My Little Follower

Another day.

I thought this was going to be easy. It's only taking care of animals, but the stress and stupid management of this place is slowly driving me insane.

I always wanted to take care of animals, but I never thought that I had to interact with STUPID HUMAN BEINGS!

I didn't sign up to work with idiots, I signed up to take care of animals.

Anyway, it was another day. I had been working at the front desk for most of the day and I so wanted to go home.

"ALEX!" My manager called out, I almost groaned out loud.

'Great, wonder what he wants....' I think, as I watch him come closer to me.

When he reached me, he stared at me, disapproving...well, me.

"Yes, Pete?" I smiled sickly sweet, while silently clenching my teeth.

Pete Kennard, a middle aged man, who really needs to sort out his priorities. It's funny, because he hates animals. With a passion. Why was he working in a zoo, that also cares for wounded animals? For money. The zoo raises a lot of money, but he keeps most of it for his own benefits.

How he still works here? Apparently, his charm.

The reason I stay is for the animals, nothing else....Okay, maybe the kids too. Seeing kids come in and marvel at the animal kingdom. It truly puts a smile on my face.

"-Did you hear me?!" I snapped out of my thoughts, as Pete gets into my face.

I bite my lip, trying to restrain myself from speaking the insults that are always on the tip of my tongue. I smiled a fake smile. "May you kindly repeat that?" I asked, trying not to snap...I had forgotten about my morning coffee...

Pete narrowed his eyes, trying to find an insult. Ha, jokes on him, I make it where there is no insult. BAM!

Sorry, getting off topic...Like I said, did not have my morning coffee and I have been working for eleven hours straight. Been awake for almost thirteen.

"I was saying," Pete started, eyeing me to make sure I was listening. I simply smiled. "There will be another shipment being dropped off in twenty minutes. See to it that will get done by the end of the day."

Then, Pete walked away, mumbling about filthy animals. I wanted to growl so bad.

Ugh, idiots. I work with idiots. Do they even realize how much we need animals to survive? Each species have their own purpose. Most don't even realize how much we need animals, until they're gone...

I sighed, before walking to where I was going to before Pete called out to me, the clinic. Ignoring the fact that mostly all the other employees, who were cleaning up after the long day, had been listening to the conversation. Though, I still continued waking with confidence.

I hate how he makes me seem like I'm stupid. Just because I dyed my hair blonde, doesn't mean I'm stupid.

...Blondes aren't stupid nor dumb....

But, standing up for someone like that has always gotten me in tough stops before. Though, I will not stop. I was raised right.

Anyway, I walked on.

...I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But, it's home to me and I walk alone...

I started humming, while walking to the other side of the zoo. In the far back of the zoo stood a small brick building, it barely had two windows and it only had three rooms, plus a bathroom.

I sighed, 'Home sweet home', or in this case, 'Animal clinic small animal clinic'.

It's sad, but the truth.

I walked through the door, ready to hear Taylor Swift music again. In reality, what met my ears was-

"...My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone..."

"Mr. Kelly!" I shouted over the music.

I heard a crash coming from the surgery room, as the music cut off at the guitar solo.

I raised an eyebrow, knowing that it was Mr. Kelly. I waited patiently at the door, not wanting to go in there and I see something I wasn't suppose to see. It happened to Steve, once and to Pete...fifteen times.

Let's just say they saw some gross things. can never forget.

There are things you can't un-see and there are really, really, REALLY wish to forget.

That's what happened to Steve and Pete. I think there IS a reason why Mr. Kelly warned everyone, except the two who don't treat animals the way they should be treated...

My musings were interrupted by Mr. Kelly. I blinked, silently wanting to know why he dressed the way he was...

I didn't dare ask. Especially, after what happened last time...

A panda bear had almost mated with Mr. Kelly, because he was wearing a panda suit. Mr. Kelly thought that the panda would be nice (it had a sore on its paw and was in pain), if he dressed up as a panda.

