The Chosen Guardian of Forgiveness

The next day, in the other side of Canterlot City, at a school that is near a forest, it was summer vacation and every student can't wait to go back home. Inside a classroom, there is a girl around eight years old is on her classroom writing down some notes about the different types of grass Pokémon.

The girl has red and yellow hair, has cyan eyes, she wears a magenta short-sleeved top with a yellow bow on the neckline, knee-length black compression shorts, a puffy yellow skirt, and magenta Mary-Jane flats on. Her name is Sunset Shimmer.

"Man, learning a lot about grass type Pokémon is really interesting." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." I mean they are all grass types but they also have different types from other Pokémon."

Then as she finishes writing down her notes, she started to close her notebook, and then she grabs it as she leaves the classroom. As she leaves the classroom, she was about to go to her private room where she does her research, to pack because it's summer vacation. But apparently she saw other students walking by and packing also. So Sunset Shimmer started to take a deep breath and started to walk down the hallways. Then she accidentally bump into a girl.

"Excuse me." Said Sunset Shimmer and she bump into another girl." I'm really sorry."

Sunset Shimmer tried to make sure that she doesn't bump into anyone else again, and then a girl was walking by, and she accidentally bump into Sunset Shimmer.

"Pardon me." Said Sunset Shimmer as she walks down the hallway looking sad.

As she kept on walking, she was looking at the hallways, then she started to see many students all packing up for summer vacation while some are just walking down the hallways. She started to feel really sad because she never had time to hang out with other kids or have any friends. Then as she arrived at her private study room, she started to enter.

Her private room has a computer, a laptop, a study table, and a board on which she records her findings. As she enters her private room, she started to grab her satchel bag, and started to pack her laptop and her books. As she was packing, she heard a pecking at her window, and she saw a Fletchling at her window. She smiles as she goes to her window and opens it.

"Hi Fletchling, I see that you are doing great." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

You see, when Sunset Shimmer have started school, she met the Fletchling when she was playing outside. It was injured because its wing broke, so she took the Pokémon inside the school, then she started to heal it, and its wing got better. Ever since then, the Fletchling has always be with Sunset Shimmer, and the two have became best friends.

"I see that you know that summer vacation has began." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

Then the Fletchling have started to go to Sunset Shimmer's  shoulder, then it started to nuzzle it's head on Sunset's cheek, which cause Sunset Shimmer to smile.

"Okay Fletchling, I understand you are happy." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles as she grab her notebook." All this research I learn this year has been confirmed Fletchling, with all these notes, I can final understand about all the types of Pokémon."

Then Fletchling started to look at the notes that Sunset Shimmer have wrote down this year in the school. It was really impressed that Sunset Shimmer has been writing down so many notes.

"I know you think that I may have been writing to many notes, but I can't help myself." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." And soon with all these notes, I will be able to understand all the types of Pokémon, and I can be a famous Pokémon Researcher like my mom and dad."

You see, Sunset Shimmer's parents Sunrise and Eclipse are both the most famous Pokémon Researcher's in the Kalos Region. When they were teenagers, they were students at Opelucid Academy in Opelucid City to learn about the bonds between Pokémon and humans.

When they first met, they have become partners and friends, they work together day and night to know all the types of Pokémon, as time went by, they both started to fall in love with each other and become a couple since then. After they have graduated, they became Pokémon Researcher's to learn about the types of Pokémon, and then they both have got married.

After they were married, they have Sunset Shimmer when she was born, they have show her all the types of Pokémon that have on their lab, they have show her the research they made, and explains to her about the academy they went.

Ever since then, Sunset Shimmer has always dream of becoming a Pokémon Researcher like her parents. So she works really hard to learn all the type Pokémon's.

"Besides Fletchling, I always dream of becoming a Pokémon Researcher, and I just couldn't wait, and soon I will have all the notes I need." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." If I can be able to get all these notes about the legendary Pokémon, I can be able to figure how we can be able to bond with them, that will practically guarantee my entrance to the Opelucid Academy!"

Apparently Sunset Shimmer was leaning back a bit too much, that she fall on her back, then a knock have came through her door, and then as the door open, and then a women have started to come inside.

