Bakugo was sleeping on the bed while Deku started to clean up around him. Once the bed was cleaned and the things were put away from other's view Deku picked up Bakugo and carried him to the bathroom.
He started filling the tub with warm water and gently put Bakugo inside. He climbed in behind him and carefully washed him as Bakugo stayed asleep. The rag was soft and comfy against Bakugo's skin, washing over him leaving trails of soap bubbles on his skin. Deku finished washing him and rinsed him off without waking the bottom.
The two were now completely dressed in clothes. Deku wore sweatpants and a tank top and Bakugo wore sweatpants and a hoodie to hide his love-bites and hickeys from the event. Since Bakugo was still asleep Deku let him under the covers in bed to rest up.
As soon as Deku walked downstairs he noticed the others playing in the living room eating ice cream with Eri. Eri had noticed Deku walking downstairs and a big smile spread on her face. "Daddy!" She said as she ran up. "Hey munchkin, did you have fun?" Deku asked as he picked her in his arms.
"Yeah! Pika got me a new doll!" She said with joy as she pointed over to the doll on the floor. "Really now? Did you thank him?" Deku asked. Eri gave a small nod and finished her ice cream.
The group was sitting around the living room watching TV. Eri was watching TV in Deku's lap while he talked to Iida about some plans they needed to make. "Papa!" Eri yelled excitedly when she saw Bakugo walking- more like limping down the stairs.
"Hey kiddo.. Oi, nerd, get over here." Bakugo said. His voice sounded horse and scruffy, making him sound a little weird. Deku chuckled at the sight. Eri was hugging Bakugo's legs unknowingly giving him some support to stand. He walked over and slid his hand around Bakugo's waist, holding him up.
"Your voice..." he started. "Sounds horse..." he said moving closer to Bakugo's ear. "Guess all that screaming did a number on ya, huh?" Deku whispered in Bakugo's ear, sending chills down his spine. "S-shuddup..."
Deku chuckled at the response, but didn't press the matter further. He helped Bakugo walk to the kitchen to look for something to make for dinner, but since no one wanted to cook anything or were too tired to make something, they just ordered food.
"What do you guys want to order?" Deku asked. He was carrying Bakugo on his back since the male couldn't walk. Eri, having a small sugar rush, was giggling and sitting on Deku's foot holding his leg.
"Need a little help there?" Dabi asked. His tone was sarcastic as he held back a laugh at the view. "Owwww! Who the hell threw that pillow?!" The whole room started laughing. It was peaceful, the room filled with laughter and love as everyone talked and joked around.
They had ended up ordering pizza for the night, from Eri's request. "Daddy, how much longer???" She asked. She was a bit impatient since she was hyper with sugar and was hungry. But the others were fine with this, since she didn't mean harm and was just a child.
"But longer-" Deku was interrupted by the door bell, telling them someone was there. "Never mind. It's here I guess. Go sit with papa." Deku said, moving Eri over to Bakugo's lap. Deku got the pizzas and went back where everyone was. They all ate together and ended the night with a family movie night.
"Papa, do you have to go?? Why can't you stay?" Eri asked. Bakugo had to leave for 2 days because he had to visit his parents. "I know kiddo. I'll be back tomorrow night, okay?" Bakugo said. He was holding Eri in his arm and was trying to comfort her since he'd be gone for a bit.
"But why??? Why can't you just stay? I don't want you to leave me!" Little tears started welling in the corner of her eyes, bits of fear piling up in fear he'd leave her alone too. She felt the tears as they started to blur her vision and hid her face in Bakugo's chest, holding his shirt tightly. "Hey, Eri, look at me." Bakugo said.
Reluctantly, she turned her head a bit to see his face. Bakugo melted seeing Eri cry. Even if not his blood daughter, the two were close now, close enough for father and daughter. "I'll be back before midnight tomorrow, okay? And we'll call whenever you want. It's just 2 days, okay? I promise I'll be back."
