chapter 2
It's now been 3 days and I'm so excited to get my wand! When we made it to diagon alley (the wall still amazes me) the first place we went was Olivanders, cloud went to grandma firefly's house so it was just me, blitz, and dad. Blitz went to get his class books with his Friend thunderlane, (yes it's the same one they met at Hogwarts) I went in and there was one other girl there and a boy there.
"Hi" I said to the girl.
She turned and she had light pink hair and past yellow skin, she waved.
"I'm rainbow dash what's your name?"
I think she said " Fluttershy " She was so quiet.
"Did you say fluttershy?" I asked
Fluttershy nodded
"NEXT" The owner yelled after the boy left. Fluttershy walked up and I watched. "You can come over too if you want" I walked over to.
I saw a sign that said, 'the wand chooses the wizard'
I then asked "excuse me but what does the sign mean?"
"Ahh a new comer'' he put 2 wands in front of us. He handed me one and the other to fluttershy. "The wand will glow when the wand chooses you,"
"That's... Awesome!" I said calmly but excited.
He handed us the wands, "just do a spell or zap the wall" I zaped the bookshelf and all the books flew out. I quickly put the wand down,"not that one" I saw fluttershy and she broke a pot then put the wand down. He went to get 2 different wands. He came back and we did the same thing, I knocked down a couple boxes fluttershyshy did the same. He went into the back and I heard him mumble, "I wonder..." And he came back with 2 different wands.
I tried and my wand started to glow. "Wow," He said "for you know of any family that was or is magical?" He asked.
"Ya my grandma but my mom ran away from us since she was just normal" I said about to cry.
"A muggle born has never gotten a wand like this before" He said as he gave me the box for the wand.
"What is it?" Fluttershy asked.
"I knew one of you would ask that it's ash, a wood that is also extremely loyal and a good counterpart for unicorn hair. Ash wands belong to owners who are courageous and sometimes stubborn, no half blood or muggle born has ever gotten one" He explained.
"That's awesome!" I said happily... Wait did he just call me stubborn... Never mind.
"The only wizards to ever get one are Ron Weasley and Cedric Douglass!" Fluttershy said quietly.
"Who and who?" I asked
"Mr.Weasley helped too save all of the wizarding world and Mr. Douglass was one of the last people too be killed by... Voldemort" The owner said.
"Oh ok" I really don't want to know about this Voldemort guy.
Then fluttershy casted a spell on accident, "oops"
"I have an idea" The man said.
He came back with a wand and gave it to fluttershy when she tried it it glowed, "of course! Chestnut and unicorn hair! I should have known"
"This one is definitely the right one- fluttershyshy said as the man gave her the box.
" Thank you mister" I said as we walked out as he waved.
"You want to come with me too get the books we need,"fluttershy asked me.
" Sure,"I answered, "I am really gonna need help finding them"
We both laughed and I looked at my dad he was mouthing "go go I'll be right here" Than I Mouthed "thank you" And he gave me a thumbs up.
On our way we bummed into another girl with purpleish skin Navy and pink hair and glasses she was mumbling a checklest, "wand check pet owl check ect"
"Sorry I'm so sorry" She started to saying rapidly
"It's ok it's not your fault none of us were looking where we we're going" I said as me and fluttershy helped her to pick up her stuff.
When we were done she said, "thanks for helping,"
"No problem" I said,
"Oh how rude of me not to introduce myself, I'm twilight sparkle and this is owlicious" She said and held up the owl.
"I'm rainbow dash" I said
"I'm fluttershy" She mumbled.
"Nice to meet you 2 I was just heading to get my books want to come" Twilight asked us fixing her glasses.
"Yes please" I said.
"We started to get lost in the crowd" Fluttershy said. And we startes to make our way over to the book shop.
When we finally made it we found all our books,
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Twilight bought as many as she could carry, I found the Auto-biogrophy of Hermine Granger, I went over to fluttershy, she was looking at the fantastic Beasts book. "Uh fluttershy?" I asked.
"Oh hi rainbow you ok" She asked
"Oh ya i just wondered if you knew who Hermine Granger is" I asked
"Oh you would love her! She helped Harry Potter and Ron Weasley to save the whole wizarding world! If it weren't for her then we. Might not be here right now," Fluttershy explained
"Thanks fluttershy" I said.
"No problem, and you can call me shy if you want" She said the second part a bit quieter.
"Ok shy" I said gave her a small hug and she returned it.
We all bought our books and walked out. And we went to get the rest of our stuff.
Three Sets of Plain Work Robes(Black)
One Plain Pointed Hat (Black) for day wear
One Pair of Protective Gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One Winter Cloak (Black, silver fastenings)
1 Wand - check
1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set of glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set of brass scales
Students may also bring an Owl OR a Cat OR a Toad OR Rat/mouse
We went to the pet shop cause dad said I could and fluttershy wanted one too. Fluttershy got a bunny and named him Angel, I mean he is a rodent like the rat so I guess it's ok.
I looked around and saw a small owl! He looked like the one that delivered my letter, I walked over to him fluttershy sitting behind, "is that you mr.owl?" I asked.
He nodded then flapped his wings.
"Do you want to help me at Hogwarts" I asked.
He nodded.
"Ok I'll be right back" I said and went to get a wizard that could help there was like 3.
When the man opened the cage too put him in a carry cage. He flew out and landed on my shoulder like he did at my house. Me and fluttershy started to laugh. The man called Mr.Owl and he flew off of me and into the cage.
"Thank you" I said to the man.
He tiped his fake cap and gave me his cage then walked away.
As the day ended I had everything I needed for Hogwarts. Me dad and blitz left diagon alley to go home for 3 weeks.
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