My love esteem
That was last year when I first saw her, back then she was no one to me, I was new to this town so I decided to make friends, that too after living one year lonely. At first when I decided that I needed human contact in my life, I went on asking people that were playing sports like soccer or badminton, that "can I play too?" most of the people would say yes, some of them were mean obviously, then after getting bored of soccer I decided I needed friends not play partners, as a overemotional, oversensitive teenager I knew that the thing I want was a sacred place where my thoughts, emotions and problems can be expressed without feeling the need to lie and what was this place called? That's right a friend circle. I realize that now there's no such thing like that but back then I only hoped for people who would understand that blaming someone for their problems is not helping them as most of you could relate this thing. So anyway here we are again reading the story of my life, more specifically my life one year ago, so yeah I am not dead and this is not an autobiography, not yet at least.
Hey guys can I play too? I finally gathered the courage to ask this question from a boy, he seemed like someone who would make fun of you in front of everyone and say no to your face and giving you "why am I even alive" thoughts in your mind but it turns out I was wrong, very wrong. He answered "umm okay but the ball is not mine" okay this was not that bad as I thought, he became friendly to me after a few minutes not to mention his weird way of getting my intro, his name was David. A fair, specs wearing, good looking, funny guy he was the kind of person you will think that "he is so immature to be this good looking" yeah he made me think that. And there was me, long haired, no sense of fashion, lonely, trying to look normal, trying to be kind to people kind of guy, yeah I know I was too much at that time but turns out I changed and I know people say that "people don't really change" a sentence that was ironic and not applicable to me in the same place as I still had to become people meaning I was under 18 so yeah I could change. He introduced me to his friend Chloe and another friend Sarah.
"Sarah" what a sweet name and what a sweet girl, at first I found Chloe's looks and body more attractive , she always wore mask so I had to wait a week or two to see her face. In the beginning Sarah wasn't the person of interest but after some time her magic started to work, at the first day (when everyone was returning home) I visited them I asked them can I hang out with them again? I remember asking them "do you guys come daily and can I join you too " Chloe said "not daily but yeah most of the days in the week " I said okay and went home reminding myself that "finally Zach you've found friends, real people" I felt good.
One month passed by, meeting them, having fun with them, David had classes to attend so he appeared very little, in that month I met Annie the elder sister of Tim a idiot kid who was younger than me but his sister and I were in same class, both of our boards result was awaited by us, and in the meanwhile Sarah and I grew a little closer just a little, I mostly hung out with Sarah and Chloe, the two of them were always together and still always when I asked them "are you guys best friends? " both of them said in unison "no we are not " , when the second month started, the month of June a rainy month perfect to soak anyone's heart, one day when Sarah and her other friend Mackenzie, Mack for short, were returning from their classes, Mack said "I know you, have we met somewhere ?" I remembered suddenly that when I was on friend hunt I had asked Mack and her other friend to play badminton with them, she was playing with a guy so it became easier for me to ask them, but being an asshole I said "no I don't think so" but after that she said "you're the guy that played with me that one time and then you disappeared like an asshole" look Mack was a free girl she doesn't respect anyone in front of her until she sees an actual adult, I was okay with that, it was good with me unless and until she doesn't go that hard on me. After talking with Sarah and Mack a little it started raining, Mack already carried an umbrella, she invited me in but I resisted as I loved getting wet in the rain and it was too early for me to get into the umbrella with a female which I literally got to know a half an hour ago, Sarah didn't have umbrella so she chose to run home instead of getting in umbrella as her house was close, Sarah hid in the shade for a while hoping the rain would stop, and in the meanwhile Mack asked me" aren't you cold?"
