Chapter 11
⊙Bakugo's pov⊙
Damn nerd... Why'd you have to go and do that!? *knock knock at the door* "ah- come in." "Bakugo? You should get some sleep, it's almost 2:00AM." "I'm fine Iida. I need to wait for him to wake up." "Bakugo do you think Midorya would like to see you in this state? Please just get some sleep and we'll get you if he wakes up.""No! I'm staying here." "Ok then. Please at least get some try to get some sleep. For Midorya."
Iida's pov
Damn it. Midorya please wake up soon he needs you. Please my friend we're all praying for you to wake up soon. I'm scared of what will happen if you die. You should wake up soon , your wound is almost healed but you hit your head. But still it shouldn't be a death point.
*BANG* "What was tha- IZUKU!" When the guy had tried to shoot at Bakugo, Deku jumped to protect Bakugo at the last second without even thinking about himself, only wanting to protect the boy he loves. Bakugo started filling with rage beyond reach but was also terrified thinking that Deku could die from too much blood loss. With some help Bakugo was able to get him into a car and started yelling at the driver to hurry, and mentally screaming at himself for letting Deku do that. He was supposed to help and protect Deku. It was his job and he failed to, seeing how Deku was barely staying awake from the dizziness of blood loss. Once they got back to the mansion the doctor was already set up in his room ready to treat him. Bakugo was forced to stay outside but couldn't help but be paranoid and scared about what could happen to Deku. After 4 hours the doctor came out of the room to explain that Midorya had fallen into a coma and would probably be out for a few days. Bakugo ran into the room after thanking the doctor and from that point he always stayed in the room waiting for Deku to wake up.
no one's pov
"Please Izuku wake up... Please!! I'll do anything please just open your eyes for me please Izu that's all I'm asking for... Nothing more just stay alive for me and wake the hell up!" Bakugo started crying again causing his eyes to become red and a little puffy, but he couldn't stop himself. All that could be heard in the room were Bakugo's quiet sobs as he held on to Deku's hand like it was his life.
Bakugo's pov
Please any damn god up there let him wake up! Please Zuzu I'll do anything you want, I'll tell you everything! I'll tell you how I was sent here how I sent those emails and letters, how I never told them the exact plan so that they wouldn't get you, I'll tell you how much I like working for you, I-I'll tell how much I love you.. "JUST PLEASE WAKE THE HELL UP!"
What was that- Is he- oh. I'm just imagining things, his eyes are still clos- "K-Kacchan...?" HE IS!! "IZUKU!"
No one's pov
Once Bakugo heard Deku's voice and the nickname he called him he threw himself onto him hugging him insanely tight. Any normal person would have panicked and thrown him off or complained that they couldn't breath, but Deku hugged him just as tight. "Izuku I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorr-" "Hey hey hey, what are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong Kacchan!" "But I did! I didn't pay attention and was careless causing me to get shot at, but you jumped in and protected me when I should've been more aware of my surroundings! If I was you wouldn't have been hurt!" "Kacchan, it wasn't your fault. No one can know what happens at trading like that especially when you're part of the higher ups. Now please don't say sorry for something that wasn't your fault, you have nothing to apologize for." Izuku gave Katsuki a warm caring smile that made him feel better until he remembered he does have something he has to apologize for something he should definitely tell him. He sat up from hugging Deku which he basically had to force himself to pull away. "Actually there is something... *explains everything from the start. From when he was sent on the mission of getting into his mafia to how he'd been sending emails to UA and the police about everything, but making it clear as he could that he never told the current plans about anything that would put him in danger or make it clear he wasn't just a guard*... I'm sorry... I am really sorry... I know you can't forgive me and I understand that just please... Say something?"