The women has long, dark blue hair and blue eyes. She wears a white lab coat, pink shoes, a pink undershirt and a pink flower pin attach to her hair, which resembles Musharna's color pattern. Her name is Doctor Fennel, she is a Pokémon scientist and a teacher in the school. When she see's Fletchling on Sunset Shimmer's forehead, Sunset Shimmer motion her head to get off, and then Sunset Shimmer started to get up.

"Sunset Shimmer, you know the rules against Pokémon in the school." Said Doctor Fennel as she help Sunset get up.

"Well, Fletchling isn't just a Pokémon, Doctor Fennel." Said Sunset Shimmer as she picks up Fletchling up gently." He's one of the very best friends that help me with my studies."

"If you say so." Said Doctor Fennel." I got a call from your parents, they say that apparently they couldn't be able to pick you up, so they thought you can walk home."

"Why?" Asked Sunset Shimmer looking confused.

"Because they are talking to some teacher from a school about you." Said Doctor Fennel.

"Ooh, maybe they have news about my application to the Opelucid Academy!" Said Sunset Shimmer in excitement.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Said Doctor Fennel as she looks at Sunset Shimmer worries." Are you sure that's what you really want?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." A school that allows me to focus all my attention about all types of Pokémon? What a dream come true!"

"But then you won't be able to hangout with other students." Said Doctor Fennel." You'll be doing everything on your own."

"That is why it's called an "independent study program." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything, that's all." Said Doctor Fennel as she looks at Sunset Shimmer." Being around other people isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself."

"I guess." Said Sunset Shimmer as she looks a bit confused.

"Well have a great summer Sunset Shimmer, and I will see you in three month?" Said Doctor Fennel as she smiles.

Then Sunset Shimmer have nodded her head and then Doctor Fennel have leave her private room and then Sunset Shimmer look at Fletchling.

"What's she so worried about Fletchling?" Said Sunset as she looks at Fletchling." Opelucid Academy is exactly what I need right now, besides its not like I have anything left to learn at this school and I know that there is more that's out there."

Then after Sunset Shimmer have finished packing, she grab her bag, then Fletchling have started to fly at her shoulder, which have caused Sunset Shimmer to smile. Then as she open the door, she saw that all the student have just left to go home.

Sunset Shimmer have started to look a bit sad,  then as she closed her door, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and Sunset Shimmer have started to sing as she is walking down the hallways.

Sunset Shimmer: I've walked through
All these halls before
I've been in and
Out of every door
There's nothin' in
This school that
I don't know
In every class
My grade's the best
The highest score
On every test
I think that means
It's time for me to go
I know there's more
That's out there
And I just haven't
Found it yet
I know there's more
That's out there
Another me I haven't met

As Sunset Shimmer kept on walking, she started to imagine the hallways with lots of students just walking, talking, and laughing with each other, which have got Sunset Shimmer to be upset, and then she have continued to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: This school is
Full of people
But still I don't belong
They only dream of winning
Look at me like
Somethings wrong
Maybe I'm better
Off alone

Then after the imagination of the students have disappeared, Sunset Shimmer have exited out of the entrance of the school, then she saw how blue they sky is, and then she continued to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: Will I find what
I'm lookin' for
If I just do it
On my own
I know there's more
That's out there
Something to fill
This hole inside
I know there's more
That's out there
And I'm not afraid to try
There's only so much
This school can offer
And I'm not saying
That it's wrong
But I know there's
More that's out there
'Cause I've been
Searching all along

Then as Sunset Shimmer was walking back home, she enter a forest and saw many trees and bushes that made her imagine them as classrooms and walls, and then she continued to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: Beyond these rooms
Beyond these walls
So much to learn
I can't see it all

Then after then imagination of the classrooms and walls have disappeared, making the trees and bushes reappear, Sunset Shimmer continued to walk down the forest, and she continued to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: There's somethin' out
There callin' me
And it's a mystery that
I can't wait to see
'Cause I know there's
More that's out there
Another place
Another way
And I know there's
More that's out there
And I'll find out someday
I'll find out someday

After Sunset Shimmer have finished singing her song, she started to feel really sad, and she started to look down at the ground. Fletchling saw how sad Sunset Shimmer is, that the Pokémon started to nuzzle it's head to her cheek, and it got Sunset Shimmer to smile at the Pokémon.

"Thank you Fletchling, that really makes me better." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." You know, I wonder if there is something great when we have bonded with a Pokémon?"