His words felt reassuring to her. She nodded her head and wiped the tears away, but continued to clutch onto his shirt. "O-okay... promise?" Her voice was quiet and heartfelt as she asked to make sure he wasn't lying. "I promise. And the others will still be here right? And daddy will still he here right?" He asked as he wiped the small drops left on her cheeks.
"Mhmm... right.. daddy will be here." Her voice was small as she agreed, knowing she'd never be left alone. Especially as long as she was with this family. "Can we call before bed? And tomorrow morning?" She continued with some times that they could call like breakfast, lunch, or other random times of the day.
"Of course we can Eri-bug. Anytime, I promise. But I gotta go now, okay?" Bakugo said calmly. He was trying his best to get her to let go even if it would only be for a short second. "Okay..." Eri said. Sadness was clear in her voice. She didn't like that Bakugo was leaving even if it was only for a short period of time.
"Wait!" She yelled making Bakugo pause putting her down. Eri grabbed onto Bakugo's shirt and pulled herself up to his face, pulling himself down a bit too. She played a soft and caring kiss on his cheek. When she pulled back she was giggling a bit, which made Bakugo smile. "I'll be back, okay kiddo?" "Okay, okay. Love you papa." Her voice was soft and calming. She had finally calmed down from herself a while ago. "Love you too Eri." With that, Bakugo set her down in the floor and she walked over behind Deku, who stepped forward.
"Promise me you'll call me if anything happens?" Deku said. He wrapped his arms around Bakugo's waist, pulling him closer. "I promise, nerd." Deku chuckled at the nickname. "Okay. Now give me a kiss before you go~" Deku then tilted Bakugo's head up and kissed him. The kiss had no lust or hunger in it, just pure love for the other.
The kiss lasted all of 5 seconds before there was a honk from outside letting Bakugo know to hurry up. He stuck his hand out the door and flipped off Todoroki who was in the car waiting for him. "Okay, okay. Go before Shoto drives off without you." Deku said as she started to gently and playfully push Bakugo out the door.
"Fine, fine. Love you, Izu. I'll call you later." Bakugo said. "Love you too, Kacchan. Call me before Eri's bedtime first." Deku said. He picked up Eri who was standing by his feet and they both stood at the door and waved to Bakugo as he left in the car.
Bakugo had just gotten out of the car. "Hey Bakugo." Todoroki started. "Text me when you wanna be picked up." Even if the two weren't besties, they were still okay. Shoto would say friends, Katsuki would say to fuck off. "Yeah sure. Just don't miss the text or whatever." Shoto gave a small nod to the man's answer. His eyes then fell back to the road and he drove off.
Bakugo waited a few minutes before heading even close to the house. It wasn't like he had a nasty and horrible relationship with his parents, but... it wasn't the best. They were extremely hard on him and always pushing what they couldn't reach when they were young onto him. Wanting him to become a top rank policeman or something. He couldn't imagine their reactions if they found out he was working in the Mafia. He'd be absolutely screwed.
After a moment of calming his breathing he finally walked up to the door. He knocked a few times, hearing movement from inside. Suddenly the door opened and Bakugo saw his mother, Mitsuki. She didn't really change too much from when he last saw her, but there were definitely some changes.
Such as her face. There were a few more wrinkles, which were covered pretty well by makeup. And she seemed shorter, Although that could've just been that Bakugo had gotten taller. Her eyes also seemed a little more droopy, like she had missed a few nights of sleep.
"Hey brat! Come in, come in!" Mitsuki said as she pushed Katsuki inside. "Hey, old hag. Alright, alright. I'm coming in. Relax, will you?" Katsuki said. He tried to hide how soft his voice had gotten from the past few weeks. Not to mention it was still a bit horse. 'Damn nerd and Eri. They've impacted my voice too much.' We're his thoughts when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He blinked a few times, but quickly noticed it was his father, Masaru. "Hey Katsuki. How have you been?" He asked. Something felt off to Bakugo, but he decided to play it cool. "Hey dad. I've been good. You and the hag?" He replied with a simple question at the end. "We've been fine Katsuki. Go ahead to your old room and settle in. We'll call you down when it's dinner."
