Episode 7: Confrontation in the Human World
Soejammy's point of view
Location: Soejammy's House
Date: January 28th, 2023 - Saturday
Time: Morning - 9:00 a.m.
As I woke up today, I decided to get out of bed as I went to the lab first. I looked at the sample of my blood that I had, "I" took a look at it when I had made my return on Sunday when I went to get help from Zecora. From the analysis that we were given, my own structure of DNA had been changed by Zecora's potion. The potion was too potent due to my body being unfamiliar with their world, that I have tested going to Equestria for short periods as my body would go back to being an Alicorn. It was quite strange, seeing the world from a Pony's perspective. Not only that, but I ran some tests after Twilight recovered in needing to judge her magical output and even the antidote potion.
Soejammy: Okay, "I", tell me what we learned about the potion I gave to Twilight. I must know if what I remember is correct.
I: Of course. I have it on standby to view as always.
When "I" opened up the document containing the information I have, the potion had counteragents for EVERY sickness that Zecora could manage to eliminate. I tested this theory as I had a sample of Twilight's previous blood sample and used some of the potion extract to test with. As I watched the molecular structure of the viruses and illnesses be targeted by the potion, there was also another counter agent being done at the same time. What we had discovered, was what we came to before as a part of my magical countenance extract from Twilight was made into the mix. Whatever happened to Twilight, it had to do with magic that caused her to lose her memories and regress to that of a child.
Soejammy: So, we know that Twilight regained her true self after taking the potion. This not only cured her of her condition, but Zecora deliberately didn't tell me she had also added some of my extracted counter magic from one of my darts to make this potion. She is one sneaky zebra.
I: What do you expect when someone you know goes missing and you want an assurance made to help them?
Soejammy: Don't use my own logic against me. Okay... Next...
Pulling up a testing sheet of magic spells and data about Twilight, a video was being played out as I was recording Twilight's spells and analyzing which ones she is able to use. Since Twilight knows many spells, I decided to let her use which spells she was most comfortable about to let her start off. In the recording, she knows most of her old spells as she is able to Teleport, Wind Manipulation to cause some wind chimes to rattle, Dowsing to find her Eevee plush, and more. We tried Cloud Walking, but we don't do that anymore due to unexpected airplanes flying through them. While I was going over the magic Twilight had casted, I had heard her giggling and recorded again as she had used her Come to Life spell on the Eevee plush. It was like seeing a child with their first pet. It was kinda precious actually.
Soejammy: The fact Twilight is able to use her old magic as normal. It seems her memories are all there. But it also seems she remembers how she activated other spells. The invisibility AND her beams of magic. It would seem the experience she had while as a child unlocked some abilities. It's quite strange, but somewhat welcoming.
I: "Welcoming?" That's the last thing I thought you would say about this.
Soejammy: Think about it. Someone or something tried to make Twilight into a filly again. Erase her memories and forget her usage of magic. But looking back on the data, Twilight had COMPLETE control over them after returning back to her normal form. Fascinating.
I kept looking at the data as I looked at the recordings of training Twilight. When Twilight succeeded in casting a magic, she looked so happy as Twilight looked toward me for any approval.
Soejammy: Twilight is a fast learner when it comes to magic. Not surprising that her experience as a child caused her to work harder. She has so much potential, so much learning. Yet, she pushes herself because of what...? What is motivating her to push herself like this? Is it because of me?
I: You're thinking out loud again, Jammy.
Soejammy: Gah!
I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I had a habit of thinking a lot and then talking when a lot of thoughts are on my mind. It was because there were many mysteries I had to solve about this. Who did this to Twilight? What was their gain? How did it happen? And why? Why go through all this trouble to- No. I do know the reason. It's because Twilight is an Element of Harmony. Without Twilight...
Soejammy: So... That's their edge...
I: Discovered something?
Soejammy: Yes. It's quite scary, but challenging to fix. Run a scan, how many times Twilight and her friends have defeated enemies that threatened Equestria or solved problems. You know the length I request.
"I" soon began to run a scan through many episodes until we got to the halfway point of season 2. From the look of it, they had battled Nightmare Moon, Discord, solved a dragon problem, fixed Winter Wrap-Up for Ponyville to be on time, and more.
Soejammy: It would seem that the 6 solve many problems. Some individually, most when together. But without the Element of Magic, their ultimate weapon is out of order until she returns. I need to go to Equestria. At least for an hour. But I have no idea what will happen if I get caught this time. I have to at least know if they're getting close to when Chrysalis is going to impersonate Princess Cadance. Allowing her to have a cover to get power from Shining Armor and then attack Canterlot during the wedding.
"I" then searched up Queen Chrysalis as facts and powers were on display, even her weaknesses.
Soejammy: Jeez, for a Queen that can shapeshifters, she does not have good acting skills... Someone better keep her from an acting career.
I: That's the least you should be worried about if you ever meet her.
Soejammy: Yes... The fact that she and her Changelings rely on absorbing love from people to grow stronger. If they don't, they get weaker. Hence why they change themselves to look like people they care about. Taking the love meant for the individual and taking it for their own.
I: Not to mention they grow stronger the more they feed off it. Truly scary individuals they are.
Soejammy: There will be a time for peace though. It won't happen now, but give in time, a spark will give light to change. But time will speak for that.
Before I could say anything else, a red flashing light began to blink as I pressed a button. Opening a screen, it showed Twilight looking at a camera.
Twilight (call): Hi Dad.
Soejammy: Hello sweetie. How are you today?
Twilight (call): Doing fine. Are you in the lab?
Soejammy: Of course. Did you need something?
Twilight (call): Yes, could you come out so we can talk?
Soejammy: Certainly. Just let me finish up here before I do.
Twilight (call): Okay. I'll see you in the living room.
The call ended as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
Soejammy: Research will have to come later.
I: Something that CAN be waited on. Go ahead and be with your daughter. I'll keep researching for information until you come back.
Soejammy: Thank you.
As I walked over to step on the telepad, I then transported myself to my room to get properly dressed for the day. Once I'm done with that, I soon make my way downstairs to see Twilight watching a documentary channel.
Soejammy: Oh? What kind of show are you watching now?
Hearing me, Twilight looked towards me and then back at the TV.
Twilight: I'm currently watching how glass is made.
Soejammy: "Glass?"
I then looked at the documentary as it was on YouTube when Twilight got curious about it and began to watch the video with her.
After watching the video, I had a deeper understanding of glass making. I felt like I was a protagonist in Persona and gained some points for my intelligence.
Soejammy: I didn't know you were fascinated how we make things in my world.
Twilight: Well, I wasn't when I was a filly due to what happened to me. But thinking about how your world is different from my own, I thought I would make use of it and see what I can. TV shows, video games, cars. There are so many differences between your world and mine.
Soejammy: That I won't lie. There are MANY DIFFERENCES between all of us and our world. Like how there is no magic. But we have science.
Twilight: That's true. We don't have anything like TVs in my world. Entertainment is usually at get togethers, theaters, and what you can attend in person. So, seeing stuff being made like this here is really quite fascinating.
Soejammy: Yes. It definitely is indeed.
I was about to chuckle, but I felt a weird vibe as I got up and looked around.
Twilight: Dad? You okay?
Soejammy: Yeah... Just... Felt weird about something.
Twilight: "Felt weird?" Oh no... Please don't tell me you have a Pinkie Pie Sense like she does...?
Soejammy: No. It's more... Bad vibe readings... I can't describe it, but I feel like... We're being watched...
I looked around as I walked towards the window, but heard something running away.
Soejammy: HEY! WHO'S OUT THERE!?
I looked as I opened the window to look around. I couldn't find anything outside, but the feeling went away as the feeling of being watched was gone.
Twilight: Dad?
Soejammy: Ngh... Let's go practice your magic, Twilight. I want to see what else you can do.
I looked at Twilight with a smile to try and change subjects. But the feeling of being watched earlier left a sour taste in my mouth. Twilight didn't look convinced as she looked at me.
Twilight: Are you sure everything is okay...?
I wanted to say everything was, but I needed to just tell the truth. Twilight isn't a filly anymore. Right now, Twilight needs to keep aware of her surroundings.
Soejammy: Sometimes, I get bad vibes. It comes in all sorts of sizes. From small bad, to big bad. And I'm telling you, use that on Noire, and we'll have a CPU on our hands to deal with. It happens 3 seconds from now mostly. But other times, I get chills when I know something is around me, but can also be a warning to be ready for something... I once predicted that my friend and I were going to be attacked in a game once, and we exploded in the game 3 seconds later. No joke! I call it: The Soejammy Vibe!
Twilight looked at me with half-a-stare in judging.
Soejammy: What?
I looked behind me and on myself as she just kept staring at me.
Soejammy: What?? Is there something on me???
Twilight: There is no such thing as a "Soejammy Sense."
Soejammy: "Vibe." And I am telling you, I felt a sensation of bad feelings just now! Something or someone was watching us.
Twilight: It could just be pranksters. You see how some people are. They cause trouble and run off. Big deal.
Soejammy: No... This feeling was ill intent. Angry towards me for some reason...
I looked at the window and focused on that, but then realized as I looked around.
Soejammy: Wait, where is Mini-Nep and Eevee?
Before Twilight could answer that, Eevee came running in on its paws with Mini-Nep on its back. Mini-Nep had a cowboy hat on and was squealing in joy as Eevee was playfully bucking like a bull.
Mini-Nep: Neppyyyyyyyy!
I looked at Mini-Nep and Eevee and looked back at Twilight.
Soejammy: Mini-Nep wanted to play like a cowgirl, didn't she?
Twilight looked at me with a sheepish grin on her face. I rolled my eyes as I walked over and picked up Eevee and looked at it and at my other daughter.
Soejammy: Eevee is a friend, not a toy anymore. You can have fun, but don't make Eevee do something more than normal. Eevee is getting used to being animated. Wouldn't want a strand of loose sting getting caught and something happens.
Mini-Nep thought about it, and gulped in fear.
Soejammy: You can play with Eevee, just be a bit more careful. But I have Noire or Compa on standby in case something like that happens. So, no worries~
Twilight and Mini-Nep smiled that I had precautions set just in case. I wanted my daughters to be happy and show them to have backup plans. I know I probably didn't need to do that for Twilight, but more for Mini-Nep's sake.
Soejammy: Okay, who wants to use Twilight's "Thought Manipulation" spell on Noire to crave for some of Neptune's pudding rations here?
Mini-Nep looked at me in shock and placed her fists on her sides.
Mini-Nep: Nepu!
Soejammy: Not you, the other Nep. The one that slacks off on her duties.
Twilight: You know, I have been meaning to try the "Want-it, Need-it" spell again. Some kinks needed to be-
Soejammy: I'm forbidding that magic as it can go South sooooo fast.
Twilight: But I think I can do it. I know I had a problem with it last time I used it. If I can just-
I could tell how much Twilight wanted to try the spell again, but if I remember what happened with it the last time... That wasn't a risk I wanted to happen again.
Soejammy: Absolutely not!