"Yes, a little but I like the rain"
"Too filmy I guess" She said
"Whatever, it just feels good"
She suddenly grabbed my hand and said "yeah they are a little cold"
Okay it was a little awkward, my senses said I should get away a little but my heart said "maybe she will feel bad if try to resist" after a moment she left my hand, I had a big sigh in my head. She left after some time, and then I saw Sarah walking in the shade of trees, to not to get wet, at that moment I had two choices to turn around and run towards my house as my house was far from Sarah's house but close from Mack's or move forward and drop Sarah home, look it was not like Sarah could not walk home alone, it was her own neighborhood but I felt that I didn't talk to Sarah today she must have felt left out I should at least talk to her while she goes home, and me being so overconfident about my assumptions, I called her name and told her "wait I am coming" we talked a little and when I was about to return to home after turning from Sarah's house, the rain became more violent, I don't know why this always happens with me, I am always in a situation where I am with a person with I shouldn't be with, but always end up being with them.
That evening I should have returned home, I know that now. As the rain became violent Sarah's father asked me "can you go home?"
"Yes uncle, I am already wet so I will just go home"
"Are you mad? You will get cold in this rain, at least wait until the rain stops" Sarah said in a caring tone which she tried to hide, look that's how Sarah is she always cares for her friends no matter how old her friendship with them is.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, come sit"
I sat on the chair in her pre home entrance area or whatever that place is called, she stood in front of me by her scooter, I was surprised by her generosity, but me being an asshole didn't say anything to her, she had to strike up the conversation as I literally just sat there with a poker face, staring at the rain like my world is raining not the rain.
"So how did tenth go?" she asked first
"Well, I would say it went well but the result should be well so I stay well at home"
"This one was good" she said laughing in a low tone, yet cheerful.
"Yeah" I said with a giggle
"You know right that I am only 15 and only one year older than you, Sarah"
"What? I didn't knew that, I thought you would be 17 or something, that explains your height and young looks" she said in a sarcastic tone
"Ouch that hurt Sarah" Placing my arm on my left chest
"It was supposed to"
"For not telling me"
"I guess you already knew"
"Well, I kind of guessed it, not being a stupid like you and Mack told me so..."
"Well, that isn't fair you basically needed an excuse to make fun of me in this conversation"
"Well, kind of..."
"Which also means that you are stupid, because you didn't guessed it Mack told you"
"I hate this kind of reply; I don't know what to reply to it"
We both burst into laughter, I suddenly found Sarah pretty, she looked good in her messed hair and thin frame and when the rain stopped I realized it has been one hour since we are talking and also Sarah was standing for me, from the last one hour. When I went home I realized two things first my clothes were wet second I started liking Sarah. Look it was not like I fall in love with every kind girl I meet, it's just that Sarah and I became friends in the last one month. And I don't know what happened to me after that evening I literally transformed like I was on the top of the world. That evening when I reached home, my folks were listening to music and me being so happy I don't know why, I started to dance, like literally in front of my folks. I thought maybe this is how teenage crushes are, complicated, hard to pursue yet so sweet, I got a "I feel like flying" type of crush on her. And guess what....
When I thought I want to impress Sarah, she got distant from me the most, and I realized one thing that when I was not trying she was close to me and we were talking like old school friends. I still remember a conversation with her it was that one evening and one week after my first visit there...
"You got to know everyone so nicely so fast" Sarah said
"Yeah I am a cute boy" I said with a self righteous expression
"You are not cute, we are friendly" she said with a little bit of anger
Okay yeah that was the only part I remember about that conversation. That time I felt like "ouch, this is some raw honesty juice without any sugar" but now I feel like I would give my left arm to again have that type of chemistry with Sarah. To be honest now I and Sarah are on that level which I know every damn thing about Sarah but still we never talk alone we are only talking when we are in a group or Chloe is around. Sarah hesitates to walk alone with me and I hesitate to tell her what I feel about her. It's not like Sarah and I had a fight or something, just a little disagreement. When Sarah started ignoring me I felt a little bad I started to use a little sarcasm to tell her that I am not liking this, of course who would like to get ignored I told her elder sister that "You have a really nice nature, you are a introvert but still never tend to ignore people or be rude with them" and yeah I said this in front of Sarah, she noticed it and stopped ignoring me, it was good for a time but soon I realized that she is trying to avoid me.
