My love esteem - saga one

Chapter 3 - The real observer:-

*Beep beep*
The morning alarm woke me up, even though I couldn't sleep at all till 4 in the morning sleep eventually came to me, such a weird dream, I had a dream that someone was blackmaililng me through Sarah...

(Checks phone*) 'Oh umm it wasn't a dream afterall'
The moment everything was going good and I thought my life was getting on track, my life again kicked me out.
'Oh man another problem I have to deal with' I thought in my mind and realised to things one I have to brush and second my alarm was still beeping. I stopped my alarm went straight to the bathroom got ready and went back to bed again, cause you know my bed is pretty much my workspace, Even though people say that you should not work at bed I don't listen to them, now you get it I am disobedient kind of guy.
My phone screen flashed when David's message poped up
"Hi morning" I texted back
"You are up early"
"I am always up early, that's the question I should ask"
"Yeah I am going to school"
"Anyway how was last night with Sarah at concert "

A sudden suspicion came at mind, how did David know that I was with Sarah last night, of course he knew that were going to concert but I never told him the exact date or time

"Good" I texted back anyway

I kept my phone aside and thought, could David do such things?
'No David is a nice guys why would he do such things' I told myself
But still the question arises how did he know..
I opened Instagram and then saw that Sarah has uploaded a story, I thought Sarah must have uploaded our pics from last night and then clicked on her story but it was just happy birthday story to one of her friends, then how did David knew?..
I was stuck in a loop, i was thinking all the possibilities that could take me to the blackmailer, but I knew one thing for sure that the blackmailer was someone that Sarah knew and probably one of her friends from school, coaching or just from the town.
But I couldn't involve Sarah, she is already in so much tension and telling her this would be a bad idea.
I decided to play along with this blackmailer,
"Hey, who is this?"
I asked
An instant reply came back
"That is none of your concern"
"Why are you doing this"
"You don't get to question me, I am going to ruin you and Sarah if I have to, so just do as I say"
Okay that's it, I am going to end this motherfucker now, even if it is someone who I know or Sarah knows
"Okay, I won't meet Sarah"
"Good decision"
Something else clicked in my mind, if he wants me to stay away from Sarah then probably he is someone who can stalk us or meet us because he has to check everytime if I am meeting Sarah or not...
The messages were not coming from Instagram or WhatsApp they were just text messages coming my default messages application.
I tried to trace the number but it was anonymous...
I used all of my computer science that I had studied till now, but CS doesn't teach you hacking...
So yeah I knew I had to contact Bruce

Bruce was my friend from my old neighborhood, and if you remember you know that I lived somewhere else before coming to this town...
Bruce was not only my critic but he was better than me in every aspect of life be it studies, be it gaming,sports,iq, physique of course and yeah as a matter of fact he was good with computers.
I decided to give him a call
(Checks his contacts*)
Contact list:
.The deadline
.John the corn
.Bruce the god
Her it is (calls him*)
After few seconds(call declined*)
'You idiot pick up'
Bruce finally picked up after several failed attempts...
"Hey Bruce wassup man"
"Sup bitch"
"How are you?"
"Come straight to the point, now who do you want to mess with or more specifically from whom I have to save your ass"
"Umm how do you always know things"
"I don't know you are just so predictable"
"No you are too predicting"
"Umm there is a girl name girl,(tells him the whole story) I can't tell you the name but can you trace the asshole blackmaililng me?"
"Check your phone"
"Tf did you just logged into my messages and read the whole chat?"
"No I just broke through you internet browser residues, those residues are basically your internet footprints that you leave whenever you visit a site or watch porn"
"Okay okay no need to go that specific"
"So yeah I have texted you his location but his number is still anonymous, wait his location is also fake he has some kind of VPN that is changing every second"
"So what do we do?"
"Man Zach what have you got yourself into"
"Umm nothing just teenage stuff"
"Kiddy porn?"
"Listen I can do one thing, probably he is tracking your location services that is the reason he is knowing whenever you meet your girl, so i am disbanding your location services for 7.6 days, that means you won't be able to use your transaction services or any location services of your Android"
"Its good with me, i don't use these services often"
"His connection will break at any point in this span of time"
"Thankyou man ,Bruce you are a real life saver l, nah man I charge a fee"
"Did you just take my all Zomato coupons?"
"Yeah I was hungry"
After ending the call with Bruce, the blackmailer messaged me
"Did you do something?"
"What? I did not meet Sarah" I texted back trying to play dumb
The blackmailer was convinced in one go
He assumed that I was a harmless kid who just got with Sarah,
"Good" he texted back
"Well how long will this be going on?"
"Until I say"
This thing confirmed another thing that the blackmailer does not know me well, it was someone from Sarah's side.
'Man Sarah how many deadly lovers you've got' I thought
But now have fun dealing with Bruce Mr.Blackmailer