I had raised my voice to Twilight as I could see the dejected look on her face from telling her that.
Soejammy: I'm not trying to upset you by not being able to cast it... From the magic spells that we're testing to see if you have them back, I don't know what consequence could be. With every action we take, there is a consequence. They are good, they are bad. But if you choose that action, you must be ready for the consequences.
Twilight looked at me as she looked down feeling sad by my decision. I felt bad for Twilight as I had to say no, but it was to keep EVERYONE safe.
Soejammy: Come on. I'll call Noire and then we can make her eat 10 pudding cups~ In fact I remember doing a dare like that once with Noire that involved her eating a pudding cup in front of Neptune. Neptune was tied to a chair as torture while Noire ate one of the pudding cups. Though, that ended badly as Neptune became furious towards Noire and I. Luckily, I had an experimental teleporter watch at the time. So, it saved my life. That's why I try to be ready for the consequences. Though, there are some that were not so great.
Twilight: Really? Huh. That sounds fun.
Soejammy: But not all of them were fun. Some of them were dangerous.
Twilight: Like what?
Soejammy: A story for another time. Right now, we have some fun with testing magic to come first. Now, hit me with that Mustache spell!
Watching Twilight, she casted her magic as I felt my lips were a bit tingly. I went to look at myself in the mirror as I had a perfect mustache in my color.
Soejammy: Ha haaa! I look good~
Twilight: You remind me of Spike when you do that. Haaa...
I heard Twilight sigh as I looked at her. I could tell what she was thinking about as soon as I got a good read.
Soejammy: You miss your home? Your friends? Teacher? Spike?
When Twilight looked at me when I called all that out.
Twilight: Yes! B-But how did you know???
Soejammy: I have a good reading when it comes to people's emotions. Yours were that of missing your home. Your friends.
Twilight: Am I that obvious?
Soejammy: Yes, just like my girlfriend.
Twilight became shy when I called her out like that, but I chuckled as I stroked my mustache.
Soejammy: Think nothing of it. It's my personal way of saying that I'm here for you if you need anything. Okay? Is there something you wanted to do?
Twilight began to think before a portal opened up to where Noire stepped through.
Noire: Okay, I arrived on the schedule you placed. What did you need, Jammy? And why did you also tell me to bring some clothes?
As I looked at Twilight, she and I had the same idea to go by as we approached Noire. When we didn't answer her, Noire almost had a chance to flee before what we did to her.
Time: Afternoon - 4:00 p.m.
I was in the living room with Noire, Twilight, Mini-Nep, and even Eevee as we were playing games. I heard the sound of a portal opening up and went to see who it was. When I went to the dining room, I saw it was Neptune.
Soejammy: Oh! Neptune! What brings you here???
Neptune: Nothing. Uni just asked me to see if Noire was here. Said that she came to visit you for some reason.
Soejammy: Yeah, she is. Right in the living room if you please.
Neptune: Good. Maybe we can play some games and- HUH!?
When we entered the living room, Noire was sitting on the couch, but not in her usual get-up. When Noire noticed Neptune's shocked expression, she paused the game and got up, sounding very happy.
Noire: Neptune! You're here! Want to play some games with us~?
Noire had gotten close to Neptune as she wasn't as shy or that much of a Tsundere. In fact, she was quite happy and joyful seeing Neptune. Noire had a short white with a black stripe going across her chest, a pair of blue short shorts with no socks at her feet, and some expensive light up headphones with small speakers at the top of her headphones. Noire's belly was slightly exposed as there was just a small gap between her shirt and shorts. Noire was hugging Neptune as she beamed a radiant smile while being here with Neptune.
Noire?: So? Want to go play some games? We even have some pudding out~ Your favorite~
Neptune blinked as Noire was about to say something, when an explosion happened in the game and made her check.
Noire?: Hey! I paused the game for a reason! Time for some payback!
Neptune watched as Noire rushed back to the couch and was eating a package of pudding before continuing on playing video games. I was smirking as I took a drink of some Pepsi with one arm behind my back with just an amused look on my face.
Neptune: Okay! What the HECK is going on here!? I smell something fishy, and it isn't because I had some fish! Okay, maybe it is. I REST MY CASE SOMETHING IS UP!!
Soejammy: What? You're imagining things. Noire just came over after I explained to take some time off.
Neptune: Then how come Twilight is writing notes while watching Noire?
We both looked at Twilight as she was observing Noire's actions.
Soejammy: Who knows. It could be because Twilight is trying to study while looking around? Trying to think of what reminds her of spells back at home? Could be anything.
I chuckled as I took another drink of my pop as I joined back in the living room to play the game with them as I tried to keep out of some fights. Noire was fighting against Mini-Nep as my little daughter was jumping up and down in desperation. The game we were playing was Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Mini-Nep: Nep! Nepu! Nep nep!!
Noire?: Oh no you don't! Put that bomb-omb towards Jammy! He's the one off to the side!
Soejammy: Hey! I'm the one who decided to leave the game and let you two fight. I could have paused the game before seeing Neptune!
Noire?: Not our fault~ Come on Mini-Nep! Let's get him!
Mini-Nep: NEPU!!!
I began to panic as I was having to fight left and right of Noire and Mini-Nep and defend myself from the attacks. But then, it happened to me.
Noire?: Happy feet! Wombo Combo!!
Before I knew it, I was being grabbed, juggled and then sent flying off stage because of Noire and Mini-Nep!! Jeez, never thought I would ever have that happen to me...
Soejammy: And THAT just happened.
Noire?: Yeah~ You go girl~
Mini-Nep: Ne-pu~
Both Noire and Mini-Nep high-fived each other, but it was more Noire's index finger and Mini-Nep's small hand.
Soejammy: Honestly, still very interesting.
Twilight: I know, right?
Neptune: I know you two DID something to NOIRE!
I looked at Neptune as I took a drink and took a sip. The fizzy pop I had caused me to belch as I answered Neptune.
Soejammy: Why do you care? You always wanted Noire to be more friendly, even be more open. Here she is. One that loves to game, eat pudding and relaxes more. Plus, look at her. Noire is like that of a gamer girl. You know, that's what I'm calling her when she is like this, Gamer Girl Noire.
Neptune, Twilight and I looked at Noire as she was playing games with Mini-Nep in being competitive, while being a good sport.
Noire (Gamer girl): Oh! You got me there with that one! How did you do that???
Mini-Nep: Nep Ne-pu.
Soejammy: She said "With lots of practice from Dad."
Noire (Gamer Girl): That's pretty understandable. He plays so many games that he has more than he has finished.
Soejammy: I take offense to that!
Noire and Mini-Nep giggled as they kept fighting as Noire offered to help Mini-Nep up onto her shoulder for a more comfy and better seat to see the game.
Soejammy: Heh. So precious~
I then raised a phone to take a picture of Noire as I had some to have at my disposal when needed.
Neptune: Blackmail?
Soejammy: Not necessarily. Just leverage.
Twilight: Sounds like blackmail really.
Soejammy: For all in good fun. I always love having funny pictures of my friends to share or just make them freak out.
The sound of the final hit was made in the game as Noire's character dealt the final blow to send Mini-Nep flying out of the stage. Upon victory, Noire looked at Mini-Nep and smiled.
Noire (Gamer girl): That was a very intense battle Mini-Nep~ Jammy taught you well~
Mini-Nep: Nep!
Soejammy: Nice touch on having Noire being humble, Twilight.
Twilight: I thought some of that could be used.
Soejammy: Yeah. Last time, Noire yelled at coming so close to beating me. Quite funny really, but a new change was needed. Kitty yells at me too like this, makes you wonder if they're sisters.
Twilight began to think as she then looked at me.
Twilight: Can you tell me more about Kitty? I mean, you sometimes talk about her. I wish to know more.
I looked at Twilight as I smiled at the thoughts I have in making memories with Kitty.
Soejammy: Dang. Where do I start...
Neptune: How about that time you two went to another dimension? Fought some Heartless and-
I looked at Neptune as I glared at her in bringing that up.
Soejammy: We do NOT talk about that. That incident is not YOURS to decide on bringing up.
When I had talked about it, I looked to see Twilight who seemed concerned about what had happened.
Twilight: What happened that makes you not want to talk about it, Dad?
I looked at Twilight as I sighed as I gave a look at Neptune.
Soejammy: Don't you go anywhere. You're going to pay for bringing that topic up.
Neptune: I have no regrets as you let this version of Noire EAT MY PUDDING!
Noire (Gamer girl): I tried to offer...
I sighed as I looked at Twilight as I began to recount my time in another dimension. A dimension that should have only been just a game. Though, this was with danger and consequences instead. Danger as there have been many times where we were in danger of losing each other, and consequences of our actions. Because of this, one thing led to another as I did something NO ONE should have ever done. And the consequence for that was one I had to bear alone.
Soejammy: After all that has happened, it was something that led to the Darkness in my heart being sealed away, along with my magic too. When your blast of magic hit me while fighting the Timberwolves, you awakened that Darkness inside of me once more as the seal around it broke. Now, I can access my strongest moves from Darkness and create portals to get to one place or the other faster.
Twilight: "Darkness?" Oh~ I wonder if there are Shadow spells I can learn? Just think of all the-
As soon as Twilight began to get onto the topic, I immediately began to cut her off.
Soejammy: Absolutely not! I forbid you from using any Dark Magic!
Twilight: But you use them too!
Soejammy: It is because I had my mind and body trained for such a thing. I have lost my training in using it because of what I told you. If I dare use it again, it will be difficult to even attempt.
Twilight: Maybe I can help you?
Soejammy: Twilight.
Twilight: If we could just attempt it and see how it works...
Soejammy: Twilight...
Twilight: I think we can use it for advantageous situations to-
Soejammy: ENOUGH!!!
I raised my voice while looking at Twilight to silence her thoughts. Darkness began to try and seep out as I could feel a slight burn in my eyes.
Soejammy: This power was SEALED for a reason! A reason that could have taken even MY life! This power corrupts those EVEN with the purest of hearts! It will twist you, change you and then destroy you as you let power be what you seek! I was LUCKY to not have that happen to me!
Twilight: But you did it once! I'm sure if we can control your power, we can-
I wanted to yell, I wanted Twilight to stop. But losing control would lead me to being led closer to the Darkness.
Soejammy: Twilight. That is enough.
I looked at Twilight as I looked at my eyes to see that they had turned yellow and began to return to my natural green. My Darkness that was trying to seep out, vanished once more.
Soejammy: You do not know what it means to control this. The pain I feel, the constant struggle, the need to stay strong. This power has been painful to use. If I even want to have full control, I can't get angered like I normally do... If I don't, I won't be the one in control. So please... I really need you to stop pushing...
Twilight looked at me as she hung her head in being sad.
Twilight: I... I understand, Dad...
I looked at Twilight as I sighed and looked at her.
Soejammy: I know you mean well. I understand that very much. But my problem is something that has become part of me. I do all of this for your safety, my daughter. It is not that I do not trust you, but it is something you do not understand.
Twilight seemed sad that I said all of that, but this was a matter that I couldn't test regularly. Nor would I use it freely for anything.