Look to be honest I don't blame Sarah I know that I am an uptight asshole with no sense what to say to a girl or an adult or to anyone, it was not like Sarah was the only one who wasn't interested in me, there were numerous of people, mostly girls. I think it was really hard to know what was in Sarah's mind for me and it became more complicated, complicated to a point where she started to maintain distance from me even in a group, and yeah I was obviously thinking that it was Sarah's fault but I know now that it was mine but still don't know what did I do wrong. Boys really don't pay that much attention on things like how a other boy talks or walks or dresses they are just indifferent to these types of things and I am not saying that it is a good or bad thing it's just that girls notice things they are preparing hundreds of thoughts in their mind even when talking to us they think something else and say something else because you know, they know if other people know what they know then they might not know what will be their reaction(sorry I told you I am an uptight asshole, ignore this line if you want to or try decoding it). And as I said boys don't notice things well it is only applicable if they are talking to a person of disinterest which is their 90 per cent male friends and 5 percent females and the other 5 percent people they notice things about and again in this 5 percent the 3.5 per cent are girls. See I am a nerd; I actually risked my masculinity and browsed all of it not exactly but yea. To me I only observed things about Sarah like her hair, her watches, her shoes, even when I felt she has cried overnight or didn't sleep at all. Chloe told me once that girls loves when boys notice things about them and I was happy that I was a observer not a stalker but Sarah didn't like it at all she was freaked out that I was noticing too much about her but I knew why, I said things to her in other conversations we had like once we were sitting beside her home in front of a plant steep...
"That is the only thing about Ryan that is cute, but in actual he is a dick" Chloe said
"Yeah but he is kind to me, I mean was kind to me" Sarah said
"Was? Is he dead or something?" I said with a an eye brow up
"No you idiot I am not in the same school as Chloe now so all the old friends are gone now" Sarah said with a unusual reaction
"Do you feel sad?" I asked
"What does your common sense says!" Chloe said with an irritated face
"I think a girl like Sarah can find friends anywhere she goes"
"True but I don't know what type of girl I have became"
"I guess its okay" I said
"Okay? High Praise" Sarah said with a sad smile
"I mean..." but Chloe interrupted me and said "Anyway is that my Mom?"
"I guess so, I mean she could be a person who looks like your mom" I said trying to make a joke but it didn't work, none of them laughed.
"Anyway Sarah you are not wearing the black shoes you said you love wearing" I said again after that
"I told you that two months ago, who remembers that much?" Sarah said
"Just caught up in my mind"
"Still weird" Chloe said adding more petrol
I only once entered Sarah's home and that was only on her birthday that too I was uninvited I just went there to give Sarah her birthday present, I heard she once said that she likes dolphins, she thought they were perfect as both cute and intelligent, just like she was. I gave a bracelet to her with a dolphin holding an white emerald, she said she loved it as I gave her I had no intention to go to her and kick myself in the party but as kind she was how could she let me just go away not on her birthday at least.
"Come inside," she said admiring my present
"No, I didn't come for the party I just wanted to give you this" I said with politeness "
"Look how beautiful it is" she said showing her dad
"Hmm, too pretty" He said with a smile
"Come inside and I am not asking" she said with folded hands and a face which was too beautiful to look away.
"Are you sure? I mean you have to go for the dinner right? With your family" I said with a poker face
"Come inside, Chloe is also coming"
"Hey, Nina, how are you?" I said with a smile
"Hello Zachy" she said with a confident smile
"You have a beautiful house" I said
"Don't know about that I have been living here for like my entire life till now, so I don't have anything to compare it to"
"No aunty I don't need the snacks I just came for a visit"
"It's my birthday, you have to eat today and forget your dieting and stuff"
"You diet?" Nina asked
"Yeah a little" I said waving my hands
"Not a little, you go running too" Sarah said
"For whom do you want to get so fit?" Nina asked with an eyebrow up
For your little sister I wanted to say but didn't, although Nina was older than me, but she always kind of flirted with me, but I had developed only respect and brother sister relation with her and she did the same, she thought I had a nice nature as I was the always the first person to go say hi rather than expecting her to come, she thought it was humbleness but I knew it was my low self esteem and the fear that no one would talk to me if I developed ego and attitude which turns out was not true.
