Moment of Truth

Taeyeon's POV

I don't know what to do, I feel like simultaneously hurt and numb.

It's my fault because I'm selfish to own Tiffany. I like her to be mine but now, she's mad at me. Great.

Well... With my brilliant mind, I made her cupcakes. Baked, fresh from oven. *smooch*

I'm really fast learner, I just watched it from cooking show and now I can make my own and it tastes so good.

I will apologize to her for my behavior, I need to be patient and won't rush her with her feelings. I miss her already, just seeing her makes me happy.

Of course I want to make her happy and if that Siwon could make her happy, I'm willing to give up my love for her.

Yes, I said that I will fight for her but I also know when to give up. We can't force our hearts. We can't teach it to love a specific person. I sighed. Am I forcing Tiffany to love me? Am I too much?

All of my thoughts were swept away when I feel Tiffany's presence. I teleported myself to the lobby, no one's there. I walked at the entrance, I saw Tiffany and Siwon there standing. Tiffany gave the helmet to Siwon.

Then she saw me there standing as our eyes met.

But the next thing she did... it shocked me as my eyes widened in confusion. Tiffany held Siwon's face and kissed him. She did it on purpose, she's looking at me while kissing that guy on lips!

I felt something missing in my stomach as my heart plummet hard on the floor. I'm trembling as my knees became weak, I tried to hold my tears back.

Siwon left and Tiffany was walking towards me with her blank expression, I managed myself to be sane again.

She stopped right in front of me "Hi," I greeted her.

"What are you doing here? It's late already," she said flatly.

"I'm waiting for you. Anyway, I have a surprise for you Pani-"

She interrupted me and she's not interested with what I'm saying "Stop it. Please stop now. You're just a friend to me. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Her eyes were tired.


"I'm so had enough Erika, I'm tired of explaining things to you but you don't listen," she gave an exasperated sigh.

"How about the kiss... I know you like it," I could feel it.

Tiffany shook her head "I don't have a choice, you stole it! I don't like it Erika, don't be assuming! It's... It's disgusting!"

"Disgusting?" My heart was stabbed by million knives. I feel dirty like I have a virus that will infect her but I tried hard to show my stoic expression.

"And with Siwon's kiss? It's amazing Erika. Now I know why... Because I love Siwon. I love him," I could feel tears were streaming down my face.

Because I love Siwon. I love him... It kept echoing in my head.

Tiffany loves Siwon? It means, I failed my mission. I can't make her fall in love with me if she already love someone else.

"I hope you understand now Erika... Let's go back," Tiffany walked towards the elevator but I ran outside instead of following her.

I can't breathe there, seeing her makes me suffocate. I massaged my chest hard, I can feel the pain in my heart.

I barely breathe then I started to feel weak. What's happening to me?

"Why? Why do I need to suffer like this? She will never love me! Please... Let me know my past," I blustered. I hope the voice will talk to me.

I feel dizzy, my sight started to get dark and I think, I passed out.

This strange place again.

Soon, it lights up as before.

The place where all pure white, I'm here again. Is my mission done?

I failed then.

"Do you really want to know who you are before Erika?" The beautiful voice asked.

Yes I want to know! I shouted inside me. Then a mirror appeared in front of me. I could see my reflection there. I changed. My hair was blonde now. I don't know who I am. Then my wings spread out. It was white but the edge was sparkling red.

"You have the abilities of a guardian angel but you're a human and in past, you're Kim Taeyeon."

Human? Kim Taeyeon? Baekhyun was right.

"I will show you your past. Behold yourself."

And the place was contorted, there were images that flashing in my mind. It's me, my memories.

Tiffany was there.

She's my friend. No.

A very closed friend.


Tiffany Hwang...

She's my best friend?

Then suddenly I was in a place, it's Tiffany's classroom. Then I saw her fixing her things on her table, I know she couldn't see me.

Suddenly a girl entered the room, no, it can't be... It's... It's me.

"Tiffany, come on! I'm so hungry!" My old self said.

"Tae, I can't I have a date with Siwon oppa." Tiffany said.

"Siwon again? You know... I don't want you to date that guy! You're just mine!" My old self yelled.

Tiffany giggled "Whoa, my best friend is being possessive huh?"