Soejammy: Is there anything else you want to try?
Twilight: No... I think I'm done trying magic for now...
I looked at Twilight as she began to sulk back up the stairs as I believed she was headed to her room along with Mini-Nep chasing after her. I felt bad for denying Twilight, but I had my reasons.
Neptune: So... How's the Darkness holding up inside you?
Soejammy: Still repressed. It's so much that, since most of it is Xehanorts, it is able to visit me in my dreams looking and sounding like him. Trying to get me to break and lose control.
Neptune: What's going to happen when it gets out?
Soejammy: Probably do what it wants and cause as much destruction. Too much Darkness will cause someone to be lost...
Neptune: Well, at least things can't get worse.
I looked at Neptune with a glare as she said that.
Soejammy: NEVER say that in this house. EVER.
Neptune shivered from the glare I gave her as she backed off.
Neptune: O-Okay. Um... going to get some pudding, and I'll get going?
Soejammy: That would be wise of you to-
I then thought about it and then looked at Neptune.
Soejammy: Actually, I need you to get Vert and Blanc. I may need some help with what I plan to do.
The sound of a Pepsi can could be heard opening as gaming explosions were heard from the TV.
Noire (Gamer girl): Oh! That was close!
Soejammy: And... Get Twilight to help Noire back to her old self. Need her in serious mode.
Neptune: One thing at a time. I'll get Vert and Blanc. You get Twilight.
I rolled my eyes and just began heading upstairs. When I reached Twilight's room, I was about to knock on the door when I heard Twilight speaking.
Twilight: Why can't he see I was trying to help??? Dad acts so stubborn when he does things his way. Why can't he trust me when I want to help him, Mini-Nep...?
Mini-Nep: Nep...
Twilight: Why can't Dad just let me try something first before he decides things to do for himself. I'm not a child. I can defend myself.
Hearing Twilight say that, it somewhat reminds me about my kind of relationship with my Dad and how I acted like him. I felt kind of sad about how I acted towards Twilight, and thought that I should just leave her alone for now. I had more important things to worry about. Part of it is to keep Twilight's world monitored to see what the current timeline was. Keeping my Darkness in check and so much more. I soon headed for my teleport pad as I then got on and teleported to my lab. Once I was there, I looked at "I" to see that I was needing to do something.
I: Something tells me you're about to do something risky.
Soejammy: Oh gee, how did you guess that one?
I: The sarcasm gave it away.
I rolled my eyes as I was getting the dimensional pad ready.
Soejammy: I'm heading to Twilight's world again.
I: Why are you doing that?
Soejammy: I need to check on their world. It's bad that Twilight has been gone this long...
I said that as I started up the portal sequence. The portal generator began to power up as I selected one out of a few choices I had.
Soejammy: Wish I had Zecora's locked down at the time... But it didn't feel right asking for a backdoor to her home.
I: One day you can.
Soejammy: Not today, that's for sure.
I then selected an option I had labeled "Twilight's House" so that I could go through it. Once the option was selected, the generator began to do its work to power a portal to the device linked to Twilight's world and go through that portal there.
I: What do you intend to do?
Soejammy: Check the world out. See what the current events are. I need to make sure I know because having the time needed, It gives Twilight to get ahead while time slows down in her world. A whole day there is equal to four days here. Each day is worth only that of 6 hours each. So, if I go, I need to set a timer for an hour. If my calculation is correct... 1 hour there is about... 4 hours here. Let's see... twenty-four hours divided by six... Yeah. It should equal four hours each.
As soon as the portal opened, I couldn't waste time going through.
Soejammy: I'll be coming back through the same way I leave now from Twilight's and my world.
I: Keep your communicator on you. That way if something happens, then Twilight can help you should something occur.
Soejammy: Thanks. Going to be taking a few of these. Just in case I need to get around faster.
I then reached for some experimental gadgets in terms of what I was able to make based on data from Twilight. With her permission of course, I had her cast a few magic spells on what I wanted to have. Downside though, they only last for single uses and continue to be used until the stored magic runs out of power... Stuff such as a force field and teleportation. Having those at hand will be handy. Though, teleportation using my mind is the tricky part. From what Twilight explained to me, the teleportation spell has to focus on a location I want to go to. Even keeping in mind what is around me. If I want all my things, I have to focus on the objects with me instead of just myself. I call them Spell Bombs.
I: If I was you, I would keep one primed to use.
Soejammy: That is if this works. They're only experimental, so this is their first test run. I don't like having to try something without proper tests... But sometimes we all have to do things we don't want to.
I then packed a few into my backpack and put it on. Looking at the portal, it was primed for when I was ready to go through it.
Soejammy: I'll only try spending an hour or two in their world. As long as it isn't three hours, I should be back before tomorrow comes.
I: Be careful.
I nodded my head as I headed for the portal and entered through it.
Dimension: Equestria
Location: Twilight's Library
After I entered through the portal, I found myself in Twilight's Library. But not long after I came here, I suddenly shifted from being human to being an Alicorn again!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): This part is never going to get old.
I looked outside and saw that it was still daylight out. My rough guess was about... Noon-ish from the look of it.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (Hmm... Not much activity going on... Let's check my gear first to see- Huh!?)
When I looked behind me and saw my backpack, it had also shifted with me as it turned into a saddlebag!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Okay... That is just weirder... Could it have changed when I came through?
I heard rummaging happening from upstairs as I heard a voice. The voice I heard is recognizable to be Spike.
Spike: Wh-Who's there!? I-If you don't leave right now, I-I'll make you!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Worry first and reason second... Spike. It's me again. You know? From like... 3 weeks ago.
Spike: "3 weeks?"
Spike looked over the balcony and looked down and saw me. I waved with my han- I mean, hoof at him. It's so WEIRD having hooves for hands...
Spike: Buddy, I don't even know what you mean by 3 weeks ago. It hasn't even been A WEEK since you popped out of nowhere.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Not even a-
I began to think to myself as I began to draw numbers in my head and draw them in the air to calculate the equation of what Spike gave me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Okay... Place that, cross it to that, then take this... Ah, yup. It does make it less than a week. For you of course.
When I calculated, it had only been 5 days and 6 hours based on what I know. Maybe a little less due to having returned home on a Sunday the last time. But regardless of that, if my calculations were correct, the time displacement is so huge, 3 weeks is only about 5 days and 6 hours.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Jeez dimensional travel is weird... But it's good to know the time displacements so that I can calculate how many days go by since the last visit. Makes it seem like I'm still the talk of the town.
Spike: Not to burst your bubble, but you LITERALLY are.
When Spike moved a curtain away from a window, I peeked out and saw some Twilight posters saying "Kidnapped" on them and some quickly drawn up posters of myself in my Alicorn form and even my real form having "Wanted" on it for the crime of "Kidnapper of Twilight Sparkle. Probably because of Zecora and Pinkie Pie having seen my real form. The shock of it all sent chills down my spine.
Soejammy (Alicorn): From zero to villain in just under a week... Well, that's a scratch off the bucket list when I get back.
Spike looked at me and raised an eyebrow at my statement.
Spike: You have a bucket list for that? Why would you want to do that??
Soejammy (Alicorn): For shiitakes and giggles.
I gave a look at how I said that and frowned.
Soejammy (Alicorn): And there we go again with the forced speech. I hate this dimension so much...
Spike: Okay, you say "dimension" and "3 weeks", what do you MEAN by that?!
Soejammy (Alicorn): What I mean, my little dragon friend, is that I do not belong here. Thanks to Zecora's potion, it looks like I take this form WHENEVER I decide to pop by for a visit at times. Though, that's going to be tough walking around now. Villain and all. Never thought that would happen here. But, take what you get honestly.
Spike: MEANING???
Soejammy (Alicorn): It means that I should not exist on the ground we stand on, and yet here I am. Talking to you, standing right here and having wanted posters of me outside. Like you said before, it has only been 5 days since I last visited. But since our dimensional planes are different, the time in my world runs FASTER than yours. That reminds me that I do not have the luxury to even stand around doing nothing. I came here to check the stability of this world where Twilight went missing and see how everyone is doing. So, if you excuse me, I need to disguise myself and cover my head to ensure that I can do what I need to do.
Before I could go, Spike got in my way.
Spike: Oh no you don't! Because of you, my friends think I had something to do with Twilight's disappearance, hence the kidnapped posters!
Soejammy (Alicorn): And I did nothing to your Twilight except take care of her and made sure she survived in my world.
Spike: But is that the truth??? For all I know, I let you escape the last time and you could be lying! Zecora even took a blow for you as the ponies blamed her too!
I felt a pang in my heart at hearing the trouble I had caused in their world as I did feel bad about that. I looked at Spike and sighed.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Then what if I said a few words that you know you can believe in? If I did, would you believe me then?
Spike: You would have to make those words VERY specific!
I sighed as I knew one way only to gain Spikes trust.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I promise that I have nothing to do with what happened to Twilight nor am I the reason for her disappearance. I promise that with all my heart I have been helping her this entire time.
Spike looked at me shocked when I muttered those words as a signature sign of Pinkie's that her promises can always be kept.
Spike: You... You know how Pinkie Pie promises???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Do you trust me now?
Spike: Wh-What???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Do you trust me now? I wouldn't make a promise like that if I wasn't serious. Breaking a promise like that is something Pinkie Pie would make anyone regret doing. I promise on that code that I have been helping Twilight. I can't explain why this all happened, but whether you trust me or not based on that, that is your decision alone.
Spike looked at me flabbergasted at how I answered, but thinking more about it, he sighed and looked at me.
Spike: Okay... Fine. I'll trust you for now, but don't think I won't do anything if I catch you in a fib.
Soejammy (Alicorn): You may have suspicions about me, but I can understand due to the circumstances. I always believe trust must be earned, not given.
Spike: At least you know how that works.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Now, back to the topic. Do you have anything that can cover my head? I really don't want to be seen out there while wanted posters are up for my head. My situation is bad enough coming here, if I get stuck, who knows how long my world will accelerate without me.
I looked at Spike and he looked around. Snapping his fingers, he rushed to go get a hood that was able to be pulled up over my head to ensure some covering with a tailcoat behind me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Ooooo~ Swanky~ I do love the hood and cape. Always wanted one of those actually, kinda like it honest.
Spike: Okay, you said you didn't have time? Well, let's hurry and do what you need to do. What did you plan on doing???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Ah yes. Many things really. First was checking around town and see what has happened, checking on Twilight's friends, seeing about getting some snacks for Twilight, and possibly going to see Princess Celestia.
Spike: Hmm... Okay. I'll see how we can- PRINCESS CELESITA!?
Spike got up in my face as he pulled my hood down to get on his level.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Of course. She is Twilight's teacher, right? It would make sense to go see her also to reassure Twilight's safety. I may be a tough man, but I'm not cruel. I know she must miss Twilight the most.
Spike looked at me in the eyes and saw how genuine I was being in my statement.
Spike: You... You really aren't the one who kidnapped Twilight?
Soejammy (Alicorn): ...
