where are you
It was the 22 day on January, but...for some reason NOBODY have seen vivi . Just where is the princess is at?. Now with valt and the others at the BeyClub. Valt was battling with rantaro as always ...until daigo started talking.
Daigo: hey...wheres vivi?
Ken: yeah...isn't she was going to visit us as always?
Rantaro: that's weird...
...And then valt have suddenly to start running.
Rantaro: hey?! Where are you going huh?!
Valt: looking for vivi of couse!
Rantaro: hey wait for us will ya'!
The Beyclub members have been running all day just to find where vivi is. Now with valt who have arrived at the BeyPark ,when he saw shu and he asked him.
Valt: hey shu?!.
Shu: huh?...ooh valt, what is it , i'm trying to train here.
Valt: wait...h-have y-you s-seen...v-vivi by any chance?
Shu: vivi?...no...no i haven't why you ask?
Valt: b-because...she usually visit the Beyclub to make sure everything was okay...but for some reason today, she...she didn't came at all. We've try call her or her cousins...but their didn't answer it...😥
Shu: hm...let me try...
Valt: sure...but i don't know if you can...
Now with vivi&her cousins
Harmony: AH! Of everyday does it have to be TODAY?!😤.
Melody: come down sis, we've promise henry that we will take care of vivi while he is away.
Harmony: YEAH! but if that B-
Melody: HARMONY!
harmony: ah...sorry😓.
Melody: ooh you.
Vivi: hm...
Melody: *RING* huh? ...oh no....😰
Harmony: why, what's wrong sis?
Melody: it's shu...(whispering to harmony)
Harmony: oh no what are we gonna do?! Vivi isn't good right now! And we are till far from home?!
Melody: come down, look it's sundown. Which means that maybe their are going home now! So let's just go home, hurry!
Back with shu&valt.
Shu: huh...that's weird their didn't answer it.
Valt: see?! Whar are going to do now...?
Shu's POV
That's weird vivi never answer back my calls...just...where are you?...vivi.
While i was thinking and valt was panicking. The others have arrived.
Hey! Got any luck?~ask Rantaro looking at all of us.
No~said Daigo&Ken.
No...~said valt 😞.
Huh...how about you shu?...~ask rantaro turning to me.
I've try calling them but...their didn't answer it~said i ,feeling worry about vivi.
Hm...ah? Hey isn't that vivi?!~said ken making all of us turn to look where he is pointing at. And with that we did... we have see vivi and her cousins walking pass by the other street. So we didn't wasted anytime then walked to them.
Vivi's POV
i was so tired that i was hoping that i wouldn't have to see shu right now.
Huh?oh no, hm sis it's SHU?!~said my cousin harmony with a worry face.
What?!~said cousin melody.
Wait is shu here?~i said standing up because the twin were carrying me, while i was standind up i turn to my right and...i see him...shu...my eyes widened...just seeing shu makes me remember about HIM. Oh no not again.
AHHHHH!!!!!!!~i scream out loud making everybody looked at me with shocked eyes mostly shu's.
OH NO VIVI!~said melody.
HEY?! WHAT'S,GOING NOW ?!~said everybody.
IT'S NOTHING! JUST GO BACK HOME PLEASE?!~said harmony begging.
AND LEAVE VIVI LIKE THIS NO WAY!~said all the boys except for shu he just ...standing there looked shocked wondering why...
Ah...cousins...i...i~i said and with that have fainted.
VIVI!~said everyone. And a hologram of my big brother suddendly show-up.
L-little sis?~he said shocked to see his own little sister fainted on the ground when their cousins have promise him&me that their will take care of me while he was away. He then pick me up and sit on the stairs of the Stadium(A,n: because taht hologram isn't a normal one). Everyone was still shocked while the twins was afraid because of henry.
Henry then pull out a needle and put it in vivi. After that vivi have started to wake up.
B...big...brother~i said tired, glad he was here on time.
Shhh it's ok,you can rest now little sis~he said while putting me down at the turn to look at the twin with a serious face.
What did i tell you , DON'T LET VIVI OUT OF THE APARTMENT NOT UNTIL TOMORROW OR I SAID IT RIGHT?!??!?~he said angrily to them.
Y-y-yes! B-b-but w-w-we ,t-t-think t-t-that it wo-would b-be g-good t-to l-let h-h-her o-out f-for f-fresh a-air~said the twin.😰😰😰
And you didn't even tell me?!~said henry angrily.
W-we a-are SORRY!~said the twin.
Yeah right~said henry turning to look at the other still with a serious face until he pointed a familiar face.
Shu...long time no see,how are you?~he said.
Good but...what's wrong with vivi?~ask shu while the others was shocked to see that for once henry didn't feel like srceaming to him.
Oh see, so you didn't tell him?~said henry looking at the twins.
Y-yeah...sorry~said melody.
Hm...i guess all of you deserve to know now...melody! Do it!~said henry to melody.
Right!~said melody,then suddendly there was a light covering all of us.
To be continue~
A,n: part 2 on the way...
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