"No one it's just when I run I feel like I am accomplishing something" I said being a little nervous
"Sarah black suits you" Chloe said as she entered
"Thank you" Sarah said a went for a small hug with her
"Zach? Didn't expected you here"
"I didn't expected myself either too so I guess I can't argue"
"Isn't this pretty?" Sarah waved my present
"You know what I didn't expect Zach to give you the present either, no one else gave you right? Except me and Zach" Chloe said with a questioning face
I again assumed that Sarah would feel bad by this sentence and said something in attempt to comfort her but it was stupid enough to distract her rather than comfort her
"I think you have given birth to smart parents that can give you gifts that we can't" I said with a realization that what I have said was stupid
"Oh sorry, cut my tongue" I said soon with an apologetic yet tensioned expression
But it was quite the opposite everyone burst into laughter...
"Soon Sarah's Mother came and said let's cut the cake everyone"
"Yeah the cake tastes better than the tongue at least" I said again realizing my stupidity
Sarah laughed again and at that moment I felt like how happy I could make Sarah with just one stupid sentence
"Happy birthday to you" everyone sang, and me forcing on the word "dear" in the song
Again when the cake cutting was done, there was happiness in the air I felt like my whole world could settle in with Sarah only. I know these lines sound a little cheesy but that type of thoughts were coming in my mind that time not to mention the rom-com anime I have watched one day before.
I soon realized after I exited Sarah's home that it has been 4months and 14 days since I met Sarah and I have fallen in love with her in the end of the second month and I think Chloe has guessed by now that I like Sarah but she didn't tried to ask or even mention it to me.
After a week Sarah and Chloe decided to go to free fest happening near their house, they said I could tag along. I already had decided that I will give my best to look good in that fest, not to mention praying god to give just one inch more height to perfectly fit into the shirt that I wanted to wear, but I just went with a black t shirt and my new jacket and my usual blue white sneakers with black jeans obviously. I never used to comb my hair to set it up or style it I just combed on a daily basis to keep them clean, but for Sarah I decided I will just give up my masculinity and actually comb it for styling, I usually go on with normal messed hair that the mother earth's pure air helps me to set but I was on my own today, so yeah I still think my usual hair would have been better not to mention the anxiety that I faced, but yeah Sarah showed no mercy to me and never noticed my clean and combed hair. The fest would be open all night so Sarah had decided that we all are going to come at 7:30 and leave at 12:00 everyone told their parents and came.
David too came, and in the last 4 months David and I had become close, I only met him when Sarah didn't show up or she had went out he used to chat with other guys but when Sarah didn't showed up I talked to him, he was close to me but not close enough to tell him that I liked Sarah.
7:36 I showed at Sarah's house and saw Chloe waiting for her too
"Hey" she said
"Sup" I said
"Waiting for your princess" she said teasing me
"She is not my princess, she is just a normal friend" I said with a fake irritating expression
"But I never said she was not a normal friend" she said with an eyebrow up
"Yeah whatever, now stop" I said with a shrug
"Look Zach I know that..." Chloe said but Sarah interrupted her and said
"How do I look?" Sarah asked after coming
"Well I would say you look how you look normally" I said
"Pretty?"Chloe asked
"Adorable and Sarah you're making a face like a cat" I said
"There's that word again" Sarah said with a smile
"Let's go" I said
I couldn't take my eyes off the street because I knew that if I look towards my right I wouldn't be able to look towards my left which would be Chloe, noticing every aspect of me that was towards Sarah.
7:47 we reached at the fest, everyone seemed so happy, and when other friends came, I don't know what happened that night but Sarah was close to me like talking to only me and like on a distance that was closer than the usual, Sarah was wearing a red top and a black legging and the bracelet that I had given to her, it made me feel good.