I gave a silent answer as I said nothing. Only by looking at Spike in the eyes. My words meant nothing without evidence, but what more could I do to convince him. Trying to say anything more defeated the purpose I already tried to explain. Groaning, Spike released my hood and looked away.
Spike: Okay. Okay. You seem to have the right reasons for being here, but until I get to see Twilight myself, I-
Soejammy (Alicorn): The more we keep talking about this, the more patience I lose. Can we please get going?
Getting a bit more serious in our conversation, Spike raised his hands.
Spike: Okay, I understand. Let's just get going. But no funny business whatsoever.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Really? I thought "trouble" was more my middle name.
Spike: You know what I mean.
I gave a chuckle at the statement and began to follow Spike out the door to see what was up.
Location: Ponyville.
As we exited the Library, I kept walking as Spike shut the door behind him. He began to walk next to me as he tried looking at my backpack.
Spike: So, what are you carrying in there???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Just defenses. Twilight helped me make them by doing some tests with me.
Spike: What kind?
Soejammy (Alicorn): You'll have to wait to find out. But don't worry, I always make sure to give her breaks. I don't like stressing her out along with being too tired to do anything. Her magic is tied to her stamina. Make her use it all up, and she is basically out cold for a while. We tested her reflexes using teleportation in a test to catch stuff when launched into the sky and back down, but by then, she had to sleep for a good hour or two to regain some energy. Bless her soul for the work she puts in.
Spike looked at me and wondered what we did, but that was a story for another time honestly. As we walked around, I was able to see Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, Carousel Boutique, the school where Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go to, and more. When walking around town, I heard some mentions of some people missing Twilight and how some of her friends are worried about her too. I felt bad that this all was happening, but I couldn't really do anything about it really. While looking around, Spike and I took a seat somewhere to rest as it was a good 45 minutes I had stayed there so far. We were sitting near Sugarcube Corner as I sighed.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Jeez... I didn't think it was this bad... I can tell how this town feels without Twilight and even mentions of her friends...
Spike: Think about how I feel. Rarity often swings by, but other than that... I miss Twilight the most...
I looked at Spike with a sad expression as I looked away.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I know you miss her. I have nothing that can show you how sincere I am for you... But I am doing everything in my power to make this right. I give you that as my word of honor.
Spike looked at me and then away as he sighed. I wanted to say something else, but then I began to hear the cries of three children as they sped right past Spike and I.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Holy crab cakes! What was that!?
Spike: Was that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo???
Looking at them they were going very fast as they seemed to have helmets on.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Don't you think someone should stop them???
Spike: They're always like this. They try ANYTHING to get a cutie mark.
Soejammy (Alicorn): You really don't say... Well, as long as they're staying out of trouble, I doubt their guardians will have to step in and-
Pony: Watch out!!!
I heard a crash as I raised my head up and looked to see where the three were at. When looking where they were, I saw that the three had crashed into a wall with some bruise marks on them.
Soejammy (Alicorn): My lord! Are they okay!?
Spike: Don't worry. Nothing they couldn't handle. I think they were trying to go for extreme stunts cutie marks this time.
Soejammy (Alicorn): You think they would learn...
As I thought about this, I tried to let the situation go, but then I saw some unicorns with horns that were lighting their magic up. I raised an eyebrow as I looked around the area and paled at what I saw.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Holy- GET OUT OF THERE!!
I felt Spike tug on me as he pulled me in close.
Spike: You nuts!? Why are you shouting?!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Look up!!
Making Spike face towards where I was looking at, the same pony who was lighting his horn, was a construction pony. What he was lifting was a heavy piano to a room. But after what happened, his focus was drifting away from the piano.
Spike: Oh no! Applebloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! You gotta get out of there!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): LOOK UP!!!
After the kids looked up, the piano began to fall!! The construction pony had lost the last bit of his magic and now the piano was falling for the three!
Soejammy (Alicorn): NO!!! (Darn it! They're toast if that piano falls! I have no choice!!!)
Quickly moving my mouth into my bag, I grabbed a Teleport Bomb in my hoof to slam down in front of me. Thinking where I wanted to be, I then reappeared in front of the three. I felt nauseous from what I felt as I had to take a moment to regain my senses.
Applebloom: Look out sir!!!
Looking up, I saw the piano getting dangerously close to falling on us as I didn't care about the wellbeing of the piano right now.
Soejammy (Alicorn): STAR PLATINUM!!!
Summoning out Star Platinum, I saw it rush towards the piano and began seeing it launch its hooves at the piano. Each strike caused the piano to be damaged and break apart the more it was attacked. When Star Platinum gave one last punch, it shattered the piano entirely into pieces. When the threat was done, I recalled my Stand back to me and gave a sigh.
Soejammy (Alicorn): That... Was too close...
When I turned around to look at the three, I was able to see Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in full form instead of the blur trail they left earlier. Applebloom was of course the one with the pink bow tie on her head, Scootaloo was the pegasi and Sweetie Belle was the white unicorn. From what I know, Applebloom was Applejack's sister and Sweetie Belle was Rarity's sister. But the strangest part right now, was that they were staring at me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Um... Hi?
The three kept staring at me as I blinked in confusion. Spike came running over as he looked around.
Spike: What happened!? The piano was about to fall on you, but then it just- Did you explode it??? And what was the thing you threw down!?
Soejammy (Alicorn): I mean... Technically...? But it wasn't an explosion, honestly. I used a... "different" method to handle that problem. Could have done something else, but didn't know how I would do it really. As for the other question, that was one of the experiments I told you about.
The three kept staring at me as I waved at them.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Why are they staring at me...?
Applebloom looked at me as she then raised a poster with my face on it.
Applebloom: Is this you?
I began to sweat as I didn't think it would be a kid in this world to ask that kind of question!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Why do you ask such a thing? Do I look like a criminal to you?
Scootaloo: You look like the guy on the poster.
Sweetie Belle: Not to mention you have a hood up to cover your head.
I began to sweat as they were calling out all valid points as I sighed and just began to walk away. I heard some hooves walking behind me as I had a sneaky suspicion it wasn't just Spike.
Applebloom: Did you really do something to Twilight?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Why is that the FIRST question that comes out of your mouth?
Applebloom: My sister and her friends tried chasing you down. Saying you went through some portal.
Scootaloo: Did you really go through a portal?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Ugh... If we go to a private place, I can tell you easier. I RATHER not explain in an open area.
Sweetie Belle: You can come to our place. It's private enough.
I sighed as I felt I was wasting time in having to be with these kids, but at least they're not chasing me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Okay. But I don't have much time.
As soon as I wanted to get to the treehouse they were referring to, considering I remember seeing it in the show, I began to hear an ear piercing screech coming from the three.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I'm already regretting it... Oh so much...
Spike: You did this yourself, not me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Ugh...
Location: Cutie Mark Crusaders Treehouse
As we arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres, we went to the treehouse that represented the "Cutie Mark Crusaders'" base location. It was a cute treehouse as they had a drawn map, some plans they had, events lined up and more.
Soejammy (Alicorn): What a lovely treehouse this is. Always wanted one. But I settled for something better.
Scootaloo: What could be better than a treehouse?
Soejammy (Alicorn): If I showed you, you three would never want to leave. Therefore, I will not tell you.
Applebloom: Why even mention it if you're not gonna tell us?? That's just a tease at this point!
Soejammy (Alicorn): And teasing I shall do.
I heard some groans from the Crusaders as I chuckled to myself in my secret. Once finding a place where I can sit down, I looked at the three while Spike sat in a chair.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Okay, Ace Detectives. Ask away.
Sweetie Belle: "Ace Detectives?"
Scootaloo: That sounds so much better than just regular detectives!
Applebloom: Works for me!
As the three were about to yell, I cleared my throat and looked at them. Hearing me trying to catch their attention, I wasn't wanting to hear them scream their group name and goal.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Not to be rude, I am on a time limit. I do not have time to mess around.
The three kids smiled sheepishly while Spike looked at me having prepared himself to not hear the yelling.
Spike: You don't hold your punches in speaking your mind, do you?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Someone has to. Better be me than anyone else.
As the three Crusaders recovered, they had detective hats on along with some notepads.
Applebloom: So, where were you when Twilight disappeared?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Um... Twilight LITERALLY appeared in my world without warning one rainy day.
A slamming of hooves was done as a light came out of nowhere to be shined into my eyes. Where did they even get a light???
Scootaloo: So! You admit it!? You kidnapped Twilight Sparkle!?
Soejammy (Alicorn): What are you talking about??? Of course I didn't.
Scootaloo: Don't play mind games here, buddy!!
I was about to say something else, when Sweetie Belle walked around behind me and placed a hoof on my back.
Sweetie Belle: I'm sorry about my friend. She just misses Rainbow Dash today. Didn't even get a chance to see her fly.
Soejammy (Alicorn): O...Kay...? Wait, is this a good cop, bad cop situation? I feel like this is.
Before I could think of anything else, Applebloom shoved an apple into my mouth by force.
Applebloom: We're giving the questions here! But I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that.
Applebloom then took the apple back out and smiled sheepishly from being rough. This was so weird on all fronts as I picked up what they were doing. Since Sweetie Belle was a good cop, Scootaloo was a bad cop. With those two filled up, it was obvious that Applebloom was doing two cop attitudes at once.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I really have nothing to lie about. Ask Spike, I already answered his questions earlier.
Spike then became aware and looked at me.
Spike: Hey! Why rope me in this???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Because you were the first being I met when I returned for my second trip.
Applebloom: What kind of trip?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Just to visit this world, but can't stay for too long. Time difference and everything.
Sweetie Belle: What's that mean?
Soejammy (Alicorn): It's a bit... Like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimy stuff. Just something you three aren't quite ready to know about.
Scootaloo: Well that's no fun.
Scootaloo crossed her hooves in disappointment as I refocused back onto Twilight. Since that was the main topic they were questioning me about.
Soejammy (Alicorn): As for facts about Twilight... I don't know why we had the encounter like we did. I don't know who could have done it to send her to my world, but whoever did had to be powerful. Opening the fabric of space-time... Is not something to look down upon. Those who can do that are really scary. I should be an example, I literally came from another dimension. I have nothing to hide about that. I've been portal hopping since I met some friends. Ever since then, I've been trying to write stories because of all the ideas I had up in this big-ole head of mine.
Applebloom: Is that also how you destroyed the piano?
I looked at Applebloom and smiled.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Of course. Though, I don't use my powers unless absolutely necessary. It may be fun, but my power should not be abused. But with me, you three have nothing to worry about as I have used them many times to keep Twilight safe.
Sweetie Belle: Huh. Guess Rarity and the others didn't have to go see Princess Celestia after all.
Scootaloo and Applebloom: Sweetie Belle!
Hearing that, it raised some flags of caution when hearing that.
Soejammy (Alicorn): The Princess? Why would they go see the Princess?
After being asked that question, the three began to shy away from my questioning as I have a feeling they were sworn to secrecy about this.
Spike: Um... How about we just go back to the Library? I'm sure there are many books that-
Soejammy (Alicorn): Spike.
