The Chosen Guardian of Magic
One year later, somewhere a bit far from Lumious City, in a big city called Canterlot City, there are many upper-class people that are wearing fancy outfits walking with their Pokémon talking and laughing, and look like having a good time. The city had a very interesting story on how it was build and how it was found.
One thousands years ago, before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were born, their two ancestors were traveling with their two Charizard's trying to find a new home for their families and people because their home world is being destroy. When they have come across Yveltal the Destruction Pokémon. It was destroying the land that has many Pokémon because it was somehow out of control.
The two princesses were so really worried that the Destruction Pokémon is somehow destroying the land and had to figure out a way to stop it. There Charizard's have tried to stop it, but there weren't strong enough, and they were getting weaker. The travelers try to heal their Pokémon, but still weren't strong enough to stop Yveltal.
Then all of a sudden, the two princesses saw something glowing at one part of the grass, while their Charizard's saw something glowing at the ponds, when they pick up what was glowing, they found two mega stones and two Key Stones, then they realize the two Mega Stones that their Charizard's have are known as Charizardite X and Charizardite Y Stones. The two princesses look at their Charizard's and realize that they have travel together and have the bond in their hearts and realize that they can't give up.
Then all of a sudden, the Key Stones and Mega Stones have began to glow, then their Charizard's have began to mega evolve, and turn into Mega Charizard's. Then the two princesses have realized that their bonds with their Pokémon is so strong, so they work together to stop Yveltal.
Their Charizard's have work together to stop Yveltal, then with all their power they have, they stop Yveltal, and the Destruction Pokémon have calm down, and started to stop its destruction ways. The two travelers were happy that they have stop the Destruction Pokémon, but they saw how destroyed the land, and don't know how to get it back to normal.
Then all of a sudden, Xerneas the Life Pokémon, came out of nowhere when it heard about Yveltal's destruction, then the two travelers beg Xerneas to help the land, and Xerneas have granted the travelers wishes and the land was back to normal before when Yveltal destroy it. The two princesses saw how beautiful the land is that they decided to live here with their families and friends.
So they decided to make peace with Xerneas and Yveltal and they agree to live here in the land. The two princesses have brought their families and people to the land and started to build a small city. When they build their city, the two princesses created peace to Xerneas and Yveltal and promised to protect the land from evil.
Somewhere in Canterlot City, near a big house that is close to a forest, there is a a girl around eight years old reading a book about past Pokémon Coordinator's under a tree, and is reading about all types of Pokémon Coordinators and their Pokémon.
The girl has bluish-purple hair that has a pink and purple streak on her hair, has beautiful violet eyes, she wears a purple and blue long sleeve button up dress, has a pinkish purple star beret on her hair, and pink shoes on. Her name is Twilight Sparkle.
"Oh man, all these Pokémon Coordinators are all so amazing and pretty, they have won every single contest ribbon." Said Twilight Sparkle as she smiles.
A Coordinator is a Pokémon Trainer who trains their Pokémon to show off its own beauty, then enters their Pokémon in the Pokémon Contest.
Every Coordinator has one goal, to receive the coveted Ribbon Cup to become a Top Coordinator. To accomplish this, they must win at least five Ribbons of a certain region, so they can enter the Grand Festival.
A Pokémon Contest is a competition where Pokémon Coordinator's enter in. The Pokémon Contests are held in many cities and towns of a region. These contests are held in buildings known as Contest Halls. The idea behind this type of competition is about captivating your Pokémon's style. Winners of a contest receive a honorary ribbon. After Coordinators collect five ribbons of a region, they are allowed to enter the region's Grand Festival.
There are two stage that a Pokémon Coordinator has to pass to win their ribbon. The first round is Visual Stage or as they call it, the Performance Stage. The first round involves the Coordinator's Pokémon demonstrating its moves in an appealing manner. During the appeal, the judges score the Coordinator. Those with the highest scores proceed to the next round. The amount of people varies for every Contest.
