chapter 5

(Listen when I wrote this I was obsessed with Cedric Diggory so that's why there's Cedric Diggory gifs)

Rainbows POV

I woke up too strike on the head of my bed, I pet him before getting up and dressed, I don't know what why we have too where skirts over black leggings I just don't get it but I still woar it. I was some how the first one up from our room.

I went into the main part of the common room with strike and saw blitz and thunderlane.

"Hi guys" I said

"Hi dash why are you up at 6:45 breakfast isn't till 7" Blitz asked

"I should ask you the same thing" I said

"Fair Play" He replied.

"Well what are we going to do till then" Thunderlane asked, "we have 15 minutes"

Blitz and thunderlane thought for a minute, "you thinking what I'm thinking" They said at the same time, "prank the prefect!"

"I think I'm gonna just watch this not gonna get in trouble on my first day" I said hopping over the couch and strike sitting on the back giving a hoot

"Suit yourself" Thunderlane said as they stood up and went to do there prank

"Guys right" I said as I stroked strokes feathers.

About 5 minutes past and they were done,

"What did you do to him?"I asked

" There's something in his toothpaste " Thunderlane said

"What will it do"

"Make his tongue swollen a bit" Blitz said

"Where did you get those?" I asked

"Weasley's Wizard Weases" Thunderlane said, "owned by the best pranksters ever George and Fred Weasley"

"Hmm nice" I said other kids started to come down it was 5 minutes to 7 and we were allowed to leave.

AJ had finally gotten up, we headed to breakfast.

"They did what now?" AJ said

"Pranked someone with a trick from a joke shop"

When breakfast was done we went to our first class flying.

"Hi class I'm Madame Hooch welcome to your first flight class today you are going to make the broom come to you just say up, good luck" She said then observed us.

I was trying, I saw that no one had  done it yet. A couple minutes past a few people got hit, and no one still got it.

I kept trying and finally got it. I was surprised, rose got it next.

"Nice job Ms.Dash and Ms.Granger" Madame hooch said, a few more kids got it, "ok if you didn't get it just pick up your broom, get on it and stay grounded"

A kid started to lift up.

"Mr.Longbottom come down this instant" Madame hooch said.

"I-i can't I don't know whats happening" He all of a sudden started to fly around. Then crashed into the school falling into a bush.

"Ok why do you Longbottoms always get hurt, no one fly stay on the ground while I take Mr.Longbottom to the hospital ward" She said as she took him in.

A girl walked over too me, "nice hair freak, "

"Who are you calling freak?" I said

"You and your eyes those are freaky are you some sort of demon?" Another girl said

"No I'm not a demon" I said

She looked at my locket, "nice necklace," She said then quickly ripped it of me as the chain broke.

"Aye! Give it back!"I yelled.

"Let me think, no" She said picking up a broom,

"She said no flying merdul" Someone said

"I don't care just looking for some easy prey" She said lifting off the ground.

Another kid picked up his broom and chased her the kid looked like that soarin kid. it took him a while but he got it back,

Be gave it back too me, "here you go"

"Thank you you don't know how much that means to me" I said holding back from hugging him.

He started "It's no problem just..."

"Mr.Skies and Ms.Malfoy what was the meaning of that" It was professor Mcgonical.

"I did nothing!" Merdul yelled

"Then why were you and Mr.Skies flying?" She asked.

"They stole my necklace" Merdul said

"No it's not Merdul's it's hers" Soarin said.

I nodded

"That's not true" Merdul said

"Can I see it" The professor asked

I walked over and opened the locket, "that's me and my mom" I said.

She handed it back to me. "Both of you come with me" Madame hooch came back, "I handled it"

Madame hooch was shocked, "ok class dismissed" She said as we headed inside,

As we walked in AJ said "I can't believe she did that to you"

"Me either" I said, "I just wish that she didn't break the chain" I sighed we went to charms with rarity and twilight.

"Hi darlings what's with the long face rainbow you were so excited yesterday" Rarity said as her and twilight came up too us

I sighed and shrugged, "stupid merdul broke her necklace" I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Why'd she do that" Twilight asked

"I don't know" I said

"But that's a easy fix," She then took out her wand, "repairo"

The two chain parts came together and fixed its self,

"That's awesome thanks" I said putting it back on.

"No problem" Twilight said, "but we better get to class"

"You're right now let's go"  I said, we went to class.
(Do you really want too hear twilight be like Herminie saying "it's levi-OH-sa not levioh-SA" Or the new potion teacher (which is Luna) if you want leave a comment make a skit)

"Finally done" AJ said

"It wasn't that bad after flying" I said

"Hey guys" It was soarin

"Oh hi! Thank you again, did you get in trouble"I asked

" You're welcome, and I didn't get in trouble can't say the same about Malfoy... But I'm the new seeker for pirate quidditch team " He said

"That's awesome your the new Harry Potter," AJ said.