Stopping Spike where he was, I had a calm and collected aura around me as if things had gotten serious.
Soejammy (Alicorn): What did they go see Princess Celestia about?
Spike looked left and right as he smiled sheepishly. When I didn't get my answer, I looked towards him as he seemed to know more than the crusaders in front of me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Spike.
Spike began to sweat more as he was trying to look for an escape.
Spike: I'm sorry! I can't tell you! Pinkie Pie swore me into secrecy!
Soejammy (Alicorn): The darn Pinkie Pie Promise...
I sighed and looked at him, knowing how much Pinkie would get angry at someone, it was understandable.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Don't worry. If you can't tell me, I know just WHO can.
Reaching for my bag, I grabbed my device with my teeth before standing up, going to the poster the Crusaders had, and moved away.
Soejammy (Alicorn): It was nice getting to know you four a little better, but I must bid you an adieu.
Spike: No! Wait! Don't go to the-!
Before Spike could tell me what to do, I focused my thoughts as I set the teleport bomb off to go to my destination.
Location: Canterlot, Throne Room
As the teleport was finished, I looked around, and saw I was slightly in the air.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Crud...
I began to fall and crashed to the floor.
Soejammy (Alicorn): That REALLY is going to be getting used too...
???: Who are you?! And why have you teleported here?!
When I got a chance to get up and look, I felt my spine chill and nerves tremble as I saw who was in front of me. I felt every nerve just freeze as I was in the presence of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. She is a white Alicorn as she towered over me. Celestia's mane was long and flowing as it looked almost like a rainbow of sorts as it had some sparkles in it. For her cutie mark, it represented the sun as her main talent. But with having to see Princess Celestia, I have to be careful around her in this form I have. Even though I have Star Platinum, she can outpower me in terms of magic.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (So, this is the Princess... Just being in her presence right now... I must stay alert.)
The Princess then stood up and raised her wings and the guards then surrounded me in a circle.
Princess Celestia: I asked you. Who are you, and why have you teleported here!?
Knowing it won't get far by just talking, I decided to pull down my hood and toss the poster to have it unroll itself to reveal my face.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I believe you have been searching for me.
When the Princess got a good look at the poster and then at myself, her eyes went wide and launched from the throne and landed in front of me.
Princess Celestia: Just who are you?
Soejammy (Alicorn): My name is Soejammy. I am a human from another dimension.
Princess Celestia: A "human"?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Yes. Unlike this world, which has similar locations like mine, the inhabitants of my world are people who stand on two feet and have hands. There are no ponies there that talk nor is there magic. We have science as we are advanced in what we do, but most tend to help serve their respective town to make a living. Just thought I would explain that.
The Princess backed away from me, looking confused by my actions. With a wave of her hoof, the guards separated from me as I kept myself calm in front of her.
Princess Celestia: What kind of games are you playing here? First Twilight goes missing, Zecora helps you make a potion, and now you're here again. Why? Have you brought Twilight with you?
Soejammy (Alicorn): I want to say that... But no, I didn't.
I looked Celestia in the eyes as she seemed to be very angry. Probably because she thinks I had something to do with Twilight's disappearance.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Princess, please. I know what you've probably heard, but I am NOT the one who caused all of this. If you need to use a spell, or something to get information from me in your own way, be my guest. I have nothing to hide.
The Princess looked at me as she then casted a spell with her horn. I felt my body be encased by the magic as my head felt strange. When she was done, she looked at me as if shocked.
Princess Celestia: You... You really aren't the cause??? You've really been helping Twilight???
Soejammy (Alicorn): Just like I've been telling you and a couple others back in Ponyville. Yes, I am not the cause as I have been taking care of Twilight and fighting dangers from this world crossing into mine.
The Princess looked at me as she sighed and went back to her throne.
Princess Celestia: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't mean to be like that.
Soejammy (Alicorn): It's quite fine. You're Twilight's teacher. Why wouldn't you be worried about your student? But, I have just one question for you.
I took my time as I didn't want to alarm her.
Soejammy (Alicorn): What did Rainbow Dash and the others come here to do?
When I asked that, that seemed to make the Princess silent for a moment.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Princess, aren't you going to answer my question?
Princess Celestia: I am, I'm just... Thinking.
The more I kept waiting, I knew something was up as I looked at the guards as they seemed to be on alert still while keeping their eyes on me.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Where are Rainbow Dash and the other four right now? I heard they came here to see you. They obviously told you about me, because you accused me of Twilight's disappearance. So, where are they?
As the Princess and I looked at each other, we seemed to be at eye lock for a while as I felt as soon as my gaze left hers, something was going to happen. When I felt my time here was long past overdue, I then quickly reached into my bag with my teeth as Princess Celestia stood up to cast her magic. I then reached for a force field bomb as I threw it down to protect myself in a layer.
Soejammy (Alicorn): I came here looking for peace!
Princess Celestia: Until Twilight explains to us who you are, I cannot let you leave.
Soejammy (Alicorn): How am I supposed to do that if you keep me trapped here!?
Princess Celestia: You don't have to do anything, except stay here.
Hearing those words from her, my body ran cold hearing that as I knew instantly what Celestia was talking about.
Soejammy (Alicorn): You didn't...
Princess Celestia: Whatever do you mean?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Grrrr...!!
Reaching for another teleport bomb, I slammed it to the ground and warped back to Twilight's Library.
Location: Twilight's Library
Once I got into the library, I was dizzy from the teleport spell again. Spike was there as he was shocked.
Spike: Gah! What are you doing back here!?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Ponies! Going to my world! After Twilight!! Ring any bells!?
Spike paled at hearing that as he wanted to say something, but couldn't muster up the courage.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Whatever! Get out of my way! I need to make sure my home isn't destroyed along with my friends being hurt!
As soon as I reached my device, a teleporting sound could be heard as I looked back to see Princess Celestia.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Not you again!
Princess Celestia: You're not going anywhere!
I began trying to reach for another Spell Bomb, considering their instant uses, but didn't get that chance as my body was flung to a wall with Celestia's magic encasing my body.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Let me go! I did nothing to harm anyone!!
Princess Celestia: But you acted in secret and could have cost Twilight her life!
Soejammy (Alicorn): That's why I came here! BECAUSE she was sick! I asked Zecora for help as I had what we both needed to help Twilight! I don't harm others unless they've harmed those I cherish!! Read my mind again!! This time, look for a piano about to crush 3 child ponies!!
When Princess Celestia began to probe my brain again for those memories, her eyes widened when seeing something.
Princess Celestia: What was that thing!? It destroyed the piano, but Spike never saw it when he asked you!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): It's called a Stand. And it's my ticket out of here. STAR PLATINUM!! UNLEASH THE WORLD!!
Calling out my Stand, it does exactly as I command as the flow of magic stopped as I was free from the restraints of Celestia's magic.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Time has been frozen. I have only about 10 seconds to do what I must. Sorry, Princess. But I have to get going. I'll take you outside, and then start time again to put a barrier around my escape. I can't let you stop me again.
Just as I got close to Celestia, something unexpected happened.
Princess Celestia: And that, I can't let you do.
Soejammy (Alicorn): NANI!? Impossible!!
Before I knew it, I was blasted back by a beam of magic as I was hurled outside of the Library and onto the streets. The blow caused the Time Stop to be cut shorter than expected as I didn't expect to be attacked.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (H-How is this possible...?? She is able to enter the world of frozen time...!?)
I struggled to get up as the Princess exited the Library. People around us, rather Ponies, were now watching what was going on.
Princess Celestia: I knew something was strange when I looked at each of the memories of Rainbow Dash and her friends. With how things were, there was a displacement of time. Rather, it was the fact time was stopping and allowing you free movement to get ahead.
I grunted as I was able to get up. I looked at Celestia as my one trump card was defeated in an instant. I can't fight on the level she has as I don't have any magic of my own. All I have is Star Platinum and his Time Stop, and the Spell Bombs I have!
Princess Celestia: You are going to stay here, until they come back with Twilight. Then, we will send you back home.
I growled at hearing the Princess say that. I respect her, I do, but if there is one thing I know how people act... It's that when they don't understand something, that's when they get a bit more aggressive. And that's my reason why she is taking this much action rather than sitting in her little throne room.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Me...? "Stay here"? You must be nuts if you think I take orders.
Princess Celestia: Is that an answer of your defiance?
Soejammy (Alicorn): Lady... I make my own rules. I'm going back home. And we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Do not underestimate me...
Princess Celestia: Then you have chosen wrong.
Lighting her horn, Celestia then fired a beam at me as I hurried to dodge out of the way. The last attack left me a bit slower on the reaction as the beam nearly misses me. I kept running as I jumped, slid, and hid behind a rock to keep myself protected. Hiding behind the rock, I had to think of something as she kept the portal blocked from my path. I tried looking over, but had to duck when a blast almost hit me in the head!
Soejammy (Alicorn): D-Dang!
Celestia was quiet as she was trying to keep her focus on her own objective.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Augh! What am I supposed to do!?
Princess Celestia: Nothing, except stay there, and wait.
I growled as I wanted to teach her a lesson, but knew nothing would work on my end.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (If I don't try getting home now, who knows what has happened! What if that feeling I sensed was Applejack and the others spying on us??? If that's so, they were able to plan out how to get in and get out!!)
I became frustrated as I hit the ground with my hooves.
Soejammy (Alicorn): Augh...! Son of a biscuit!!!
Princess Celestia: Have you finally given up? Your time magic has been defeated, and your inventions will not help you in your situation. If you stop, I will let you wait here for Twilight and her friends.
Soejammy (Alicorn): How humble of you for rubbing your victory in front of my face.
Princess Celestia: Why thank you.
Soejammy (Alicorn): It wasn't a compliment!
I kept trying to think of how I can get past Celestia, but I was coming up with blanks. I held my hooves to my head as I feared every worse scenario possible to me. I felt my heart racing as my anger was getting stronger. I looked at my hooves as Darkness was seeping out.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (Nononono... I'm getting too worked up...!)
I began to take deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (You're different from then... You're different from then... Darkness does not define you... It does not define you...)
But the more I had the Darkness seep out, the more I had an idea.
Soejammy (Alicorn): (You promised yourself that you wouldn't do it anymore... But just enough to use that move... Just enough... I don't have many options...)
Trying to focus, I felt really bad that I was going against my words I said to Twilight, but this was an emergency.I needed to buy time for myself. If I couldn't go through her, I needed another way.
Soejammy (Alicorn): So, care to tell how you countered my Time Stop power? I thought no one would ever realize it. You? That's mighty impressive, Princess.
My plan was to show some humbleness. By doing this, she thinks I gave up on trying to escape.
Princess Celestia: Considering your ability, I had time to search in some archives for spells and magic about time. When I found one that allows a user to be aware in the world of frozen time, it enabled me to move and see everything as everyone was frozen in place. It's quite a useful spell. If only it didn't take much out of me to maintain it.
Soejammy (Alicorn): You too? Small world we live in. I can't initiate mine as it takes a bit each time. If it was in short bursts, maybe more. But can't be too cautious when stopping time. If you have it, use it as much as you can.
