chapter 4

Rainbows POV

Blitz went on way while us the first years were instructed another. "Alright first years come with me" I heard it was a giant, "3 per boat one holds lantern one in back 2 in front" He said, "oh and by the way I'm Hagrid your creature teacher"

We laughed at that. He did too.

As we got into the boats someone asked, "how do they move"

"You see kiddo these boats move on their own" Hagrid said with a smirk, "now hop in" We all got into boats. I sat with shy and pinkie pie. I held the lantern.

The boats started to move, we went around a bend and saw...

HUGE CASTLE! Is that Hogwarts?  We all were looking at the school...castle... thing.

When we got out of the boats and were escorted to a Hall then hagrid left us. A lady came out and welcomed us.

(I did have a video but it wouldn't work but you should know what she says)

When it was time for us to go in I had butterflies in my stomach. I was also excited, and scared, u was a mix of emotions. As we walked in I saw my brother with thunderlane wearing a black and red robe.

We got to the front of the room professor McGonagall then said "when I call your name you will come up, sit on the stool, I will put the sorting hat on your head, and you will be placed in your houses" Then she called a name, "twilight sparkle"

Twilight walked up and sat on the stool, the sorting hat started to talk, I jumped, a couple other kids too including rarity. "I see. Smart, creative, logical, and sharp minded, I place you in... RAVENCLAW" We clapped.

"Applejack apple" She called, applejack went up.

"Oh another apple I know exactly where to put you" He said applejack got tense, "GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone clapped but my brothers whole table stood up and clapped.

She said like 5 other names before saying, "rarity Belle"

Rarity went up and went up, "very creative, yet ambitious, hmmmmm" he stopped for a few minutes before yelling, "RAVENCLAW" Everyone clapped.

"Pinkie pie" She said

as she bounced up there and sat down he said, "yet another creative one... I see... HUFFLEPUFF!" Then happily bounced off today table.

"Fluttershy Butterfly" She said. I heard a few chuckles.

"Kind, loyal, patience, hard working, tolerant, friendly, and dedicated you shall be... HUFFLEPUFF!" He yelled and pinkie screamed as fluttershy walked over to her.

"Soarin Skies" I saw a boy walking up. He looked like the one I saw at the wand shop.

"Brave and daring, GRYFFINDOR" The hat said.

"Rainbow Dash" I saw my brother gave me a thumbs up before I mad me way through the crowd.  Strike was on my shoulder then flew up a bit.

I sat down on the stool, I was nervous, butterflies in my stomach, my heart skipped a few beats! You know what I mean. "I see" I heard, "brave and daring, yet loyal and determined, also cunning and ambitious, You three different houses you belong in but you can only be in one" He stopped talking and thought.

"This is making me nervous" I thought.

It took 10 minutes before it decided, "I have finally made my Dessision... GRYFFINDOR"

The hat got taken off of me before I went to meet my brother and applejack. I gave him a hug beforehand sitting next to applejack. And strike came back down and landed on my shoulder.

A few more went but one stood out to me, "Merdul Malfoy" A girl with almost white skin and brown fading into green hair.

Almost as sudden as the hat hit her head it yelled, "SLYTHERIN" I saw a grin and she went the other way.


We made it out of the great Hall. And made it to the hallways. We came to a staircase. It was moving, "hurry up" Or prefect lead us too. It started to move and almost didn't make it. "The password is fairy lights" Then said "miss" The painting moved... I looked around and saw all them were moving.

"Yes...oh hi you can call me Elizabeth" She said

"We must go in...Fairy lights" He said.

"You're aloud in" Elizabeth said

We went in, it was awesome, "boys common rooms up stairs and to your left girls same on your right your stuff is already there you may go see your rooms." He said.

Me and applejack ran up the steps... Well she pulled me.

We were in the same room with Rose Granger-Weasley, and Lexi and Lucy Lovegood, we went in and saw our stuff with robes with red on them. Strike flew off my shoulder and onto my bed post.

One of the other girls came in with a book. She put her book down on a bed and said to us, "hi I'm Rosie what are your names?" She said. She has redish brown hair and peach skin.

"Hi Rosie I'm applejack" Applejack said.

"And I'm rainbow dash" I said with a wave.

"Oh your the girl that hat was stalled for 10 minutes" We heard from the door.

"Sorry about lucy she doesn't think before she speaks,oh hi I'm Lexi and this is Lucy" On of the girls said I'm guessing that their twins.  They bad really light blonde hair and very pale skin the only thing different was there hair style and one had glasses. Lexi's hair was wavy and had glasses while Lucy's hair was in two braids and didn't have glasses.

"Hi I'm applejack" Applejack said again.

"I'm Rosie" Rosie said.