Then all of a sudden, there was a bit of an explosion sound at the other side of the forest, which have got Sunset Shimmer's full attention. She was a bit shock to what that sound was, then Fletchling started to perk its head up a bit, meaning that it senses something, and so it started to fly where that sound was.

"Fletchling, where are you going?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she goes after Fletchling.

Fletchling kept on flying till it hit a branch and falls to the ground, then Sunset Shimmer saw Fletchling on the ground, and she started to gently pick him up.

"Fletchling, are you okay?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she looks worried.

Fletchling started to shake a bit and nodded its head meaning that it's okay, then as Sunset Shimmer put Fletchling on her shoulder, then as she was about to leave, she saw a tree that is somehow turn into stone, and it kinda got Sunset Shimmer to get really shock.

"Oh my god, how did that tree turn into stone?" Asked Sunset Shimmer in shock.

Then Sunset Shimmer started to hear something close to her, so she started to go to where that sound was coming from, as she arrived to the place where the sound is, she saw that a Pokémon hunter got turn into stone alone with a Rhyperior.

"Oh my god, I'm guessing something must've turn that Pokémon Hunter and that Rhyperior into stone." Said Sunset Shimmer in shock." But what could it be?"

Then all of a sudden, a big shadow was blocking the sunlight that Sunset Shimmer was standing at, it got Sunset Shimmer to get really shock, that she turn around and falls to the ground at the sight she is seeing. Flying above Sunset Shimmer, is the legendary Pokémon, Yveltal the Destruction Pokémon.

"Oh my god, Yveltal the Destruction Pokémon!" Said Sunset Shimmer in shock." I can't believe that I'm seeing it now!"

Yveltal have started to roar a bit, which have got Sunset Shimmer to get really scared. Sunset Shimmer was wondering why it suddenly looks really angry, then when she turn to see where the Pokémon Hunter is, she saw that there was a cage with many Ducklett all looking scared and trap.

Sunset Shimmer have started to realize why Yveltal have turn the Pokémon Hunter and the Rhyperior into stone. The Pokémon Hunter was capturing all the Ducklett so it can sell them for money, so when Yveltal heard the Pokémon crying for help, it came and started to turn the Pokémon Hunter and Rhyperior into stone. So Sunset Shimmer started to get up and goes close to Yveltal.

It kinda got Fletchling to get really worry for Sunset Shimmer and hopes she knows what she's doing, then when Yveltal saw that Sunset Shimmer is getting close, it started to go towards her, and then it see's that Sunset Shimmer doesn't seem to be afraid, and Sunset raise her hands gently.

"Woah, it's okay Yveltal, I'm not your enemy, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." Said Sunset Shimmer gently.

Yveltal see's into Sunset Shimmer's eyes that she is not lying, so it started to calm down, then when it lowers it head, and then Sunset have started to pet it head gently. Then Sunset started to look at the legendary Pokémon.

"I understand why you have turn the Pokémon hunter and his Pokémon into stone, you wanted to rescue these poor Pokémon because that bad hunter was about to sale them." Said Sunset Shimmer as she looks at Yveltal." I'm not mad at you, I see that you may look scary, but you have the most kindest heart, no matter what you look like, I see that you wanted to protect the Pokémon."

Yveltal saw how understanding Sunset Shimmer is when it was trying to rescue all the Pokémon that was all capture.

"But you know you didn't have to turn the Pokémon hunter into stone, I understand that you wanted to punish him, but turning him into stone might make you feel more badder than the hunter." Said Sunset Shimmer as she explains.

Then Yveltal suddenly realized that Sunset Shimmer is right, even though that the Pokémon Hunter has done a terrible thing by capturing Pokémon, it shouldn't be able to be turn into stone.

Then all of a sudden, the red geode that Yveltal has started to glow into a red bright light, it got Yveltal to think that Sunset Shimmer might be the next Guardian of Forgiveness. Then Sunset Shimmer have started to go to the cage that all the Ducklett are trap in. Then it started to unlock the cage and all the Ducklett are all out and hug Sunset Shimmer.

"Aw your welcome, I'm just really glad that all of you are not hurt and all." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

Then after the Ducklett's have thank Sunset Shimmer for setting them free, they all started to fly deep into the woods so that they won't get capture by other hunters. Then after Sunset Shimmer goodbye to the Ducklett's, she started to look at the Pokémon Hunter and the Rhyperior, who are still turn into stone, and tried to figure out how to turn them back to normal.