As I kept talking, I was focusing more on my Darkness as I was trying to go for a move I executed in the past. A power that allows me to become that of a shadow. I called it Shadow Walker.
Princess Celestia: Is that so? Then you can still stop time? Interesting.
Looking above me, it looked like it would be a cloudy day. When I focused on a balance of power, I began to use my move. I began to sink into the ground as the shadow around me began to be that of a circle. When the clouds gave enough cover to hide in the shade, I began to move. I could still see around my surroundings as I went as slow as I could to not be caught.
Princess Celestia: But then how do you do it without magic?
With being in the shadows and moving now, I couldn't speak or else I would give away what I was doing.
Princess Celestia: Did you not hear me over there? I asked you a question.
I could see everything from under the shadows as if phasing through walls in Minecraft. Seeing the whole world around me, but unhinged by the current laws of physics. I then saw her light her horn up as I looked to see her wrapping her magic around the rock I had escaped from.
Princess Celestia: If you're not going to answer my questions, I would suggest that- WHAT?!
Once she had moved the rock, she became stunned at the fact I gave her the slip without her realizing it. Looking around, Princess Celestia looked at one of the Ponies around here and hurried to ask her question. More specifically, a Pegasus Pony.
Princess Celestia: Where did the Unicorn go?!
Pegasus Pony: H-He went under the ground! Like, he became his shadow!
Princess Celestia: He what?!
When Celestia called me a Unicorn, it gave me the idea that she still doesn't know I have wings to be an Alicorn. Using her horn, she began to push the clouds above us away as my shadow circle had become clear as day.
Princess Celestia: There you are!!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): (C-Crud!!!)
Lighting up her horn, Celestia then focused fire at the spot I was at as my instincts took over in rising from the shadows to cast a Dark Hand. A manifestation of my power in the form of a hand to block the attack as my hoof had some darkness wrapped around it now. I could see Celestia's shocked expression as she watched this happen.
Princess Celestia: What kind of power is that?!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Darkness. And I'm not too happy to use this power at all. So sorry if I have to cut this short, but I can't be held back much longer.
Generating some of my power, I looked at Celestia as I thrusted my hoof to extend the Dark Hand towards Celestia. With the Princess caught off guard, she didn't have time to prepare a bigger blast as my hand grabbed her and encased her in a sphere. Using the time I have, I began to make my escape as some of the Darkness was still showing on me. When I got to my device, I began to power it up, but heard an explosion. Looking back, I saw Princess Celestia was not too happy with the tricks I have been playing on her. I quickly reached for a stored force field in my bag and slammed it down to generate the field around me for protection.
Princess Celestia: You won't escape!!
Soejammy (Alicorn): Let's think... This is me, escaping.
The portal opened up as I went through it to show my real form to her as I glared.
Soejammy: Next time we meet, it will be just you and me. No one else.
As I said that, I closed the portal when the force field began to disappear. Ensuring I had made it back to my world safely.
Dimension: Soejammy's world
Location: Secret lab
As I had returned to the lab, the portal had just closed. When I made it back, I nearly collapsed as I took some deep breaths and made my Darkness be suppressed.
Soejammy: Can't... Can't do that very often...
I leaned against the wall as I could see myself slightly bruised and beaten up.
I: Jammy!?
Hearing "I"'s voice, a device in the room activated to create a healing mist that was beginning to restore my vitality.
I: Where have you been!?
Soejammy: Has it been 8 hours since I last left...?
I: Yes! But forget that right now! We have an emergency!!
Soejammy: Let me guess, Rainbow Dash and her friends came here...?
There was some silence as I looked at the time as it had been nearly 2 hours in Twilight's dimension, but 8 hours for mine. Making it 12 a.m. at night.
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Date: January 29th, 2023 - Sunday
I: How did you-?
Soejammy: Princess Celestia told me herself. We fought. That's why I'm damaged... Look... Are they still here...? Are they here in the house?
There was silence again as "I" didn't say anything.
Soejammy: "I"?
I: You might want to go look around the house...
Fearing the worst, I rushed to the tele-pad to warp to my room.
Location: Soejammy's House
As I came through the tele-pad, I stepped off of it and into the dining room as some glass shards were around.
Soejammy: What the-
My eyes widened when I saw the surrounding room as the table was broken, the windows were smashed, the wall broken and much more. I began to go around as the tv and windows in the living room were broken, the banister in the hallway was broken as well, the kitchen slightly burned with water leaking from the ceiling.
Soejammy: This can't be happening... Girls!
I began to go around the house as I tried to watch out for some glass. I rushed upstairs as water was gushing from the toilet in the bathroom, the jewelry room had some or not most of my mom's sellable jewelry was stolen and the bedroom for mom and dad was ruined with the mirror in there broken.
Soejammy: No no no no!
I rushed to Twilight's room as it was the room that I very much wished I saw Twilight. But when I opened the door, I paled as I saw the CPUs beaten and bruised and tied up with rope!
Soejammy: Girls!!!
I rushed up to Noire first as I began to untie her.
Soejammy: Noire! NOIRE!! WAKE UP!!!
Noire began to stir as she weakly opened her eyes.
Noire: J-Jammy...?
Soejammy: I'm here! What happened!?
Noire tried to sit up, but was really weak due to what happened around the house.
Noire: They attacked us... While we slept... Neptune... She was the one who alerted us... We didn't want to fight, but they thought we did something that meant being involved with Twilight being here...
Soejammy: I'm so sorry for that...! I tried to get back here as fast as I could...! 2 hours in their world is 8 hours here...!
Noire: That... Explains why you took so long... Oh, one more thing...?
I was about to listen to what Noire was about to say, but she punched me in the stomach as hard as she could.
Noire: Make me into a gamer girl again without my permission, I will thrash you...!!!
Soejammy: Y-You have every right... Ugh...
I held my stomach as I kept myself up. But there was something that was making me fear something worse.
Soejammy: Noire... Where is Mini-Nep...?
Noire froze as she was trying to untie Neptune, but she didn't look at me.
Soejammy: Noire. They came here after Twilight. Rainbow Dash and the others are the ones I know did this. But where is Mini-Nep? Where is Eevee??
Noire stayed silent as she didn't look at me. My heart was racing as I began to worry something happened as I grabbed Noire and turned her to look at me in the eyes. Noire was crying when she looked at me.
Soejammy: WHERE ARE THEY!?
Noire: They were taken too... The yellow pony didn't think they belonged here... Saying she would take care of them...
I widened my eyes as tears suddenly began to stream from them. I began to shake as I let Noire go as I backed away.
Soejammy: No...
I felt my body tremble as I exited the room. I began to head downstairs as I didn't want to believe it.
Soejammy: No...!
But hearing those words from Noire, I snapped as soon as I got outside of the house to the middle of the walking path to my house. I fell to my knees as my vision was blurring out.
Soejammy: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I shouted out so much, I felt I had passed out.
Third point of view
Location: Forest/Park
In the forest, a campfire was made as Applejack was there trying to make it warmer.
Applejack: There. Got some warmth for us to have. It's mighty cold here, and with it being this late, I thought the Princess would have gotten us back home by now.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah! What's the hold up!? This place has been weird with how different this world is from our own! There's no carriages, no other ponies, and the lack of food to find!
Pinkie Pie: Not to mention the lack of sweets!!! But I was able to find some candy from that house we were at.
Pinkie Pie held up some Nutter Butters and Honey Buns in her sack.
Twilight: Hey! Those weren't yours to take, Pinkie! Those were my Dad's!
Twilight was currently tied up after what happened as she had tried to resist being taken. After being forced to drink a potion that temporarily stops her magic, she couldn't teleport her way out of the rope that bound her. Rarity approached Twilight as she sat down next to her after placing a cloth down to keep herself clean.
Rarity: Darling, I know you must be confused. Maybe brainwashed, but he isn't your dad. We all saw how he isn't a pony.
Twilight: Of course he isn't a pony! He's a human!
Pinkie Pie: What's a human?
Twilight: Basically what my Aunt Noire, Vert, Neptune, and Blanc are! Well, from my knowledge, they're Goddesses, but they're as close to humans as my Dad!
Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack as she whispered to her.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah... We better get her back to the Princess as SOON as she opens a portal... I don't know how much longer I can take this.
Applejack: You heard what the Princess said. We have to hold out a whole day. The spell she cast drained her greatly as it was even difficult for her to do. We should be glad that we even found that spell to allow us to get here.
Rainbow Dash: You mean we got to hear Twilight talk like this for another 12 hours??? Ugh...
With Fluttershy, Mini-Nep crossed her arms as she had a look of displeasement on her face as a bow was placed on her head.
Fluttershy: Do you like that one?
Mini-Nep looked at Fluttershy and threw the bow down. Mini-Nep wasn't happy that she was taken like this Fluttershy picked her up.
Fluttershy: Please don't be like that. I just want to see what you like.
Mini-Nep: NEP!!
Mini-Nep began to flail her arms as Twilight looked at Fluttershy.
Twilight: Put my sister down, Fluttershy! She doesn't like being held like that!
Mini-Nep: Nepu nep neppy nep!!
Fluttershy looked at Mini-Nep and wasn't sure what she was saying, but Twilight was able to learn after many lessons with Soejammy.
Twilight: Sorry sis... I know you don't like this kind of attention...
Twilight looked over to see Eevee as she looked sad being held by a leash and tied to a tree.
Eevee: Vee...
Rarity walked over to Eevee and gave a pet to her head.
Rarity: Don't worry~ Once we get back, I'll think about the cutest dresses you could wear~ Of course Fluttershy will help in seeing if you're domesticated first.
Twilight: Hey! Eevee isn't your pet! She's my friend!
Rarity: Dear Twilight, he must've filled your head with all this nonsense. Giving you a "sister" a "pet." You probably think you're his daughter.
Twilight: I AM his daughter! He took care of me when I was stuck here for over 7 months! I've been saying this again and again!
Pinkie Pie: Maybe she needs a Snickers? Twilight isn't herself when she hasn't had a Snickers.
Twilight sighed as she looked at Pinkie Pie.
Twilight: How did you know about that commercial???
Pinkie Pie: What commercial? It just sounded so catchy to say when someone is cranky.
Twilight: Ugh...! Not only did you kidnap me, Eevee, and Mini-Nep, but you destroyed my home, hurt my Aunts and won't listen to me! My Dad will find us.
Rainbow Dash: Ha! We're far from that place. How is he going to find us?
Mini-Nep: Nep ne-pu nep, neppity nep.
Twilight looked at Mini-Nep as she thought about it before nodding her head.
Twilight: Oh yeah. I almost forgot he did that. With you being here, that would make sense. Same when he protected us from Timberwolves.
Fluttershy: How do you understand her???
Twilight: My Dad taught me when I was able to understand and memorize better again. She said "I still have that tracking chip Dad made me ingest secretly, that's how he found us when attacked by Timberwolves."
Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and looked at Twilight.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah... She SAID all that...
