Chapter 14
(Enderlox's POV)
After I finished collecting some wood and stone, I started to build my house. I figured it would be just like Minecraftia, where the materials just stacked on top of one another, but BOY was I wrong! As soon as I tried to put some wood on top of the stone base I had created, everything fell apart. I sighed with frustration as I tried again to build the house up after the third failed attempt. No luck.
"Maybe there is somewhere else we can stay." I mumbled, looking around the twisted forest. I found a small cave in a ravine not too far away. Inside the cave was this really weird tree that sparkled and had these carvings in them. One a sun, one a moon, and one a star. I just shrugged off the tree and laid up by the wall, trying to get some shut eye. Unfortunately, Ty would not allow that to happen.
Ok, now I'm mad! Let me and my body go! You don't deserve a kingdom, let alone being a dragon! You should be turned into a fly so I can squash you!
"Be quiet boy. Remember, it was your friend that did this. Blame him, not me."
He doesn't deserve any blame! You made him do this stupid curse!
"Whatever. Now be quiet. I would like to get some shut eye."
(Sky's POV)
"We are going into that portal Ian." I said, pacing.
"But Sky! We have no idea what that place is like! For all we know, it could be a void!" Ian said, overreacting.
"I highly doubt that a portal made with pink blocks could lead into a void." I said in a reassuring tone. Ian just rolled his eyes.
"Fine, but we need to take precautions. No one travels without a partner,and everyone must have a sword with them at all times. And it might be good to get the potato and his group over here as well." Ian said, making a mental checklist. There was his C personality* coming into play.
(People with a C personality are really organized and precise, and they like everything to be just so. I'm a C personality, but that is getting off topic. Now back to the story:"*)
"Fine. Now come help me!" I said, running down the hallway as quickly as possible. Every second more in there, the more the monster could be destroying a piece of land or a home.
We ran into the dorm hallway and knocked on Jerome's door. We heard a growl and saw a very upset looking Bacca.
"What is it? I was trying to read here!" He said, pointing to the big pile of books in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes. Everyone knew that Jerome wasn't a reader. Based on the look on his face, he looking like he was planning a new prank to play on us, probably to try to lighten the tense mood in the castle.
"Look, just get yourself over to the meeting hall. This is important." I said. His eyes grew open a bit and then he nodded.
"I'll be right over."
He shut the door and we ran over to everyone else's rooms. We all told them the same message as what we told Jerome, and they all gave us the same answer: "I'll/we will be right there."
Me and Ian walked to the hall after everyone had gotten the message. We pushed open the doors, and everyone's chattering suddenly went silent. The doors closed and we both sat down.
"Now, we have called you all here because of an important matter. The evil hybrid of Ty has made it through one of our portals." I said, and I was met with a room of gasps.
"Wait, which portal?!" Said Bashur, eyeing the table.
"The one he went through was the one titled Equestrian." Ian said, sitting back in his chair, trying not to get too worked up about the situation.
Bashur gasped.
"Guys, that portal was a PROTOTYPE. We don't know where it leads!" He yelled, pounding his hands on the table.
"It's true! I helped build it!" Said a new face.
"Seto?! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well, when me and Bashur had gotten the materials needed for the portal, he told me how this portal could be dangerous, because he still didn't have all the knowledge for the world." Seto said, looking around the table.
"Well none of that matters!" I said, suddenly bursting out. "We need to stop this monster! He has already killed Mitch, and now we have Jason in the hospital!" I said, all tension in my soul suddenly spilling out on the table.
Jerome looked at me with wide eyes.
" dead?" He said, choking on his words.
I nodded my head sorrowfully.
"BIGGUMS!!!!!!!" He cried out, his heart breaking. He through his head down in the table, and we all could here the quiet sobbing of our friend.
"Jerome! Are you ok?!" Ian said, patting him on the back. He didn't say anything.
Everyone then held a moment of silence for our deceased friend, and then the subject quickly changed to Jason.
"So why is Jason in the hospital anyway?" Asked Bashur, looking at me, than Ian.
Ian slid his chair out and stood up.
"Well, me and Jason were out looking for Adam, and we got attacked by an Enderman. The Enderman had him grasped by the head, and we all know that that is the most dangerous hold an Enderman can give. Adam killed the Enderman, but buy the time we got back here, he was brought down to half a heart. The hospital is taking care of him now." Ian said, taking an occasional breath. Everyone's eyes grew wide.
"So, now that brings us to our next topic." I said, butting into what Ian was saying.
"After a long talk, me and Ian have decided that we must go through the portal as well so we can destroy that monster." I said.
"But won't that kill Ty?!" Jerome pointed out, lifting his head from the table.
I sighed. "Well, that's what I'm afraid of. But one of us needs to be the bigger person and sacrifice a life. Wouldn't it be better just to HOPEFULLY only lose on life than hundreds?"
The room stayed silent.
"Anyway, everyone get equipped, and meet by the portal room. Jerome?" I asked, and he sniffled and lifted his head again.
"I need you to go get some more bows and arrows." I said, and he nodded. He got up and ran out of the room off to Tool maker
"Everyone, move out!" I said, and everyone filed out of the room, off to get ready.
Soon, everyone was at the doorway, equipped and ready for action.
"Hey, before we go, I want to check on Jason. I think I speak for everyone when I say he is a valuable asset to the team, so it would be good if he was well enough to come along." I said, and everyone nodded their heads agreeingly. I ran down the hallways into the medical wing, and practically crashed through the doors.
"Jason?" I asked the nurse, and she showed me to his room. She pushed open the door, and I saw Jason sitting upright in bed.
"Jason! I see your doing well." I said, walking up to the side of his bed.
"Yup! All I needed was some food and a little rest! Now I'm fully healthy again!" I said happily.
"Can he leave the hospital?" I asked the nurse, and she nodded.
"Then come on Jason! We need you to get equipped and meet by the portal room." I said, and he groaned.
"You heard didn't you?" He asked, and I nodded my head. We ran out of the hospital wing and I helped Jason get everything he needed.
"Do you want bow of sword?" I asked him as he put on his diamond helmet.
"Bow. I'm a better shot." He said, and I nodded.
Once we got everything, we ran down to the portal room, where everyone have Jason a warm welcome.
"Hey Jason!" Said Ian, patting him on the back.
"You feeling better?" Asked Bashur.
He nodded his head.
"Ok ok, c'mon everyone!" I said, and I lead everyone to the portal. Everyone crowded around the portal, and they all looked at one another. Bashur gulped while Ian shook just a little bit.
"Ok, I'll go in first. Then everyone else follow me, one at a time." I said, and I sighed heavily, a hint of worry in the back of my sigh. I gave everyone one last look, and Jason gave me a thumbs up. I gave a weak smile, and through myself through the portal.
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