The second round is the Battle Stage. In the second round, the Coordinators battle with others to beat each other and get rated by the judges to see how graceful the Pokémon did. The battle ends when the five minutes pass and the Coordinator that has the least of the circle loses. And before the time ends, if the circle is out before the five minutes is up the one with the circle out first loses. In addition, if a Coordinator's Pokémon get knocked out/are unable to battle then victory goes to the Coordinator whose Pokémon haven't been knocked out.
Then when Twilight turns the next page of the book, she saw a girl smiling, while she is holding the Ribbon Cup, and has her Pokémon Gothitelle the Astral Body Pokémon. The girl has moderate purple with light gray highlights that is tied into a ponytail, has light arctic blue eyes, she wears a light purple dress white a white collar that three small light purple bows, has a black collar necklace small light purple bow, has a dark purple sash with a bow at her back, has white gloves, and has light purple heels on. Her name is Twilight Velvet, she is Twilight's mother, and one of the best Pokémon Coordinator, in fact she is the Pokémon's Top Coordinator.
"Wow, my mom is the most amazing Pokémon Coordinator ever, she is really talented and pretty." Said Twilight as she smiles.
When Twilight's mother was around 15 years old, she was a Pokémon Coordinator and the greatest one ever. She and her Pokémon have always give the best performance and they always win at the battles. She always win ever contest ribbons, then when it came to her final contest, she have won the Ribbon Cup, and become the greatest Pokémon Coordinator ever.
Then when Twilight was born, Twilight Velvet have always told her so many of the contest she always enter, and have earn a ribbon during those contest. Ever since then, Twilight have dream of becoming a Coordinator like her mom.
"Wow, I'm going to be like my mom, and I'm going to become to best Pokémon Coordinator ever!" Said Twilight as she smiles.
"Ha ha ha, I can't believe that Twilight the loser thanks that she will be a Pokémon Coordinator." Said a voice.
Then Twilight have started to recognize the voice as she look up to see a girl around eight years old was look at her smirking. The girl has brilliant raspberry eyes, luminous vivid orange hair with brilliant yellow streaks, she wears a dark purple dress, a pink mini vest on, and dark purple sandals. Her name is Adagio Dazzle and she has been so mean to Twilight.
"Adagio, what are you doing here?" Asked Twilight as she got up looking nervous.
"Well, I was just walking back from the ice cream store after being all now down from my fans, and I happen to see you sitting here all by yourself." Said Adagio as she smirks evilly." I see that you are looking at the book about the past best Pokémon Coordinator's that have ever win."
"Yes I am, and I was looking at my mom's picture." Said Twilight as smiles.
"You know, your mother is like the best Pokémon Coordinator ever!" Said Adagio as she smiles proudly." And you know, I think that I will be the next best Pokémon Coordinator ever!"
"How would you know that you will be a great Pokémon Coordinator?" Asked Twilight as she looks at Adagio.
"I think it's pretty obvious, I'm so pretty and talented, only the most talented Coordinators will able to win the Pokémon Contest." Said Adagio as she smirks." I make sure that I have the most talented and beautiful Pokémon ever."
"I don't know, I think maybe I can be a great Pokémon Coordinator like my mom." Said Twilight as she smiles.
"You, becoming like your mom, don't make me laugh Twilight Sparkle!" Said Adagio as she smirk evilly." You are a loser Twilight Sparkle, you are always in the books and never had any friends, what makes you think that you will be a great Pokémon Coordinator?"
"Well, because I wanted to be like my mom." Said Twilight as she looks at her feet while holding the book close to her.
"Oh please, everyone knows that you are nothing like your mom." Said Adagio as she smirks." She is so talented and beautiful, but what about you, you are just a geeky girl that will never be like your mom."
"But I know that I will be like mom, but much more better, pretty, and talented." Said Twilight as she looks so certain.
Then all of a sudden, Adagio have started to push Twilight so hard, that she falls to the ground, and she drop her book. Before Twilight was able to get up, Adagio put her foot on Twilight's chest, and press her to the ground and then she started to speak.