It worked too well, the panda wanted to be more than nice.

"What do think?" Mr. Kelly asked, arms spread out.

I blinked, again. It was one thing to see a fifty-nine year old in a panda suit, but it's another to see the same fifty-nine year old in a penguin suit.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked slowly, trying to understand the situation.

Mr. Kelly looked down, assessing the suit. "Ah. Well, didn't you hear?" He stared at me, shock written all over his face. "My dear," He walked towards me. "Didn't Pete tell you about what was arriving today?" As he spoke, Mr. Kelly circled around me. If I wasn't used to his...unique personality, I would have found this unnerving. But, I do know him and I found this annoying.

'Why can't he just come out with it and TELL ME?!?' I opened my mouth to speak my mind, but he cut me off.

"Shh," He paused, listening as I simply raised an eyebrow. There was another pause. "They're here." He commented, clapping his hands-err, flippers together.

Maybe I should have been unnerved, seeing as my superior is wearing a flipping penguin suit.

But, that's just Mr. Kelly...

I shook my head, as I heard a door closing. He was right, they are here.


Turns out the shipment that Pete was talking about contained a few different animals, who had unfortunately came across some trash in one of the waters close by. I don't know which, because Mr. Kelly was hogging the paper that had ALL the information on it.

He continued conversing with the two men, who had the animals, completely ignoring me.

I silently glare at him for treating me like a child. He always does this, he keeps something from me saying 'It's for your own benefit. I'm not always going to be around. You're a big girl now, you are twenty-three, an adult. Life won't make it easy for you, and sometimes you won't have all the information. You need to figure it out.'

I sighed, knowing you shouldn't fight with him. I was only his assistant, a veterinarian assistant.

Plus, you just can't fight with him in general...

I smiled slightly as the men walked into the surgical room, before moving over to him. "So," He looked up. "What are we doing first?" I asked.

"Where would you start first?" I sighed, knowing Mr. Kelly was testing me.

"I would start with the seal that has pop can tabs in its tail. You did bring him into the surgical room a second ago. Then, I would help the swan with the gum and what looks like a sprained wing. Before ending with the sea turtles, that-"

"That's a great answer, but I want you to do something else." Mr. Kelly cut me off.

I blinked and furrowed my eyebrows. He has never done something like this before...

"Um...and, that would be...?" I asked, uncertain of the whole situation.

He smiled. "You're project is in the back room's sink. Enjoy." He stated cheerfully, before disappearing into the surgical room.

I stood there shocked for a moment, before realizing I have a patient.

I hurriedly ran to the back room, not wanting to waste more time.

Once I burst through the door and stopped panting, I noticed it...

I blinked, it blinked. I blinked again, it honked.

I was staring at a flipping penguin.

How did a penguin came all this way? How did it get here? Why was it even here in the first place?

It honked again, and tried to get out of the tub.

I rushed forward, settling it down in the tub. I noticed a plastic piece (like the plastic that holds pop together) around its neck, that seemed to be cutting it.

"Whoa. Slow down there. I'm going to cut this off, stitch you up, then give you a bath. Alright?" I spoke softly, holding the penguin down gently while getting some scissors.

I tried to position the scissors to cut the plastic without hurting the penguin anymore, but found I couldn't.

Curse you idiots, who don't care about the environment or animals. I personally don't like, because hate is a strong word.

I could feel anger tears build up, but push them down as I got the tools I need for stitching ready.

I finally was ready and cut the plastic, causing some blood to pour out of the penguin's neck.

It honked and wiggled, but I held firm and stitched up the cuts that the plastic caused.

Once finished, I quickly moved back from the sink. I wanted the penguin to know that I wasn't going to hurt it anymore.

The worst part was over and I felt like crying for it. For its pain and-

Oh, great! There goes the tears.

I slowly started sobbing for the poor penguin. And, I didn't even know it's gender, for Pete's sake!

Never mind, I don't like Pete....

The penguin honked softly, before trying to get out the tub again.