"I'm not kidding you..." My old self was hesitating to say it but I sighed "I want you to know that I love you Tiffany, I love you more than best friend!" So my old self confessed to Tiffany. I remembered it! Everything. I'm her best friend. It was all clear to me now.

I'm Kim Taeyeon and we're both orphan. We grew in Full House Orphanage. And I was adopted by Mr. Kim Kihyuk, a businessman, when I turned 18... he died and he inherited me all of his possession. He's rich but he has no family aside from me. I'm so lucky.

So after he died, I asked Tiffany to live with me. She's my very best friend since we're kids but I fell in love with her. I tried to ignore it but it grows every day.

We both studied in college then took our master's degree. We became professors in Seoul National University. Tiffany is currently working there.

"I'm sorry Tae but I can't love you the way you do. I'm not into girls and you're like a sister to me. I like Siwon oppa, I want him to become my boyfriend," Tiffany carefully said. I could see that she's hesitating to say that.

I laughed at myself, maybe she's really in love with Siwon.

Poor me. I got rejected from my past and until now that I'm her guardian.

Then the place started to contort and deform again. I was in a hospital and I could hear Tiffany was crying. I swirled around and saw her with my dead body lying in the bed, it's a morgue not a room in hospital.

I was back in the white place, I shuddered. I was crying all along.

So I died in an accident, the bus hit me. I feel so weak and hopeless. I became a guardian but with my mission, why do I need to make Tiffany fall in love with me? It's impossible since from the start! I feel my powers were getting off of me. I could see that this body was releasing it, gradually. It's bizarre.

I was falling again but I didn't scream this time. I have no emotion at all. I guess I became numb from all the pain that's inside me. My eyes became heavy and the voice, I didn't hear it anymore.

Why do I need to love Tiffany? I came back from the grave as different person, still, she did the same. 

She rejected me.

Am I just giving myself false hope? I can feel that she loves me, deep inside in her heart but she's ignoring it. What's wrong? Or it's just imagination? I'm just fooling myself so that, I would believe that she really love me back?

Tiffany's right, I'm so full of myself.

I don't deserve her.

I will give up now.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I barely opened my eyes, it were puffed. I feel groggy and sick. My body was too weak to move. Where am I? I thought I will be punished for failing my mission. But I guess until the time wasn't over yet, I will be here on earth. I still need to protect Tiffany but I can't force her to love me so I will just set that aside from now on.

But I miss her, I don't know why... it's just yesterday right? I passed out last night. I can't face her now, she will just hurt me I mean, seeing her will just hurt me. It'll remind me of the rejection and the whole past.

I can't blame her if she can't love me back, as I said, we can't teach our hearts. I'm happy if she's happy, and that's all I can do... to let her go.

I tried very hard to move and sat up. I looked around the room, it's just typical, bookshelves, closet, study table, swivel chair and a bed. It's too simple, I guess, it's a guy's room.

"Baekhyun..." I muttered.

The door of the room was slowly opened and it confirmed my thought. Baekhyun entered the room, he held a bowl of water and white towel that slung on his shoulder.

His eyebrows raised when he saw me "Finally, you're awake!" He smiley said then drew closer to me. He sat on the bed too, put the bowl on the floor and held my forehead "Thank God, you're not sick anymore."

I remember what he said, he will tell me everything. In my past, he's not there. How will he know me and my past? 

Who is he?

"Silly I just passed out last night."

"Uh-uh!" He shook his head "This is the fourth day since I found you lifeless on the ground outside the building of Tiffany's apartment."

I snickered "You're really a stalker."

"I am, thank me because I got you before Tiffany does. I know that she rejected you. You're getting weak because you're failing your mission," he said with worries in his eyes.

I nodded "Right, I'm going to fail. My powers are vanishing slowly."

"Yes, but you still have time Erika."

I miserably shook my head "I can't do it anymore, my mission is breaking me inside."

"But you wished for it! Stand for it!" He's encouraging me.

"Who are you? Why do you care? You're not even in my past when I was Kim Taeyeon!" I asked him confounded.

"....." He's hesitating to answer.

"What? Tell me! I remember everything as Kim Taeyeon! Who the hell are you?" I yelled at him. I'm really frustrated right now.

"But you don't remember when we're in heaven," Heaven? But he said he's a human?

"What do you mean? You said you're human! You lied to me?" I asked in disbelief.

