The Chosen Guardian of Honesty

The next day somewhere that is two hours from Canterlot City, there is a big town that is full with many delicious apple trees, and the town is called Sweet Apple Town. In the town, is full of people that some are upper class and country like that are talking and having a great time. Some are walking with their Pokémon working or having a good time. The town has a very rich history on how it was founded.

Many generations ago, there was a pilgrim family that adventure far and wide with their Pokémon, collecting new herbs, seeds, and berries to make medicine and food, and tried to find themselves a home to settle in. Then one day, the family have arrived at Canterlot City, they were all really impressed at how beautiful the city is, and then Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's parents have both appeared to meet their subjects.

Then the two rulers stop to see the pilgrim families seed collection, then the two ruler's have both saw that the family is very tired and try to find a home, so the two rulers have both show the family a land where they can rest in and the family have thanked the two rulers. The family have quickly found that land near a forest called the Everfree Forest and they build their first home.

Then they planted orchard, but the thing is that the orchard don't really grow over night and the family was getting short on food. So one day, the girl have started to go into the Everfree Forest to find something to eat, but if she know that there are Pokémon in the forest, there must be something to eat.

It was a bit spooky and musty when she have enter the Everfree Forest, but ever inch was cover with plants and tree life, when she look all over the forest, she stop to see that she is standing in front of the most incredible apple tree. The apple tree is called the "Zap Apples" cause it has a beautiful rainbow color. So the girl have started to pick them for her family.

Then when she was picking the apples, all of a sudden, she heard a noise that was coming from the other side of the forest, she turn to see floating above her is Mewtwo the Genetic Pokémon. She was very scared at first, but then when she takes a closer at the Pokémon, she see's that it was injured because it escaped from a lab. The girl was a bit scared at first, but she has a very kind heart to every kind of Pokémon, so she slowly approach to Mewtwo, and help it bring it back to her home so she and her family can heal it.

When Mewtwo have woken up at the pilgrim family's home, it was shock that the girl have help it and heal it back to health. The girl have started to give it some berries for it to eat, then Mewtwo started to get along with the pilgrim family that it decided to help them plant the special apple seeds so they can grow some food and they grew like a wildfire.

The family have made special treats from the "Zap Apples" they grew, they also give Mewtwo some of the apple treats, and Mewtwo was really amazed at how it taste. One day, the girl thought that she can make a very special treat to share it to everyone from other places, so she ask Mewtwo for help, and the Pokémon have agreed to help her.

But one day, when they were trying to Of a special treat to sell to people, all of a sudden, they all heard an explosion outside that got them very worried and scared, so they all went out to see what was the ruckus, and they all saw Tornadus the Cyclone Pokémon, Thundurus the Bolt Strike Pokémon, and Landorus the Abundance Pokémon fighting each other.

The pilgrim family realized that the three legendary Pokémon have been rivals for many years, one time they destroy a land once that it have became so dry, and there was no food or water for the Pokémon who lived there, and they have to move to another land. The family tried to stop the Pokémon with their Pokémon, but the three legendary Pokémon were just too powerful and their Pokémon have started to get really weak and injured. The girl was really worried that the land will be in trouble, if the three legendary Pokémon will keep fighting each other, and then all of a sudden, the girl saw something glow at the grass while Mewtwo saw something glowing at the other side of the grass.

Then when they pick up what was glowing, girl and Mewtwo found a Mega Stone and Key Stone, then they realize the Mega Stone that Mewtwo have is known as as Mewtwoite Y Stone. The girl look at Mewtwo and realize that they have started to grow a bond in their hearts from the moment girl have become friends with Mewtwo and made a promise to each other to protect the land from any danger.

Then all of a sudden, the Key Stone and Mega Stone have began to glow, then Mewtwo have began to mega evolve, and then Mewtwo turn into Mega Mewtwo Y. Then the girl have realized that her bond with Mewtwo have started to become so strong when they have became one, so they both have started work together to stop Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landurus.

