Chapter 24
Scotty's POV
Zero didn't come back for awhile and Anthony came and did things to me. I was getting worried because I thought Zero got killed by Anthony or he got captured by the police.
My questions were answered when Zero walked in with a limp and hickeys on his neck. My jaw dropped open and he knew that I had questions.
"Who? What? When? Where? How?", I asked smiling at him causing him to chuckle.
"Uhm first of all hi second of all I had to do a favor for someone and third I saw Marcel at CBS.", he said whispering the last part. My mouth dropped open.
"For your questions ,how ever, his name is Tiger and he is one of Boss' men. It obviously just happened and it happened here in his room. I owned him one since he dropped off my medical supplies in my office.", he said giving some pain killers which I happily took.
"Well did you enjoy it?", I asked causing him to blush. He nodded his head and I did my best to fangirl.
"He was my cell mate in jail and is my crush but I may love him.", he said cleaning off some of the scratches and wrapping my ankle since it had cuts from the chain I had on it.
"Why didn't you confuse your feelings?", I asked causing him to sigh in unhappiness.
"I couldn't. I just owned him a favor and he can't go out and date anyone cause they'll know who he is so it was just meaningless sex.", he said digging in his bag and grabbing some water.
"Drink this. I know you are thirsty cause you're voice is raspy.", he said handing me the water. I grabbed it and took a sip enjoying the cool water run down my throat instead of hot cum.
"I gotta go and clean my wounds. I'll see ya tomorrow and please try to get some sleep.", he said before he left the room. One question was still on my mind.
What did he and Marcel talk about or did he even talk to him?
Evan's POV
Lui managed to find 3 abandoned warehouses that Scotty could be in. I sent Tyler to one that is the closest. I sent Ryan to the one that was on the other side of town. I then sent Brian to the one in the city.
I was up stairs loading up the darts in the guns when Jonathan came into my room.
"Hey baby. What's up?", I asked cleaning one of the guns for the darts and bullets.
"I feel bad for that guy. He seemed so innocent. Did he even go to jail?", Jon asked sitting next to me.
"He killed his boyfriend and best friend when he found them in bed together.", I said loading up the darts in the gun and bullets in another.
"Oh... why did Tyler get bullets?", he asked looking at me.
"It is suppose to scare them but we may need to do some killing. I had Bryce contact the police saying where we could find them and they agree to let us help out.", I said loading up some bullets and darts in the last 3 guns.
"We are going to find Scotty right?", he asked looking at me. I smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Of course we will if that guy didn't lie to us about his location.", I said smiling at him.
"EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!", we heard Lui scream causing me and Jon to run down the stairs.
"What do you got?", I asked looking at Lui's screen.
"I managed to pin point a spot for Scotty's phone or one of the guy's phones if they have one. I found one and it belongs to Anthony. It's in the warehouse closest to the city but just on the out skirts.", he said smiling proudly.
Everyone was smiling at him and David gave him gummy worms as a reward.
"Are we going to go in?", Marcel asked causing me to shake my head.
"Bryce. I need you to get a blueprint of that warehouse. We'll make a plan to get Scotty but we might need some inside help.", I said causing some of the guys to smile and others to get confused.
Zero's POV
I drove to the dinner where I'm suppose to meet one of the guys I met yesterday. I told the guards that I'll be getting breakfast there and they let me go.
I had patched up Scotty this morning and he asked for the guy's name that I liked. I told him but I don't know why he would ask.
I pulled into a parking space and walked in. I was wearing make up to hide some of my identity and was wearing some colored contact so my eyes where baby blue.
I sat down at a booth and ordered a drink. I saw the Asian one and the man in blue walk in only he was wearing a blue and white shirt instead. They saw me and walked over.
"Hey.", the Asian said and I smiled at him.
"Hi.", I said causing them to sit down across from me the Asian's hand was close to the others which I assume they were together.
"You look different than last time so I wasn't sure if it was you.", the Asian one said. I chuckled a tiny bit.
"Yeah. I didn't need people figuring out who I was.", I said causing them to nod their head.
"By the way I'm Jonathan and he's Evan. I realized when we got here you didn't know our name and we didn't know yours.", the man in blue known as Jonathan said.
"I go by Zero. It's nice to know the names of you guys.", I said towards Jonathan and Evan.
The waiter came by and got their drinks and all of our orders. She left and Evan's face got serious.
"The warehouse Scotty is located is one closest to the city but on the outskirts.", he said in a serious tone. I nodded my head causing Jon's eyes to light up.
"But there are 18 men with AK-47 and Anthony. Me and the guy I love will help get Scotty to a secure place.", I said causing them to understand.
"I still have to convince him to help me tho.", I said causing Evan to frown.
"What?", he said causing me to get scared. Jonathan noticed and whispered something in his ear causing him to drop his serious look.
"Sorry but why do you still need to convince him?", he said looking at me.
"He's hard to convince. Besides he's the guy that murder his entire family like mother, father, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.", I said causing them to look horrified.
"I'm guessing his name is Tiger or nickname.", Jonathan said and I nodded my head.
"Indeed he is. He's a sweet guy but not one once you piss him off obviously.", I said causing them to nod their head.
"Well we are going to probably get Scotty in a week so that gives you enough time?", Evan said questioning the last part.
Our food came and we ate and discussed more of the plan. I needed to talk to Tiger about everything.
We finished our meals and I went pay when Jonathan stopped me.