I laughed softly, as I moved forward and started washing the poor thing.

I still don't understand how it got over here?

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. As I was cleaning it off, I careful tried peaking to see its gender.

It honked, making me jump. "Okay. Okay. You don't want me to see your privates. I get it. You are either a male with a problem with a female human seeing your privates. Or, a female who has too many issues. So, which one is it?" I placed my hands on my hips, glaring at it with a raised eyebrow.

It honked and tried swimming under the water. I rolled my eyes, picking it up and quickly seeing the gender.

Once satisfied, I placed him back into the water. I swear he was glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes again, before turning off the water and turning to grab a towel.

"Honk!" I stopped, waited, "Honk!" Then turned.

"Did you just honk at me?" I asked, feeling as I was getting slightly angry.

He didn't do anything, so I turned back around.

"Honk!" I paused, the towel in hand.

"You did not just honk at me again?" I asked, not turning around.

"Honk!" I spun around and glared my lightest glare. He paused in movement.

"Now you listen, and you listen good. I am the veterinarian assistant, not you. I know what's best for you, not you. You were the one to come here injured!" I stated.

Maybe I shouldn't have had said that last part (it want his fault there are idiot humans out there), but I was angry and you should never get me angry.

I should not have skipped my morning coffee...

I sighed, closing my eyes, and calming down. I opened them. "Fine. I will carry you, with this towel, to the pool for recovering aquatic animals. Then, we both don't have to interact anymore." I compromised.

He seem to perk up when I said pool, so I took that as an agreement.

And, that's what I did. I picked him up and took him to the building next to the clinic. We (more like I walked and he stayed in my arms) walked in and continued to the poolside, where I placed him in.

I smiled, as he swam around and splashed happily.

"You're such a happy little guy, aren't you!" I called out, laughing as he splashed more in response.

He is very happy...and content, but mostly happy...

"I'm calling you Happy! I have to go see my boss, whose in a penguin suit! Stay out of trouble!" I called out, before leaving. I knew he couldn't get into too much trouble, seeing as the pool was made for injured animals like him, and we had left them alone for a while.

I walked out the doors and noticed it was getting late, more like it was about midnight. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the clinic ready to go home.


I drove back to the zoo, ready for a better day, than yesterday. Well, silently hoping...

I walked into the zoo gate for employees and stopped. There stood Pete, staring at me.

Okay...what did I do...?

Pete walked towards me. I waited for something bad to happen, but-

"How injured is that thing you...fixed..." He asked, making a weird face at his own words.

I blinked. This was about the penguin...

I cleared my throat, noticing he was getting a little inpatient. "Why do you want to know?" I asked, wanting to know the reason, before giving information.

It's one of the things I learned from working here.

He looked annoyed and angry. "Because, I want it gone." He answered through clenched teeth. I was taken aback by the venom in his voice.

But, I quickly recovered. Another thing I learned from working here. "May I ask, why you are asking me?" I asked, confused on why he didn't ask Mr. Kelly.

"Because, it's your patient." Pete answered, looking annoyed by my stupidity.

I wanted to growl. And, rip him apart.

I would so love that.

But, I stayed polite and smiled. "I will inform you later, after I checked up on him." I answered his original question and moved to the side to go the front desk.

"Wait," Pete stopped me. I waited. "You will check on it now. I want to know as soon as possible." He left without another word.

Okay, guess I'm going to the clinic...


I walked into the pool after checking the clinic for Happy. Strangely, no one was at the clinic. Not even Mr. Kelly.

So, my immediate thought was, 'Oh, no. Happy's mating with Mr. Kelly...'

Though, when I got to the pool, Mr. Kelly was only feeding Happy. And, he was wearing an old plain t-shirt with plain blue jeans.

I blinked, trying to see if I was actually seeing right. I have never seen Mr. Kelly in something so...normal.

I'm actually slightly disappointed, he normally wears crazy colors and different animals on both pants and shirts. And, you know the occasional animal suits.

