The Chosen Guardian of Generosity
The next day, in the other side of Canterlot City, in a big mansion near a forest, a girl around eight years old was, in her bedroom on her queen size bed, reading a book about different types of gem collection, and was very impressed about the many gems that are beautiful.
The girl has lavender purple hair, sapphire blue eyes, she wears a white and light blue dress with a light blue collar, white socks with blue frills at the top, and blue shoes. Her name is Rarity.
"My, all these beautiful gems that my mother have collected are so beautiful." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then as she kept on reading her book, a baby have started to crawl towards Rarity's bed, and smiles when she saw Rarity. The baby has short light pink and purple curly hair, emerald green eyes, and wears a light pink dress. The baby's name is Sweetie Belle and she is Rarity's baby sister.
"Oh Sweetie Belle, how is my favorite baby sister doing?" Asked Rarity as she smiles and picks up Sweetie Belle.
When Rarity have picked up her baby sister, Sweetie Belle was happy to see her big sister, and hugs Rarity which she hugs her back. Then Rarity have started to leave her bedroom with her sister, then she started to walk down the hallways, and then she saw a picture of her and her baby sister with a men and a women smiling.
The men in the picture has dark grayish brown hair, has brilliant cerulean eyes, he wears a simple blue collar shirt, a blue pendent on, brown pants on, and black dress shoes on, his name is Hondo Flanks and he is Rarity and Sweetie Belle's father and is a farmer.
The women next to Hondo has grayish indigo hair with grayish persian blue hair, has light cornflower blue eyes, wears a light yellow dress with a diamond badge on it, yellow and white leggings, and boots of the same color, with yellow soles, her boots have a medium-height yellow heel to them, her name is Cookie Crumbles, she is Rarity and Sweetie Belle's mother and is a gem collector.
"Oh Sweetie Belle, we have the most wonderful and caring parents we have ever had." Said Rarity as she smiles." We may be rich and all, but we must be very generous to everyone so that we can help others."
You see, Rarity's parents are one of the richest and generous people in Canterlot City. When Rarity's mother was around eight years old, her family were rich by finding different types of gems, one day Cookie Crumbles and her Pokémon Ralts were outside playing when she found a very rare gem and it was called "The Eye of Liepard" and it was one of the largest one she ever found. So they present the gem to everyone and we're really impressed by the gem.
Cookie Crumbles parents were really happy that their daughter was generous enough to show the gem to everyone so they can enjoy it, and ever since that day, Cookie Crumbles and her Pokémon have been looking for rare gems and put them to her collection so she can present it to the whole world.
Then when Cookie Crumbles was around fifteen years old, she and her Gardevior met Hondo Flanks and his Gallede at his family farm when they are visiting a small town for vacation, he and his family are kind and generous farmers that grows any kinds of fruits and vegetables and sells them to people to help all those in needs. They both met the in a meadow when Cookie and Gardevior are looking for another gem for their collection and Hondo and his Gallede are looking for some berries so make delicious jam and jelly.
Then Hondo and Cookie have both saw a beautiful red rose, then they reach out for the same rose they saw, then when their hands have touch each other, they both look into each other's eyes, and they have fallen in love at first sight. They have hung out so much during Cookie Crumbles family vacation, their families have gotten along with each other since they are very generous, even their Pokémon have seem to gotten along, and the more time Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flank have dated, they more that they have love each other.
Then one day, Hondo Flanks have asked Cookie Crumbles to marry him, she was really happy that Hondo ask her to marry him and then she says yes, that got married and had two beautiful daughters which are Rarity and Sweetie Belle. They have their own mansion where they hire their own butler and maids, have their own garden for Hondo to plant his fruit and vegetables, and where Cookie can examine her own jewel collection.
"Man we are so lucky to be their daughters Sweetie Belle." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then Sweetie Belle have started to giggle in agreement, then Rarity have started to head to the living room with her baby sister, when they have arrived, they see that their parents Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles sitting at the couch together, looking really happy with each other, and Rarity goes to them.
"Hello mother and father." Said Rarity as she smiles.
"Oh hello my darling daughters, how are my two favorite girls doing?" Asked Cookie Crumbles as she smiles at her daughters.
"We are doing just fine." Said Rarity as she smiles and Sweetie Belle giggles in happiness.
"That's so great my little princess." Said Hondo as he holds Sweetie Belle and Cookie is holding Rarity.