"And I'm rainbow dash" I said folding my robes. Before we walked here we got told we could explore the castle but be back in bed by 11.

I took out a sling bag and put my messenger book and a the pen that dad also gave me also the copy of hermione grangers Auto biography ."where are you going rainbow "applejack asked me.

"Headmistress celestia said we're aloud to explore the castle and I would like to find the classes plus it's only 9 o'clock."

The others were doing there own thing. "I'ma coming to" She said

"Ok" I said, "come on strike" I called be landed on my shoulder.

We left, "you can call me AJ that's what everyone else calls me" AJ said.

"Ok you can call me rainbow or dash" I laughed.

"Ok" She laughed too.

We walked around and found pinkie and shy. We ran and gave each other a hug. "You two came to look around too!" Pinkie screamed.

"Ya of course cuz" AJ said

"CUZ" Me and shy questioned.

"Ya we're cousins silly" Pinkie said.

"Anyone know we're twilight and rarity are" Shy asked

"Maybe the library with that explanation and twilight reading seems that's where she would be and probably dragged her there" I said.

"What are we waiting for lests go!" Pinkie screamed and started run one direction.

"OTHER WAY!" We yelled. She turned back and ran the other direction.

Strike hooted, "I know" Shy said.

"You understand him" I said as we started to walk.

"Yup" She said as she pulled angel out of her bag.

"Well pinkie is already there" AJ said.

"They're here!" Pinkie yelled

"Shush pinkie!" I whisper yelled.

"Hi girls" Rarity said.

"Howdy rarity" AJ said.

"Now let's get twilight away from these books before she goes insane" Rarity said. We pulled her out of the library and into the hallway.

"AYE what was that for" She yelled.

"We want to see were the classes are" I said ready to explore the school. I was almost jumping in excitement.

"Hold your horses darling" Rarity said as I slowed down.

"Ya we'll get to all of them" AJ said.

"Alright" I said, "not like I've been waiting 2 and a half years" I mumbled

They all looked at me.

"What" I said as we started to walk to a class.

"Ok this should be... Charms!" Twilight said,

"Awesome... " I said

We walked in and saw a professor.

"Hello girls, I'm Professor Flitwick, did you come to explore?" He said

I was looking around... This place was awesome.

"What are your names" He said I wasn't paying attention.

"Hi I'm Applejack, and these girls are Twilight sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash" AJ said I finally realized and snapped out.

"This place is awesome" I said

"Why thank you" He said, "its 9:30 you have till 11 so if you're going to get too all the classes you might want to get going"

"Ok cya tomorrow" Rarity said.

We left, we visited all the other classes before heading back, it was 10:45, I decided to write to cloud strike disided to chill on the bed rest.

Hi cloud it's me, I hope you aren't having a hard time without me already, I really miss you and I can't wait for you too write back, Dashie

I closed it and went down into the common room read a bit the auto-biogroghy of Herminie Granger.

About 15 minutes later, someone came up behind me "BOO!"

I screamed, I looked it was blitz. I punched him In the arm, "seriously you almost gave me a heart attack,"

"That was my plan how you handling being away from cloud and dad?" He said

"Eh not bad, I miss them tho,"

"Aye you still have me plus those books dad gave you, and your locket" He said

I had my locket on. I guess I forgot to mention that I usually hide it under my clothes so no one really notices it ,mom gave me it before she left.

"I guess your right...  But that's not gonna stop me from missing them,"

"I know it's not" He sat next to me, I leaned onto his chest. I listened to his heartbeat I love that for some reason. He started to stroke my hair, "I know you like my heartbeat," He giggled.

"I really do like it" I said as I played with a piece of my rainbow hair.

"You found your rainbow haired girlfriend already" I heard

I looked, two kids were standing there, "oh come on fleet, she's my sister"

"You never told us you had a sister" She said

"Ya I did, I told thunderlane"

"Ya you did... Wait don't you have 2" Thunderlane said

"Ya this is rainbow dash and the other is cloud chaser" He said

I waved

"Well nice to meet you dash" Fleet said

"Come on you guys it's past curfew" I heard. It was the prefect

I got off blitz, I didn't want to but did. I gave blitz a hug he returned it. We soon released but again I didn't want to.

We went upstairs and too my part of the room. I got changed an hopped into bed, not taking my locket off.

I saw AJ sit up, "what were you doing down there for so long"

"I was with my brother" I replied

"Ok but what were you doing"


"Too what"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Because I'm curious*

I fake yawned, "well I'm going to bed so night" I layed down

"I know you aren't come on tell me"

"Fine I'm not but why do you want to know"

"Why should you hid it"

I shrugged

"Come on please"

"No but seriously can we just go to sleep"

"Fine" She says laying back down

We went to sleep so we could be ready for our first day.

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