"Mr. Kelly!" I called out. He turned and scowled.

"What have I told you about calling me that, My Dear?" He asked, looking slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, Charlie." I apologized, once I stood next to him.

"Quite alright, My Dear." He stated, going back to feeding Happy.

Happy saw me and started splashing about, starting to get both, Mr. Kelly and I, wet.

"HAPPY!" I scowled, looking at him, sternly.

He immediately stopped and I threw him a piece of squid from the bucket Mr. Kelly had. "Good boy!" I praised.

Mr. Kelly stared at me. "How did he listen to you, My Dear?" He asked, shocked for some reason. "How did you know about the gender?" He quickly added.

I answered, while I watched Happy, smiling while doing so. "I had forcefully checked his privates." I answered, nonchalant about the fact. "And, for him listening to me...I don't know. Did you do something? He wasn't lien this last night. He was..." I trailed off, trying to think of a word.

"Defiant. Stubborn." Mr. Kelly suggested.

"Yeah." I replied, staring at Happy, as he swam around.

I smiled, before remembering why I came. My smiled vanished. I couldn't get attached, Pete wants Happy gone...Happy's leaving. "When do you think Happy will be able to leave?" I asked my mentor.

"Well, I can't say. Happy, as you call him, won't let me see his injures." Mr. Kelly replied.

"Well then." I commented. "HAPPY, COME!" I called out.

The penguin raced over to me. I knelt down and started to examine the stitches. Surprisingly, he didn't protest at all.

Once finished, I gave him another piece of squid. I stood up and dusted myself off. "His neck feels great. I had put the ointment on that helps it heal faster. Plus, I had used the underwater stitches that dissolve when the cut is healed enough. I thought the cut was worse, but neck and head injuries appear worse than what they are." I assessed.

Mr. Kelly made a humming noise of agreement. "You have become such a great veterinarian, My Dear." He commented.

I made a face. "Veterinarian assistant. You know I don't want to be a veterinarian, I want to be with the animals. That's why I'm an assistant." I corrected. "Plus, you're the veterinarian, not me." I added.

Mr. Kelly seemed a little disappointed.

"Can you get Happy out of the water? I have to go tell Pete, that Happy can leave later today. He just needs to call a driver." I asked, before leaving. I was too much in a hurry to talk to Pete again.

The faster I talk to him, the faster I can stop talking to him.

I rushed back to the front desk to ask where Pete was, when a kid's voice rang out.

"Look Mom, a penguin."

A penguin? There were no penguins over here and we only had three. Pete said three were enough, one more and it would be too much. What did that even mean?

"Alex!" Steve called out.

I stopped and looked at him. "Yes?" I asked, getting frustrated and inpatient.

He looked shocked, before pointing behind me. "There's a penguin following you." He commented.

I turned around. I blinked, he blinked. "Happy!" I yelped. "What are you doing?!" I asked.

This was weird. Being followed by a penguin. Giggle, stalker penguin.


I blinked. "Happy, not so loud. There are children, who want to see the animals. And, animals are cute when sleeping." I scold him. Because, let's face it, animals are more cute when sleeping.

"Mommy, that lady is talking to the penguin!" Another child stated.

I should probably take Happy back to Mr. Kelly...

"Happy, I want you to go march back to Mr. Kelly, this instant." I commanded.

He defiantly honked. I was about to scowl, when another child's voice sounded.

"It's like Happy Feet! Maybe, he can dance!"

I blinked, staring Happy down. "Can you dance?" I randomly ask.

"Honk!" Was the response.

"It was a yes or no question!"


"I'm sorry you feel that way! I'm also sorry that you can't fly! Your species are the only flightless bird!"


"You're a penguin! Why does it seem like you can understand me?! I don't get it!!" I spoke loudly.

I was panting and Happy just stood there, staring at the ground.

"Oh, come here!" I stated.

Happy looked up and came forward. He hugged my leg and there were multiple awes from the crowd.

