chapter 6

(My actual house anyone want a Huffle-buddy?)

Rainbows POV

I woke up in the hospital wing alone, I had forgotten about yesterday and was thinking "why I here" Oh right I got beaten up by some Slytherins.

The doctor... Nurse... Women came over, "you're finally awake, you feeling better?"

I nodded

"That's good cause you can go back to your normal schedule" She said.

~time skip back to common room~

I don't know why but class didn't start for a couple hours, something about a "ghost emergency" I was confused, but anyway I was reading the book I've been so Intreaged with,

"If you keep your noise in that book you'll turn Into a Raven claw" I heard from behind

"What is there better to do," I said looking around, there was one other kid asleep in a chair,

"Go to sleep, play a prank, wizard chess, hanging out with your brother" He listed and sat down next to me,

"You know I would hang out with you any time I can" I said and layed my head on his lap laying on my back, and closing the book.

"I love spending time with you" He said

"Just what is a " Ghost emergency " Exactly " I asked

"It's when a ghost spots a emergency, like of a ghost spotted you yesterday it would have been a ghost emergency," He explained

"And what's wizard chess?"

"It's chess you want me to teach you?" He asked

"Sure" I said getting off his lap

We started to play,

"So it's basically chess bit you don't move the pieces, and it's more violent"  He explained, "pawn to D-4" He said and his pawn moved.

I jumped, "what the,"

"Your move," He said

"Um... Pawn to E-5" I said and my piece move, "what do you mean like violent" I said as his pawn smashed mine, "oh..."

He picked up the pieces, "yup"

We played a couple rounds and I finally got the hang of it, it was fun and cool. I won 1 he won 4. Somehow the pieces mended back together?

The prefect came back, "we're starting class back up tomorrow, are you two the only ones here"

"No everyone is sleeping" Blitz said

"Lazy just lazy," He said, "you guys can go out now," Then left

I shrugged, "do we get lunch?" I said,

"You weren't up for breakfast so you must be hungry, I am too, let's go see if it's time for lunch" He said, we left to see if we could eat, people were there, and we could eat lunch.

Me and blitz found a spot and we got lunch, we ate and blitz decided we should look around the school, maybe find some secrets.

Of course I agreed! We looked around, I was running my finger along the brick wall when I found something, "blitz, I think I found something" It was a button,"should I push it "

"Sure I mean like what's the worst that could happen" He said

I pushed it and it opened a small door that we could go threw,

"Lumos" Blitz casted as his wand lit up, the door went invisible, there wasn't a door anymore, I kicked a pebble and it was just a illusion like the way to and from the train!

"Cool" I said, we went to the end and found... A chamber of some sort... More like a vault...

"That's a nimbus 2000!" Blitz yelled

"Is that the sword of griffindor, " I said

"How do you know what that is?" Blitz  asked

"Whole page on it in the book I've been reading" I said

"Come on let's go look!" He said.

"Woah there brother" There was a straight fall down leading into the room, he jumped over it, then I did.

We explored for a while before we left, it was a whole bunch of old treasure, a empty sheet of paper, they called it "the marauders map" I don't know what that is.

We went back to the common room, "there you two are we were looking all over for you!" Soarin said, who was with Applejack and Thunderlane.

"Sorry we were exploring" Blitz said

"It's ok" Thunderlane said

AJ wrapped her arm around me, "come on you guys it's the first quidditch game of the year"

"Oh right gotta go see ya know the skies" Soarin said running off

"Maybe we should go find some seats" Thunderlane said

"Ya probably" I said

We headed to the stadium, when we got there I saw the other girls, they came over to us, "rainbow, AJ! What happened why weren't you in charms yesterday?" Twilight asked

"We'll meet you in there" Blitz said as they left me and AJ

"Why are there bandages on your arms darling" Rarity asked

"And legs" Pinkie said

"Um..." I said, "merdurl and her friends beat me up yesterday and I sorta am still a bit bruised and cut"

"That's terrible" Fluttershy said

"Sorta also had too stay in the hospital wing all night" I said, "that place is scary"

"Who was the kid flying two days ago" Twilight asked

"That was soarin, he's the seeker on the griffindor quidditch team" AJ explained

"That's so cool!"pinkie exclaimed

I chuckled,

"How is the hospital wing scary" Pinkie asked

"She... Doesn't... Sleep" I said

We heard the game starting

"We all better run cya after the game" AJ said

"Bye" Pinkie said

We all ran to find a place to watch, it was hard to find one, people really love quidditch.


GRIFFINDOR WON! We got back to the common room and people celebrated, I was, ready for bed, I sat on the steps writing with cloud,

Hey baby, how are things at home

SISSY! Hi! It's boring without you around, daddy is fun but it's not the same!

I know it isn't, but just think you'll be here soon enough,

I know, I just miss you!

I know you do,

Uh oh daddy is here

Go to bed I'll talk to you tomorrow alright promise

Thank you sissy, goodnight!


I closed the book everyone was still celebrating, it was weird, these people are party people, I'm not.

I went upstairs and layed on my bed, "hi strike" I said to my owl

He hooted at me

I giggled

He sat next to me


"Hoot" He flew towards the door

"No I'm good," I said

He flew back "hoot!"

"What!" I said

He flew over

"Fine" I said getting up and following him.

He lead me to the stairs,

"What is it"

He flew up and had a little brown bag in his claws

"What's this"

"Hoot" He hooted like he was saying to open it

"Alright" I opened it, there was a gold necklace with a hourglass in the center of charm, "there's a note, it says that this is a time Turner, it was hidden to keep safe, since the battle of Hogwarts we don't need it, so we hid it whoever finds it keep it safe - Hermione Granger, and Professer McGonigle"

I put it on



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