"No! I didn't say that I'm human but I have human abilities now, I don't have powers anymore. I'm your guardian before!" He's my guardian angel?

"What are you saying?"

"I'm your guardian angel but you can't see me. You're unaware of that. I protected you, I saw how you fell in love with your best friend!"

I gulped "But why are you here?"

"I got punished," he simply replied.

"Please tell me the whole thing Baekhyun! Tell me everything!" I pleased him as I held his wrist.

Our gazes met, and I know, he will spill everything now.

"You died because it's my fault! I neglected you! You're not supposed to be dead, Taeyeon. When the bus hit you, I was there, I was standing beside you. But I got weak and I lost my powers as guardian!" He cried immediately. It's sincere and this was the first time I saw a guy crying face to face.

"Do you wanna know why did I lose my powers? Because I fell in love with you Taeyeon! I wished to become human but it's impossible. Angels are lower rank. We can't be human as the same as human can't be transformed as angels. I broke the rule, I fell in love with you." He averted his gaze from me.

"What? Then what am I?"

"You're still a human as Erika but you have angel abilities." He looked back at me "I lost my powers and I was thrown here on earth. I'm still immortal, I'll never grow old but I'm still hoping for forgiveness."

"You said I wished for it, did I wish for this mission too?"

"When you died, Tiffany was wasted. She blamed herself for your death. She tried to commit suicide for many times. You watched it from above and it hurts you a lot. So you kept bothering the head guardian, you want to protect Tiffany because you really love her," he explained.

"But why do I need to make her fall in love with me if all I want is to protect her from dangers?" The things were starting to get clear.

"You need to do that because you have a chance to go back as human, not as Taeyeon but Erika. Tiffany is what you need, her love because you already have the connection with her. Intimate connection. You need her love so you'll be born again. Love can make things possible right? I know how much you love her Taeyeon," he bitterly smiled. "I'm just really stupid and selfish guardian of yours, I ruined your life and I'm sorry."

"But... Tiffany loves someone else."

"Where's the confident Taeyeon? You said, you can do it. You're too enthusiastic to be back on earth. Do your mission please."

"I can't, I will protect Tiffany but I will not force her anymore," I lowered my head.

"If you fail, I will regret it forever but if you completed the mission and back here as human, maybe the head guardian will forgive me. I don't belong here, I will help you Taeyeon. Please help me too," he pleaded. He's really lost.

I hugged Baekhyun "Thank you Baekhyun... Thank you for being my guardian angel. I want you to know that I don't hate you."

"You're so kind Taeyeon, it's your nature. You didn't change even if you're Erika now," then he faced me.

"It's still me, just different body."

"Please... Don't neglect your mission, don't lose hope or you will end just like me. I mean, you'll lose your powers and you'll be weak."

"What will happen to me if I fail?"

"You will be at the place where you as soul belongs..."

I sighed "Okay... So I'm here for exactly four days huh?" I counted in my mind "I still have five days remaining here on earth."

Baekhyun nodded "Tiffany is super worried to you, I swear."

"You're exaggerating it," I rolled my eyes.

"She asked me for help just to find you Erika but she didn't know you're just here in my house," he chuckled.

After the moment of truth, I think the mood was lightened.

"I don't know if I can face her..."

"Just take your time but not for too long. I know, she loves you. She's just a denial queen," I giggled at Baekhyun's remark.

Denial queen? Maybe.

"Can I try my powers?" I think I can use my powers again.

"Sure, but when will you try?" He asked.

"Now? Teleportation," I concentrated.

"Wait. Not now! You're still weak!" Baekhyun held me but it's too late.

We both disappeared in his room.

Right timing Erika. It's raining outside! I groaned.

Wait. Baekhyun was with me. We're all wet standing here outside the building of Tiffany's apartment. 

Great. Really great Erika. Yeah. 

My legs wobbled and I lost my balance thankfully, Baekhyun caught me.

"Aisshhh what a stubborn guardian! You're still weak!" He scolded me for being reckless.

"I'm sorry, I got excited to use my powers and I'm sorry again because I'm exhausted..."

I'm drained, I can't even move my fingers. Baekhyun carried me in his arms but I'm unconscious now. 

Where's he taking me? I don't know anymore as I drifted off to sleep.


I will end it soon. T_T 😣😭 Anyway, is the story good?

What do you think is the ending? 

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