Then the girl and Mega Mewtwo Y have both started to stop the fight the three legendary Pokémon, then Mega Mewtwo Y have started to use all its power to stop the three legendary Pokémon, and Mewtwo have defeated them. Then the pilgrim family have healed the three legendary Pokémon from their wounds they have from fighting, then when the three legendary Pokémon look at the family and Mewtwo, they started to realize about how much they love the land so much, so they all decided to help out by growing more apple trees to make delicious treats.

The family was really happy that the three legendary Pokémon have helped them grow many apple trees, then the three legendary Pokémon have started to leave to their home, and the family have started to pick some fresh apples to make new food alone with the "Zap Apples" they pick, and then the girl have started to come up with a new recipe with the "Zap Apples" and decided to make "Zap Apple Jam."

So one day, when the girl started to make some "Zap Apple Jam," the Mewtwo have given her a special secret ingredient that can make the jam taste really sweet, honey made from the Combee. When the girl mixed the honey with the "Zap Apples," then when she mixed it in, the jam have taste really good and sweet. So when the family have sell the "Zap Apple Jam," it have became a popular product, and then many people have from around the Kalos Region for the "Zap Apple Jam."

Some people have decided to stay at the land, like a man name Stinkin Rich, and the first thing he ever sold was the girls "Zap Apple Jam." Then one day, when many people decided to stay at the land, Mewtwo decided to live up at the mountains because it can't be near many people who would want to catch it. So the girl agree that the Mewtwo will be safe there, then she made something special to Mewtwo, she made Mewtwoite Y Mega Stone into a pendant, and puts it around its neck so it can remember the bond they made each other.

Mewtwo was grateful to the girl that grew a bond with it, so Mewtwo and the girl hug each other, and say goodbye to each other. Then the pilgrim family and the girl see's Mewtwo flying to the mountains. The family have started to smile at how Mewtwo help them and they started to meet the new people that decided to stay in the land.

Then before they knew it, they had themselves a nice little town that has all kind of people and Pokémon, then the town have began to grow, and that is how Sweet Apple Town is founded and build.

Somewhere near the town, where there are so many apple trees, there is a big barn that has a many Pokémon play in the field. The barn place is called Sweet Apple Acres, the heart core of Sweet Apple Town, where it was build.

Right out at the field is a girl around eight years old, taking care some Miltank the Milk Cow Pokemon, some Tauros the Wild Bull Pokemon, and a Tropius the Fruit Pokémon.

The girl has blonde hair tied into two pigtails, has emerald green eyes, she has brown cowgirls hat on, she wears a white shirt, she has blue overalls over the shirt, white knee socks, and green shoes on. Her name is Applejack.

"Alright now, you are all looking really well and healthy, and I see that you are getting along really well." Said Applejack as she smiles.

All the Miltank and Tauros all smile at Applejack and muzzle her cheeks. Then Tropius have lean to Applejack and nuzzle her cheek, which got Applejack to smile at the Pokémon. Then she started to go back inside the barn house, and there was a boy around 11 years old and a baby girl smiling at her.

The boy has light gamboge orange hair, has moderate sap green eyes, has a red shirt on, has blue pants on, a brown belt around his waist, and red and white sneakers. His name is Big Mac and he is Applejack's big brother.

The baby in the crib has red hair, has light orange eyes, has a pink bow, the baby wears a light green dress on. The baby's name is Applebloom and she is Big Mac and Applejack's baby sister.

"Hey there Big Mac." Said Applejack as she smiles at her big brother and pick up Applebloom." Hey there little sister, how are you two doing, got everything done big brother?"

"Yup." Said Big Mac as he smiles.

"That's great." Said Applejack as she smiles.

Then two Stoutland the Big-Hearted Pokemon have came in the room, then they started to go to Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Mac, and they started to nuzzle them, which got them to smile at the two Pokémon.

"Hey there Stoutland's, how are you two doing?" Asked Applejack as she smiles.

The two Pokémon have bark at the happily and nuzzle them gently. The two Stoutlands are the Pokémon of Applejack's parents, Bright Mac and Buttercup. The two of them run Sweet Apple Acres, they love their three children with all their hearts.

But one day, a Pokémon Hunter have break into their home, trying to steal all their Pokémon to sell for money. But Buttercup and Bright Mac have both stop the Pokémon Hunter but the hunter shot a missile at them, and it cost them their life.