"Listen here Loser, you may be the daughter of Twilight Velvet, but you will never be like her, you will always be a big ugly loser to everyone!" Said Adagio as she glared at Twilight." And like I always told you Twilight Sparkle, you are nothing, you will always be nothing!"
Then Adagio got her foot off of Twilight's chest and started to walking away.
"Oh and one more thing, what makes you so special to your family, they all are doing something really big, but you are nothing like them!" Said Adagio as she smirk evilly." So long, Twilight the Loser!"
Then Adagio left laughing all the way home, then Twilight got up, then she grab her book, then tears have started to come out of her eyes, then she got up from the ground, then she started to run into the forest while she held the book close to her. Then as she stop running, she sat down by a tree, and started to cry.
"Maybe Adagio is right, I am a nothing, I mean I'm not that special like my family." Said Twilight as she cried." They all have dreams that they have all accomplished with their Pokémon, but what about me, I accomplished nothing."
You see, Twilight's family have accomplished their dreams that they have become a bit famous about it. Like her mother, Twilight Velvet have became the greatest Pokémon Coordinator ever, and sometimes give shows with her Pokémon.
Her father Night Light, is a famous Pokémon researcher and scientist. He started off as a student in Opelucid City, study in Opelucid academy to learn all the types of Dragon Pokémon, he was really smart and have graduated to become a scientist. Ever since then, he have became a famous Pokémon Researcher so he can learn all about Dragon Type Pokémon.
And her big brother Shining Armor, has always dream of becoming a Pokémon Knight to protect the Pokémon region. When he was 14 years old, he was always inspired by how many brave knights from the ancient times that have always protect and serve their kingdoms. So he studies and trains really hard to become a knight.
"I mean let's face it, my mom is the best Pokémon Coordinator, my dad is a famous Pokémon Researcher, and my brother is training to become a knight." Said Twilight as she looks sad.
Then as Twilight look really sad, she started to lift up the sleeve of her dress, then on her wrist she had a charm bracelet with many charms on it. It was a present from her mom that has been pass down from mother to daughter from her family.
"But I remember the first thing that my mom says to me when she told me on how she became the greatest Pokémon Coordinator and when she gave me this necklace." Said Twilight as she remember what her mom says.
Three years ago, when Twilight was around five years old, she was outside playing with her mom's Pokémon which is a Gardevior, a Gothitelle, and a Dragonite. While she was playing outside, a women cane outside looking really happy and that women is Twilight Velvet, Twilights mother.
Twilight Velvet is wearing a jewel necklace around her neck, she has a reddish-violet dress that goes to her feet, and has a pair of reddish-violet heels on. When she saw her daughter, she started to smile, and goes to her.
"Hello Twilight, how are you doing today?" Asked Velvet as she smiles at her daughter.
"Hi mom, I'm doing really great today, I was just playing with your Pokémon." Said Twilight as she smiles.
"I see that you are all taking good care of my daughter." Said Twilight Velvet as she smiles.
Twilight Velvet's Pokémon have smile at their trainer, then Velvet have returned her Pokémon to their Poke Balls, then she and Twilight have both started to sit down on a bench by the garden, and then Twilight have started to look at her mom and speak.
"Mommy, can you tell so much about your adventures when you were a Pokémon Coordinator, please?" Asked Twilight as she smiles.
"Of course my dear." Said Twilight Velvet as she smiles and started to tell Twilight her tale.
Twilight Velvet: When I was around fifteen years old, I have always admire so many of the Pokémon Top Coordinators that have won every Pokémon Contest. As a young girl in Twinleaf Town, I went to the Pokémon Coordinator's festival, where all the Top Pokémon Coordinators are all performing, and it was the most magical moment I have ever seen in my whole life.
"Wow, that's so cool mom, what was the Pokémon Coordinators are like?" Asked Twilight as she smiles.
"Oh the Pokémon Coordinators are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my life, they are very talented and pretty, and they always have the best Pokémon." Said Velvet as she smiles and continue her story.