"What are planning on doing today mother and father?" Asked Rarity as she smiles.
"Well, apparently we have a very busy day today." Said Hondo as he looks at his daughter.
"Yes, we have a very busy day, today we are going to the art museum to see the newest art and think if the art is perfect for the museum, then we have that auction to see if a jewel will be perfect for out museum." Said Cookie Crumbles as she explains.
"And we have to see the new designs that the designer have made." Said Cookie Crumbles as she explains." Say, how would like if you can help us today Rarity?"
That have gotten Rarity to smile so big, she always wanted to help her parents so much, and now she has a chance to help them.
"Of course I will help you mother and father." Said Rarity as she smiles.
"That's great, now get dressed, I will get your baby sister ready as well." Said Cookie Crumbles as she picks up Sweetie Belle.
Then Rarity have started to go to her bedroom to get ready to help her parents. First Rarity make sure that her dress is okay, then she brushes her hair, and then she started to put on her shoes.
Then as she finished getting ready, the door of her bedroom door begin to open, she turn to see that it's Purrloin the Devious Pokémon, Purrloin belongs to Rarity's mother, and Rarity was happy to see her.
"Why hello there Purrloin, how are you doing today?" Asked Rarity as she smiles.
"Purrloin, purrloin, purr." Said Purrloin in happy.
"That's so great to hear Purrloin, let me get you ready so we can go." Said Rarity as she smiles.
So Rarity have picked up Purrloin, then she headed to her vanity dresser and puts Purrloin down, then she picks up her brush and starts to brush Purrloin's fur.
"Well Purrloin, looks like we are going to be having a busy day today." Said Rarity as she smiles." Turns out that my parents needed my help because their schedule is a bit harder than they thought."
Then after Rarity have finished brushing Purrloin's fur, she puts down her brush, then she started put on a light purple bow on Purrloin's ear, making her look so pretty.
"Of course my parents wanted me to help them because they know I'm really generous and helpful to other people." Said Rarity as she smiles." And I can't possibly disappoint my parents by regretting their help now, can I?"
Then as soon as Rarity has said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and the Rarity have began to sing, as she have picked up Purrloin.
Rarity: I'll be the toast
Of the town
The girl on the go
I'm the type of girl
Should know
I'll be the one to watch
The girl in the flow
I'm the type of girl
Should know
As Rarity kept on singing, she and her family have arrived at the art museum, they have look at painting with the legendary Pokémon Meloetta with many musical notes around d it, then Rarity nodded that the painting.
Rarity: Becoming as popular
As popular can be
Making my mark
Making my mark
In high society
Then after they have visited the art museum, Rarity and her family started to go to the building where a new gem wants to be presented to Cookie Crumbles gem museum, it was beautiful and Rarity agrees that it will be perfect for the museum.
Rarity: I'm the belle
Of the ball
the star of
The show
I'm the type of girl
Should know
Then after they look at the gem, they all went to designers store, to check out the two new outfits that designers have made, but can't decide which one should be in the window display.
Rarity: See how they hang
On every word
That I speak
My approving
Glance is what
They all seek
So Rarity first look at the dress that is bright purple with purple gems at the bottom, then she look at the blue strapless dress that baby blue sapphire gems at the top, so Rarity decided to choose carefully, and she choose that blue strapless dress.
Rarity: I'm the creme
De la creme
Not just another
Jane Doe
I'm the type of girl
Should know
At home
At the opera
On a fancy yacht
Becoming the talk
The talk of all
Of Canterlot
I'm the creme
De la creme
Not just another
Jane Doe
I'm the type of girl
Should know
Because I'm the
Type of girl
I'm the type of girl
I'm the type
Of girl
Should know
After Rarity have finished singing her song, she and her family have return back to their home, and then Rarity's mom have began to smile and look at Rarity.
"Thank you so much Rarity, I don't what will do if we didn't ask you for your help." Said Cookie Crumbles as she smiles.
"Your welcome mother and father, I always knew that I had the perfect taste when it comes to fashion and gems." Said Rarity as she smiles at her parents.
So Rarity have went to the living to watch some tv, then as she turn on the television, she went into her favorite shows that has all the Pokémon Performers.
A Pokémon Performer is a Pokémon trainer who trains their Pokémon to show off their talents and perform in front of audiences. All Performers must be female in order to participate in Pokémon Showcases. The Pokémon Showcases is based on two performance.