Ever since then, the people in Sweet Apple Town have always see Buttercup and Bright Mac as hero's of Sweet Apple Town, but Applejack have missed her parents so much, that she keeps thinking about them all the time, and she wears her fathers hat every single day.

"I really miss mom and dad so much." Said Applejack as she felt so sad.

"Yeah, I miss mom and dad too." Said Big Mac as he felt sad too.

"And it's so sad that Applebloom didn't even get to know our parents." Said Applejack as she looks at her baby sister.

Then the two Stoutland's have see how sad the three kids are, that they have started to snuggle them for comfort, and the three kids have smile at the two Pokémon. Then an old woman have came inside the room.

The woman has white hair tied into a bun, she has light orange eyes, she wears a light tan shirt, has a orange sailor tie with red apples all over, has a red skirt on, a white apron around her waist, and yellow boots on. Her name is Granny Smith, she is Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom's grandmother, and she is the founder of Sweet Apple Town.

"Hello my grandchildren, how are all of you doing?" Asked Granny Smith as she smiles at her grandchildren.

"We are fine Granny Smith, it's just that we really miss mom and dad so much." Said Applejack as she felt so upset.

Then Granny Smith saw how sad her three grandchildren are when they miss their parents so much, that she realized that she misses her son and daughter-in-law too, so she went up to them, and she hug them along with the two Stoutlands too.

"I know my grandchildren, I miss your parents too, I keep thinking about them every single day, but you know they are always looking after us." Said Granny Smith as she smiles a bit at her three grandchildren.

"I guess you are right Granny Smith." Said Applejack as she looks at her grandmother.

"Say Applejack, wby don't you go out for a walk to get some fresh air?" Asked Granny Smith as she smiles at her granddaughter.

"Okay Granny Smith." Said Applejack as she smiles at her grandmother.

So Applejack have started to give Applebloom to Granny Smith, then she have started to go for some fresh air, and Granny Smith takes care of Applebloom. Meanwhile outside of the Everfree Forest, Applejack was walking while she was looking up at the clouds at the sky, and all the Pokémon having a great time.

"Man the sky is really blue today." Said Applejack as she smiles at the sky." And all the Pokémon seem to like the day."

Then when Applejack have look at the sky, she have started to remember all the good times that she had with her parents when they were alive.

"I really miss you mom and dad, I just wish you are here with us so you can see me grow up." Said Applejack as she looks up." So you can see me become a Pokémon Master."

You see, Applejack have always admire at all the Pokémon Master's that won the Pokémon League and becoming champions, so Applejack is to capture Pokémon, train them to become strong, and become a Pokémon Master.

"I really wanted you to see how strong I can be and capture many Pokémon, and become great friends with them." Said Applejack." I really want to make you proud of your daughter."

Then as soon as Applejack have said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and Applejack have began to sing as she keeps on walking in the forest.

Applejack: Maybe you have to go
And maybe you have
A reason to leave
But nevertheless
If you for once
Could just stay with me
Just this once let me
Show you my ways
The way that
You want me to
Let me make you proud
Let me show
You the best in me
Let me give you a reason
To believe that
I can stand tall
And when I return
And I'm more than
You dreamt I'd be
Maybe then you will
Realize that I have
Become the greatest

As Applejack have kept on walking down the forest, she started to see some Butterfree's, Deerling's, and Pidgey's having a great time together like a family, which made Applejack remember her having a great time with her parents and she continued to sing.

Applejack: Sure
I've have to look over
Our family
I know that
I got responsibilities
Whatever it takes
I'm gonna try hard
Just watch me
Just you wait
I'll make it up to you
If it's the last thing I ever do
I will make you proud
I will make you
Have faith in me
I will prove that the way
I used to be is
All in the past
I will save the day
And come back here triumphantly
'Cause I long for that look of
Surprise when you see
Your Daughter rising at last
The pride in your eyes
When you see your
Daughter rising at last

After Applejack have finished singing her song, she have started to look up at the sky, and she have started to smile. Then she started to go back to her home, but before she can, she have started to hear a noise coming from the other side of the forest.