Man I kind of fell racist saying again and again Blackmailer, it could be whitemailer umm or just mailer?
Nah that will be a insult to all the genuine mailers and Chloe always taunts me about being a racist so i will call him Mr.B
Wait is that now sexist?
Ughh whatever we are calling him Mr.B

Chapter 4 :- My clock works
There is a saying by old Chinese monks that 'That if you give your everything to a person who has everything you will be left with nothing' too simple?
Yeah it's a simple quote but quite hard to relate, and in my case it was very hard.
It's been weeks and i didn't meet Sarah, she messaged me several times but I deftly avoided her.
Mr.B is also happy seeing Sarah alone.
Is that really a liking that leads a person to do such things?
"Mr.B now can't trace your phone and you can turn on your location services"
"Okay thanks bro"
I ended the call with Bruce and started getting ready, it's time to meet Sarah after so much time and i hope she hasn't lost too much interest in me.
I went to meet Sarah and saw David and Sarah walking together, a pinch of jealousy startled me.
'calm down Zach you know too that David knows too that you like Sarah'
"Sup" I said
"Look who decided to show up" Sarah said in a angry voice
"Sorry I was a little bit busy"
"Busy?" David said
"You get busy just after we hang out?, What do you expect, what would I be thinking, I thought that you are avoiding me"
"No! I wasn't avoiding you, literally i was busy, my parents got me running into all sort of errands"
"Okay I'll believe that for now"
"But don't get too excited you are still under my radar"
"Oh comeon Sarah, your radar?
Imma put you on fridge and you won't be able to get down" i said with a giggle
"This is the biggest insult i have ever recieved"
"I live to suprise you..." I said with a singsong tone
David and I both laughed and after a while Sarah joined too..
I went home after meeting Sarah and then I finally realised that David is not Mr.B, why? Because eventually David has a crush named Alice l, who studies with him in his classes, so yeah I know that doesn't prove anything but still David would never do this type of thing not to me not to Sarah atleast.
After a few days there came another message, I thought it would be Mr.B but no it was David, he wanted to hangout and obviously I said yes, today we were on our own.
"No girls today?"
"You tell me, you called me"
"Yeah, Chloe is out of town and Sarah is not feeling well"
"Is Sarah okay?"
"Yeah she is fine"
"I see"
"Sup bro, you sad?"
"No it's just I don't think Sarah will ever like me"
"Chill, you gotta take some things lightly"
"And I don't get why you like her so much"
"You won't get it and are you trying to insult her?" I gave David an anime angry glare...which was scary enough for him to rephrase his sentence
"No I mean she is gorgeous and all but I think a nature is another thing"
"You don't know, her nature is the only thing that got me liking her at first place"
I told David everything
"So you fell for that?"
Well I couldn't explain him the emotions that I was experiencing that time but I guess some things are just meant for experiencing only..
David and I talked for another hour and I came back home after some time.
I slept peacefully that night.