The first one performance is the Theme Performances that included styling, making Poké Puffs, and more. You can use more than one Pokémon depending on the task.
Pokémon styling is when Performers let their love of fashion style their Pokémon using makeup, jewelry, accessories, and dresses/costumes, and then walk on the runway. Baking Poké Puffs are another theme performance. Performers use their skills to bake Poké Puffs. The stage comes with kitchens and ingredients.
The second performance is the Freestyle Performance. The Free Performances let's you and your Pokémon dance and make use of the Pokémon's talents together, in which you can use up to six Pokémon.
The winner of the Pokémon Showcase gets a Princess Key. If the performer has all three Princess Keys then they get to appear on the Master Class, and the trainer who wins there along with their Pokémon, gets to receive the title of Kalos Queen.
Then a women have started to appear and dance with her two Pokémon's, Sylveon the Intertwining Pokemon and Aromatisse the Fragrance Pokémon.
The teenage girl has moderate violet hair with brilliant rose and pale gold streaks, light purple eyes, she wears a light pink strapless dress that has a big blue heart in the center on the chest and golden symbols on the skirt, has light pink pink and purple elbow gloves on, golden flats on, and a tiara on her head. Her name is Princess Cadence, she is a Pokémon Performer and is also the Kalos Queen.
"Oh my god, Princess Cadence is on!" Said Rarity in excitement.
You see, when Princess Cadence was around fourteen years old, she always love to perform and bring happiness to everyone, so she enters the Pokémon Showcases, and won three Pokémon performances, and when she enter the Master Class, she had put on the most greatest performance ever.
"Oh, I really wanted to become a great performer like Princess Cadence." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Rarity have always dream of becoming a Pokémon Performer ever since when she first saw Princess Cadence on tv. She was always admire about all the styles, the costumes, and the Pokémon.
"I wonder if I will become a great performer like her." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then Rarity have started to go up to her bedroom, then she went to her designer area, and then she grab a sketch book that has a drawing of a dress with the design of a Meloetta. Rarity have always been so inspired by clothes that she wanted to become a designer herself and open up a boutique.
So as she grabs her sketch book and a pencil, she started to put them inside a bag, and then she puts her back around her shoulder, and leaves her bedroom. She also smiles at how she did an amazing job on drawing the design of the dress. So as she left her bedroom, she told her parents that she is going out for a walk into the woods and started to go for a walk.
"My, the forest looks so beautiful today, I mean the trees are all green, the flowers are all beautiful, and I see that some Pokémon are looking good." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then as she keeps on walking, she started to sit down at a tree as she takes out her sketch book, and starts to finish her design. Then as she finished drawing her design, all of a sudden, she have started to hear a beautiful melody that made her so relaxing. She wanted to figure out where the beautiful sound is coming from, so she follow the angelic voice is coming from, then when she arrive to the sound, she saw Meloetta singing be dancing around the meadow.
"Oh my god, it's a Meloetta, the Melody Pokémon!" Said Rarity in excitement." They actually do come out here in this forest!"
Rarity was really amazed at how beautiful it is and how amazing it's singing feels. So Rarity started to approach to Meloetta gently so she won't scare the Pokémon. Then when Meloetta saw Rarity, she was starting to get really scared till Rarity hold up her hands.
"Woah, it's okay Meloetta, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise you." Said Rarity as she smiles and walks slowly." I can see that you don't trust humans yet, cause some can be hunters and would want to sell you, but I promise I won't hurt you."
Then Meloetta started to realize that Rarity is telling the truth, then she goes to her with a small smile on its face, then when it see's Rarity's sketch book and saw the dress, it was so amazed that it has the same color and design like herself.
"Oh, you like my design, I was so inspired by your color that it gets me really creative." Said Rarity as she smiles.
That got Meloetta to smile at Rarity and as she got closer to her, Rarity started to gently hold the Pokémon, and hugs it to her chest. Meloetta started to like the soft feeling towards Rarity, and then as Rarity sits down to her favorite tree, she started to show Meloetta her designs.
"These are all my design that I work on, they are based on the colors and design of each Pokémon." Said Rarity as she smiles." You see every Pokémon has a unique color that got me so inspired."
That got Meloetta to smile at Rarity knowing that she is inspired by the many colors that all Pokémon have.
"But you know, I really like your song and dancing, it was really wonderful." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then Rarity got up, then she let's go of Meloetta from the hug she give her, and then she started to smile at the Pokémon.