So Applejack have started to go see where the sound was coming from, then when she have arrived at the place where the sound is, she saw a river that is going so fast, and then between two large rocks, Applejack have saw Mewtwo the Genetic Pokémon, it was trying to get itself free but couldn't get out.

"Oh my god, a Mewtwo, I can't believe that I'm seeing one with my own eyes." Said Applejack as she saw Mewtwo trying to get out of the two rocks." Oh that poor Pokémon is stuck, it had to help it, if Mewtwo doesn't get out of those two rocks, the river will get strong and will flood Mewtwo."

Then Applejack have started to go to Mewtwo and help it to get out between of the two rocks. Then when Mewtwo have saw Applejack starting to get closer to it, then Mewtwo try's to strike her, but couldn't since its stuck between the two rocks, and Applejack have raise her hands gently to calm Mewtwo down.

"Woah there Mewtwo, easy there, I'm not going to hurt you." Said Applejack as she looks at Mewtwo." I know that you don't really trust humans, since you are created by scientists, but I won't hurt you, I promise."

At first Mewtwo didn't seem to trust Applejack, but then when it looks into her eyes, it can tell that Applejack is telling the honest truth, so it started to calm down, and let Applejack help it get free. So Applejack carefully step on the rocks that are on the river, then as she slowly approach to Mewtwo, she have started to get it free. Then when Applejack have got Mewtwo free, it started to float up, and is happy that it is free.

"Your free Mewtwo!" Said Applejack as she smiles.

But apparently when Applejack wasn't looking at her right direction, the water have began to knock her into the river, and the water have began to drift her away from the forest.

"Oh no, help, help!" Shouted Applejack trying to swim to shore.

Then when Applejack have saw that she is almost near a waterfall, she panic and tried to go to the nearest shore, but the water was too strong, and the she have started to fall, then Applejack have closed her eyes as she started to fall.

But to her surprise, she didn't feel like she is falling, when she open her eyes, she see herself floating, then she turn to see Mewtwo carrying her. She was shock that Mewtwo help her, but she was very happy that she is save. Then Mewtwo have started to fly with Applejack in her arms, then Applejack have started to see many flying Pokémon flying in the sky. And then she looks at the bottom and saw how beautiful and amazing Sweet Apple Town is from up at the skies.

"Wow, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I mean it's very pretty when I'm at Sweet Apple Town, but I never knew that it will be so wonderful up here at the skies." Said Applejack as she smiles.

Then Mewtwo look at Applejack in a bit of confusion, it never knew why Applejack have help it. Then when Applejack have look at Mewtwo, she knew it wonder why she was so honest and help it, and then she started to speak.

"You are wondering why I helped you back there and being so honest to you?" Said Applejack as she looks at Mewtwo." Well, the truth is that you were trap between those two rocks and you needed help, I could never have leave you there and get swept away from the river, and my mother and father always told me, that's it's always honest to help out people if they are in trouble or need help, even thought that person doesn't want help, you have to be honest and helpful to them."

That got Mewtwo to get really surprised that Applejack is being so honest to it.

"Sometimes many people are not always that honest, but my parents told me that lying is not always the answer, and if you keep on lying, you will only make it worse." Said Applejack as she looks at the sky." Being honest is the most important thing ever and I want to show everyone in the world what it means to be honest."

Then when Applejack have said that, all of a sudden, the orange geode that Mewtwo is carrying, have started to glow in a bright orange light when it's with Applejack, meaning that Applejack has been chosen to become the new Guardian of Honesty. Then after a few minutes later, Mewtwo have landed at where Applejack have enter the forest, then Applejack started to look up at the sky, because it was getting really late, and she had to get home and then she look at Mewtwo.

"Thank you so much Mewtwo, I promise that I will never tell anyone where you are, and I really appreciate that you save me from the river." Said Applejack as she smiles." I promise that I will show everyone what it means to be so honest so that way people can live happy without telling any lies."

Then Mewtwo have started to feel happy at Applejack and realize that she is the right person that can show everyone the true meaning of honesty. So Mewtwo started to grab the orange geode, then it flies to Applejack so it can hand her the geode. Then when Applejack saw the orange geode, she take it from Mewtwo's hand, and saw how beautiful it is.