"Too many people here, don't go away okay?" Sarah said with a puppy face
"Okay, I was going to say the same anyway, no need of that puppy face" I said with a warmth
"Do you think puppies are cute?" Sarah asked
"Yeah very much but I like cats more" I said
Sarah looked towards me with a smile, that night I was happy and I didn't have any feeling that something bad would happen but you know what that say "if everything happens for good, then you are already in a bad situation" take your time to understand it.
"Get me lemonade please" Sarah asked
"K" I said
"Thanks" Sarah said
When I went towards Sarah she was talking to another boy, David had told me this boy has liked Sarah but she had turned him down, I was not jealous but not relived either.
I went to them and handed Sarah her glass,
"Hi I am Noir" he said
"Zach" I said
Look I am not a type of person who would try to compete for girls, if the girl is interested in you then you don't need to compete but in case of Sarah I didn't wanted to take a chance, when I was going to ask her to lets go in the front
"Zach let's sit in the front" she said reading my mind
"Yeah let's go" I said
"Let's go; Noir" she said
I felt a little pinch
Sarah sat just besides Noir and I was in the opposite of them facing them. My mind started its role, what if Sarah likes Noir now, what if Sarah had said to him to give her some time to say yes, what if they are in a relationship, all kinds of what-ifs came in mind and suddenly I visualized Sarah and Noir in a couple dress and that was it, I knew I cannot chose whom she wants to like or sit beside, but I can choose how to react, I stood up and went back to talk to David he said
"Chill, he is just a friend"
"Yeah, I am chill, WTF are you talking about" I said with anger
"Bro I know that you like Sarah" he said playing it cool
"No I don't" I said
"Whatever" he said
"Let me tell you a secret" he said
"No thanks" I said
"It's about Sarah" he said
"Okay but it should be worth it" I said
"Two years back Sarah had a crush on me she proposed me, but I turned her down but when I actually started liking Sarah it was too late" He said
"How can I trust you?"
"Confirm it with Chloe"
Just when I was processing what I just heard Sarah grabbed my hand and walked me towards the stage and said
"You said, you won't go away"
"Sorry, got caught up" I said
"Be with me" she said
And in a moment I forgot everything, she stood real close to me and I was nervous, happy, sad and scared at the same time, I was scared that I might ruin this moment by doing or saying something stupid. We watched some more dances we ate a little and then at 11:44 we sat on chairs facing each other.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked
"No" I said wondering If Sarah is asking because she wants to be with me too
"Why?" she asked
"Just, that I only want to be with someone I truly like I don't want a compromise" I said
"Then you have been always single?"
"No, I had two relationships both destroyed because I got shifted"
"Do you still love the last one?"
"No, she made another boyfriend the day after I shifted"
"I think you should get into a relationship too how long you will stay single"
I said wondering if Sarah would understand, but no.
"I already made one" she said with excitement
"What? Who?" I said if I had heard it correct
"He is at my school, it's been four weeks"
I heard my own heart cracking down, like a brick breaking, at that moment I smiled to say okay to Sarah but deep down it felt like I could never smile again, the thoughts were so immense that I almost cried that was the day I realized the each and every thing I have done for Sarah, up until now it wasn't feeling like I was doing something for her it seemed normal but now everything counted in my mind, everything was numb except Sarah seeming more beautiful now. I decided I will be happy for Sarah but deep down I knew I could never stop loving Sarah and still I have to live with that feeling so I can die one day.
That ship is sailed don't you think:-
I told David about this news, at first he pretended like he didn't know but later he confessed that Chloe had already told him. The pain I was feeling had no limitations, I was ready to fuck up anyone who messed with me today, but somehow I wasn't feeling anger towards David I was just going through the process again and again that how stupid I was and how stupid I am that I still think that I have a chance with Sarah, look I know that I am not a prince charming that girls fall for even after having a boyfriend but when I saw her boyfriend's picture I was like "That was all you can do" her boyfriend didn't have anything good in looks, he was not tall, neither fare nor handsome, still I wondered his nature must be so good that Sarah chose him ignoring every aspect of him. I opened up in front of David and told him everything that, my feelings, my anger everything. He wasn't dazzled he seemed normal as if he knew that I wasn't the only one who liked Sarah.