"I mean, your dancing and singing is like a combination of a beautiful performance, and I always love to perform." Said Rarity as she smiles." I always dream of being a performer and try to become Kalos Queen like Princess Cadence."
Meloetta have started to get really confused on who is Princess Cadence and what is a Pokémon Performer, then when Rarity have saw that Meloetta seems to be confused, and then she smiles and explains to Meloetta.
"I see that you don't understand what is a Pokémon Performer, well you see Meloetta, a Pokémon Performer is a Pokémon trainer who trains their Pokémon to show off their talents and perform in front of audiences." Said Rarity as she explains." All Performers must be female in order to participate in Pokémon Showcases. The Pokémon Showcases is based on two performance."
That got Meloetta to get really surprised that there are some Pokémon that loves to perform, along side with humans, and Rarity have continued to explain.
"The first one performance is the Theme Performances that included styling, making Poké Puffs, and more. You can use more than one Pokémon depending on the task." Said Rarity as she continues." Pokémon styling is when Performers let their love of fashion style their Pokémon using makeup, jewelry, accessories, and dresses/costumes, and then walk on the runway. Baking Poké Puffs are another theme performance. Performers use their skills to bake Poké Puffs. The stage comes with kitchens and ingredients.
That got Meloetta to think that it's really amazing and intelligent that many performers can show everyone their talents and Pokémon can show off their own moves and show the many talents they have.
"The second performance is the Freestyle Performance. The Free Performances let's you and your Pokémon dance and make use of the Pokémon's talents together, in which you can use up to six Pokémon." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Meloetta was started to get really excited about many Pokémon performing with their own talents and moves.
"The winner of the Pokémon Showcase gets a Princess Key. If the performer has all three Princess Keys then they get to appear on the Master Class, and the trainer who wins there along with their Pokémon, gets to receive the title of Kalos Queen!" Said Rarity in excitement." And who's the Queen now? Is none other than Princess Cadence!"
Then Meloetta started to get really confused on who Princess Cadence, then Rarity smile and began to explain.
"Princess Cadence is the most amazing and most beautiful Pokémon Performer that have ever been, she is a very kind princess that cares about her people!" Said Rarity as she smiles." She became a performer and became Kalos Queen, her smile brings so much joy to everyone."
Then as Rarity smile, the wind have began to blow through her hair, it made her smile, that she have started to dance a bit around the meadow. Meloetta was really impressed at Rarity's dancing, that it have decided to join her as well, as she dance around with Rarity, she have started to sing in a beautiful melody, which made Rarity smile and dance along with the song.
As Rarity and Meloetta kept on dancing, all of a sudden, some of the flowers petals began to blow from the wind and started to swirl around Rarity and Meloetta. Then as the wind began to grow stronger, it started to make Rarity float a bit as she twirls around with Meloetta, then Meloetta use her psychic power to make all the flower petals form into a big flower.
Then after the wind have began to fade away, Rarity have began to land softly at the ground, then Meloetta have started to fly to Rarity, and Rarity have began smile at the Pokémon.
"Wow, that was the most amazing performance I ever have with you Meloetta!" Said Rarity as she smiles.
Meloetta have started to smile at Rarity agreeing that she had a really great time, as it flies around Rarity, she have started to smile at the Mythical Pokémon, and realized that she had the greatest day of her life.
"You know Meloetta, the reason why I wanted to become performer is because I wanted to share everyone my happiness, and even if I won't become the next Kalos Queen, I dream of opening my boutique." Said Rarity as she smiles." I like to give out all my fashion ideas to everyone because it will be very generous like how my parents show their gems to everyone so they can see."
Then when Rarity have said that, all of a sudden, the white geode that Meloetta is carrying, have started to glow in a bright white light when its with Rarity, meaning that Rarity has been chosen to become the new Guardian of Generosity. Then after a few minutes later, Rarity have started to grab her book, because it was getting really late, and she had to get home and then she look at Meloetta.
"Thank you so much Meloetta, I promise that I will never tell anyone where you are, I really had the most fun time today with you." Said Rarity as she smiles." In fact, I have something to give you."
Then Rarity have started to take out sapphire blue ribbon that has tiny bits of diamonds on it, then she started to wrap on Meloetta and made a bow, and Rarity have smile at Meloetta.