Masaru was more relaxed and a little less uptight for Katsuki, but still expected a lot from him; being a ex-cop and all. He wanted Katsuki to be follow in his footsteps. And from what he saw, he was. If he really knew the truth, Bakugo didn't know how his dad would react.
"Alright. Later." Bakugo replied. He then went upfront his room. When he walked in and looked around, everything was in its place. Nothing was moved from where he left it when he left for UA high.
Once the door closed, he relaxed and started unpacking the few things he brought. He set the clothes he had and a pair of JPs out for him to quickly change, he put his bathroom things away, and hid his gun under the pillow on the bed. He had brought one in case he would need it.
Once Bakugo had everything put away where it needed to be for the short time he would be there, he walked over to the bed and plopped down. He was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but it would be dinner soon. He checked the time on his phone and saw 8:20PM. It would be Eri's bed time soon so he went through his contacts till he found Deku.
Just to be safe he put on headphones and locked the door. He sat up on his bed and called Deku.
After about 3 rings the screen showed Deku.
Deku- "Hey, Kacchan. Right in time. Eri, come here munchkin!" Deku called out to the child. The moment she saw Bakugo on the screen, her face lit with joy.
Eri- "Papa! You called!" A smile spread on her face as she saw her adoptive father on the screen. She was worried that Bakugo wouldn't call and just forget about her.
Bakugo- "Of course I'm calling. I promised, didn't I? Now, Eri-bug." Bakugo said, his voice turning half serious and half holding back a laugh.
Eri- " Hmm?" Her eyebrows raised, curious what he would say.
Bakugo- "Are you ready for bed? Brushed your teeth, PJs, Bathed?" Bakugo asked. He truly was a good father to the small bundle of joy called Eri. He smiled when she understood his question and let out a soft chuckle.
Eri- "Yep!! All done!" Her face was bright. She looked so happy and sweet, like nothing could bring her smile down.
Deku- "Are you gunna tell him what happened today? During games?" Deku asked the small light blue-haired child sitting in his lap.
Bakugo- "What happened kiddo? Is something wrong?" Bakugo asked. His voice laced with confusion and concern for his boyfriend, kid, and 'friends' back home.
Eri- "Errrrr... well... we played the pie smashing game thing we got a while ago... and Iida accidentally got pied..." her voice trailed a few times, but she started giggling, remembering the moment.
Bakugo- "really now?" He asked, trying to hold his laughter. "Did the robot's glasses break?" He asked, knowing Iida would have a replacement anyways.
Eri- "Yeah. But it's his fault." Eri said, crossing her arms across her chest.
Deku & Bakugo- "what? How?" There was a moment of silence before a small giggle from the girl.
Eri- "He didn't get out of where I said to. I was aiming for Pika cuz he said I couldn't get it." Eri said, protecting her stand. This made Bakugo start to laugh. The phone dropped as he picked up a pillow and smashed his face in it to hide his laughter.
Eri- "I'm tired..." she said as she yawned. Her eyes became more droopy and tired, her eyelids barely keeping open and her eyelashes fluttered; trying to stay open.
Deku- "Well, I better get you to bed sweetie. Kacchan, call me later, okay?" Deku said as he moved a hand to Eri's head. He started softly caressing the top of her head, helping her relax.
Bakugo- "Yeah, alright Nerd. Love you Eri, I'll see you tomorrow." Bakugo's voice softening when he talked to Eri.
Eri- "Love you papa.... Night..." she could barely keep her eyes open at this point, let alone talk a full sentence.
With that, Deku picked up Eri and brought her to her room, and Bakugo hung up the phone.
Bakugo slipped the headphones off and laid back on the bed. He was tired, but couldn't help but smile when the image of Izuku and Eri being together appeared in his head. Although his train of thought was stopped when someone yelled.