"Bro you should have told me, I could have helped you" he said
"I thought you like Sarah" I said
"Not now that was one year ago,"
"Oh" I said with a sad expression
"Listen I know that Sarah will break up with him soon" He said with an excited face
"How do you know?" I asked
"Have you seen her boyfriend, he literally isn't the type, Sarah likes"
I knew what David meant. David and Sarah's boyfriend were complete opposites, Sarah once liked David so how could she chose someone so opposite so bad? But I and David at least had humor; Sarah's boyfriend was a serious person with no sense of jokes at all as I have been told by Sarah. She never posted any picture with him online and never liked to talk about him much.
Remember I said when I was not trying Sarah and I talked like old school friends, it got destroyed too, when I started to like Sarah I tried my best to hide it in front of her but I guess I am not that good at hiding my emotions and not to mention the teasing Chloe did in front of her. So yeah as Charles Bukowski a famous author once said: 'Don't try'
Which was also written as an epitaph on his grave; became true for me?
It has been 8 months since I first met Sarah and 4 months knowing that she had a boyfriend. I was sad yet never showed or told anyone about it, David and I became really close to a point we shared each other everything we knew or feeling sad about, David believed in being happy and funny no matter what is going on with me and spending so much time with him I also learnt that. As Sarah got a hint that I like her she got a distant from and I didn't like that at all, I made every attempt to talk to Sarah in private but that moment never came, she always avoided my attempt or deftly avoided I say.
David and Chloe both were there and I asked Sarah
"Sarah; can we talk?"
"Aren't we talking now?" She asked
"No I meant in private" I asked
"What do you want to talk about?" she asked
"Leave it" I said
Yeah that worse things had become, Chloe measured the tension in the air and said lets walk. David followed along, I too followed Sarah and Chloe, they were walking ahead of us, I don't know what happened to me I told them that I am going home and I left, David tried to stop me but I just left.
"Go, talk to Sarah" Chloe said
"Yeah I want to too but how can I she hates me" I said jerking my hand which was spreading water now
"What is happening to your hand? What did you do?" Chloe said
"I didn't do anything I just want Sarah nothing else" I said
"Do you even deserve me?" Sarah said from behind
"I...I...Just think..."
"Tell me! Do you even deserve me?!"
"I don't know, you tell me!"
"No you don't, you have destroyed my life!"
I woke up screaming, 'Another bad dream' I thought, I don't remember it clearly but I know it wasn't a good one. I woke up at 6; I had to get ready as I had to go running. When I came out I saw a little fog 'today is a foggy day', when I continued on my usual path on running, I had glimpses of the dream I had today and I remember hearing ' You have destroyed my life' as I was thinking all this stuff I felt I am out of breath and soon I realized that I have increased my speed unusually. 'Am I destroying Sarah's life too?' I asked myself; no reply came back. As I came back and opened my physics book I realized that I was unable to concentrate, I went to kitchen and made a cup of coffee for myself 'I will again get anxiety' I thought but I needed this cup to concentrate on a particular thing. I studied till 12 and slept a little and then woke up at 2 and then opened YouTube, 'Nothing worth watching' I thought staring my feed, I turned off my phone in aggression and threw it on my bed, I thought some music would be fun. I opened my music app and played my playlist...
I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt...
...And then I think about you...
... I had all of them, most of you some and now none of you...
Take me back to the night we met...
As the song "Night we met" played, I paused it and turned on some rock music
I have been smoking from a piece pipe!
I've been wondering what peace would be like!
I again got irritated and closed the app.
At 7:30 David called and said "Want to hang out?"
"Sarah's coming too"
"Same lane"
"See you at 7:45"
I didn't wanted to go not even for Sarah, but then the thought came that what would I miss, and Sarah hanging out with David and Chloe only made me a little insecure, so yeah I still didn't made any effort to dress up just threw on whatever I had and went to meet them.