Bakugo looked at Deku with sad eyes that had more tears threatening to fall along the brims that were already red and puffy. "Kacchan... I know." Token back and confused about how he knew Deku understood that he had to clarify what he said. "After 3 months of you working here I saw you writing an email, and happened to see what it was about. That night I went through your laptop and saw the emails..." Deku had paused as he looked at Bakugo's expression which kinda hurt him seeing him close to crying but he couldn't help but chuckle a little seeing him so cute. "Oh... If you knew why didn't you kick me out or kill me so I couldn't give or get any more info?" "NO NO!! I would never! I didn't because I noticed how you always protected me by never telling them who I was and always telling them a plan that was discharged because of something. Plus why should I ever wanna hurt you puppy?~"
Now hearing that name, Bakugo didn't mind it anymore but was still a blushing mess. "God. You just woke up from a 3 day coma and you have the nerve to flirt? Oh that's right- I should go get the doctor to check on you. Be back soon ah- I- Izuku?" Deku had pulled Bakugo into his lap and was now burying his face into the blushing blonde's neck. "No need for the doctor, I'm fine." "No you need to see him! You were fucking shot damn it!" "Kacchan I promise I'm fine. This isn't my first time, and plus I was wearing a bulletproof vest underneath my clothes. The bullet just hit my shoulder." Bakugo was trying to fight back and go get off but Deku was stronger and kept fighting him until Bakugo gave up. "Kacchan~ can we please just sleep? I'm tired now." Bakugo being mad at him just rolled his eyes and ignored him. "Fine I'll take that as a yes then." "Wait- tsk. Damn nerd who said I was tired?!" "Kacchan I'm not blind. I can see the bags under your eyes. When did you last sleep?" "Tsk fine I'll sleep. Just be quiet nerd." "Good kacchan~ good night- oh wait there's something I want to ask you." "Damn nerd! First you wanna sleep now you wanna ask me something? Tsk what is it?" Bakugo asked while staring into Deku's eyes curious about what the boy has to ask.
"Kacchan will you be my boyfriend?"
The only look on Bakugo's face was pure shock with a mix of excitement and happiness. The room was quiet for a few seconds before Katsuki jumped off Deku's lap and into his arms. "YES! Yes I'll be your boyfriend nerd!" Blush was spread across both of their faces as they hugged each other tightly in a happy hug.
"Kacchan~ time to wake up love~" "Noooooooooo it's warm! Don't go please?" Because Deku didn't look like he was gonna change his mind, Bakugo pulled out the ultimate card. Puppy eyes. (I'm cracking up rn why'd I say it like that 😂) and of course Izuku melted to them. "Fine we can stay but you better get up later. Promise you will?" "I can't make promises that I'm not sure about." With those words Baku pulled the older male's arm down and held it as he started falling asleep again.
*Bingg bingg*
"God damn it why'd they have to email me now!?" Yelled Bakugo "Oh so an email from UA and the police can get you up but your own boyfriend can't?" "Hey stfu. This Email is about... Shit. Shit shit shit I forgot about this!" "Eh? Hey hey, Kacchan relax what's wrong? Tell me what's wrong love?" "Zuzu I have to go back..." "What? What do you mean 'have to go back'? You mean back to school?" Bakugo just nodded his head as a response. The room was silent for a few minutes before Bakugo got an idea that made him smile. "I could be the traitor!" "Uh? Kacchan what are you talking about? Traitor? Please explain to me?" "I could be a traitor and give you info on UA. Then when you most likely have all that is needed, I can leave and stay with you!" "I mean that's not a bad idea... But no." "What? Why not? You said it wasn't a bad idea!" "Because you could get hurt. That ever happens and I don't know what I'll do." "Tch nerd, I'm strong enough to protect myself. Plus they have no clue of what has been going on." "I know I know, but still I don't really like that idea. Someone could find out, then what happens?" "I run. I run here and stay with you stupid." "I don't like the idea... But I know there's no chance at changing your mind once it's set on something. Fine, but the minute there is a bit of danger you come back here. And you have to text and call me as often as possible! And if anyone lays a finger on you tell me so I can kill them!" "Oh that reminds me." "Reminds you of what? Did someone try to touch you!? What's their name?" "Jesus chill baby. No one tried to touch me but one guy did confess his feelings to me-" "What? You rejected him right? You told him to fuck off right??" "Well duh. 1. He's ugly and can't ever get to your level 2. He's not even my type. 3. He said he hoped that I would die when I left-" "What's his name?" "Deku relax it's fine." "No it's not fine, some bastard told my boyfriend that he wanted him to die, it's not fine! *mad boyfriend noises*"