"KATSUKI! COME DOWN HERE!" Mitsuki yelled, signaling Bakugo it was time for dinner. He sighed, but got up and walked over to his door. He made sure to hide his gun well in case his mom or dad came up before he left.
"KATSUKI-" "I'm here Hag! No need to yell!" Bakugo said interrupting his mother. The table was set and soon everyone was sitting around it. It was a longish table that was rectangular. There were 6 seats, and 3 were taken. Mitsuki and Masaru were on the longer sides, on either side, and Bakugo sat at an end.
The table was full with different foods. The more spicy dishes were closer to Bakugo's spot. Other foods were placed around, only leaving some room around were people were eating.
"So Katsuki, how's school?" Masaru asked. Both parents wanted to know a bit about their son's life better. "It's fine." Bakugo replied dryly. He wasn't really interested in conversation with his parents who didn't even try to communicate while he was at school. The whole time, nothing. Even when he was back from the mission. They didn't talk to him unless needed, and didn't stick around after to ask him if he was okay. Although he partly expected that, didn't think it would affect so much.
Now, he didn't even want to talk with them more than needed.
"What about friends?" His father asked again. "Fine." Bakugo again gave a dry reply before taking a bite of spicy chicken. "Katsuki, treat you father with more respect." Mitsuki chimed in. "It's fine, dear." Masaru said, trying to reassure his wife before turning back to Katsuki.
"Katsuki, whose house are you staying at? The school notified us that you weren't staying at the dorms and when we called Kirishima, he said someone named Kaminari?" Masaru asked. He wanted the straight truth from his son, nothing else. Although he'd never get that.
"Kaminari is a friend from school. He said I could stay at his place since you both weren't here." Bakugo kept his cool, not answering more than needed each question, which kinda irritated the two parents.
"Well we're back now, so you'll stay here for the rest of your break." Mitsuki said. For a split second; time froze. Bakugo stopped all movement, while his parents continued like nothing happened.
"What?" He asked confused. "You'll stay here now. You're my kid, so it's my choice. Anyways, I don't know this 'Kaminari' so I don't want you hang out with him anymore. What about Kirishima? He's a nice boy." Mitsuki answered calmly, completely ignoring her son.
"It's not your choice hag. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon and going back to Pika's." Bakugo said. He didn't realize that he called Kaminari his nickname, but his parents definitely did. "Pika? You have nicknames? Katsuki... are you...." Masaru's sentence trailed off as his mind filled with a few ideas.
"Are you perhaps dating this person?" Mitsuki asked, finishing her husband's sentence for him. "What- No!" Bakugo said in retaliation to their insane question. "Relax, brat. If you're not dating him, you're single?" Mitsuki asked, a small spark in her tone. Bakugo had absolutely no clue what she was planing, but knew it wasn't any good. But also not wanting others to know, at least for the moment, that he was with Deku, he thought it would be better to keep it a secret from them.
"Yeah I'm single, so what?" Bakugo asked. His voice was calm-ish now. At least better than before. "Well what about Kirishima?" Mitsuki asked. 'What the hell does the hag have up her sleeve?' Bakugo thought. "I don't know if he's single. What does it matter?" He asked before taking a bite of the food on his plate.
"Well why don't you date him?" Those last 3 words, made Bakugo choke on his food. He started coughing and struggled a bit, but reached over quickly and took a big drink from his water. The older two adults were surprised by the sudden action and couldn't speak for a minute.
"K-Kirishima? Me? Date him? No way in hell!" Bakugo said once he regained his ability to speak. His face darkened slightly but he hid it by making it look as if he was a mixed of shock and whatever else.
DONE FOR NOW! I've been working on this for a few days now and I'm so tired😭 did you guys like it? And yes, I'm posting this at 3AM cuz my insomnia wouldn't let me until I finished it😃 Btw, me and my family are going on a week vacation next week, so idk if I'll be posting much this week cuz of packing and next week. Anygays~ love you pookies😘 BYEEEEEEEEEEEE
WORDS: 3180
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