"Sup" I said
"Nothing" Chloe said
"Bro you forgot me?" David said
"Hi, Sorry, I didn't see you"
"Yeah yeah, why would you see David now" Chloe said with a flirting expression
"Shut-up, it's nothing like that" I said
"Nothing like what, I didn't say anything" she said
"Hey, Sarah" I said but Sarah went with a handshake with me
"Hey" Chloe said
"David, you won't say anything? Or you too hot for us now" Sarah said with a bent smile
"Uh-sorry, sup" David said with a laughter
"So what are we doing today?" I asked
"Do we do anything ever?" Sarah asked
"Yeah apart from talking" Chloe said
"Okay okay, let's just talk as usual" David said with a smile
With you between my arms
I don't deserve it but you look perfect tonight
I didn't realize I was singing too loud
"Ooh," Chloe said
"Uh- sorry, I didn't realize I was loud"
"Why are you saying sorry" Sarah said
"Take a chill pill you guys" David said with a 'oh you guys are unbelievable' kind of expression
"Oh really David that's your position now?" Chloe said
"Yeah why not I mean it's not like I am
some kind of serious person who only talks about, jobs, taxes and all of the first world problems"
"You really sound serious now" I said
"Yeah you do" Sarah said
Sarah's agreement with me gave me a little happiness but suddenly that happiness became anger, Sarah wasn't treating me good she was just basically treating me really bad, apart from the fact that I didn't even do anything, I literally care about her and even show it sometimes but it's just she doesn't value it.
" Hey let's eat something" I said
"Are you rich today?" Sarah asked
"Yeah, I got my scholarship money"
"Scholarship?" Chloe said
"Didn't you guys figure it out ? He's a topper" Sarah said
"I am not a topper" I said
" Shutup, Sarah snatched my phone and tapped in the password, which I already told her and showed my report card to them , see this is his report card " she said
"Freaking 92.6 per cent" David said out aloud
"Bro you betrayed me, i thought we were the same" David said
"Okay okay guys chill" I said
"Chill?" Chloe said
"You are from another planet aren't you?" David said
Everyone burst into laughter and I was like is it me who are they laughing at or themselves that they thought I was a idiot...
Ofcourse I may be a idiot but studies?
Meh, it's easy (Superflex)
Okay okay my biggest concern is Sarah right now
"Hey Sarah, do you want to visit the singing concert today"?
"With me." I said
"No thanks I have exams coming up from next week" she replied
David sensed my disappointment and said "come on the exams are next week not today"
"Yeah" I said too
Sarah took a minute to think and finally agreed
"Okay but you gotta pick me up"
"Alright " I said
It was 7 in the evening I took my Activa and went to Sarah's house, she was waiting outside and was looking gorgeous, I saw her face I immediately noticed that something was wrong, she had dark circles beneath her eyes and was looking like she has either cried or didn't sleep all night.
"You don't look so good, you okay?"
"Is my dress not good?" She said
"Not the dress, the dress is beautiful but it feels like you are sick or something or didn't sleep last night?" I said with a puppy expression
"I am fine it's just the construction drills that made sound all night"
"Oh that explains your eyes"
"What about my eyes?" She asked
"Umm they are beautiful" I said with a a poker face
"Thankyou I guess" she said
"Come on hope on let's go" I said
"I swear if I fall I will kill you" she said
"You already have"
She looked at me from behind with a expression of 'oh my god , I am flattered'.
We reached at the concert at 7:45 and saw people buying tickets,
"Oh my god it's a huge line" she said
"Do you really think we have to wait there?" I said
"We don't have to?"
"Ma'am you are with me today and i already bought tickets last night"
"What!? Man you are a real planner," she said hitting my arm out of excitement, it was so good that I knew that I couldn't stop smiling so I immediately looked away and said
"Less goooo"
"Yeah sure"
"We went through the crowd" she said
"Yeah it's vip tickets"
"What! It must be expensive"
"It was but you know,"
I knew that Sarah knew it was my scholarship money and I didn't wanted to add me too much in conversation, so i didn't say anything
"Anyway the concert is starting in 10 mins"
"Let's grab something to eat" she said
"Yes ma'am"
She smiled a little and went through some people and bought to sandwiches
"It's so good that I can eat it all day"
"Yeah unless you want diarrhea"
We both laughed and at that moment we were having fun, my flatterings were limited, her puns were limited too a perfect start for a good night concert,
The loud dj shouted through mic and we suddenly got our attention on him,
He had no shirt on and his six pack abs were visible, I wondered does Sarah like abs?