"You're mine!" After yelling that Bakugo was laughing with blush on his face but he couldn't stop so to teach him a lesson Deku pulled him onto his lap by his waist. "Be a good boy puppy~" Deku's smirk was only growing bigger until Bakugo started grinding on Deku who was already becoming hard and this was no help. "K-Kacchannnn" After a few minutes Bakugo could feel Deku's dick through the pants he was wearing. "Alright that should be fine." With that Bakugo got off of Deku and went to his closet to get an outfit that was comfy for the train ride he had back. "What- that was mean Kacchan! What am I supposed to do about this now?" He said as he pointed to the bump in his pants. "Take care of it yourself. But don't worry I'll be here to take care of it when I get back~" Now Bakugo had the upper hand and was making Deku blush until it was his turn again. "You better puppy, or I might have to come to your dorm one night~" "S-Shut up nerd!!"
Bakugo was now packed and ready to leave with the others who were driving him to the train station. He had finished saying bye to everyone else, but of course saying bye to his boyfriend was taking a while. "Promise me you'll respond to every text even if you're just telling me to stop and shut up and every call? No matter what is happening? And you have to answer my calls and call me at night and every morning! And you have to promise to always tell me what that Kirishima guy says and does around you! If I have to I will kill him if he trys to touch you. If he does either pepper spray him or taser him with the on hand one I gave you!" "Jesus christ relax Izu it's fine. I'll call you every morning and night, I'll respond to every text even if I'm just telling you to stop and to shut up and answer every call no matter what's happening, although you better not call me then I'm in class or I'll kill you. And I promise that I'll always tell you what shity hair says to me and if he trys to touch me I'll tell you. After I use the pepper spray or the taser. I swear I'll do all of it ok? Everything! Anything else?" Deku had been worrying about his boyfriend going back and kept asking him to just stay with him and not go back as a traitor for them, but Bakugo wouldn't change his mind. "Yeah, are you positively sure you want to do this? I know you can, but are you sure you want to?" "Yes I'm sure I want to do this, don't worry! I can hold my own! Anything else Deku?" Deku had to give up. Bakugo had fully convinced him that he could do this, but he didn't convince him not to worry. "Yeah stay safe And I love you Kacchan." "Tch damn nerd I'll stay safe and I love you too Izuku." It looked like Deku was going to cry so that Bkuggo wouldn't see he pulled him into a kiss that was strong and passionate, but still full of love and care for each other. They kissed for a few minutes before pulling apart and hugging goodbye.
With that Bakugo left the place he'd lived for the past year and was sad but also happy that Midorya Izuku was now his boyfriend and was happy that he could work with him. And it being Bakugo, he would never admit it.
After the car ride to the train station and the train ride he was met with All might and Endeavor. They drove him back to UA where Bakugo answered everyone's questions about the mafia and was later allowed to go back and put his things back in his dorm room.
Jesus that took a long time but I also really happy that I was able to do so much! Also I made this a longer chapter because I might not update for a while or I might idk yet. I entered a writing contest that is being held by @Katsuki-GroundZ3RO so go check them out! The contest is for Kiribaku week this month so my next book will be a Kiribaku one. If you like that ship then plz maybe check it out? Anyways im probably not gonna update for a while until I'm done with that book just to get it done this month. And thanks guys for all the reads, I'm happy people are reading this shity writing! Love you guys cya later pookies😘
words:2563 🥳
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