because my Father may get in between us." He says soflty, then carefully puts his hand on her own, "But I won't let that happen-" he says before noticing her looking away. His heart feels like it just suddenly vanished as what he just said wasn't heard by anyone but himself. He sighs and takes his hand away, looking down, him scooting away from her slightly, but he then looked to where she was looking. She continues watching the other people in the restaurant, but when she sees someone families, her eyes went wide. She turns in Shouto's direction again, acting like nothing happened, but when she was fully facing him, she starts shaking. "What's wrong?" He asks. "N-nothing" she continues shaking with tears forming slowly in her eyes and starting to slowly rushing over her cheeks like rivers. Everything was then blocked out, sound, light, everything.....

"Y/n! Tell me what's wrong, please!" He cups her cheeks. She gets up, not noticing him and avoiding the physical contact with the boy, she then goes into the girl's restroom, she looks around, since no one was there, girl starts crying and sobbing, tears running down her cheeks. Shouto slams a fist on the table and covers his face with his hands, putting his elbows on the table. "Damnit.. I guess she doesn't trust me enough.." he sighs and lays his head down in his arms, the waiter brings their food and sets it on the table, "You're food is here sir." "Thanks.." he replies, not picking his head up. After a few minutes, she stops crying and washes her face and returns to the table with her red puffy eyes, not saying a single thing. Shouto doesn't speak either, it's just silence as he stares at his food, not able to stomach it with his eyes anymore. It was normal for him to be pushed away since all people think of him is an emotionless, cold introvert who can't understand anything. He started to think people see him as his father more and more everyday, and he's starting to realize that was half true, so he mentally fights with himself to not be pushy and not bother her, 'it's the least I can do..' he thinks holding his chest as his heart squeezed in pain again. 

She looks at him then puts her hand on his, her gaze focused on him. "I guess you need...'explanations' for my previous action...I'll tell you everything...but not here..." He slightly nods and takes his hand away when it starts shaking. She noticed it, now it was her turn to worry about Shouto's health. "Are you...okay?"she then makes a sad/surprised look. "Did I make you worry?! I'm sorry!" "N-no... I was worried.. but it's nothing really, just a 'strange' thought I had." He glances up at her then looks back down at his food, "we should.. eat before it gets cold and goes to waist." Y/n suddenly felt more calm but she was still worried about Shouto. "You're right Sho.." He nods and grabs his utensils. She then remembers something and suddenly a red blush makes its way on the girl's cheeks. "W-When you were talking about y-your family you said your father m-may get between...u-u-us-?" She ask saying 'us' a bit louder then the rest of her words in the sentence. "Oh... uhm.." he looks away, blushing slightly while scratching his cheek with a bit of a pout to his lips. "I was saying... that's my father would try to get in the way of our relationship... but I wouldn't ever let it happen.. because I l-love you t-too much.." his stomach turns. "O-our r-r-relationship?!" She asks almost yelling, "A-are w-we a thing?! I didn't even express my feelings to you...How did you know I liked you?"

He was a bit startled by her outburst and tenses together, "I... I said too much.." he turns his body almost fully away. She then takes his cheeks in her hands "No! Please don't say that! The truth is-Is!"she pauses looking at the boy with a soft expression "I love you too Shouto!" A few people in the restaurant look at them. Shouto's face turns red and he smiles through squished cheeks, "I-.. I'm glad." Y/n turns around to see a few people whispering while looking at the two of them. She looks at the blushing Shouto and apologizes, "OH MY GOD! I'm so so so so sorry I embarrassed you in front of all this people!" She then tries to sit back at her place but someone puts a hand on her shoulder and another on her wrist and the person pulls her in a tight hug. "Y/n-chan~ It's been so much lon...I really missed you~" Her eyes went wide when she recognized the voice of the person that was talking to her, the voice that haunted her for a long time, that made her life a living hell. 

That voice....

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