Twilight Velvet: I have have always wanted to become a Pokémon Coordinator so much, that I always practice my routine everyday, and make sure that my Pokémon are healthy. Then one day, I have decided enroll my very first Pokémon Contest, then when I went to the first round that I had to show my Pokémon's performance, I have pass the first stage. I was really happy that I have pass. But there was one thing I didn't know, in order to earn my ribbon, I had to battle with another Pokémon Coordinator.
"Wait a minute, you need to battle another Pokémon Coordinator?" Said Twilight as she felt scared." Is that really possible?"
"Yes Twilight, you see to in order to win a contest ribbon, you need to battle with another coordinator." Said Twilight Velvet as she continue her story.
Twilight Velvet: You see, at first I was really nervous battling another Pokémon Coordinator and I thought I might not win, but then I realized that I have work really hard to win with my Pokémon, so I stay calm and do everything I can to win. After a doing a few battles, I have made it to the final battle, and after that, I have won my first contest ribbon. I was really happy that I won, after a few contest later after I won my other contest ribbons, I have enter the grand festival, and I have won the Ribbon Cup, and I was really happy with my Pokémon.
"Wow, that's so cool Mom, I wanted to become a Pokémon Coordinator like you when I'm grown up." Said Twilight as she smiles.
"And you will Twilight, I have something to give you and I wanted to give it to you from the moment you have walk." Said Velvet as she reveals." This is a charm bracelet that has been pass down from our family. You see, there will come a time, when you place a charm on this bracelet of the adventure you, like I did, like my mother did, and her mother, and every girl from our family that had ever had an adventure."
Then Twilight have started to look at one of the charms that are on the charm bracelets and was amazed by the charms that are on and place by her family.
"And one day, when you will go on your adventure, you will place your charm on this bracelet so you can tell your family about your adventure." Said Twilight Velvet and Twilight smile at her mom." I know that you will have a great adventure like how our past residents have back then."
That got Twilight to smile at her mom, then she realize that she may be like her mom when she grow up, and she will become the greatest Pokémon Coordinator.
End of Flashback
"My mom give me this charm bracelet so I can start a new adventure." Said Twilight as she looks at her charm bracelet." All these charms on this bracelet have represent all the adventures that my past family members have."
Then as Twilight look at the bracelet, she tried to figure out what will her charm be like, and how will her adventure be like. Then she look up at the sky and then started to realized something.
"My mom works really hard on becoming a Top Pokémon Coordinator, my dad have work hard on becoming a Pokémon Researcher, and now my brother is working really hard on becoming a knight." Said Twilight as she looks up at the sky." I always dream of becoming a Pokémon Coordinator like my mom, sometimes I wonder if I will shine."
Then as soon as Twilight have says that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then Twilight have began to sing as she started to walk.
Twilight Sparkle: I spend too much
Time thinking about
Who I'm supposed to be
I play by everybody's rules
That don't seem right to me
I'm cool and polite
On the outside
When I get the chance
I run and I hide
If your eyes are closed
It's hard to see
What if I back down now
Cause I'm afraid of
What might happen
What I they turn away
When I show them
Who I truly am
What if I lose my breath
When I throw those
Big doors
Or tonight
Just tonight
What if I shine
As Twilight kept on sing, some group of Beautifly's have started to appear out of nowhere, they started to use silver wind, that made Twilight's hair blew a bit, it made Twilight really happy and smile, and she continued to sing as she dance with the Beautifly's.
Twilight Sparkle: Should I even care
They're all sitting there
And everyone's
Staring at me
If I step out in
The spotlight
Maybe I'll be set free
What if I back down now
Cause I'm afraid of
What might happen
What if they turn away
When I show them
Who I truly am
What if I lose my breath
When I throw those
Big doors open
Or tonight
Just tonight
What if I shine
I shine
I spend too much
Time thinking about
Who I'm supposed to be
But what if I sing out loud
Because anything
Can happen
What if I stand up proud
And show them
Who I truly am
They're gonna
Call my name
And i'll throw those
Big doors open
Cause tonight
Just tonight
I'm gonna shine
I shine
After Twilight have finished singing her song, she started to smile at the Beautifly's that dance with her, then all the Beautifly's have started to fly up at the sky, and then Twilight started to look up at the sky where all the Beautifly's fly and then Twilight started to smile.