"Uh... What's quidditch?" I asked, they looked at me weird, "sorry never mind"

"It's ok rainbow, it's a magical sport with brooms, soarin has too chase a golden flying ball with wings" AJ explained

"Oh that makes sense, great job soarin," I said

"Thanks" He said

"Are you some type of mud blood" I heard.

I looked it was fleet, "what's a mud blood?"

"It's when 2 parents have a non-magical child, just a very mean way to say it" Soarin said

"And we do not use mud blood especially to my sister fleet" Blitz said

"Fine muggle born" She said going into a different room.

"Sorry about her she's changed since last year" Blitz said walking over.

"It's ok" I said

"Come on you guys we can finally go to lunch" Thunderlane said running down the stairs.

"Ok we're coming" Blitz said as they got up.

I did too, "I'll meet you guys there just have to check on strike" I said going upstairs.

"Ok meet you there" Soarin said as him and thunderlane pulled blitz and AJ to get food.

I grabbed my bag and put some things in there i wasn't going to go to lunch, I grabbed my journal, a pen, my book,a notebooks and strike hopped in I closed it leaving a hole so strike can breathe.

I went to the lake, and sat on the edge of a dock. Strike decided to chill on the post. When I heard footsteps, I turned and saw merdul.

"Why hello freak I don't believe we have properly meet. I'm merdul and these are Trixie and Gilda, and your rainbow crash right." She said

"It's dash not crash" I said

"Well it won't matter anymore after we beat you up for getting me in trouble," She said as they came closer.

I couldn't go anywhere so I just sat there when they started to punch and kick me, when they were done I was covered with blood and bruises. They walked away leaving me on the dock.

Strike came over, I grabbed my notebook and pen and wrote as best as I could, I got beaten up by Merdul and her friends, come help, follow strike-Dash. I gave it to strike who grabbed it, "blitz AJ and soarin hurry" I said as I saw him leave. My vision went dark.

Blitz POV (this is gonna be fun)

We were waiting for dash when strike came flying in either a note saying, "j got beaten up by Merdul and her friends come help, follow strike - Dash"

"Bring us to her" I said strike nodded me, AJ, Thunderlane,and soarin went out of the Hall and outside towards the black lake.

As we approached I saw dash on the dock unconscious! I ran over and picked her up bringing her back onto land. She was covered in blood and bruises.

AJ grabbed her bag, "did they really just beat her up and leave her too die?" She said.

"I guess" Soarin said.

"Come on let's get her too Mrs.Pomgrey" I said as I picked her back up, she nuzzled into my chest, we walked in, there were a few students but none cared, we got her down to the hospital wing.

"What happened"Mrs.Pomfrey immediately asked

" She got beaten up by someone other first year Slytherins" Thunderlane said.

"Ok lay her down over here" I walked over to where she was and put her on the bed.

Mrs.Pomfrey took her robe off, rainbow had decided to wear a short sleeve shirt.

Mrs.Pomfrey started to clean the blood off of her to reveal more bruises and cuts. As she did rainbow like she was in pain, and Mrs.Pomfrey wouldn't let me calm her down.  She put gauze all along her arms and legs.

Mrs.Pomfrey then said, "tell me if she wakes up"

Rainbows POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. "She's awake" I heard

"Huh? What happened" I said as pain ached my body

"Hi dashie you're ok now" I heard I knew that voice anywhere it was Blitz.

I blinked a few more times before I saw blitz, AJ, Thunderlane, and Soarin.

"How ya feelin'" AJ asked

I shrugged and sat up.

"Hi Ms.Dash how you feeling" The nurse asked I don't know her name yet.

"Alright I guess" I said, my body still ached all over

"you guys better get back the day is almost over and Ms.Dash you'll be staying in here for tonight," She said.

I sighed, in a couple minutes AJ, Soarin, and Thunderlane had left, blitz was still with me.

"I'm scared" I said blitz sat on the bed.

He started to stroke my hair, "don't worry you'll be ok, just try to go to sleep, you'll be out in the morning" He said

"I-i'll try" I stuttered

"You know why the sorting hat put you in Gryffindor," He said

"Why" I asked

"Cause your brave" He said still stroking my hair

"I love you big brother" I said

"I love you too dashie," He moved next to my head. I layed my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. He kept stroking my hair.

I started to fall asleep but I tried to fight it,

"Come on stop fighting sleep, you know you're tired," He said

I stopped fighting it and soon fell asleep

Blitz POV

Dashie just feel asleep, I giggled, I moved her head from my lap to the pillow,

"Come on I gave you a free pass since you're her brother, give back to your common room" Mrs.Pomefrey said

"Ok, take good care of her" I said

"Always do" She said as I left and went back to the common room.

When I got back I went upstairs. Thunderlane was waiting for me, "were you with your sister the whole time"he asked

" Ya she couldn't fall asleep" I said changing my clothes.

"Why couldn't she" He asked

"I guess she was scared it is only the second day too, she was so stoked to come here too" I said getting into bed

"She's just a baby" He said

"She is not a baby! Just sensitive" I replied

"Just go to sleep" He said turning his back too me

I soon feel asleep, but why are people bulling dashie, she didn't do anything wrong.

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