"Oh dear, how are we going to turn them back to normal Fletchling?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

Fletchling doesn't seem to know how to turn the Pokémon Hunter or the Rhyperior back to normal. Then all of a sudden, then have started to hear a rustle sound by the bushes, she turn to see Xerneas the Life Pokémon. She was really shock that have got to see Yveltal the Destruction Pokémon and Xerneas the Life Pokémon.

"Oh my god Fletchling, it's Xerneas the Life Pokémon, I can't believe I got see them in person!" Said Sunset Shimmer in shock.

Then Xerneas have started to glow so brightly, that it's aura began to spread around, then all the trees and bushes that have all turn into stones have started to go back to normal, and the Pokémon Hunter and the Rhyperior have turn back into normal, and then after Xerneas have stop glowing, it have started to disappear into the woods. Then when the Hunter saw Sunset Shimmer with Fletchling near the cage, it saw that all the Ducklett's are all gone.

"All my Ducklett's, what have you done with them you little brat?!" Said the Pokémon Hunter in anger.

"They are not your Ducklett's, you were only thinking about selling them so you could get money!" Said Sunset Shimmer in anger.

"Why don't you just shut up you little brat!" Said the Pokémon Hunter in anger." Rhyperior, use power-up-punch at the girl now!

Then Rhyperior's arm began to use power-up-punch and started to charge at Sunset Shimmer, then Sunset started to close her eyes and wait for the attack to happen, and then Yveltal have started to use steel wing and started to charge at Rhyperior knocking it unconscious.

"Rhyperior, alright then I guess I'll have to finish you off myself!" Said the Pokémon Hunter as he started to raise his fist and started to go to Sunset Shimmer.

Then all of a sudden, Fletchling have started to fly and use quick attack, which it started to hit at the Pokémon Hunter's gut, which have knock him unconscious.

"Thank you Fletchling, that was really amazing!" Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles and then looks at Yveltal." And thank you so much Yveltal, you are also great too!"

Yveltal have started to growl softly as it was appreciated at Sunset Shimmer, then Sunset Shimmer have started to tied up the Pokémon Hunter and Rhyperior so that when Officer Jenny came and take them away.

"Alright now, they won't be able to escape and I'm pretty sure that Officer Jenny will come here because she always have a report about Pokémon hunting." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

Then as soon as Sunset Shimmer have look up at the sky, she see's that the sun is about to set, meaning that she has to get home get home, but she realized that she is lost in the woods and couldn't find her way home.

"Oh dear, I really need to get home now, but now since I'm lost, I don't know which way should I go, and I'm really getting scared." Said Sunset Shimmer as she was looking so scared.

Then Fletchling have started to fly to Sunset Shimmer's shoulder to comfort her. Yveltal saw how scared Sunset Shimmer is, so it started to lay at the ground, which got Sunset Shimmer to look at it, then it signal her to get on its back, so Sunset Shimmer got on the Pokémon's back, then Yveltal started to take Sunset Shimmer back home. As the Destruction Pokémon flys Sunset Shimmer back home, Sunset Shimmer was really impressed at how the view is, Fletchling was chirping really happily, and then Sunset Shimmer pet the legendary Pokémon gently and Yveltal started to like it.

Then all of a sudden, the red geode that Yveltal is carrying, have started to glow brightly when its with Sunset Shimmer, meaning that Sunset has been chosen to become the new Guardian of Forgiveness. Then after a few minutes later, Yveltal have arrived at Sunset Shimmer's house, which is really big and has s big shed that is their lab, and then Sunset Shimmer have started to get off Yveltal back.

"Thank you so much Yveltal, I promise that I will never tell anyone where you are, you may look like a scary Pokémon into some peoples eyes, but you are really sweet and will do anything to protect any type of Pokémon." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

Then Yveltal have started to feel happy at Sunset and realize that she is the right person that will see anyone's true self and will see their backstory. So it started to grab the red geode, then it kneels his head to Sunset Shimmer so it can hand her the geode. Then when Sunset Shimmer saw the red geode, she take it from Yveltal's mouth, and saw how beautiful it is.