"You know, I don't care what Adagio says to me, my family have accomplished their dreams because they work really hard, so I can work really hard on becoming a Pokémon Coordinator like my mom." Said Twilight as she smiles." I know that I will do great when I become a Pokémon trainer."
That got Twilight to smile at herself, then when she look up at the sky, she started to realize that it's starting to get late, so she have started to grab her book, and then she started to go home. But apparently she didn't know which way she took, then she have started to realize, that she have got herself lost.
"Oh no, I forgot which way I went, now how am I going to get home?" Asked Twilight looking really scared.
Apparently Twilight tried to figure which way she took so she can get home, but apparently everything looks the same, and she was starting to get really scared. Then all of a sudden, she saw something shiny through the forest, so she took that path to where the light shines. As she arrived, she was really amazed at what she is seeing.
She is seeing a small field that has seven statues that are like the seven Legendary Guardians of Everfree. She was really amazed at the statues, then all of a sudden, she heard a sound from her right side, then when she look at her right side, she saw Xerneas the Life Pokémon.
"Oh my god, Xerneas!" Said Twilight in shock and surprised.
Then the Life Pokémon have started to approach to Twilight, she was a bit scared at first, then the Pokémon kneel it's head to her, and it started to nuzzled at Twilight's cheek which cause her to smile at the Pokémon.
"Hello there, my name is Twilight Sparkle, you are Xerneas the Life Pokémon." Said Twilight as she smiles at the Pokémon.
Then when Xerneas looks into Twilight's eyes, it was really amazed at how they sparkle like stars in the night, then Twilight kept on looking at the statues and was amazed at how they were build, Xerneas was also looking at the statues of the seven Legendary Guardians, and then Twilight look at the Life Pokémon.
"I see that you are really impressed with these statues, I'm really impressed with these statues as well." Said Twilight as she smiles." These statues have represent about the seven Legendary Guardians of Everfree that have protected the Pokémon region."
Then Xerneas started to look at Twilight, it was really impressed that Twilight is really smart, and then Twilight have started to speak as she keep on looking at the statues.
"The seven Guardians of Everfree are the greatest hero's that have protect the Pokémon region, since they have sacrificed themselves to defeat the Foot Clan." Said Twilight as she smiles." So to honor their guardianship, some people build these statues so they can remember them, and tell their stories to other people."
Then Xerneas look at Twilight and saw how smart she is, that she reminds it of the Guardian of Magic. Then the Life Pokémon saw the book that Twilight is carrying a book on her shoulder, and it started to get really curious. Then Twilight saw that Xerneas is looking at her book and she smiles.
"I see you are wondering what book I'm holding." Said Twilight as she smiles." It's a book about one of the greatest Pokémon Coordinators that have ever won in the Pokémon Contest, my mom was like the best Pokémon Coordinator, and I want to be just like her."
That got Xerneas to get really surprised that Twilight is smart and has a dream that she wants to do. It was really impressed by how she is. Then Twilight look up to see that the sun is setting, and that she has to get home, but she realized that she is lost and couldn't find her way home.
"Oh dear, I really need to get home now, but now since I'm lost, I don't know which way should I go, and I'm really getting scared." Said Twilight looking so scared.
Then Xerneas saw how scared Twilight is, so it started to lay, which got Twilight to look at it, then it signal her to get on it, so Twilight got on the Pokémon's back, then Xerneas started to take Twilight back home. As the Life Pokémon takes Twilight back home, Twilight have started to smile at the Pokémon, and she pet him gently and Xerneas started to like it.
Then all of a sudden, the purple geode that Xerneas is carrying, have started to glow brightly when its with Twilight, meaning that Twilight has been chosen to become the new Guardian of Magic. Then after a few minutes later, Xerneas have arrived at Twilight's house, and then Twilight have started to get off Xerneas back.
"Thank you so much Xerneas, I promise that I will never tell anyone where you are, you are the most precious Pokémon that ever helped, and I'm really greatful." Said Twilight as she smiles.