Applejack: Sugarcube, there's no way he'll find us here. It's best that you get some sleep and-
As Applejack was speaking, a tree suddenly fell down with a loud crash as it startled the group.
Fluttershy: Eep!!
Fluttershy soon hides while holding Mini-Nep as she crosses her arms in annoyance. Eevee panicked as it was shivering in fright of the sudden loud noise.
Applejack: Is that a tree!?
Rainbow Dash: It's been uprooted! How!?
Pinkie Pie: I don't know. Why don't you ask that dark, spooky, yellow glowing eyed person over there?
As Pinkie Pie said that, she pointed towards something as the others looked to see. In the darkness, lightning from the sky radiates as it illuminates the area to show an entity for a moment. That moment however, burns the image they saw into their eyes.
Fluttershy: AAAAHHHHH!!!
Fluttershy then hid behind Applejack and Rainbow Dash while the sound of thunder rang out around them. When the next streak of lightning went off, the entity was gone.
Rarity: Wh-Where did it go...!?
Applejack: U-Uh... T-Twilight...? You've been here for a while, d-do you know what that was???
Twilight had the same look of fear in her eyes as she looked at Applejack.
Twilight: N-No... I don't know what that was. I don't even-
Twilight stopped for a moment and then looked towards Applejack.
Twilight: Why are you asking me??? You tied me up because you think my Dad did something to me!!
Rarity: Darling, I know you're mad right now, but WE ARE IN DANGER!!!
A shadow illuminating from above could be seen when the lightning struck as they saw the entity crouching on a branch before disappearing on the next strike. Rainbow Dash flew up to Twilight as she looked her in the eyes while holding her cheeks
Rainbow Dash: Will you stop being like this?! You know more about this world than us!
Twilight looked back at Rainbow Dash with a glare of her own.
Twilight: No! Why should I?! You all have been believing my Dad brainwashed me, did something to my head and who knows what!! You kidnapped me in the middle of the night, woke me up from my sleep and suddenly brought me, Mini-Nep and Eevee here!!
Applejack: We get that! But we were worried about you! You disappeared for 2 months, Twi...! We were so worried about you...
Twilight: Then don't apologize to me!!! Apologize to Eevee and my sister for taking them from their home!!!
Another shadow could be seen as this time, it was Pinkie just messing around.
Pinkie Pie: Now I understand how the predators feel when they have big dark shadows. It's so neat!
Fluttershy: P-P-Please P-Pinkie Pie...! Don't do that...!
Pinkie Pie began to laugh as Rainbow Dash rushed up to her.
Rainbow Dash: Pinkie! Will you focus! We could be in real danger!!
Pinkie Pie: What if they just wanted to party?
Rainbow Dash: They are hiding from us and not even saying anything! They're hiding like a coward and not showing themselves!!!
As Rainbow Dash said that, Pinkie Pie was looking at her, and then up behind her. Pinkie's expression turned from being silly to that of awkwardness.
Rainbow Dash: They think they can just scare us if they don't do anything!? Ha! They wouldn't last one minute against me! Right Pinkie?
Pinkie Pie didn't say anything as she was just backing up slowly. When the lightning struck, it illuminated the area as the entity was standing right behind Rainbow Dash. Applejack had her mane sticking on end as she called out to Rainbow Dash.
Applejack: Dash...
Rainbow Dash: It's right behind me... Isn't it...
Rarity: Yes.
Rainbow Dash: Heard everything I said...?
Applejack: Uh-huh...
Rainbow Dash: Darn it...
Before Rainbow Dash could do anything, the entity lifted her up by the throat and threw her to a tree.
It let out a roar as the lightning struck again to show it was heading towards Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: AAAAHHH!
Dodging out of the way, Rainbow Dash moved out of the way as the entity struck hard against the tree. Destroying the tree section that connected the longer half of the tree to the ground.
Rainbow Dash: What is that thing!?
Applejack: I don't know! But it's bad news!!
Pinkie Pie: Maybe it just wants a friend?
Pinkie Pie: Still holding to my gut on this one.
Setting a lighting scroll that Celestia had prepared for them in dark places, it revealed the area to them as to give them light to see. The four had to move quickly as the entity was diving toward them with fist clenched tightly.
Rarity: I for one don't want to see what it can do to us so... MOVE!!!
The four then dodged again as the being made impact to the ground and caused the ground to shake. When the dust cleared, it showed an impact circle of the entity's landing point as it disrupted the ground. Turning towards Applejack, the entity then began to run towards her.
Applejack: Okay. You want to throw down, I'll show ya the Apple Family style!
Charging towards the entity, Applejack pounced to use all her momentum to attack the entity. The moment she was about to make contact, she began to go through it! Once she made it past the entity, it then grabbed her by the tail and slammed her to the ground.
Applejack: Okay... Not my brightest idea...
Rainbow Dash: Applejack!
Looking towards Rainbow Dash, the entity could see her glare at it.
Rainbow Dash: That's it! Now I'm mad!!
Rainbow Dash began to fly at the entity as the entity just stood there as she made contact with it.
Rainbow Dash: Ha! How did you like-
When she looked, they hardly moved at all when she made contact with her enemy. The entity had each hand gripping her hooves as it glared back at her.
Rainbow Dash: Awwwwwww nuts...
The entity then gut checked Rainbow Dash to stun her as it then began to quickly attack her. Left, right, up, down, it was sending Rainbow Dash in many directions as it was able to move fast to intercept the flight path each time it sent the Pegasus flying. To finish the combo it had, it sent Rainbow Dash into the air as it reappeared above to grab her by the throat to start making her dive back down.
Rainbow Dash yelled as she was falling fast from the entity.
Twilight: RAINBOW DASH!!!
The impact would have happened, had Twilight's voice not distracted the entity. It looked towards Twilight as Rarity then had another scroll that casted a blinding spell. The spell blinded the entity as it yelled in pain from the overstimulation of light. It released Rainbow Dash as pillows had been prepared to help Rainbow Dash land safer. When the entity regained its vision, it looked towards Rarity and glared at her.
Rarity: Oh... I don't think it liked that much... Did it...?
Rarity: Oh, it really didn't like that at all!!
The entity then began to dive down towards Rarity out of anger as Rarity began to cower in fear for her life. Twilight, who was still tied up, hopped herself to get in front of Rarity to protect her.
Twilight: NOO!!!
Before the entity crashed into Twilight, it suddenly stopped on the ground as it looked at Twilight. Almost seemingly through her as if looking. Twilight looked at the entity as she was able to get her hoof out and wave it in front of its face.
Twilight: Can't it see me?
Rarity: Twilight? What are you-
The entity seemed to become agitated in hearing Rarity's voice as if getting closer to Twilight to listen.
Twilight: Rarity! Be quiet! Don't even make a sound!
Rarity stopped doing anything and covered her mouth. As the entity was about to touch Twilight, a twig snapping caught its attention. It looked towards Pinkie Pie as she was messing with some wood.
Pinkie Pie: This should be a good weapon!
The entity glared at Pinkie Pie as it got into a stance. Pinkie noticed the attention was on her as she began to run away.
It then left Twilight and Rarity as they looked at each other. Confused as to why it changed targets that fast.
Twilight: Why did it stop...?
Rarity: Whatever the reason is, I'm so glad it changed targets like that. I just had my mane done for this trip and I wasn't going to let it ruin it.
Twilight rolled her eyes as she looked at Rarity.
Twilight: Rarity, you have GOT to get me out of these ropes!
Rarity: And why should I? These hooves were just done at the salon this morning back in our world.
Twilight: Because of THAT!!!
Rarity looked to see Pinkie Pie dodging every strike from the entity as she was laughing at it each time.
Twilight: Because you were behind me, it didn't see you at all!! There has to be a reason why it didn't do that! But I can't test it out if you don't trust me!!
Rarity looked at Twilight as she sighed in being proven wrong.
Rarity: I hate it sometimes when you make valid points...
Twilight: I get that a lot. Now, GET ME UNTIED!!!
Rarity: Okay! Okay!
Pulling on a specific part of the rope, it began to become undone and allow Twilight free. Though, Twilight still didn't have access to her magic.
Twilight: Ugh... Because of that potion you all made me drink, I can't teleport to intercept it...
Rarity: Sorry Twilight, but we didn't know if we could trust you...
Twilight: I just SAVED your life just now! If I didn't want to save you, it would have been because I wouldn't have known you!! I'll have more to talk about this later, but right now, we need to stop that thing! That's what my Dad would be doing right now! But the weirdest part is... He told me Mini-Nep has a tracker in her the last time I ventured out here when he was sick... Dad should have been here by now... Where is he...???
Pinkie Pie yelled as she had barely dodged another strike from the entity. Seemingly learning how she reacts and attacks a little faster.
Pinkie Pie: Um... It's not losing speed! And it's predicting where I'll be in the next instance!!!
Applejack: How!? Your Pinkie-sense should be allowing you to sense the danger BEFORE it happens!!
Pinkie Pie: It does! AH!!!
Pinkie Pie had just barely dodged another strike as the area next to her then exploded to send her recoiling away.
Pinkie Pie: But sometimes, the area I would move to out of the way, I then almost get hit by something I can't see!!
Rainbow Dash: Oh come on! Does it have a way to set traps as it goes?! We don't even see how it attacks again!!
Twilight looked at the scene as she was trying to process the information.
Twilight: (Launching an attack and then another that Pinkie can't see? It's almost as if-) AH!! That's it! This entity must have a Stand!!!
Applejack: Um... What's a "Stand", Sugarcube...?
Twilight: You're not going to believe me, but when my Dad saved my life a few times, he had a Stand called Star Platinum. It's a manifestation of his soul and is able to project it. Think of it as ESP or how I use magic to levitate stuff. It basically is like that, but has its own powers. I'm not sure how it works as my Dad has only explained to me some of it, but that's the only logical thing I can think of that can attack one area and then another in an instant where Pinkie goes to!
Rarity: Then how do we stop it???
Twilight: That... Is impossible though... Only a Stand User's Stand can attack another's Stand... And since Dad isn't here, we're on our own...
Applejack: Of course we have to rely on ourselves!
An explosion of dirt could be heard as Pinkie was running out of steam from the onslaught of attacks.
The entity was about to strike at Pinkie again, but soon got hit by a speeding Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Leave her alone, you monster!!!
The entity roared as it then changed course to go after Rainbow Dash instead.
Pinkie Pie: Thanks Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash: You owe me for this, Pinkie!!
Rainbow Dash began to fly with the entity still chasing after her.
Rainbow Dash: Ha! Just try to catch me! You can't-
When looking behind her, Rainbow Dash lost sight of the entity.
Rainbow Dash: Huh?! Where did it- Oof!!
Crashing into something, she looked to see what she crashed into and saw it was the entity!
???: Slooooooooooow...
Rainbow Dash: GAAAAAAH!!
Rainbow Dash began to fly again as she tried to get away flying behind a tree, she looked to see where the entity was, but it was gone again.
Rainbow Dash: Where did it-
Rainbow Dash looked behind her and saw the entity looking at her right in the face with a glare.