Is that how it is going to be? Will I always be chasing Sarah knowing that she is way out of my league and am I even keeping my expectations real? No, I wasn't keeping my expectations real but I think you always like someone that is out of your league, I mean we only want to achieve things that we can't achieve right? I mean look at someone or rather look at you, when was the last time you achieved something really good but you didn't had to move a bone in your body for that? I mean everyone achieves the things they can't achieve, I know this is the most asshole version of the quote 'Everything comes with hardwork' but that is not I am trying to say here I am saying that Sarah had to be out of my league to be liked by me, and knowing myself I only admire or like people who are greater than me in any means be it studying or ideals or kindness anything.
I agree that Sarah is not best at studying at all, but she is way better than me at understanding people, being kind to them and yeah rude to them too sometimes(not to mention she can be a pain sometimes).
"Hey Sarah" I said on call
"Hey Zachy" another voice came but it wasn't Sarah's
"Hey Nina, isn't Sarah around?"
"She will be here after a while, why don't you talk to me until then?"
"Oh okay"
"Oh am I making you wait so much?"
"Oh no Nina,"
"Chill Zachy I was just teasing you"
"Hey Nina....are you talking to Zach with my phone?" A background voice came, it was Sarah
"Okay Zach here comes your princess"
Jeez, why everyone thinks I like Sarah not that it isn't true but still I think Sarah will start to mantain distance if Sarah knows my intention, man calling my crush an intention makes me feel like a bad person.
"Sorry Zach, Nina was bored"
"It's okay she is fun to talk to"
"Oh is that it, then why don't you talk with Nina only?"
"Oh no , I mean why would I get a flower if I am getting a bouquet"
"Oh Zach you never fail to embarrass yourself and me with your sweet and cheesy flirtings"
"Hehe anyway, why'd you called"
"Oh yeah I called you to tell you that we are meeting at oakwood town today I have a friend meeting there,"
"Oh is that it?"
"Yeah, sorry I was about to tell you sooner but then my mom called and Nina kicked in"
"It's okay, Sarah chill, I understand"
I don't know what happened to her, she suddenly said
"Okay I am cutting the call now"
She said it with a harsh voice
" , Sar-"
She ended the call, and that's how it was.
After that Sarah started to behave indifferently to me and just me, she was always using dry replies and keeping the conversation as short as possible between us.
I never got an explanation of what happened, and I thought that I deserve better than this so I decided to confront Sarah and ask her face to face that why is she behaving like this or what happened...
One day when David called me to hang out I told him everything he just said one thing
"Bro you gotta talk to her"
"Yeah I will when she walks home, I'll talk to her"
When Sarah was walking home I called her name in an attempt to talk to her,
"Hey Sarah hold up, I wanna talk to you about something"
"About what?"
"Can we atleast not pretend that everything is okay between us"
"Between us?"
"There is nothing between us"
"Are we not friends?"
"We are"
"Sarah did I do something wrong?"
"No you did nothing"
"Sarah you don't have to hide it please tell me even if it hurts me, atleast tell me the reason why are you behaving so indifferently towards me"
"No Zach really you did nothing"
"Sarah please, did I hurt you"
"You can't hurt me, people can only hurt you if..." She stopped mid sentence but I knew what she was going to say
"If what?" I forced her a little
"If they are important to you Zach" she said turning her face opposite to mine
"Oh okay"
I just said that and left, I felt really bad about what just Sarah said.
And then I laughed at myself, what a fool I was to think that I will become important to someone, I don't know how I was feeling that night I was just accelerating stuff in my mind so I get a positive conclusion and reasoning in my mind, you know when something bad happens with you, your mind starts to think a positive version of it so it hurts less, my mind was doing the same thing just all the versions that came in my mind hurted me more and more, I was sleepless and hurt, I did not know what to do now just when I was thinking that Sarah and I can be together, this happens.
'why Sarah, what is in your mind for me'
'am I just a decoy for her?'
'does my existence affects her?'
'and should I treat her bad too?'
The thoughts in my mind had no limits,
A message poped up
It was from David
I clicked on the message, he sent a meme,
Another message poped up it was from Sarah and after reading the message I was legitimately shocked,
But know I knew what I had to do.


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