"We got it you go. Besides you don't need people tracking your card down.", he said which was true. I said thank you and stuff like that and lefted.
I walked towards my car when I saw Tiger leaning against looking infront of him or my left. I approached him and he turned his head and frowned.
"You eating with the enemy now?", he asked and I looked him straight in the eye not looking away.
"And? You can't tell me who I can and can not eat with.", I claimed walking to my car door only to be slammed against it.
"There are going to send everyone back to where we all came from, Zero. We are all going to jail if they get Scotty.", he said his face inches from mine.
"Well I'm trying not to end back up there and trying to get you safe too.", I yelled at him causing him to get confused.
"What?", he asked his grip losening around my wrists.
"I've been talking to them and trying to let us go free while everyone else go to jail.", I said getting up in Tiger's face which probably wasn't a good idea but it didn't stop me.
"They aren't trusting people, Zero.", he growled causing me to get pissed off.
"I want to live a normal fucking life for once, Tiger!", I yelled at him causing him to get surprised. I never yell unless I was extremely mad about something.
He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I shook my head in sadness.
"I want to live a life where no one knows who I am. This is my chance and I thought you would want to join me. I guess I thought wrong.", I said moving away from him. He stood there still in shock that I yelled.
"I'm going back to base. If you don't want to live a normal life, I can just go tell them. Don't screw this up for me please.", I said before I got into the car. I pulled out the parking space and drove off.
I pulled up to base and parked my car. I walked in and went to my office. I closed the door and fell on the floor and cried.
He isn't going to want a normal life. He's going to tell Boss and I'm going to die. I won't be able to help anyone. I won't-
A knock was heard on my door. I didn't want to open it like I always do so I just yelled.
"Yes!?", I asked looking up. I tried my best to hide the fact that I was crying my eyes out.
"Scotty has requested to see you. He didn't get a reason.", a guy said behind the door. I yelled an okay and got up.
I went to the bathroom and cleaned my face making it not so obvious that I was crying. I left the room with my med kit and headed to Scotty's room.
I opened it and saw Scotty awake and smiling but it dropped into a frown and worried expression.
"Are you okay? Were you crying? Who made you cry?", he said that last question a little angry and father like tone.
"Yeah I'm fine. You requested to see me?", I said walking over to him and setting the med kit down. He nodded.
"Yup. Now you better tell me what happen or Imma kill someone.", he said in a mother tone.
"I kinda yelled at Tiger and uhm... I might get killed.", I say my voice shaking. Scotty's face went from confuse to shock.
"Why are you going to get killed?", he asked and I froze should I tell him or not. I should probably tell him.
"I met up with Evan and Jonathan today and they found where you are.", I whispered to him and he got excited.
Scotty went to look out side and spoke with someone and then came back in.
"I told him to go get a guy named Tiger. You're going to talk to him. ", he said smiling at me.
"But Evan found me??", he asked smiling even bigger. I nodded but hushed him.
"It's going to be a week or so until they come. You got to act like you've always acted. ", I said causing him to nod.
We talked about a few things like his friends and the plan while I was changing some bandages on him. We heard a guy speak from out side and then the door opened.
Tiger saw me and was about to leave when Scotty stopped him.
"I requested you, Tiger. You walk out you will regret it.", he said causing me to tense up from Tiger turning around.
"What did you need?", he asked glancing at me causing me to get scared.
Scotty got up and I wanted to scold him cause I wasn't done but he did something I never thought would happen. He slapped Tiger; hard.
Tiger looked back in shock and rage but Scotty spoke.
"How dare you make someone that I care about cry!? You realize that I hate when people I care about cry over an asshole like you! I can have you killed just like that because of it cause why not! Hell I could even turn you in at night and you'd wake up in jail!", he said almost falling over but I caught him. I brought him over to the bed and laid him down.
"You should leave, Tiger. Scotty isn't well so if you don't ha-", I was unfortunately cut off by Tiger pushing me against the wall and me staring into his eyes.
"I'm not leaving this room until you realize I'm in.", he said placing one hand on the wall and the other still by his side.
"You're in?", I asked causing him to nod his head. I hugged him and felt him slowly hug back.
"Thank you.", I said smiling and moving away from him but he still stood infront of me.
"Can I leave?", I asked and he shook his head. I got confused but also scared until I felt his lips hit mine.
It took me a minute before I kissed back. I didn't want to stop cause I've been craving for thus until he pulled away.
"Scotty called me here when you left for breakfast and spoke to me. He told some things and I told some things and it led to me needing to tell you how I felt. I went to that dinner cause I remembered you always saying how much you'd love to eat there again. I had to tell you but I got mad when I saw you talking to the enemy or now or allies. I'm sorry I made you cry.", he said and hugged him tightly causing him to chuckle and hug back.
"I fucking hate you but love you at the same time.", I said causing him to rub my back.
"I now and feel the same way about you.", he said and we heard a soft laugh coming from the bed.
"I'm glad you guys made up but Zero, I don't feel well.", he said before he started coughing unnaturally. I hurried to his side and felt his head.
"He has a fever and a big one. I need to get him to my office and study him for anything wrong. Go tell Boss that where and why I'm taking him.", I said causing Tiger to nod and leave but right after he gave me another kiss.
"Come on Scotty. You don't look well and this could be bad.", I said picking him up and bringing him to my office.
( So Scotty is sick with something and Zero and Tiger got together. I thought to killers would be a cute relationship so I put that in here but that's all I have to say and I'll see y'all later Peace )
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