???: Nooooooooot faaaaaaaaast enooooooooough...
Rainbow Dash: What is this thing's problem!?
Rainbow Dash began trying to fly again, but soon became trapped as the entity produced a hand made out of shadows that grabbed onto Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash: WHAT IS THIS THING!?
Twilight: That hand... Why... Is that similar...?
The entity then roared as it then slammed Rainbow Dash into a tree with all its force behind it.
Rainbow Dash: Someone get this thing off me!!! It's going to crush me!!!
Applejack: Hang on Dash!!
Swinging a lasso, Applejack then tossed it to then wrap the lasso around the sides of the entity, forcing it to have its arms down to the side.
With Rainbow Dash now freed from the entity, began her retaliation attack against it.
Rainbow Dash: How do you like this!?
Each time Rainbow Dash crashed into the entity, it let out a roar of pain each time. Applejack was holding onto the rope tightly with her teeth to keep the entity from moving from the location.
Rainbow Dash: Keep holding it down, Applejack!!
Applejack: Tryin'! But it ain't as easy as it looks!!
As Rainbow Dash went faster and faster, the entity was getting furious as it then produced tendrils on its back as they were waving violently.
Rainbow Dash: WHAT THE-!?
Twilight widened her eyes as Rainbow Dash was then swiped by one of the tendrils and crashed to the ground. The entity then focused the tendrils to go under the rope and break it from the inside out.
???: RAAAAAAAGE!!!!!
Applejack: Oh shoot... I did not see that coming...
Rainbow Dash was on the ground as Eevee was panicking and trying to get free. Fluttershy was currently holding onto Mini-Nep tightly while the other ponies were trying to figure this out. The entity then dived down as it then vanished into the ground with a shadowy mist.
Pinkie Pie: Now it can go into the ground!? It's not some cartoonish rabbit that always makes a wrong turn at Albuquerque!
The ponies looked at Pinkie as she looked around.
Pinkie Pie: What? It's a thing. Really!
Applejack: Regardless, we're becoming more in danger because of how versatile this thing is able to escape, cut us off and attack us!
Twilight: That... That can't be...
Twilight was still staring at the ground where the entity vanished at as she approached the area it vanished at.
Twilight: The hand... Tendrils... Shadowy mist...? But... That...
Fluttershy then yelled as the entity then rose up behind her.
Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy!!!
Twilight: Rainbow Dash! Stop! Mini-Nep!! Get in front of Fluttershy!! Block its vision of her, now!!!
Listening to Twilight, Mini-Nep quickly got out of Fluttershy's hold and stood on her nose in front of the entity and latch herself to its face.
The entity looked at Mini-Nep for a minute and was reaching a hand out to her, but with Fluttershy afraid as she is, took Mini-Nep off the entity's face and began to run.
Fluttershy: It's too dangerous being near it!!
The entity then roared out as it then began to chase after Fluttershy.
Twilight: Fluttershy! You have to stop running!!! Let Mini-Nep protect you!!!
Fluttershy: But-!!!
Twilight: TRUST ME!!!
Fluttershy wanted to object to it as she then held Mini-Nep up on her hoof as she coward in fear for her life. The entity roared and was about to attack, but Mini-Nep than yelled out.
Mini-Nep: NE-PU~!!!
The entity then stopped again as it looked at Mini-Nep with gentle grunts and observed her. Fluttershy was still very scared as she felt like she would pass out at any moment.
Eevee: VEE!!
Looking over at Eevee trapped at the tree, the entity then went over to it fast and cut the rope securing the Eevee to it. Eevee then rushed over to Twilight as she held Eevee to her.
Twilight: It's okay Eevee. It's okay.
The entity just hovered there as it was looking around. It saw Mini-Nep, Twilight, and Eevee. When it saw Rainbow Dash, it began to start getting agitated again before Twilight stepped in front of her to block the vision of Rainbow Dash from the entity's vision.
Twilight: No one makes a sound. No one does anything. Let him calm down.
Rainbow Dash: CALM WHO-
Twilight: QUIET!!
Rainbow Dash was surprised at Twilight raising her voice and became silent. After a while of looking, the entity looked at Twilight, Eevee, and Mini-Nep as only their forms could be seen by a blue light that outlined them as safe. Those that were in its vision were red as danger or a threat. When the threat was gone, the entity began to grunt as strength was leaving its body.
Rarity: What's hap-
Twilight: Quiet.
When the entity finally lost all its strength, the shadows around it left, revealing it to be Soejammy as he was on his knees taking in some deep breaths.
Mini-Nep: Nep!
Mini-Nep then jumped off Fluttershy and began to rush towards Soejammy as she began to climb up on him and jump onto his cheek to nuzzle against him.
Mini-Nep: Nepu~
Eevee then rushed up to Soejammy with Twilight walking up to him as Eevee rested on Soejammy's lap while Twilight stood right in front of him.
Twilight: Dad?
With the Darkness finally leaving him, Soejammy's vision began to return to normal and saw Twilight.
Soejammy: T-Twilight...?
Twilight: It's okay, Dad. It's okay now.
Tears appeared in Soejammy's eyes as Twilight wrapped her hooves around his neck while the other ponies were shocked.
Rainbow Dash: It was him!?
Applejack: B-But how!?
Rarity: He never used anything like that when we first saw him!
Pinkie Pie: Well, he did, but seemed to not want to use it. I even felt chills from the danger I sensed! Oh! That's what I was feeling this whole time!!! It was that same feeling!
Fluttershy: But... Why did he only attack us though...?
Soejammy was about to say something, but Twilight turned around and looked at her friends.
Twilight: Because you all came here when our Dad went to Equestria!
Twilight looked at Soejammy as she knew he did go there.
Twilight: I visited his secret lab as I thought he would have been there, but found out from his lab computer that he went to check on our world! What do you all do when he's away??? You come here, trash his home, attack his friends and then kidnap us! I don't know what happened in my world that caused him to return suddenly, but I bet when he discovered EVERYTHING that happened here, he wasn't very happy.
Soejammy hung his head as some tears fell down.
Soejammy: I only thought you wanted some time to yourself after what I said to you... When I came back home... Everything was destroyed in the two hours I spent in your dimension... Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were in danger... A piano almost landed on them... Had I not brought the spell bombs with the teleport spell in them, I wouldn't have saved them... I went to Canterlot after hearing you all went there from what I heard... Then Celestia tried to keep me there in your world after I learned you all were here after Twilight... Because of that, Celestia was keeping me from returning home... I had no choice but to use my Darkness power to get away... But that left me open because of what I saw that had transpired here... I lost control of the Darkness, and saw you five as my enemies...
Twilight: In short, because my Dad didn't see Eevee, Mini-Nep or myself as enemies, that gave you girls a chance to be protected and allow himself to calm down. Let me ask you, did my Dad attack you when he came to our world the first time when I was sick to treat my sickness???
Rainbow Dash: Why does that change-
Rainbow Dash backed up after being yelled at by Twilight again as she looked away.
Rainbow Dash: No. He didn't. Running away from us was all he did.
Twilight: He ran away because during that time, he was losing time in his world because of the time-distortions. While Dad was away, I learned from "I" that our timelines are so different, that years could go by if he stays in our world too long. The 2 months I was gone from our world, was actually 6 months when I was here and became sick. My Dad risked his life for me to find Zecora in the Everfree Forest with his own gear to combat the creatures that lurked there. Even the Timberwolves that he fought not too long ago.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, so THAT'S why I saw him that day. That makes sooooo much more sense.
Soejammy: With how you all saw me as a threat when Zecora and I tried to keep our secrets... It was hard to even explain what was going on... I couldn't risk more time as the 6 hours I was there, a whole day had passed in my world... That's why I ran... After 21 days here, I came back and found out that 5 days and 6 hours had passed, and saw wanted posters of my pony form there as a wanted criminal... I never was part of Twilight's kidnapping... I found her... On a rainy day, as a filly. She was scared... Alone... Afraid... Would someone heartless, a kidnapper, be kind to help and make sure someone is fed well to keep them healthy...? Do you think I would have been like that...?
The Mane 5 looked around and at each other as they began to have their doubts from recent events.
Applejack: You... You really didn't kidnap Twilight...?
Soejammy: No... No I didn't. I have been nothing, but a Father figure to Mini-Nep and Twilight. Caring for them as both my daughters. Mini-Nep had been here long before Twilight came around, but even then... I have been somewhat of a Father to Mini-Nep. With Twilight here, it became more of that fact. Had I not been to Ponyville while you five were gone... Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would have been crushed by the piano as I said. I didn't have to do anything, but I did. I did it because I knew I had the power to save them at the time. But I would never stoop to being a kidnapper.
Fluttershy: Then... What happens now...?
Soejammy just froze as he then got up, grabbed Mini-Nep softly from his cheek to put her on his shoulder and then walked up to the five. Soejammy towered over them as he looked down at them.
Soejammy: I'm so GLAD you asked that, Fluttershy... Because what happens now, is that you five, are MARCHING back to my house. You're going to apologize to MY FRIENDS, you're going to APOLOGIZE to Eevee and MY DAUGHTERS, and then you're putting in YOUR EFFORTS to help FIX my house. We don't want to make me angry and unleash my Darkness again, do we~?
Soejammy then bent over with a simple smile with his eyes closed, but the fear the ponies felt behind that smile spoke like the biggest danger they felt yet.
Soejammy: After all~ I never wanted to hurt anyone on my first visit~ But seeing what happened, I'm entitled to protect my family from kidnappers, monsters, and annoying magician ponies that dare harm my family and destroy my home~ You five~ Have done ALL THREE of those things~ So, what is your ANSWER~?
Fluttershy: H-Head back to your home-
Rarity: -apologize to your friends-
Pinkie Pie: -apologize to your family-
Applejack: -fix your home-
Rainbow Dash: -then return to our world...?
Soejammy looked at the five, but then specifically at Rainbow Dash herself.
Soejammy: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and no.
Soejammy: I say no, because you five aren't just going back. If you go back, Twilight, Mini-Nep AND MYSELF... Are going with you.
Rainbow Dash: WHY!?
Soejammy: Your dear Princess, attacked me first. I wanted to return home. Had her plan worked, Twilight, Mini-Nep and even Eevee would have been taken from me too. You think you five have been in the wrong? Your dear Princess MIND PROBED me, for my memories after I offered it. Even then, she then held firm to her plan. She used her magic to throw me to a wall, blast me with magic and had me at EVERY disadvantage. I am NOT HAPPY with her right now.
Twilight: What's going to happen?
Soejammy looked back at Twilight as he gave a serious look.
Soejammy: When the Princess and I see each other again... She is going to learn why people don't mess with me... Your Princess is no exception to this rule.
The others looked kind of worried what might happen in the future as Soejammy began to take them back to the house to apologize to the CPUs and talk about rebuilding the house.
Location: ???
Through a video feed in a camera, someone smiles at the screen as they chuckle with anticipation.
???: I think it's time I paid this "family" a visit~
Chuckling could be heard more before it goes silent with the monitor cutting off.
Episode 7. End.
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