"There you go, I wanted to give you this ribbon, it was one of my fifth birthday presents, but I wanted to give it to you so you can remember the fun day we had." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then Meloetta have started to feel happy at Rarity and realize that she is the right person that will be so generous to everyone. So it started to grab the white geode, then it flies to Rarity so it can hand her the geode. Then when Rarity saw the white geode, she take it from Meloetta's hand, and saw how beautiful it is.
Then all of a sudden, when Rarity is holding the geode, it started to glow so brightly, that a bright white light have started to appear, and Rarity have started to close her eyes. Then when the light have faded away, Rarity have open her eyes, the she saw that the geode have turn into a beautiful white necklace that has her signature diamond engraved it and it is around her neck. Then she looks at Meloetta and smiles.
"Thank you so much Meloetta, I promise I will take good care of it." Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then Meloetta have started to hug Rarity, which got Rarity to smile and hug Meloetta back, then after Rarity have hug the Pokémon, Meloetta have started to went back to the forest. Then Rarity have smiled at where Meloetta is leaving and then she started to go back home.
Then as Meloetta have left, it met Xerneas and Yveltal in the forest, then they realized that it have found the new Guardian of Magic, the Guardian of Forgiveness, and Guardian of Generosity, and soon figure out that it's three guardians down, five more guardians to go. Then Xerneas, Yveltal, and Meloetta have started to realize that they hope that the other legendary Pokémon are doing okay.
Meanwhile back inside Rarity's house, Rarity was coming inside her house, then she saw Cookie Crumble in the kitchen helping some of the maids cooking some dinner and she saw Hondo Flank with Sweetie Belle in the living room.
Then she smiles at her family, then Rarity's mother's Pokémon Purrloin have started to come to Rarity, and when Rarity saw Purrloin, she smiles and picks Purrloin up much to the Pokémon's happiness. Then Cookie Crumble and Hondo Flank have both started to enter the room where Rarity is with Sweetie Belle.
"Aw Rarity, how was your walk?" Asked Cookie as she smiles at her daughter.
"It was very relaxing and casual as usual father" Said Rarity as she smiles.
"That's great my daughter, guess what, we have some exciting news for you." Said Cookie Crumble as he smiles as his daughter.
"Really, what is it?" Asked Rarity as she smiles.
"Well, while you were out having your casual walk, we were checking the mail and you have gotten accepted into Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Hondo Flanks as he smiles at his daughter.
Then Cookie Crumble and Hondo Flanks have both started to show Rarity the paper of the acceptance for her to go to Celestia's School of Pokémon and Rarity have started to smile hop up and down in excitement.
"OMG, I'm going the school where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teaches students!" Said Rarity as she smiles." They are the greatest and strongest champions ever and their school is so amazing, I get to learn about all the types of Pokémon, and I can finally know how to take good care of them!"
"I'm so proud of you Rarity!" Said Cookie Crumble as he smiles." We have always knew that you are smart enough to go to a great school."
That got Rarity to smile at her parents, then she started to go to her bedroom. Then as she arrived at her bedroom, she puts down her sketch book, and looks at Purrlion.
"Can you believe this Purrlion, I'm going to Princess Celestia's School of Pokémon, they are like the greatest in the Kalos Region." Said Rarity as she smiles." They are the champions and I finally get study cute Pokémon so I can learn how to care for them."
Purrlion have started to smile at Rarity and then Purrlion started to nuzzle at Rarity, much to Rarity's happiness. Then she looks at the necklace that Meloetta give her and smiles.
"I really had a great time with Meloetta, she and I did an amazing dance, and it was so wonderful." Said Rarity as she smiles." And this necklace is so precious, I will never lose it, and I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true."
Then Purrloin have started to look at Rarity, then it smiles at her, and nuzzle her at the cheek and Rarity smiles.
"Thank you Purrloin, I know that you will always be my great friend and I know that you will always be there by my mothers side." Said Rarity as she hugs Purrloin.
"Rarity, dinner is ready." Said Cookie Crumbles as she calls Rarity.
"Coming mother!" Said Rarity as she smiles.
Then as Rarity started to pick up Purrloin and started to go downstairs for dinner, and celebrate that she is going to Celestia's School of Pokémon. But little did Rarity know, is that the necklace around her neck is magical, and that she will have to protect the Pokémon region. And little did she know, is that she will meet seven girls and become friends with them.
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network
The song that Rarity sings a parody song of "Becoming Popular" belongs in the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Credit goes to Awesome_Turtle_ for the most amazing drawing she draw.
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