Then all of a sudden, when Applejack is holding the geode, it started to glow so brightly, that a bright orange light have started to appear, and Applejack have started to close her eyes. Then when the light have faded away, Applejack have open her eyes, the she saw that the geode have turn into a beautiful orange necklace that has her signature apple engraved it and it is around her neck. Then she looks at Mewtwo and smiles.

"Thank you so much Mewtwo, I promise I will take good care of it." Said Applejack as she smiles.

Then Applejack have started to hug Mewtwo, which got Mewtwo a bit shock but hug Applejack back, then after Applejack have hug the Pokémon, Mewtwo have started to went back to the forest. Then Applejack have smiled at where Mewtwo is leaving and then she started to go back home.

Then as Mewtwo have left, it met Xerneas, Yveltal, Meloetta, Latios, and Latias in the forest, then they realized that it have found the new Guardian of Magic, the Guardian of Forgiveness, Guardian of Generosity, Guardian of Laughter, and the Guardian of Honesty and soon figure out that it's five guardians down, three more guardians to go. Then Xerneas, Yveltal, Meloetta, Latios, Latias, and Mewtwo have started to realize that they hope that the other legendary Pokémon are doing okay.

Meanwhile back at Applejack's home, Applejack was at the living room reading a book, while the two Stoutlands were both with her nuzzling her and Applejack have smile at the two Pokémon. Then Granny Smith have started to enter the room.

"That's great my granddaughter, guess what, we have some exciting news for you." Said Granny Smith as he smiles as his daughter.

"Really, what is it?" Asked Applejack as she smiles.

"Well, while you were out having your having your walk, I was checking the mail and you have gotten accepted into Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Granny Smith as he smiles at his daughter.

Then Granny Smith have started to show Applejack the paper of the acceptance for her to go to Celestia's School of Pokémon and Applejack have started to smile hop up and down in excitement.

"Sweet Apples, I'm going the school where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teaches students!" Said Applejack as she smiles." They are the greatest and strongest champions ever and their school is so amazing, I get to learn about all the types of Pokémon, and I can finally learn how to be a Pokémon Master!"

"I'm so proud of you Applejack!" Said Applejack as she smiles." Your parents always knew that you are smart enough to go to a great school."

That got Applejack to smile at her grand mother and hugs her. Then she have started to go upstairs to her room, then as she enters her bedroom, she looks at her dresser and saw a picture of a man and women looking happy.

The man has red hair, has emerald green eyes, has a brown cowboys hat on just like Applejack's, he wears a light yellow long-sleeve shirt on, a brown vest on, grey pants on, and brown boots on. His name is Bright Mac and he is Applejack's father.

The women next to him has light orange curly hair, sky blue eyes, has a one pearl necklace around her neck, she wears a white shirt, has a blue vest on, wears a white skirt on, has a brown belt around her waist, and has brown cowgirls boots on. Her name is Buttercup, she is Bright Mac's wife, and Applejack's mother.

"Oh mom and dad, I really wish that you are here with me right now, so you can know that I got accepted into Princess Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Applejack as she smiles." You could see me studying so hard so I can become a Pokémon Master like you dad and so I can take care of the family farm and keep the tradition going."

Applejack have started to put the picture of her parents back to her dresser and smile at the picture one last time, then she started to look at the necklace that Mewtwo have give her, and smiles.

"It's really sweet of Mewtwo to save me from the river and get home." Said Applejack as she smiles." And this necklace is so precious, I will never lose it, and I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true."

"Applejack, come downstairs now, we are having dinner to celebrate your entrance to Princess Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Granny Smith as she called Applejack.

"Coming." Said Applejack as she smiles.

So Applejack have started to go downstairs to have dinner and celebrate that she is going to Celestia's School of Pokémon. But little did Applejack know, is that the necklace around her neck is magical, and that she will have to protect the Pokémon region. And little did she know, is that she will meet seven girls and become friends with them.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro

Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network

The song that Applejack sings a parody song of "Make You Proud" belongs in the show "Tangled: The Series"

Credit goes to Awesome_Turtle_ for the most amazing drawing she draw.

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