"Woah, look at his abs" she said
"So you like abs?" I asked
"I mean not specifically it's just it increases the sex appeal of men"
"I see" and wondered does my four abs and core cuts increase my sex appeal
The music started, everyone was dancing and Sarah was enjoying the moment there were times when she holdes my hand we were jumping like crazies, but who wasn't everyone was dancing...
After some time, the concert ended (exactly 3 hours) at 10:45 Sarah was tired and so was I, but as I looked like a coal miner in the crowd Sarah looked like a messed princess, she had her hair messed and she was tired too but she still looked too good to be true.
When Sarah said she was tired I bought her something to drink, she had choclate milk and I had cold drink, and then we just started walking on streets to relax a little, we started walking and it was so perfect we didnt had to strike up the conversation, it automatically started
"It was fun, he had the whole stage under an earthquake"
"Yeah remember that part when he jumped and vibration felt on the drums"
"Yeah, it was like he has some weight like snorlax or something" she giggled
"Hey Zach"
"It's just I had fun today, thankyou I really needed this"
"It's okay and don't thank me its just i didn't do you a favor something it was a casual hang out"
"Yeah I know but I am thanking you for asking me to come to the concert and convincing me too, if I had said no that day I would have missed all this , and I feel so good"
"Sure anytime " I said with a smile
"Anyways what's up with you lately"
"I broke up"
"What the..., Man Sarah are you okay?" I asked with sadness although it gave me a relief
"I am okay, but it was so overwhelming that I was angry all the time and even the relationship itself was so toxic, I was angry on every guy, some of my guy friends even shouted at me and said I am doing drama, I wonder why you didn't get angry"
"Look Sarah I know your true nature, you can't do this to anyone until you have a reason and I don't even blame you, that asshole didn't deserve you , he was an asshole really"
Sarah smiled a little,
"What? I am saying something serious"
"You are the only one who insulted him"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ..."
"It's cool he was an asshole"
Okay, cute little butterflies danced inside me at that moment but I regreted that I kept blaming Sarah for everything and I didn't even consider her pain, but now no regrets only Sarah.
We walked a little and then Sarah said
"I am hungry"
"I know, let's go"
"A bakery ofcourse"
I had two soft drinks and two veg rolls from the shop adjacent to the bakery, Sarah had a veg roll with corn in it and I had a simple veg roll
"Wow, you know you really are a well planner "
"Instincts I guess"
We kept eating and then I dropped Sarah home
"Zach today was a great day, I had fun, let's meet up again okay?"
"Sure" I said
Sarah's dad came and and said,
"Hello Zach how was studies?"
"Studies?" I asked
Sarah made a 'tf dude just play along with my lie' type of face from behind
"Oh yeah studies, yeah Sarah has some weak points in physics and she needs to practice maths too"
Okay I didn't have to say that but where was the fun in that
Sarah made a 'what did I ever do to you' type of face and I enjoyed it, sometimes it's fun to screw around.
"Okay Sarah you go and study physics okay" I said
"Yeah why not, thankyou sir" she said with a irritated smile
"Yeah Sarah remember practice" her dad said
"Yes dad"
"Anyway goodnight uncle"
After I reached home I was remembering everything about that night concert and about Sarah
And how we enjoyed
I realised I was thirsty so went to the kitchen and drank some water and came back on my bed and opened my chemistry book and then suddenly my phone buzzed,.
I thought it would be Sarah
I checked my phone, it was a anonymous message, I clicked on, it said:
"Stay away from Sarah, she is mine and if you ever try to meet her again, the consequences will not be good"
I read the whole message and then saw some photos attached of me and Sarah from the concert night...
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