Then Xerneas have nodded at Twilight and realize that she is the right person that will protect anyone. So it started to grab the purple geode, then it kneels his head to Twilight so it can hand her the geode. Then when Twilight saw the purple geode, she take it from Xerneas mouth, and saw how beautiful it is.
Then all of a sudden, when Twilight is holding the geode, it started to glow so brightly, that a bright purple light have started to appear, and Twilight have started to close her eyes. Then when the bright purple light have faded away, Twilight started have open her eyes, the she saw that the geode have turn into a beautiful purple necklace that has her signature star engraved it and it is around her neck. Then she looks at Xerneas and smiles.
"Thank you so much Xerneas, I promise I will take good care of it." Said Twilight as she smiles.
Then Xerneas have started to nuzzle at Twilight's cheek, which got Twilight to smile and hug Xerneas, then after Twilight have hug the Pokémon, Xerneas have started to went back to the forest. Then Twilight have smiled at where Xerneas is leaving and then she started to go back inside her house.
Then as Xerneas have left, it realized that it have found the new Guardian of Magic, and soon figure out that it's one guardian down, seven more guardians to go. Then Xerneas have started to realize that it hopes that the other legendary Pokémon are doing okay.
Meanwhile back inside Twilight's house, Twilight was in her bedroom putting away her books in their shelf, then as she kept on reading her Pokémon Coordinators book, she started to look at the necklace that Xerneas have give her, and smiles.
"It's really sweet of Xerneas to help me get home." Said Twilight as she smiles." And this necklace is so precious, I will never lose it, and I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true."
Then as Twilight started to keep on reading her book, a women and men have both started to come into Twilight's bedroom, and they are known as Twilight's parents.
The women has moderate purple with light gray highlights, has light arctic blue eyes, she wears a jewel necklace around her neck, she has a reddish-violet dress that goes to her feet, and has a pair of reddish-violet heels on. Her name Twilight Velvet, she is Twilights mother, and was Top Pokémon Coordinator. Right next to her is a Gothitelle the Astral Body Pokémon.
The man next to Velvet has dark phthalo blue hair, has moderate amber eyes, wears a blue dark shirt with a crescent moon on it with a star next to it, has dark blue pants on, and black shoes on. His name is Night Light, he is the husband Twilight Velvet, he is Twilight's father, and he is a Pokémon Scientist. Right next to him is a Metagross the Iron Leg Pokémon.
"Hi mom and dad." Said Twilight as she smiles at her parents and hugs them.
"Hello Twilight, how was your day today?" Asked Twilight Velvet as she smiles.
"My dad is good." Said Twilight as she lied a bit.
Twilight didn't want her parents to know that Adagio was bullying her, but she didn't want her parents to know that she meet Xerneas the Life Pokémon.
"That's great sweetie, guess what, we have some exciting news for you." Said Night Light as he smiles.
"Really, what is it?" Asked Twilight as she smiles.
"We were checking the mail and you have gotten accepted into Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Twilight Velvet as she smiles.
Then Twilight Velvet started to show Twilight the paper of the acceptance for her to go to Celestia's School of Pokémon and Twilight have started to smile hop up and down in excitement.
"OMG, I'm going the school where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teaches students!" Said Twilight as she smiles." They are the greatest and strongest champions ever!"
"I'm so proud of you Twilight!" Said Night Light as he smiles." I wish Shining Armor was here so he can know the news."
"Come down sweetie, it's time for dinner, and we can celebrate for you!" Said Twilight Velvet as she smiles at her daughter.
So Twilight have started to go downstairs with her parents to have dinner and celebrate that she is going to Celestia's School of Pokémon. But little did Twilight know, is that the necklace around her neck is magical, and that she will have to protect the Pokémon region. And little did she know, is that she will meet seven girls and become friends with them.
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network
The song Twilight Sparkle sings "What If I Shine" belongs in the movie "Barbie Rock'n Royals"
Credit goes to Awesome_Turtle_ for the most amazing drawing she draw.
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