I smiled. "Love you too, Happy." I said.

He looked up at me. I was going to say something, when Pete came.

"What is going on?!" Pete called out.

He looked to him and Happy with disgust.

A woman stepped forward. "You're animal trainer here was putting on a show for the kids. She is a wonderful girl. Teaching the kids about love in disagreements? Amazing!" She complimented.

I blushed at-well, all of it. I don't like the spot light...

"And, she's modest too!" The woman added.

Pete looked confused. "Animal trainer?" He asked.

"Of course. She trains the injured animals. Has been since she started in the veterinarian field." Mr. Kelly commented, when he walked through the gathered crowd.

'When did THAT happen...?' I was so confused at the moment.

"You, young lady, are truly special." Another woman commented.

I instantly blushed. "Thank you." I replied.


"Right," I looked down at Happy. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Happy, he's a recovering African Penguin." I explained.

"What happened to him?" A girl, who looked ten, asked.

I smiled. "He swam into some garbage and it started cutting his neck." Gasps sounded throughout the street, most were from the kids.

A few adults looked interested by the thought.

'Good, because they are plenty of things anyone and everyone can do to help the environment. In doing so, it helps the animals.' I thought, getting excited.

"Shows over!" Pete suddenly called out. "It needs to go back to the wild!" He moved towards Happy.

"HONK!" Happy stepped towards Pete, looking angry.

"Happy!" I called out.

He looked back at me, before coming back and hiding behind me.

I was shocked at his behavior.

"I said it needs to go!" Pete practically roared. He moved towards me again.

Again, Happy came out and honked. He started making some kind of growling noise.


I felt tears threaten to spill, as Pete panted.

I didn't realize how much anger he could get. What if something happened to me or another co-worker?

I sobbed, the situation coming clear. He could have easily hurt me, my co-workers, the kids, or-

I moved forward, past Happy. I stood two feet in front of Pete with a blank expression.

"How dare you." I started calmly, it was dead silent. "How dare you insult me and Happy. What's next? Because, I'm done. The only reason I have stayed is because of the children. The families that come, the animals that need help, and Mr. Kelly, who has taught me everything. What are you going to do now? Because, I can see now, that I can easily report you for many things. I only do it, for the sake of the animals. What are you going to do now?" I finished.

Maybe I shouldn't have had pressed that much, because Pete looked so angry. So angry that he could hit-oh.

He pulled his arm back to smack me, but it never happened.

I ducked and swept his legs out from under him, causing him to fall straight on his back.

I stumbled back, panting. I slowly fell to the ground, as I felt Charlie hold me and Happy come up to me. But, I was to shocked to do anything.

'He wanted to get rid of Happy, but how? Was he going to kill Happy?' I started sobbed.

I was slightly aware of security coming and the police arriving. I only cried.

I cried for Happy (again). I don't think I have ever cried over a guy this much before...

The one I could have lost...

My penguin follower. The one who connected with me in a way I had never thought possible.

But, that all happened months ago.

After that day, Pete had went to jail for animal cruelty, stealing from the zoo (mostly donations), threatening multiple past and present employees, and was getting fined by several parents.

Anyway, Steve too was arrested for some of the charges as Pete.

We got the donations back, one way or another and updated to zoo. We even had an area to watch the injured animals swim (didn't have on before).

Mr. Kelly stepped down as veterinarian, though stayed in the zoo. We now have a team of professional veterinarians and assistants, and I was the head veterinarian. It took Charlie a while, but I agreed in the end. So, maybe I am more stubborn than Charlie...

Anyway, we have so many new smiling faces of both, families and employees, and I was in charge of it all.

The board unanimously agreed to it, once they finally found out about what had been going on in the zoo.

I slightly don't trust them for not knowing, but I don't worry about it too much.

And, last but not least, Happy stayed in the zoo, but not with the other penguins. He stayed in the pool at night and during the day...

He was my little follower.

The End.

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