Then all of a sudden, when Sunset Shimmer is holding the geode, it started to glow so brightly, that a bright red light have started to appear, and Sunset Shimmer have started to close her eyes. Then when the bright red light have faded away, Sunset Shimmer started have open her eyes, the she saw that the geode have turn into a beautiful red necklace that has her signature sun engraved it and it is around her neck. Then she looks at Yveltal and smiles.

"Thank you so much Yveltal, I promise I will take good care of it." Said Sunset as she smiles.

Then Yveltal have started to nuzzle at Sunset Shimmer's cheek, which got Sunset Shimmer to smile and hug Yveltal, then after Sunset Shimmer have hug the Pokémon, Yveltal have started to went back to the forest. Then Sunset Shimmer have smiled at where Yveltal is leaving and then she started to go back inside her house with Fletchling by her side.

Then as Yveltal have left, it met Xerneas in the forest, then they both realized that it have found the new Guardian of Forgiveness and the Guardian of Magic, and soon figure out that it's two guardians down, six more guardians to go. Then Xerneas and Yveltal have both started to realize that they hope that the other legendary Pokémon are doing okay.

Meanwhile back inside Sunset Shimmer's house, Sunset Shimmer was in the living room with Fletchling watching some tv, when she heard the door open meaning that her parents are home, so she went to the entrance and she saw a women and men coming inside.

The men has yellow hair, has cyan eyes, wears a red shirt, black trousers with a yellow belt, wears orange socks, brown trainers shoes with grey stripes, also wears a brown watch on his left arm, and wears a white lab coat. His name is Professor Eclipse, he is a professor and Sunset Shimmer's father.

The women next to Sunrise has red and yellow hair, light blue eyes, she wears a yellow collar shirt on, has a magenta skirt on, has a pearl necklace on, black heels on, and has a white lab coat on. Her name is Sunrise, she is assistant with her husband and Sunset Shimmer's mother.

"Hi mom, hi dad." Said Sunset Shimmer as she hugs her parents.

"Hello Sunset Shimmer, how was your day today?" Asked Sunrise as she smiles at her daughter.

"My day was great." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.' I can't tell them that I have met the legendary Pokémon.'

"That's great sweetie, guess what, we have some exciting news for you." Said Eclipse as he smiles as his daughter.

"Really, what is it?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"We were checking the mail and you have gotten accepted into Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Sunshine as she smiles.

Then Sunshine and Eclipse have both started to show Sunset Shimmer the paper of the acceptance for her to go to Celestia's School of Pokémon and Sunset Shimmer have started to smile hop up and down in excitement.

"OMG, I'm going the school where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teaches students!" Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." They are the greatest and strongest champions ever and their school is so amazing, I get to learn about all the types of Pokémon!"

"I'm so very proud of you Sunset Shimmer!" Said Eclipse as he smiles." We have always knew that you are smart enough to go to a great school."

That got Sunset Shimmer to smile at her parents. Then she and Fletchling started to go into her bedroom, to organize her books, and then she started to look at Fletchling.

"Can you believe this Fletchling, I'm going to Princess Celestia's School of Pokémon, people said that her school is really amazing." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." I have always wanted to go there and meet the two champions of the Kalos Region."

Fletchling have started to chirp happily at Sunset and she smile at the bird Pokémon, then as she finished cleaning her books, she stared to look at the necklace that Yveltal give her, and smiles.

"It's really sweet of Yveltal to help me get home and I know he is not a bad Pokémon." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." And this necklace is so precious, I will never lose it, and I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true."

Then Fletchling started to look at Sunset Shimmer and nuzzle her at the cheek and Sunset Shimmer smiles.

"Thank you Fletchling, I know that you will always be my great friend and I know that you will always be there by my side." Said Sunset Shimmer as she hugs Fletchling.

"Come down sweetie, it's time for dinner, and we can celebrate for you!" Said Sunshine as she calls to her daughter.

So Sunset Shimmer have started to go downstairs with Fletchling to have dinner and celebrate that she is going to Celestia's School of Pokémon. But little did Sunset Shimmer know, is that the necklace around her neck is magical, and that she will have to protect the Pokémon region. And little did she know, is that she will meet seven girls and become friends with them.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro

Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network

The song Sunset Shimmer sings "What's More That Is Out There" belongs in the movie "My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games"

Credit goes to Awesome_Turtle_ for the most amazing drawing she draw.

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